Regional Councils
1. With a view to furthering the interests of the Union and its members, the Branches of the Union shall be grouped by the National Executive Committee into Regions. For each such Region there shall be formed a Regional Council to which each Branch within the area shall be affiliated except that any Branch with members employed in London Transport shall also affiliate to the London Transport Regional Council in respect of those members.
2. Each Regional Council may make by-laws for the government of its affairs, subject to the by-laws being approved by the General Secretary or the National Executive Committee, and their being strictly consistent with the Rules of the Union.
Political Fund
3. Each Regional Council shall establish a Political Fund, which shall be operated in accordance with Rule 23, Clauses 19 and 20. Such Political Fund shall be governed and controlled by delegates from Branches and only persons who are not exempt from political fund contributions under Rule 23 may act as such a delegate.
4. The National Executive Committee may dissolve any Regional Council considered to be unnecessary or undesirable, and may amalgamate, sub-divide, or re-arrange the Regions into which the Branches are grouped.
Organisation and Retention of Members
5. The Regional Councils shall work in co-operation with the Regional Organiser and assist Branches in the organisation and retention of members, holding meetings and undertaking such other work as may be delegated to them by the Annual or Special General Meetings, or the National Executive Committee.
Primary Role
6. The primary role of Regional Councils, in co-operation with the Regional Organisers, shall be recruitment and organisation of members in their sphere and campaigning in support of the Union’s objectives. The work of the Regional Councils shall be ordered and prioritised so that this primary role is implemented.
Recruitment, Branch Plans and Reports to the General Secretary
7. The Regional Council shall ensure that each Branch in the region submits a branch plan on the recruitment, retention and organisation of members for each company within its sphere of influence and will report to the General Secretary any branch that fails to submit such a plan.
Resolutions and Appeals
8. A Regional Council may submit appeals andresolutions to the Industrial Organising Conferences, the National Executive Committee, the Appeals Court or the Annual General Meeting, but shall have no governing or controlling power over any member, Branch or Official.
Resolutions from the Regional Council will be placed before the National Executive Committeewithin twenty-eight days from acknowledgement of receipt at Head Office.
Management Fund
9. Regional Council expenses shall be defrayed by affiliated Branches paying a proportionate contribution from the Branch Management Fund and one-fifth of the weekly contribution as defined in Rule 2, Clauses 7-11, per annum per member allocated from the General Fund.
Political Fund
10. Branches shall contribute to the Political Fund of the Regional Council in accordance with Rule 23, Clause 19.
Financial Assistance
11. The National Executive Committee may supplement the income of Regional Councils as circumstances warrant.
Branch Representation
12. Each Branch within the area shall be entitled to send representatives to the Regional Council meetings.
13. Each Regional Council shall fix the frequency and time of holding the meetings of the Council.
Election of Officers
14. Each Regional Council shall annually elect a Chairperson, Secretary and such other members as the Council may determine. Except for the position of Membership Officer and Assistant Membership Officer, only members contributing to the General Fund of the Union shall be eligible to hold office in a Regional Council. Members who cease to be employed by an undertaking as defined in Rule 2, Clause 1 (a – d), shall no longer be eligible for election to office or appointment as delegates. Honorary Members, as defined in Rule 2, Clause 1(e), shall be permitted to attend the Regional Council as a delegate and participate only in matters pertaining to retirement, recruitment and retention, organising and campaigning activities.
Membership Officer and Assistant Membership Officer
14A. Each Regional Council shall be permitted to elect a Membership Officer and Assistant Membership Officer to assist with campaigns, organisation, and the recruitment and retention of members within the respective Region.
Members as defined in Rule 2, Clause 1 (a – e) may be elected to the position of Membership Officer or Assistant Membership Officer.
Balance Sheet
15. The Secretary shall by the 1st February in every year, render to every Branch affiliated to the Regional Council and to the General Secretary for the 12 months ended the previous 31st December:
(i) a true and accurate account of the receipts and expenditure of the Regional Council for the twelve months;
Annual Report
(ii) an annual report on Branch organisation and performance, including branch plans.
Bank Account and Monies
16. Every Regional Council shall open an account with the Union’s bankers in the name of the Regional Council. Payments shall be made by means of cheques signed by the Chairperson and Secretary. The Secretary shall, within five days from receipt, pay into the bank account every sum received on behalf of the Regional Council and shall not retain any sum in excess of £10 for current expenditure.
17. The Secretary shall at all times on demand produce and, if required, deliver up to any Officer of the Union nominated for the purpose by the General Secretary, all monies, books, papers and documents of the Regional Council or the Union held.
Officers’ Remuneration
18. The Officers of the Regional Council shall receive such remuneration for their services as may be determined by the Regional Council.
19. A Regional Council shall not interfere in the affairs of the Annual General Meeting or other governing body of the Union or prejudice the right of Branches to nominate candidates or otherwise interfere in any Union election. Neither shall it interfere in the affairs of the Annual Meetings of the Trades Union Congress or the Scottish Trade Union Congress.
Real Property, Common Property, confidentiality, circulars and addresses
20. The provisions of Rule 10, Clauses 27, 28, 33 and 34 shall apply to every Regional Council and, for the purposes of such application, a Regional Council shall be a Branch within these Rules.