1. There shall be one National Secretary and one Assistant National Secretary. This may be determined from time to time by the Annual General Meeting, subject to any recommendations submitted by the National Executive Committee.

2. Nomination and election to these positions shall be in accordance with the provisions of Rule 13, Clauses 53 - 57. 

Duties and responsibilities
3. The National Secretary and the Assistant National Secretary shall work under the direction of the General Secretary and assist in representing and promoting the interests of Maritime Grades members as well as with the general administration of the grade’s affairs.

4. The National Secretary and the Assistant National Secretary shall not:

(a) be eligible for election as an Annual General Meeting Delegate or as a National Executive Committee Representative. The individual shall attend meetings of those bodies if required but shall have no right to vote or

(b)  take part in trade movements or issue circulars without the express authority of the National Executive Committee or the General Secretary, or

(c) accept nomination as prospective parliamentary candidates, or be a Member of Parliament.

Salaries and expenses
5. The National Secretary and the Assistant National Secretary shall be paid a salary as agreed by the National Executive Committee from time to time. The salary shall exclude travelling or away from home expenses whilst on Union business.

Retirement, dismissal etc
6. The provisions of Rule 6, Clauses 3(b), 3(c) and 3(d) shall also apply to the National Secretary and the Assistant National Secretary.