Rule 17

Accident Benefit

Benefit Payable
1. Any member who meets with an accident following employment, or when proceeding to or from work, shall be entitled to claim benefit for the first 26 weeks of disability at a rate per week calculated at ten times the weekly union contribution, as defined in Rule 2, Clauses 7 - 11, payable at the conclusion of the incapacity or at the expiration of 26 weeks, whichever is the sooner. The maximum amount of benefit payable shall not exceed 26 weeks for any one accident.

Definition of Accident
2. The term “accident” shall mean an unforeseen event but shall not mean any unusual event or misfortune arising from the member’s bodily or mental condition, or from the natural result of disease.

Reporting Accident
3. Details of the accident shall be reported as soon as possible to the Branch Secretary by the member who shall complete the form provided by the Union for that purpose. If it is the Branch Secretary who has met with an accident causing disablement, it may be reported to the Branch Chairperson by the Branch Secretary or any other member. Should a member be too seriously injured to report the accident it may be reported by another person to the Branch Secretary or Branch Chairperson .

Accident Prior to Membership
Not payable for Days Worked
4. A member shall not be entitled to receive accident benefit for any accident which happened prior to membership, or in respect of any day worked or employed, or for any period of incapacity of less than three days.

Resuming Work etc
5. Upon recovering sufficiently to resume work the member must immediately notify the Branch Secretary who will then submit the claim for accident benefit to Head Office. If after 26 weeks’ incapacity, the member is still not fit to resume work, the Secretary shall automatically submit a claim for benefit.

No Claim Entitlement
6. No claim for accident benefit shall be entertained unless a report of the circumstances of the case is received by the Branch Secretary within six months from the date of the accident. All reports received by the Branch Secretary from members in respect of their accidents shall be forwarded immediately to the General Secretary.

7. In the event of the General Secretary refusing a member’s application for accident benefit, the member’s Branch shall be advised of the reason. The Branch may, on behalf of the member, appeal to the National Executive Committee.