TUC Autumn of Action

Head Office Circular: NP/190/22

8th September 2022

To: The Secretary




Dear Colleague,


Save the dates! We Demand Better! TUC mass lobby of Parliament and Autumn of Action 


Mass Lobby of Parliament


This winter, working people will be pushed to breaking point. 

The cost of everything is going up - from energy and fuel, to food and other household essentials, whilst at the same time wages are being cut. 

This economic crisis is no accident. It is a direct result of successive failures of government, and a government that puts profits before people.


As part of the TUC’s ‘We Demand Better’ Autumn of Action on Wednesday 19th October, thousands of trade union members and supporters will descend on Westminster. We will demand to meet our MPs, so they understand how many of us need action to fix this crisis.


Will you come to parliament on October 19 to meet your MP? We will support you to book a meeting, provide a briefing on how to get your message across and be there to help every step of the way.


We need MPs to take decisive action to tackle the cost-of-living crisis. But they will only do that if local people take action. 


Sign up Here: Will you request a meeting with your MP and be part of this movement?


Travelling from outside of London? The TUC will support union members with travel costs so that everyone can have their voice heard.


Autumn of Action


As part of the TUC’s AUTUMN OF ACTION there will be Town Hall meetings across England and Wales in September and October and a National Day of Local Action on 14th October building up to the lobby of Parliament on 19th October. All details below



Please save these dates and sign up today


In Solidarity



Michael Lynch

General Secretary