1. There shall be such number of Assistant General Secretaries for the General and Maritime Grades as may be decided by the Annual General Meeting, subject to any recommendations made by the National Executive Committee.
Duties and responsibilities
2. Assistant General Secretaries shall:
(a) devote the whole of their time to the Union and, acting under the direction of the General Secretary and the National Executive Committee, assist in the general work and correspondence of the Union;
(b) attend Annual and Special General Meetings, meetings of the National Executive Committee and meetings and committees appropriate to their spheres of responsibility;
(c) not be Members of Parliament.
Senior AGS
3. In the absence of the General Secretary, the Senior Assistant General Secretary shall be responsible for and have sole charge of the Head Office and transact the business appertaining thereto.
4. In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the number of Assistant General Secretaries, the National Executive Committee shall arrange for the performance of the duties by the other Officers.
Salaries and Expenses
5. Assistant General Secretaries shall receive salaries as agreed by the National Executive Committee from time to time, payable from the General Fund of the Union, except in the case of the Senior Assistant General Secretary, 9/10ths of whose salary shall be paid from that Fund, the remaining 1/10th being paid from the Political Fund in respect of political work done on behalf of the Union. Their salaries shall include payment for all or any work performed on behalf of the Union or its members but shall exclude travelling and away from home expenses whilst engaged on Union business.
Retirement, dismissal etc
6. The provisions of Rule 6, Clauses 3(b), 3(c) and 3(d) shall apply to Assistant General Secretaries as if they were General Secretaries.