TUC Leaflets for Adoptive Parents and Parents Having a Child Through Surrogacy

 My ref: EO/3
4th June 2015
Circular No. NP/104/15

Dear Colleague,

TUC Leaflets for Adoptive Parents and Parents Having a Child Through Surrogacy

Please note that two new Know Your Rights booklets are now available on the TUC website:

•    Time off and pay for adoptive parents – covering rights to time off to attend adoption appointments, adoption leave and pay, paternity leave and pay, SPL, unpaid parental leave, flexible working and time off for emergencies https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/KYR_AdoptiveParents.pdf

•    Time off and pay for parents having a child through surrogacy – covering rights to time off to attend ante-natal appointments, rights to adoption leave and pay, paternity leave and pay, SPL, unpaid parental leave, flexible working and time off for emergencies https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/KYR_Surrogacy.pdf

Both booklets also cover rights for parents in same-sex relationships to equal treatment.

Please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb (j.webb@rmt.org.uk) with any queries.

Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary