Young Members’ Advisory Committee & National Conference
Formation and Meetings
1. There shall be a Young Members’ Advisory Committee. The Committee shall meet three times a year to advise the National Executive Committee on matters germane to this Committee. The upper age limit for the Committee shall be 30 years at the start date of the annual RMT Young Members’ National Conference.
Items Germane
2. The Young Members’ Advisory Committee shall deal with items relating to young members, submitted by Branches and Regional Councils. The Committee will not seek to determine Union policy and its reports shall be submitted via the General Secretary to the Organisation, Training & Education Sub-Committee.
Constitution, Secretarial services etc
The General Secretary shall provide secretarial services to the Committee. The Committee shall have their Standing Orders, Constitution and basis of representation determined by the National Executive Committee.
Annual Conference
4. The Committee shall have an annual Advisory Conference, which will deal with items germane to young members. The Conference shall conform to national policy as determined by the decisions of the Annual General Meeting or the National Executive Committee.
5. The Conference shall not have any executive authority and shall not conduct negotiations with any employer or group of employers. Subject to the other provisions of these Rules, the matters to be dealt with by the Conference will be determined by Branches and Regional Councils, who will be invited to submit resolutions for consideration.
Liaison Committee
6. The Conference shall have a Liaison Committee, elected at the Conference each year. A member of the Liaison Committee shall chair the Conference.
Secretarial Services and Expenses
7. The General Secretary shall provide secretarial services for the Conference and Head Office will meet the expenses of Conference.
Dissolution etc
8. The provisions of Rule 12, Clauses 2, 7, 9, 15 and 16 shall apply to this Conference, and for the purposes of such application, the Conference shall be deemed to be an Industrial Organising Conference within the meaning of the Rule.