SOS 2020 in the National Assembly for Wales – ACHUB EIN MORWYR!

Circular No: NP/011/20


Our ref: S1/2

15th January 2020

Dear Colleagues

SOS 2020 in the National Assembly for Wales – ACHUB EIN MORWYR!

Further to circular no. NP/001/19 of 3rd January 2020, I write to update members on the Union’s recent SOS 2020 rally in the National Assembly for Wales.

We received good support on the day from AMs, including Finance Minister Rebecca Evans and Deputy Minister for Economy & Transport, Lee Waters. RMT members and supporters were addressed by myself and National Secretary Darren Procter, as well as Mick Antoniw AM who co-ordinates the RMT Wales Assembly Group. Deri Bevan from Wales TUC also spoke in support of the campaign’s following aims:

1. Crew working on ships from Welsh ports must be covered by RMT collective bargaining agreements, in line with the Fair Work Commission’s recommendations on collective bargaining.
2. Welsh Government support for stronger laws on the application and enforcement of National Minimum Wage rates for seafarers on ships regularly plying trade from Welsh ports, including international routes.
3. Development of an apprenticeship system that trains the next generation of seafarer Ratings in Wales.
4. Apply the Fair Work Commission’s recommendations on ethical employment in supply chains applies to the maritime and offshore energy sectors.

Our activity in briefing Ministers and AMs on these campaign points have achieved the following outcomes:

1. Commitment from the First Minister, Mark Drakeford AM to meet RMT to discuss support for proposals to increase Welsh seafarer employment and training, particularly at ferry companies.
2. Working with Government of Wales and Wales TUC on legislation that delivers sectoral collective bargaining in the maritime sector.
3. Work with Welsh Government and Wales TUC on maritime apprenticeships for the next generation of Welsh seafarers.
4. Link Welsh Government procurement and supply chain policies, particularly in ports and offshore energy to seafarer employment.

Our activity in the Welsh Assembly will also increase, through questions and motions in support of RMT’s SOS 2020 agenda. This commitment and the listed outcomes represent good progress.

I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of members in your branch and you will be kept updated with all further developments.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary