Regional Organisers
1. There shall be such numbers of Regional Organisers as may be determined from time to time by the Annual General Meeting, subject to any recommendations submitted by the National Executive Committee.
2. Nomination and election to these positions shall be in accordance with the provisions of Rule 13, Clauses 58 - 62.
Duties and responsibilities
3. Regional Organisers shall:
(a) act under the direction of the General Secretary and the National Executive Committee and, with the assistance of the respective Regional Councils, be responsible for organisation in their Regions;
(b) visit Branches and places as directed, including visiting ships berthed within the Region’s area of responsibility or, as directed by the General Secretary, elsewhere in the United Kingdom or abroad, for the purpose of investigating complaints from members or for the general protection of their interests;
(c) represent members at company or industry level and at Employment Tribunals, in respect of disiplinary proceedings, unfair dismissal hearings and other matters, attend at Inquests and Inquiries;
(d) attend negotiations at local company level and representing the Union on welfare bodies;
(e) oversee the supply of labour to ships in their respective areas and ensure, as far as practicable, that members are up to date with their Union contributions before taking up employment;
(f) have power to examine the Branch books, and report to the General Secretary;
(g) render to the General Secretary on a form provided for that purpose, a statement of their travel and attendances during each month.
4. Regional Organisers shall not:
(a) be eligible for election as Annual General Meeting delegates or as National Executive Committee representatives. They shall attend meetings of those bodies, if required, but shall have no right to vote, or
(b) take part in trade movements or issue circulars without the express authority of the National Executive Committee or the General Secretary, or
(c) accept nomination as prospective parliamentary candidates, or be Members of Parliament.
Salaries and Expenses
5. Regional Organisers shall be paid salaries as agreed by the National Executive Committee from time to time. Salaries shall exclude travelling or away from home expenses whilst on Union business.
6. All Regional Organisers must reside within their own Region and be entitled to reasonable expenses for the removal of their homes and families. All expenses shall be paid from the General Fund.
Retirement, dismissal etc
7. The provisions of Rule 6, Clauses 3(b), 3(c) and 3(d) shall also apply to Regional Organisers.