Demotion Compensation
Demotion Through Injury or Ill-Health
Benefit Payable
1. A member who is permanently demoted or downgraded as a result of illness or injury shall be entitled to claim a compensation grant of £300 from the Union provided that:
(a) the illness, injury or physical defect occurred or was sustained after the claimant had become a Union member and that the illness, injury or physical defect occurred after these Rules take effect;
(b) the demotion or downgrading and the circumstances and nature of the illness, injury or physical defect were reported to the Branch Secretary concerned within 12 weeks of the demotion or downgrading decision being made.
2. In the event of the General Secretary refusing an application for compensation, the member’s Branch shall be advised of the reason. The Branch may, on behalf of the member, appeal to the National Executive Committee.