Save Ticket Offices RMT Campaign Rally – Thursday 31stAugust 6pm – Opposite 10 Downing Street, London

Head Office Circular No. NP/137/23


To all Branches and Regional Councils


8th August 2023


Dear Colleagues


Save Ticket Offices RMT Campaign Rally – Thursday 31stAugust 6pm – Opposite 10 Downing Street, London


I am writing to request that you save the date for Thursday 31stAugust for an RMT Save Ticket Offices Campaign Rally which will mark the culmination of the first phase of the campaign which has successfully mobilised a mass public response to the public consultation undertaken by Transport Focus and London Travelwatch, which officially closes on 1st September. 


This rally will bring together the unprecedented opposition to the proposed ticket office closures to send a clear message to the Government that the public consultation period is only the start of the campaign. We will now build on the momentum of this to take us into the second phase of the campaign which will take the fight to save our ticket offices to the government and also to MPs, many of whom (from all parties) have already spoken out against the closures as a result of the campaign to date. 


Please watch this space for further updates but for now please save the date of 31st August in your diaries and let’s make this rally as big as possible.


We have three more weeks until the consultations close, so it is vital that you continue your efforts to maximise responses to the consultations. We need the message to get out that the consultations are still open and passengers can continue to have their say. 


Please support the campaign action days on 9th and 16thAugust at stations in your area. If you have activity planned and haven’t already sent details, please send these through to


We also need to have a big push on the postcards! Requests for postcards should continue to be sent to with supplies of postcards and posters also available from regional offices. 


Yours sincerely


Michael Lynch

General Secretary



If you haven’t already done so, please can you do the following four things to support the campaign to keep ticket offices open:

  1. Respond to the public consultation. You can do so via our website here - or you can email and It closes on 1st September.


  1. Spread the word! On social media and ask friends and family to respond to the consultation.


  1. Email to request campaign postcards to distribute.


  1. Write to your MP and sign our petition. You can do this here and here -