Urgent reminder: 26th April Protest and Rally against DOO

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Circular National Policy NP/62/17/BO

To all Branches and Regional Councils

Dear Colleagues,

Urgent reminder: 26th April Protest and Rally against DOO  

Next week all RMT branches and members are urged to mark the year long fight for rail safety by Southern guards and drivers by joining the national protest against the extension of Driver Only Operation on all trains. This will take place at noon outside Parliament (Opposite Old Palace Yard). We will then move to Central Hall Westminster for a rally at 2.00 pm. Maps and further details on the RMT web site http://www.rmt.org.uk/news/events/national-protest-against-driver-only-operation/

RMT members everywhere are fighting against the threat to rail safety from extending Driver Only Operation. Those who have already put their passengers and their local communities first are a credit to the entire trade union movement. DOO is a national threat and this protest provides the opportunity for members from across Britain to make their voices heard and for us to show the politicians and media that our fight for passenger safety will continue.

All branches are reminded that this is legitimate branch spending and should do all they can to make this event a success. Bring Branch Banners, flags and let’s use the opportunity to highlight all our concerns to passengers and the media.

Please do all you can to build for this important event.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash
General Secretary