Following the tragic death of our general secretary, Bob Crow, we have created a book of condolences for anyone wishing to leave a message.
The book will be kept open at Unity House for anyone wishing to sign, alternatively, please leave a message below.
Click HERE to watch a YouTube tribute to Bob by Alan Rollings
Messages of condolence
Was a good man who will be missed
By Liam hanmore on 28 April 2014
I served on the Council of Executives with Bob 1992-94 he sat opposite me in the Road & London Transport Sub Committee, Bob was alwayes on the move and I was not surprised when he became General Secratary. We did not always agree but when the chips were down Bob was clear in his thinking supporting very hard decision that was needed to save Lynx Express Parcels(now UPS)which was our last motion in the boardroom in our last year, he will be a hard act to follow.Bob moved the RMT center stage in the continuing struggle for the rights of ordinary people. Rest in Peace Bob our sympathies go out to your family.
By Ben Mottley Secretary Manchester 12 (C of E 1992/94) Now retired on 16 April 2014
We, the members of a syndicalist union in Sundsvall, Sweden, extend our belated condolences to the family, friends, colleagues and comrades of the late Bob Crow.
Sundsvalls LS av SAC
Sundsvall Branch of the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden
By Brian James Casey on 16 April 2014
Of the people,for the people.
Farewell Bob!
By Barra O'Sraitheain on 11 April 2014
Bob - I disagreed with almost everything you said, but it was your hard-won right to say it. And, BOY! you exercised that right, and I think you believed what you said. Which is a lot more than can be said for many. RIP.
By Joe, Leeds on 10 April 2014
Thank you for the work you did for working people in Britain, and the solidarity you showed with the Palestinian struggle. Your honesty and sense of justice shone through the biased media smokescreen like a beacon in a storm.
By Ben Byrne on 8 April 2014
Condolences to Bob's family. A huge loss for the working class.
By Emma on 7 April 2014
I've never met anyone at the head of an organisation who was so in touch about what was going on at grass routes level. You were a skilled orator - who will be sorely missed by the labour movement. Your words could strike a chord with the ordinary people even those who were not members of our union nor overtly political - and that is what the establishment hated! Because in a world where the media is overtly biased - the way you put it across could and blast through the spin with charisma, knowledge and a fighting spirit.
Thanks for your encouragement - Wish I could have got to know you better! I'm glad you were pleased at the way our Branch was ran. Your leadership was inspirational to many of us on the ground. You will be sorely missed. My sympathies are with your friends and family at this difficult time.
By Alan Jary, Norwich Branch on 7 April 2014
The main reason I joined the rmt was because of you bob ,to say I am gutted to know you have gone is a understatement I will miss your leadership decency and honesty so much I will never forget you bob god bless you and thanks .
By Stephen fuller on 7 April 2014
Decent, Honest, Straightforward, we will miss you, Bob,never forget what you did, what you stood for. Thank You.
By Denise Nokes on 3 April 2014
Bob was an inspiration and will continue to be an inspiration. His treatment by the media was dispicable, yet he never wavered in the face of such a relentless personal onslaught. He put his members and the workers of the world first, last and always. If only all our trade union leaders led as he did. Not only was he a great trade unionist but he was spot on politically. He understood the neo-liberal agenda of the E.U., he understood the pernicious nature of U.S. foreign policy and he understood the betrayal of the working class by the architects of New Labour. His passing is a massive loss. He will remain an icon of trade unionism and he will always be an inspiration.
By Martin O'Donnell Cambs NUT on 3 April 2014
A true socialist has been lost - a man not afraid to stand up for his principles. Bob , you will be sorely missed especially by those of us who are working for peace and justice in Palestine.
By Sue Malpass on 3 April 2014
He was a hero of our times.
Take note Blair - there will not be so many wanting to sign a book of condolence for you I think.
By sylvia madden on 2 April 2014
Bye old mate. We didn't always agree, but always respected each others views. Sleep well.
By Chris Shackleton on 1 April 2014
A man of integrity, sorely missed.
By Joan Brennan on 31 March 2014
I always admired the way Bob Crow championed the Railways and public transport. He was a true leader of working class people.
By Bob Hope, CWU member, Christchurch Dorset on 30 March 2014
When too many of our current union leaders place surrendering for a settlement above fighting for their members, Bob Crow was a too rare exception. May we hope there will be others who will follow his example.
By Richard de Lange on 30 March 2014
What a comparison - Bob Crow who was never afraid to say what he believed and those many weak politicians that say not what they believe but what they think will make them popular with the electorate. Bob will be missed not least by those such as myself who search for justice for the Palestinians.
By David Baker on 30 March 2014
R.i.P Bob you will be sorely missed by all the members in swindon God bless you for all you have done for all for all us.
Kevin williams and all in swindon maintenance
By Kevin williams rep at swindon p-way on 30 March 2014
Farewell to a great class warrior. We need more Bobs!!
By Liz Weston on 30 March 2014
Im from vancouver,canada and i heard about the good work that Bob Crow and Tony Benn done in regard to the Palestinian People's fight against israeli apartheid.Im sure they will be remembred throughout England for this solidarity work.We needs people like that here in canada.
By Stan Squires on 29 March 2014
Farewell to a true friend of the Palestine people. And a great trade union leader.
By Peter Harvey on 29 March 2014
A man of principles , rest in peace Bob
By Pete Wade on 29 March 2014
Deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Bob Crow. He will be sorely missed and fondly remembered by so many.
By Jennie Musson on 29 March 2014
Whilst I did not know you personally, your class consciousness and principled stance on behalf of your members and working class people across the world won my admiration. You will be missed, but never forgotten, and will be an example to aspire to for others. Thank you for all you did. Condolences to your family and friends
By Ruth Styles on 29 March 2014
"Apostles of freedom are ever idolised when dead, but crucified when living". James Connolly of Irish rebel leader, Wolfe Tone. Surely these words could be Bob's epitaph.
By Ray Parkes. Retired Trade Unionist. (But not from the class struggle). on 29 March 2014
This Branch says farewell to a working class hero, a true front line leader and sincere comrade. we will not forget and we will organise.
By Chris Watson, Secretary, Hartlepool(Geographical)17 Branch, UNITE the UNION. on 29 March 2014
Two great men, Bob Crow and Tony Benn have returned to their natural home in Heaven. We will neither ever forget you, or cease to be grateful for your contribution to the cause of justice at home and abroad. We can but hope that others of your calibre are amongst us, and willing and eager to take-up the banner you both carried with such courage, eloquence, dignity and pride on behalf of all who hunger for freedom, human rights and equality.
May those who mourn find comfort in the knowledge of our deep affection, and the wisdom of how close our heroes reside in the Spirit world alongside us.
By Lawrence Mc Donald, Publicity Officer, Borders & Berwick Br. Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign on 28 March 2014
A courageous man of principle, and above all a man of the people.
By Peter Godfrey on 28 March 2014
we shared the same name and the same ideas,I wish that I had known you. Rest in peace conrade.
By Joe Crow on 28 March 2014
Rest In Peace Bob
By Judith Matijevic on 28 March 2014
Bob Crow was everything a good Trade Unionist should be . A principled fighter for his members , a supporter of all workers in struggle and an internationalist .Russell Crowe only ' played 'a Gladiator , Bob Crow lived his life as one , a short life but well lived .Sorely missed .
By Paul Timperley on 28 March 2014
Your RMT colleagues inspired me to join a union.
Your staunch beliefs on workers rights and Palestine gave me the strength to get out of bed every day.
A Working Class Hero Is Something To Be - and you were, you really were.
Night mate x
By Paddy Cawkwell on 28 March 2014
Members of the UCU at University College London express their condolences to the RMT and the family of Bob Crow on hearing the sad news of his untimely death. Bob fought tirelessly and very successfully to defend and advance the position of his members and in so doing the vital transport services that they provide.
By Tony Brown (Branch Secretary University College London UCU Branch) on 28 March 2014
Thanks for your help for workers and working for improvements for the people of Palestine
By Gudrun Lawlor on 28 March 2014
RIP. You fought the good fight. x
By Teresa on 28 March 2014
Mourning the loss of a friend to workers and a loss to the Palestinian cause.
By Caroline Hope on 28 March 2014
Condolences to a hero of the working classes.And lets face it most of us are,despite what we might think otherwise. There is not enough of people like you were in this country anymore. You were and still are much admired for all that you stood for,in this day and age you were a beacon of hope and an example of a principled and courageous man.I hope you inspire more like you. Rest in Peace!
By John Wynne on 27 March 2014
You will remain an inspiration to those of us who tire in the struggle for social justice which you always fought so well for.
By Jim Cohen on 27 March 2014
Condolences to the family. The labour movement is far weaker for his passing. He was head and shoulders above the big majority of union leaders and the best tribute we can pay is to continue to fight for his values.
By John P on 27 March 2014
Bob Crow was a warrior in the endless struggle to win a decent life for the Members of his Union. I salute his achievements & mourn his passing. He died far too soon. My sincere condolences to his family.
By MIRIAM MARGOLYES on 27 March 2014
I never knew Bob Crow but that does not diminsih my admiration for him. As a former trade unionist in a different union I have always valued the support that trade union leaders provide for their memebrs. Pay.leave, sickness benefits, where would this country be without these hard fought rights.
In an era of zero hour contrcats Bob Crow stood tall.
A great fighter and a great man
By Viv Lobo on 27 March 2014
Condolences to the family of Bob Crow. He never failed to do the best for his union members and they, too, will miss him; it will be almost impossible to replace him.
By Yvonne Kirtlan on 27 March 2014
Thank you Bob for sticking up for Working Class people and local people in Leytonstone.
By Gary Saunders on 27 March 2014
There will never be another Bob Crow The man who stood up for the working class The man that said what he believed in and stood by it. If only there was more like you maybe our working conditions and our lives would be a lot better and safer you will be truly missed and never forgotten
Gary O Leary
By Gary o Leary on 27 March 2014
Thank you Bob for all your work for workers and especially your support for the Palestinian people.
By Sheena D. on 27 March 2014
I wish express my sincere sympathies on behalf of the Pan-Afrikan Reparations coalition in Europe (PARCOE) to the entire family of Brother Bob Crow and all members of RMT.
Your loss is heavy blow to all Humankind standing up for social and global justice. We believe that the best thing to do in your memory is to continue your fight and fight it well globally for the resounding victory of the Wretched of the Earth.
By Kwame Adofo Sampong on 27 March 2014
It is with great sadness that I leave condolence for the family of a powerfully-minded working class defender. Someone who fought for the rights of working people and never flinched when the media, London Transport or loud-mouthed members of the public came at him with their weak character-assignations.
Mr Bob Crow was a fine example of breaking out of the box that others try to contain you in; he was intelligent, cared greatly for his job and for working people. An inspiration to all reps and those looking to better their lives. It was a pleasure and inspiration to hear him speak.
By Jonathan Boud on 26 March 2014
A committed advocate of rights of workers and a more just society.
By Seán Hutton on 26 March 2014
sadly,i didnt know him before but as Palestinian the "unkown soldier" who is fighting against zionist,oppression and who reject the normalisation of the occupation; will always still holy.R.I.P
By Nader Alhussein on 26 March 2014
Thank you Bob Crow for never giving up the fight for our rights. You held a mirror to those who would deny the humanity of most of us. You will be missed.
By Zoe Lawlor - Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign on 26 March 2014
At a personal level, the shock of sudden unexpected death is a tragedy for all concerned - condolences to family friends and colleagues. The pain of grief goes deep and lasts a long time.
At a professional level Bob Crowe spoke out for working people and there are precious few who can fill his shoes. This is a great loss.
Sadly there will be many who are relieved that his powerful decisive and clear voice is silent. The UK needs more people like Bob Crowe.
We must make sure that the message continues even though the messenger has gone. To honour him and all he fought for, we must do nothing less.
By Alison Payne on 26 March 2014
What a great funeral for an inspiring man. Teachers could of done with Bob today. Only when someone dies do we really miss them and wish we had listened more to them when they were alive. I hope his family get comfort from the fact that the turn out for his funeral shows how much he will be missed.
By Patricia on 26 March 2014
Very sad to hear of the loss ofBob. I admired and respected him very much. Sad to say we will not see the likes of him again.
By Debbie Hilal on 26 March 2014
A fearless fighter on behalf of the working class, Bob will be sorely missed by all in the Trade Union movement and beyond. I'm sure Bob would want us all to continue the fight to improve the conditions of working people in the UK and all over the World. Good luck to the RMT in all of their future struggles.
By Steve Belcher on 26 March 2014
A good socialist and a fighter for workers.
You will be missed
By Ellen Meredith on 26 March 2014
God bless your soul and make the heaven your eternal resting place. Your legacy for fighting for justice and the Palestinian cause will last forever.
By Abdullah on 26 March 2014
Bob Crow was a beacon in the political darkness who doggedly fought for the rights of ordinary people. He also fought for the human rights and human dignity of the Palestinian people. A working-class hero and a hero of all the disenfranchised, marginalised and have-nots. There are too few like him around. May he rest in peace.
By Stuart Ward on 26 March 2014
you will be sadly missed Bob from all your friends as CARE ASHORE
By james allenby on 26 March 2014
This sudden departure of Bob Crow is a bolt from the blue! An irreparable loss to the working class movement in Britain today. Perhaps the only senior trade unionist who rejected social democracy and Labour Party, identifying it as a party of the big business.You will be missed, Bob.
By Kumar Sarkar, Second Wave Publications on 26 March 2014
Bob, old friend, I may not always have agreed with your politics - on some issues, yes; on others, no. But one thing I did agree with you on is that Britain deserves a robust, unified, reliable and safe railway system. Whatever else you might have believed in that I didn't, you believed in that, and I thank you. God keep you, pal.
By Nick McDuff on 26 March 2014
Thank you for caring . You will be sadly missed . RIP
By Sarah Harris on 26 March 2014
You told it how it was, Bob; thank you for your truthfulness. Rest in Peace, comrade.
By Colin Carr on 26 March 2014
A genuine man of compassion and fairness. He cared about those who were given the hard deal in life and spoke up for those who had no voice in our society. He was humourous and seemed to love life; grasping it with both hands. He did so much for the Union Movement - his passing is a real tragedy.
By Heather Hull on 26 March 2014
Good bloke, Bob. Will be much missed.
By Ann Wright (PSC) on 26 March 2014
Goodbye Bob, the greatest trade union leader of modern times. A great friend to the poor. Gonna miss u so much. RIP
By Neil Barrington on 26 March 2014
The tories didn't like you; we did - Adrian
By adrian earce on 26 March 2014
I don't think Bob really understood how what he did inspired not just those in his union, but those in other unions too. He may seem an odd role model for a young(ish) woman, but he was a regular reminder that you only do your job well when you fight tenaciously for your members.
Bob will really be missed.
By Jenny Lennox, NUJ Organiser and GMB member on 26 March 2014
A sad loss to our movement. RIP a principled and determined trade union leader.
By Musicians' Union on 26 March 2014
On behalf of all at TSSA London Southeast Divisional Council RIP Bob, you will be missed, our thoughts are with his family and friends and we will endeavour to fight in his name.
By TSSA London & Southeast Divisional Council on 26 March 2014
The branch would like to extend its condolences to Bob's family and friends. Bob was a great leader and trade unionist and will be hugely missed, this is very sad and hope that everyone will organise and increase the fight in his honour. RIP Bob. From all at TSSA Southeastern Metro branch
By TSSA Southeastern Metro Branch on 26 March 2014
Terrible news,but he will never be forgotten. 'All his life and strength were devoted to the finest cause in all the world - the liberation of mankind'.
By Mary Davis on 25 March 2014
Even the little trains said farewell, from all at Abbeydale - God Bless.
By The Lord Harley on 25 March 2014
RIP Bob xxxx
By Lauren McQuillan on 25 March 2014
By Helen Cattle on 25 March 2014
Bob's death is a very sad loss for his family, RMT members and workers in Britain and across the world. He was a truly amazing man who will be always be remembered.
By John Cassidy on 25 March 2014
What can you say about Bob? He was one of a kind and at the same time one of the boys! Without his perseverance and dedication to the working man, we would not be where we are today. We promise as a mark of respect to continue to fight for the rights of the workers and do so to the best of our ability.
My sympathies go out to all his wife and family and friends.
By Kev Christmas on 25 March 2014
May you RIP. I pass on my condolences to his family.
By Kelly Horan on 25 March 2014
Will be sadly missed. Thoughts and prayers are with Bobs family at this time.
By Mick Fraser on 25 March 2014
Like many others, I was deeply shocked by the news of Bob's death.The Union movement has lost a great leader. He was also a witty and intelligent companion and a fine comrade. He will be painfully missed.
By Pat Stuart, Unite, a Branch Chair and a fellow TUC General Council member on 24 March 2014
Lost a great comrade. Rest in peace Bob
By Mick Rowan on 24 March 2014
Much as disagreed with Bob's political views, I did greatly respect the position he took each and every time to defend and promote the livlihood and wellbeing of all his members - he was a true representative of those who elected him, and worked tirelessly to represent them; a message which is sadly lacking on the majority of the 650 who are supposedly elected to represent the rest of us.
RIP Bob, from someone considered centre right politically.
By Pickled Wizard on 24 March 2014
Working class hero!
By Mick Walton - Yorkshire on 24 March 2014
What a loss. What an inspiration. Thank you Bob Crow
By Isobel McMillan on 24 March 2014
I always remember going down the Den as a child, and my mum and dad would point out a guy in front and say, "Look, there's Bob". It was only when I got older and they explained who he was that I understood why they had such respect for him. A few years ago, at the annual RMT Cuba Garden Party, on instructions from my mum, I went up to Bob and said, "My mum said to say hi". He asked my mum's name and when I said it, he immediately knew who she was and asked after her. That was Bob all round, he didn't forget people he had met along the years. I was lucky enough to see him at work during an Exec meeting of the RMT, when I interpreted for some Venezuelan comrades who were visiting. He was a true man of the people, who never forgot where he came from, and the best trade union leader this country has had in recent years. He will be sorely missed. Rest in Power Bob
By Catriona Goss on 24 March 2014
As a Socialist, I am at a loss to learn of the death of a true comrade. The Labour Movement needs people like Bob Crowe to remind our leaders of what is the fight. Deepest sympathies to both Bob's family and the RMT both of whom have lost a true fighter
By Steve Ellison on 24 March 2014
As an NAS/UWT rep for many years it has been a source of pride to me to see how you have given credibility and dignity to the unions. My deepest condolences to your family. May you rest in peace and may your example give courage to union members and activists in this discouraging society we live in.
By margaret delargy on 24 March 2014
By Parker Kamara - Sierra Leone Seamen's Union on 24 March 2014
I give my condolences to Bob Crow and his family, and promise to help the people of Britain carry on his great work so that the bosses may be finally defeated.
By Lotus White on 24 March 2014
My sympathy to his family, friends and comrades. He was a symbol of commitment, compassion and confidence. Rest in Peace.
By Elfneh Bariso on 24 March 2014
My deepest sympathies to Bob’s family and friends. May he remain an inspiration to trade unionists for ‘a long while’, I'm sure he will.
By Nick Darbyshire CWU on 24 March 2014
A sad loss to the Trade Union movement. Thoughts are with family and friends. Rest in peace. Howard
By Howard Beckett, Unite on 24 March 2014
If only we had men like Bob Crowe in every union!
By Andrew Travers. on 24 March 2014
My deepest sympathies to Bob's family, friends and colleagues. Bob was a principled and inspirational man who devoted his life to the betterment of his members, the safety of our rail network, and the struggle for a better world. May he rest in peace.
By Lutfur Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets on 24 March 2014
I first met Bob when he spoke at our branch meeting in the late '80's. I was really impressed with with both what he said and the way he said it, The next day at work I commented on how impressed I'd been with him and said we had a future leader there.
Sure enough Bob did become the lead officer of our union, and what a great leader he was. Impossible act to follow.
By John Flood on 24 March 2014
Very sad to hear of Bob's sudden and unexpected death. Sympathy to the RMT and to Bob's friends and family.
By Jackie Mulhallen on 24 March 2014
Condolences to his family and to the RMT.
Bob Crowe was an inspirational man and Leader- a true hero of the working classes and one who set a wonderful example to those so willing to cave in to the demands of an exploitative and class ridden system. He will be greatly missed and may his soul rest in peace.
Oxford 24th March 2014.
By kasturi on 24 March 2014
Truly saddened and shocked for the lose of this man who cared about his fellow colleagues and fought for equality and rights for them. Showing unity and solidarity for all injustices in the work place. I truly take my hat off to Bob Crow. My condolences to the family and friends he left behind. My they find peace and acceptance as time goes on. R.I.P. Bob Crow. X
By Karen Whyte on 24 March 2014
Rest In Peace Bob.
A true leader and friend. You were always true in everything you said and did. Thank you for so many fond memories.
By Doug Hammersley on 24 March 2014
a sad loss to our class, he gave such confidence not only to his members but to trade unionists also.
By suzy franklin unison on 24 March 2014
My sincere condolences to the family and friends of Bob Crow. Rest in Peace Bob.
By David Moore on 24 March 2014
Your'e a shining star, no matter where you are
Shining bright so we, can be what we can truly be
Rest in peace Bob.
You've earned it.
By Tosin on 24 March 2014
Many more thoughts since I last wrote,since I last thought of your passing,comrsde and dear friend,for you are stronger,more passionate in your convictions,inspirational in your example,for us all.Please know that we will strive to honour your stand,will follow your leadership,and deliver for our cause.And we will miss you,with a pain so powerful that there will be only one antidote-freedom for our people,our class,here and everywhere.Thankyou,Bob.
By Geoff Shears on 24 March 2014
Rest in peace, brother,
By Chris Goodwin on 24 March 2014
One of ours. Our loss.
But it makes me smile to imagine how Bob Crow would have responded to the lying "tributes" from Tories.
UNITE Community Union
By Stuart Crosthwaite on 23 March 2014
I believed in Bob Crow, he said what I felt, he expressed what I believe in. He inspired people to stand up and not give up! One unique Bob Crow was enough to balance thousands of bankers and Camerons, Thatherites and Tory Toffs into meaningless oblivion. It is said that the true measure of a man's wealth is the amount of good he brings to this earth. Bob Crow was a hero and now is a legend, such a towering force for the riights of the people who matter, those who do the work only to be vulnerable to exploitation by those In positions of authority.
By Shireen Calvert on 23 March 2014
Rest in peace Comrade.
Something inside so strong.
By Gash, Amanda and Baby Shay. on 23 March 2014
best union leader of any union and any generation will be sorely missed, condolences to his family.
By john thompson plymouth on 23 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob. May your life inspire more to lead by example.
By Sharon James on 23 March 2014
My condolences to Bob's family, I feel your loss, Bob was a great man that we be missed not just by you his nearest and dearest, but by his union members and the whole of the international trade union movement.
On a personal note I'd like to thank him for his support for me, my branch and The CWU whenever we were in dispute he always extended his fraternal support, came to our picket line and helped to lift the spirits of comrades in a struggle, Bob you will be sorely missed.
By Roger Charles on 23 March 2014
Bob was a remarkable man who understood the meaning of intermational solidaritty with struggling workers across the globe.In many ways Bob was able to put substance,action and meaning to international trade union solidarity where for some it was just a catch phrase.
Bob will be sorely missed.
Thoughts are with Bobs family and of course his tireless workmates at the RMT at this hard and difficult time.
By Victor Moore Australia on 23 March 2014
I was priveleged to hear Bob's address at a Mayday rally in Belfast and it was truly inspirational. A man who dedicated his life to socialism and his union members. Truly a colossus in the trade union and socialist movements, he will be greatly missed.
By Seamus Robinson on 23 March 2014
You always knew which side you were on, Bob.
By Mark Holding on 23 March 2014
he was a great man,and will sorely missed by all.
By jon gutteridge on 23 March 2014
You will be sadly missed Bob, a true old style trade unionist you breathed life in to the trade union movement which had been langishing in the doldrums since the heroic miners dispute, R I P Comrade..
By Mike Willams on 22 March 2014
The best union leader of his genration. RIP Bob.
By Alan Shearn on 22 March 2014
I'll never forget you, Bob. I've never met a person like you. A man with true courage and conviction. Someone who would always put his members first and pull out all of the stops to negotiate the best deals. A true champion and warrior. Someone who was not frightened to take on the establishment, and would always defend the rights of workers. God bless you. May you now rest in peace. I know you'll be watching down on us all.
By Ian Grainger on 22 March 2014
A tragic loss of a truly principled trade union leader. We in Hastings & Rye mourn Bob's untimely death together with thousands of others. Bob championed workers rights and made a huge difference to people's lives. Our thoughts are with Bob's family and friends during this sad time. His legacy will live on.
By Hastings & Rye Constituency Labour Party on 22 March 2014
Greatest trade union leader ever. Pleasure to have heard you speak. Man of the people. Rip Bob when will we see you like again
By Donald McLean on 22 March 2014
A Good Man
By Joe O'Donnell on 22 March 2014
A great lossnot only for our union, but for the trade union movement as a whole. His belief in not only public ownership of the railway, and in the best possible education for union members will be a lasting legacy for him.
By ken cartlidge on 22 March 2014
Bob, you might have left us in body but you will never leave us in mind and spirit, I for one will continue your EXCEPTIONAL hard work and dedication for our brothers and sisters.
gone but never forgotten.
James Nickles RMT Exeter no2
By James Nickles on 22 March 2014
We were all deeply shocked at the sudden death of Bob Crow. His passing is a great loss not only to the RMT but to trade unionism in general. His strong and sincere opinions were respected by many including non members. He will be greatly missed.
By Julia Hitchon, Branch Chair Camborne Bus on 22 March 2014
I Always cheered Bob on when he was being grilled by Julia or James on LBC and think it was such a loss to the working man and woman that he died so young.
My thoughts will be for Nicky and his children on Monday, we lost a great man they lost a loving partner and loving father hugs and kisses to you all for Monday.
By Mirelle on 22 March 2014
RIP Bob a true working class hero.
By John Marshall on 22 March 2014
My Father who I lost last November was a trade unionist all his life and a great admirer of Bob. He passed this on to me.
Bob Crow was an inspiration, his passion made people believe they could make a difference.
I hope the new generation know how important Trade Unions still are.
Thankyou R.I.P.
By Carol Langston on 21 March 2014
By john kerr rmt peak forest on 21 March 2014
Deepest. Sympathy to alls Bobs family. a great leader agreat trade unionist he gave the membership hope and belief when the rail was privitised. he held. The RMT. together and increased our membership whilst other unions were falling apart. God bless you Bob. You not only inspired our membership you gave hope to other trade unions who did not have a leader as great as Bob.
By john j meehan. garston. freightliner on 21 March 2014
Bob Crow Was A Union Man! My musical tribute to Bob Crow:
By Robb Johnson on 21 March 2014
Bob Crow was undoubtedly one of the greatest trades union leaders of our time, and will be remembered especially fondly by those who worked and campaigned with him on the many campaigns to which Bob gave his time and energy so selflessly.
Just three days before his tragically early death we had been delighted to host Bob at Brighton's 30th anniversary celebration of the Miners' Strike. Consequently, it has been truly unbelievable for many of us to grasp that such a forceful and vibrant person is no longer with us.
We mourn Bob as a leader and comrade. His example will inspire us to continue to organise and fight for socialism and social justice. RIP comrade.
By Sussex LRC on 21 March 2014
On behalf of all of us at Justice for Colombia we send our deepest sympathies to all RMT members and Bob's family. Bob was a true internationalist and always supported our work and our Colombian trade union comrades. He stood up for them as he did for his members. Our colleagues there appreciate all his solidarity. A huge loss for the movement.
By Mariela Kohon, Director, Justice for Colombia on 21 March 2014
On behalf of Aegis the Union I'd like to pass on our condolences to the family and friends of Bob Crow and the members of the RMT. He was a great leader and is a great loss to the trade union movement.
By Fiona Steele on 21 March 2014
You don't often meet such natural leaders as Bob.He was direct, intelligent, tenacious and funny,a great speaker. I think he had a wider perspective than just his own job, a world view that was angered by inequality everywhere. I found him kind and a firm but fair opponent on the sports field! I hope his influence will live in all our lifetimes and beyond, a great example and a life very well lived.
By Ben McBride ( Thompsons) on 21 March 2014
Your family will miss you the most and our thoughts are with them
We will miss you Bob; so many stories ~ inspiring and funny memories too many to mention!
We all knew that bringing you in to deal with management always generally closed talks in our favour, and you took the heat for us from the media and press so we could get on with the job of organising our members "under the radar" in the work place
You gave confidence to the unions members: "did you see Bob on the TV last night?!" was a common subject in our mess rooms, especially when we were in a dispute; and that was because you always toughed it out with the reporters rebuffing their attacks with pithy observations, irony and well timed sarcasm, often turning the questions back on them
I don’t think you were ever actually bettered let alone beaten by any of them! ;)
You will be sorely missed with tears not only of sadness and grief, but of laughter and pride
By Andy Littlechild: Chair LU Engineering Branch RMT & Track Worker on London Underground on 21 March 2014
The Labour and Trade Union movement will sadly miss Bob. If every Trade Union leader was as resolute and determined as he was in representing their members this Con-Dem government would already be history. Bob stood up for his members and his class. Condolences to Bob's family, his friends and his union members. The best way I can think of to honour Bob Crow is to redouble our efforts to achieve Socialism and reconcile Capitalism to rubbish bin of history.
By Mark Evans Branch Secretary Carmarthenshire County Unison and Socialist Party on 21 March 2014
Condolence to Bob's family and solidarity to the RMT from the TSSA. Bob was by far the most effective public figure for the trade union movement and delivered huge benefits for his members and those of us in other unions in the transport industry. I never met him, but saw him during the annual march at Tolpuddle in 2012. I'm still pondering where we'll find more Bob's in the movement - for, we certainly do need them!
John Partington
TSSA Workplace Health and Safety Rep.
By John S. Partington on 21 March 2014
Bob, what a great loss now. A working class geezer that stood up to the ruling classes and fought hard for his members.. You had a short life that was cruelly taken away but your influence and passion to help normal people will never be forgotten.. God bless you bob..
By Mike from Croydon on 21 March 2014
Rest In Peace Bob,
Your work in ensuring fair play will be sorely missed by many;
one of the true conscientious who was sadly taken from us far too early.
A real inspiration to others.
By Steve Byers on 21 March 2014
I am a (retired) member of Unison but my husband is a current RMT member and we were both devastated by the sad news of Bob Crow's death. He was a truly inspirational leader who spoke up fearlessly for his workers throughout his career. The world was a better place when he was in it. R.I.P.
By Maggi Bridgman on 21 March 2014
You were an insperational leader of your members a wonderful family man and a hero of our time. Rest in Peace Bob we will never see the like of you again, a brave outspoken man of his members and the working man
Our best wishes to his family.
God Bless Unison Kent
By Kent Branch OF Unison on 21 March 2014
I heard Bob speak once. He was brilliant! Not afraid of saying the things people didn’t want to hear and always standing up for working people. He was and should continue to be an example to those who want to continue to work towards building a better society for all. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
By Frances Ridgway, Unite Branch Secretary on 21 March 2014
I had the pleasure and honour to meet Bob Crow on many occassions through his position and connection to the Railway Pension Fund, a larger than life character that stood up for the worker, the man on the platform, the ticket collector, the staff that keep the railway industry moving, Bob Crow was never afraid to voice his views and stood by his values, he had such strength, determination and care for his members, staff I have met on the Railways said he listened and cared - which is rare in society today.
Rest In Peace Bob - there never will be quite a union Leader like you.
By Maria Forrow Head Receptionist RPMI (Railway Pension Fund) on 21 March 2014
I was lucky enough to have met you on two occasions and on both occasions I was blown away by your personality, kindness and soft nature. Your commitment, passion and leadership you gave to your members will forever be remembered.
By Lisa Folwell (GMB Union) on 21 March 2014
I met Bob on several occasions and found him to be engaging,funny,open to discussion and willing to listen to my views. He was a fantastic leader of the RMT and was always the focus for defending the members and highlighting the plight of the working class. He was an exceptional man, leader and national figure who inspired me to be active within the Union. I will never forget him and thankful I was fortunate to have met him.
By Jon I'Anson on 21 March 2014
My sincere condolences to all of your family and friends.
Thank you for all you did to keep us ALL safe in transport. As members of the RMT, we were blessed - everyone wishes they had a 'Bob Crow' to speak up for them.
Rest in peace Mr Crow.
By Sylvia Prince on 21 March 2014
As a trade union steward (for Unison), I feel Bob was an inspiration and gave us all a good example of how best to fight for our members and to ensure a fair day's pay for a fair day's work for working people. He will be a great loss to the trade union movement.
By V Sangarapillai on 21 March 2014
Such a huge loss to the union . I give my condolences to his family , friends and to all RMT members.
By Lizzy idemudia ( wettons grove park ) on 20 March 2014
Condolences to Nicky and family and all those in the RMT. Bob was an inspiration and will be missed.
By Spring common teacher union members on 20 March 2014
A working class hero is something to be.thanks Bob
By Lorna and George Mansbridge on 20 March 2014
Thanks for all you did for me and all my workmates on the London underground.
By jeff sawyer (fellow worker and RMT member) on 20 March 2014
An inspiration for good and right. "Missed" does not even describe the void left. Who will protect and fight for the underdog now? God speed and love and condolences to your family and friends.
By Dawn Osborn. on 20 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob you will be missed by all RMT members at Manchester Victoria and trade unionist everywhere
By Duncan Taylor Manchester Victoria on 20 March 2014
Bob Crow was brilliant at his job. Some people moaned about him because of Tube strikes that in reality inconvenienced them about once every two years (while of course doing an awful lot of long-term good for the staff and customers of the London Underground) but in a world and country increasingly run by posh rich people who don't understand or care about the working classes, and where more and more people have sadly accepted that the ordinary people should just put up with bosses/politicians/authorities telling them they're getting a bad deal and they have to like it or lump it, Bob Crow was the biggest and best example of someone standing up for the little people and showing them they don't just have to accept a bad deal and smile meekly at the powerful people as they get pushed to the bottom of the pile and the rich get richer. How we could do with more like him. A great loss.
By James Clarke, NUJ member on 20 March 2014
Thanks for the memories and endless help to our small branch. Conferences in Fort William will never be the same.A "Giant of a Man" will be sadly missed. RIP.
By Ronald Wegner Fort William Branch on 20 March 2014
Bob has left a massive void to this proud union and to the wider trade union movement. I joined in 1989. During this time I met Bob on many, many occasions the last of which was in Euston in September over the loss of Guards on the London Overground.
It was always a privilege to meet with him, to hear him speak and I shall miss that.
Rest in Peace Robert Crow 13/06/1961 - 11/04/2014
By Keith Saunders. R.M.T. Bridgend, Llantrisant & District Branch. on 20 March 2014
Good by Comrade,it's hard to believe that there be no more Cockburns Haggis heading down the road from Dingwall for you.i was always made welcome when coming up to your office Rest in Peace my Freind
By George Alexander Macivor on 20 March 2014
I didnt have a lot of time for unions but this man converted me as he talked a lot of sence he will be missed god bless you sir.
By Douglas Ball on 20 March 2014
We have lost a rare breed. A man of principal and not afraid to speak out for his members. we need more people like Bob Crow in the trade union movement.
He will be greatly missed.
By Lynda Bussley NUT divisional Secretary Slough on 20 March 2014
In memory of a truly great leader and a great man of the people he represented. You were one of a kind and a very special person to all who knew you. Rest in peace you will be forever remembered and rightly so
By David Dunbar on 20 March 2014
Bob you was a great person. You showed the people around the world how to look after your members, you knew right from wrong and good from bad. You was a true lion. Thank you . I give all my condolences to your beloved family and wish them all the happiness for the future. I as we'll as my friends can only hope some one like yourself can lead your Rmt as you so fantastically did. Rest in peace and God bless you and your family forever.
By Bobby Atwal on 20 March 2014
Remembering a great spirited man who achieved so much for many x
By Susan Haworth in Bolton, Greater Manchester on 20 March 2014
Hero. Thank you.
By Denise Doherty on 20 March 2014
UCATT has been shocked and sad to hear about Bob’s death. Bob was a terrific Union leader who fought tirelessly for his members. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this most difficult time. He was a good friend of mine and UCATT.
Steve Murphy, UCATT General Secretary
By Steve Murphy, UCATT General Secretary on 20 March 2014
A great loss to the trade union world whether at home or overseas. Bob's legacy of standing up for those who are exploited will stand the testament of time.
By Ian Wingfield CWU on 20 March 2014
thoughts are with bob,s family at this sad time.the union will sorely miss bob,s cut and thrust and good old trade unionism.peace be with you now bob.
By brian holloway south west midlands branch on 20 March 2014
RIP SIR BOB, a very sad loss but the fighting will carry on.
By Lord Boreham on 20 March 2014
Bob recognised that only fighting trade unions can defend us against attacks by governments and employers on everything that makes a society civilised.
We can best remember him by working to build the trade union and labour movement that he loved and to which he dedicated his life. But Bob's death is an irreparable loss to us all. Please pass on my condolences and those of the UCU and its National Executive to your National Executive and to Bob's family and friends. You have our deepest sympathy.
Best wishes,
Simon Renton
UCU President
By Simon Renton, UCU President, on behalf of UCU on 20 March 2014
Bob was a wonderful friend to the working people of Cuba as well as a great friend to all of us here in the Campaign. As RMT General Secretary, Bob was part of the long and proud tradition of international solidarity shown towards the people of Cuba from trade unionists here in Britain.
Bob will be sorely missed by all of us at the Cuba Solidarity Campaign. His passing will be mourned in Cuba. His tireless work for the betterment of humankind was an inspiration. The best tribute we can give is to once again strengthen the struggle for an end to the US blockade, freedom for the Miami Five and for Cuba’s right to follow their own chosen path to continue to build their socialist society built on the principle of human cooperation and solidarity, principals for which Bob Crow worked for all his life."
By Rob Miller, CSC Director on 20 March 2014
A General Secretary who lived by his principles and never wavered from leading the rank and file of his union.
By Alan McShane UCU Blackburn College Safety Reps Committee on 20 March 2014
Our deepest sympathies go out to Bob's friends and family. We mourn the passing of a truly great trade unionist and socialist and understand that we must take courage from the example that he set. Bob's legacy is that we shall continue to drive our movement forward.
By Andover TUC on 20 March 2014
R.i.p bob,you did a lot of good for ordinary work class people.
By Paul ash on 20 March 2014
Thoughts are with Bob's family at this sad time. One of the true trade unionists who will be a great loss to all workers of the UK. R.I.P
By Jeff Dormer Unison Scotland on 19 March 2014
You where taken from us at such a young age, and puts life into context.
A excellent socialist, trade unionist and always ready to defend the members of our union.
Always willing to lead from the front, a example to all up and coming trade unionists, and
someone who made this union stronger and very much respected, ready for unity and solidarity.
R.I.P and until we meet again, the fight goes on and you will be always remembered.
By Douglas Oxer, Manchester VICTORIA Branch on 19 March 2014
You were admired by friends and foe and outstanding individual. Who wholeheartedly fought for completed heath and safety on our rail network. You fought for all our working rights , without you,we would been trodden over by the by the over zealous management in the rail industry . Who want to keep the average workers pay low and management bonuses high.
You will be sadly missed
Deepest condolences to your family.
By Martin Burgess HEX on 19 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to your family. A tragic loss but your consistency, honesty and defence of working people will live om forever. R.I.P.
By Glen Williams, Sefton UNISON. on 19 March 2014
To Our Dearest Departed Bob,
It was mainly because of your inspiration that I got into an active role in the union. Because it was a chance to help, encourage and make a difference in people’s lives that was the main inspiration to us all. You will be greatly missed and a huge gap to be filled for us all in the trade union movement.
"Not less we praise in darker days
The leader of our nation,
And Churchill's name shall win acclaim
From each new generation.
For you have power in danger's hour
Our freedom to defend, Sir!
Though long the fight we know that right
Will triumph in the end, Sir!
God Bless!! Our thoughts are with your family at this time.
By John Myers, LLC Bletchley & Northampton on 19 March 2014
Deepest sympathy for Nicki and all of Bob's family. We're all deeply shocked at the passing of a legend and a friend. As down to earth as you can get - Bob never forgot his roots. A true giant has gone and left massive shoes to fill.
By Regulars in the Railway Tavern, Woodford Green and Pug on 19 March 2014
A man of principle, who believed in a safe, modern and affordable rail system for all, and not just the few.
By John Lewer on 19 March 2014
A straight-talking Socialist who was shrewd, pugnacious and powerful in negotiation, debate and speechmaking. Bob showed total commitment and dedication to the RMT and its members and tremendous support to fellow workers worldwide. He also had a good sense of fun and genuine love of football, although he was a dreadful dancer. We’ve lost a great union leader. Condolences to his family and all RMT members.
By Richard Hanford on 19 March 2014
By Sean Warren Bolton TUC on 19 March 2014
Thank you for sticking up for your members so effectively, you'll be missed and remembered.
By ANL on 19 March 2014
RIP How tragic it si that the Good die young!
Bob will be sorely missed as the last Working
Class Hero of recent times- the Struggle Continues ! ! !
By Simson Shillingford on 19 March 2014
RIP Bob. You'll be sorely missed by the workers of this country for whom you did a magnificent, outstanding job.
I pass my condolences and sympathies to Bob's friends and family.
By Becky Shah on 19 March 2014
You were a man of great integrity, a rare quality in this day and age.
A true 'working man's man', you will be sadly missed by family, friends, union members and supporters. RIP, Bob.
By Dario Earl on 19 March 2014
Thank you to a great man who stood up for his principles and who was a great fighter on behalf of the working class. Down to earth and a larger than life character. Will always remember the rousing speeches at the Cuba Garden party, and the chats about football over a beer. R I P
By Paul Norris on 19 March 2014
I write on behalf of myself and all members and staff of the Professional Footballers’ Association to express our most sincere condolences on the sad loss of Bob Crow – a great Union man who worked so hard and productively for his members.
By Gordon Taylor OBE - PFA Chief Executive on 19 March 2014
A great fighter for the working class has died. But his struggle against neoliberalism and capitalism will always be remembered. Let future trade unionist look up to him and say; ''I fought like Bob Crow''. The day we establish socialism is that day we reach the dreams of Bob Crow.
Thank you Bob!
By Jorein Versteege on 19 March 2014
A bonny fighter for ALL those he represented
He will be sadly missed
By Brian H Donohoe MP on 19 March 2014
I would like to add my deepest sympathy to his family and friends at this great loss.He was very much loved by so many and will be sadly missed.A very passionate man who fought for the rights of so many people.Loved his family dearly as well as his beloved Millwall.lets reflect on all our fond memories of Bob,and respect the family's time to greive privately...R.I.P
By Adrian Poole-Area Council Rep LNW,Midlands Regional Council Secretary on 19 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow! Best wishes to the family!
By Perparim Demaj on 19 March 2014
A massive loss. Simply put - he was a great example to the rest of the Left that unions have a vital part to play in maintaining the rights, pay and conditions of workers. In the face of politicians and media outlets who would portray him as the most dangerous man in Britain - a compliment to his skills - he stood firm in his beliefs and showed the world that a man of principle and socialist beliefs could still be incredibly relevant in today's society.
Let's hope he has inspired others to follow his lead.
By James Addyman (NUJ rep. Radio York) on 19 March 2014
Few ripped up the Daily Mail agenda so effectively, a vital duty at which few seem to be successful.
By Sean from Liverpool on 19 March 2014
R.I.P. Brother Crow, you will be missed.
By Alan Edwards on 19 March 2014
I believe in leaving your footprint, letting them know you've been here and Bob you certainly did that in the most effective and inspirational way. Thank you so much for the difference you made and for standing up for working people everywhere, you did our class proud.
By Terry Pullinger on 19 March 2014
Bob Crow you truly inspired and led your members you will be greatly missed
By Rena Wood on 19 March 2014
It has been an honour to have known Bob for well over 20 years and to be classed as a friend by the big man. You were and will remain a giant of socialism and rest in peace brother, words cannot truly reflect the impact you had on me and fellow seafarers and Trade Union activists in the UK and Ireland.
By Micky Smyth, Belfast on 19 March 2014
I am very proud to work for the RMT, in the main because of Bob. He was a truly dedicated, passionate and fearless fighter for the working class who has inspired thousands of members, socialists and fellow trade unionists.
He's going to be very difficult act to follow and the movement is poorer for his loss.
My deepest condolences to Nicky and family, may you find some peace yourselves soon. RIP Bob.
By Stephanie Mackay on 19 March 2014
Bob you will deeply be missed by my family and I. I remember your daughter doing Bhangra at my son's 1st birthday party, it was so much fun. My thoughts are now with your family and I pray for peace and comfort in their hearts. Bob you looked after me like an uncle a nephew, and you helped me out so much. I owe you so much, words can not express the debt of gratitude I have for you. Peace be with you and yours. Lovingly Rav
By Rav Heer on 19 March 2014
On behalf of the EIS I offer our deepest condolences to Bob's family, friends, and his RMT colleagues. Bob was a strong and clear voice in defence of working people and an advocate and social justice; as such he will be missed, sorely.
By Larry Flanagan, General Secretary, Educational Institute of Scotland on 19 March 2014
Heartfelt condolences and solidarity to Bob's family, comrades and friends, as well as to all the RMT members.
By Anabela Vogado on 19 March 2014
Our thoughts are with your family at this sad time. Bob is a great loss to us all.
By Sue Mather Community union on 19 March 2014
Bob was an inspiration to millions and leaves a huge gap to fill in the labour movement, however his ideas and hard work leave us with a legacy to follow that will encourage others to make a stand against capitalism
I was personally inspired by his work to build a new left party to fight against low pay, poor conditions and victimisation at work and in society.
His loss is deeply shocking and saddening but his struggle leaves us with a blue print to change the world.
My thoughts are with his family and friends
By Jason Jones on 19 March 2014
A week and a day on from the tragic and untimely death of Bob Crow, my thoughts are still very much on this terrible event. Your inspiration will live on - it has to live on. Bon Courage - Veronica.
By Veronica Boxford-Brookes on 19 March 2014
A sore loss for all who knew him, and a true example of a union leader with real integrity.
By Tom Culbert PCS on 19 March 2014
Many Condolences to Mr. Crows Family...a good man. I read the interview he gave in the Mirror and was impressed. I listened to the radio interview and was impressed.The only consolation is ..he is in good company. Rest easy Bob, your legacy lives on.
By Anna on 19 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob Crow ! We're all thinking of you at this time ! ! ! ! !
By Ben Wheeler on 19 March 2014
One of the genuine trade unionists. May we all learn from his example. RIP Bob.
By Chris Goodwin on 18 March 2014
Such a tragic loss. My thoughts to family and friends. A great man and inspiration to us all.
By claudia Calvino on 18 March 2014
Bob was a true friend of the working class and the Trade Union and Labour movement, working tirelessly for his members and the broader movement. May his legacy live on. Farewell Comrade.
By Kevin Earley, Branch Treasurer, UNISON Countess of Chester Health - 6453 on 18 March 2014
Bob you will be sadly missed. Thank you for all the work you have done for the less well off. Now Tony Benn is with you, I am sure you both will be organizing.
Best wishes to your family.
Jim Hiom
GMB Milton Keynes
By Jim Hiom GMB Branch Milton Keynes on 18 March 2014
A socialist and a massive loss to our movement
By Andy Harland community on 18 March 2014
I've cried every day since his death. Just when the working class needs him most he's gone. His revolutionary spirit will live on.
By LIONEL VIDA on 18 March 2014
Having met Bob just once was enough to sense his professional energy and foresight, but more that that he was obviously a good bloke - an inspiration. May we learn from him. RIP
By Chris Brooksbank (Furness NUT) on 18 March 2014
Rest in peace
By Gary Bamber on 18 March 2014
A sad time for the union movement. i wish sincere condolences to Bobs family from Branch 405 BFAWU
By Peter John Fox on 18 March 2014
Bob Crow was one of the greatest Union Leader's this century, I will always remember his support for the occupation of the Vestas Wind Turbine Factory under closure on the Isle Of White and seeing the helicopter televised on Newsnight dropping supplies to the Union members on the roof of the plant which boosted their moral and helped keep the occupation going!
The Rank and File Trade Unionists' have lost a true leader!
By Martin Bove Unite Union Manchester on 18 March 2014
A sad loss to the whole trade union movement. Bob spoke at our annual Burnley May Day Festival a few years ago and was one of the best speakers we've ever had. He spoke on behalf of the United Campaign to Repeal the anti-trade union laws, now part of the Campaign for Trade Union Freedom, an organisation that will miss him as much as RMT.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
By Peter Thorne, secretary North East Lancashire TUC on 18 March 2014
Very saddened to hear of Bob's passing. He was a consistent voice for the working class and opponent of capitalism.
By Steve Cooke - secretary of Teesside People's Assembly on 18 March 2014
By JEN M on 18 March 2014
What can I say that has not been said before, Bob never forgot a name he always made you feel at ease in his company, he was a true man of the people who fought for what he believed who said what he meant and meant what he said. He was simply Bob RIP.
By Niall Hanlon Kings Cross Branch on 18 March 2014
Bye Bob, great friend/comrade & influence.
You will be sadly missed.
By Bob Mitchell(retired member ex Chair LU Fleet branch on 18 March 2014
A true trade unionist and a man of the working classes. His mere presence sent a shiver down the back of the enemies of the working man and inspired people to fight for their rights. A colossus of a man who spoke with a genuine care and determination in what he believed was right and true.
My condelences to his family and friends, Bob you be missed RIP
By Alistair Wilson - Prison Officers Association (Scotland) on 18 March 2014
Bob you're an inspiration to us all, a true leader of great integrity without fear, standing up for working people, if the Mail, Sun and Express vilify you then you must be getting things right, Rest in Peace brother.
By Richard O'Brien UNITE NW 48 on 18 March 2014
Bob Crow. A Great man and Leader. RIP Bob.
By Chris Leggetter. on 18 March 2014
If working people had more leaders like Bob Crow we would not be where we are now - declining living standards, destroyed rights, the most vulnerable scapegoated. Bob will be greatly missed. The working class must produce more leaders like him.
By Dave Lawrence on 18 March 2014
R.I.P. A great man who fought for and won fair rights for his members, an inspiration.
By Mary Fitzgerald Bolton NASUWT on 18 March 2014
Tragic early loss of a union leader who was peerless in modern times for the way that he protected the interests of his members. Condolences to family and friends.
By Dean Hilton on 18 March 2014
My thoughts are with Bob's family and with brothers and sisters across the RMT. He will be greatly missed
By Mourad Abid Member (General Union of Algerian Workers) on 18 March 2014
R.I.P comrade,you left us to soon and we will not see your like,s again
By kevin flood on 18 March 2014
It's always the good ones who leave us too soon! RIP big fella! XXX
By Adele Andrews on 18 March 2014
Bob crow. A leader and a great leader who fought for what he believed in and never gave up. I was lucky enough to meet Bob on a few occasions. A man who fought in what he knew was right. Let's keep the sprit going in Bobs name. We will never forget the man. Bob Crow the greatest union man ever for the RMT who feared no one and had those fearing him.
By Alan white on 18 March 2014
After a week my heart still aches for you as it always will.
I used to have no hesitation in saying Jimmy Campbell was the finest G.S. we ever had but you came along and relegated him to second best. We will never find another that can hold a candle to your contribution.
I remember you accepting the youth award at the Swansea AGM. After Jimmy Knapp had spent quite a while making a speech and expecting you to take as long to reply you said something like "thank you very much that's very nice" and gave the socialist salute to the assembled delegates. You never lost that genuine spirit.
By John Kay on 18 March 2014
A sad loss to the whole trade union movement.Bob always put his members first.
By Don Grant BOLTON NASUWT on 18 March 2014
Trade Unions are the LARGEST Organisations defending working class people. Westminster is besotted with Neo-Liberalism. We need more Trade Union leaders with Bob's courage.
By Ray Ludford on 18 March 2014
My thoughts are with Bob's family and with brothers and sisters across the RMT. He will be greatly missed.
By Sue Ferns on 18 March 2014
Despite all the hype the facts are simple.....Bob Crow looked after his members and secured a living wage for them in these difficult times. For that he is to be well remembered !
By Russ Walters. Bolton NASUWT on 18 March 2014
Bob's death is a massive loss to all in the labour movement – he fought tirelessly for RMT members and never shirked from a struggle. My thoughts are with his friends, family and comrades.
If other trade unions had leaders as eloquent and uncompromising as Bob, Britain would not be in such a mess. I saw him speak eloquently at last year’s Socialism 2013 event, about the need for a new workers’ party, which he played such an important role in building, as one of the founders of TUSC and a key voices in the RMT union, arguing for a combative, left-wing voice in politics, as opposed to the bankrupt policies of the Labour Party, which is complicit in passing through Tory cuts.
We must redouble our efforts to build that alternative. Don't mourn - organise!
By Andrew Walton on 18 March 2014
Thank you for standing up for Londoners safety and for fighting for a properly staffed and resourced tube network.
Rest in Peace and Solidarity
By John Percival on 18 March 2014
My sincere condolences to Bob Crowe's family and friends. Such a sad day, he was a man that stood up strong for his beliefs and the working people. It will not be easy to find a replacement union leader. Rest in Peace Bob Crowe.I
By Roz Banks on 18 March 2014
Very sad. A champion of his members and of working people - the Labour Party should take note. Bob, you will be sadly missed, I hope you inspire your successor to carry on in the same spirit.
By Jo Hancox on 18 March 2014
Such a loss to the TU movement.
What a character! So few leaders like him that packed a punch. The fires of the movement will burn a less brightly and it is up to us who are left to ensure that those flames do not go out in his name.
Rest In Peace.
By Beverly Mollokwu on 18 March 2014
A full branch meeting of the UCU at College of NE London in Tottenham unanimously agreed to send condolences to the RMT for the loss of their inspirational leader Bob. His steadfast support for RMT workers, his resolute opposition to the establishment parties and his willingness to fight for our class will be sorely missed. Solidarity forever!
By Jenny Sutton (branch chair UCU @ CONEL) on 18 March 2014
What a complete shock. Bob will be much missed and will be very difficult to replace.
By Sian Champken on 18 March 2014
without Bob and all the hardworking RMT reps i would not have a good job with good wages, i always loved Bob’s public appearances and thought he would make a good Mayor of London, we have lost a top warrior, my dairy for that day says only one thing “you will be missed bob”
By Steve Mathieson mcc, apcc, frc on 18 March 2014
Utterly shocked by Bow Crow's sudden death. Never got the chance to meet him, but he did more for the workers than anyone else, including most elected politicians. He is quite rightly a hero to the otherwise trampled on. While he may have passed, the fight must go on!
By Dave - TfL No 1 Branch on 18 March 2014
A sad day for the working man. R.I.P.
By Chris Keeper on 18 March 2014
RIP to a dedicated Union Man - a man dedicated to improving the lives of his members and not afraid to stick his neck out. You will be sorely missed. Deespest Sympathy to all your family and close friends x
By Kathy Sykes - Unison Bolton Health on 18 March 2014
The death of Bob Crow leaves a huge hole in our movement, because he spoke without fear or favour in support of justice for the poor & dispossessed. He was a true & genuine trades unionist, who was not afraid to reject the prevailing trend for our leaders to be sanitised & packaged in a way that pleases the ruling class. RIP.
By Chris Keene UNISON Member & Treasurer Of NE Lancashire Trades Union Council on 18 March 2014
When I think of time with Bob I always smile - even when the business was hugely serious Bob's presence instilled hope and enthusiasm. We will miss you Bob.
By Gail Cartmail on 18 March 2014
Met him twice and both time he left me wanting more. Sound, Reliable and Willing is how I remember him. A personality, which we will find difficult to replace, if ever.
By Mike Applegarth (TUC Education Coordinator Darlington College) on 18 March 2014
A dedicated leader of the RMT, and such a sad loss to all in the fight for social justice.
By Jack Carter on 18 March 2014
Bradford District National Union of Teachers would like to express their condolences at the tragic death of Bob Crow, an inspirational trade union leader and fighter for a fairer world. Our sympathies are with his family, his colleagues, and his union members.
By Stuart Davies on 18 March 2014
i joined the unions when i first joined as lu staff i switched to rmt as i agreeded with the strong caring powerful message,
i never met bob bob would get regulat texts and updates, he will be greatly missed,
the left some big boots to fill,
he always had our best intrests at heart and that of all people using public transport.
i hope his legacy continues on.
r.i.p bob
By sarah hicks on 18 March 2014
A Great Man who fought for what he believed in, his political and union beliefs where paramount in his fight to get better pay and conditions for his members, he will be sadly missed and it will be very hard to find someone to fill his boots in the union world, R.I.P Bob
By Steve Douglas POA Branch Chairman at HMP Hindley on 18 March 2014
I never felt so low, as when I heard of the death Bob Crow. He was a gentle giant who would help anybody, which I was one of them. I know that Bob is now seeing from high above in heaven although he had his personal religious feelings. So Bob, I know from above you will be guiding the Union to follow your heart and your guts to get the best results for the workers you always represented. One would especially miss your speeches at the branch meetings. Thank you Bob for your life to those who needed it. Rest In Peace
By Charlie Calleja ex-retired Union on 18 March 2014
An outstanding trade unionist. He delivered for members and made their lives better both at work and beyond.
A huge loss but also an inspiration,
By Carl Roper on 18 March 2014
Bob was a great friend to Unite and he will be sorely missed. An inspirational Trade Union Leader, the greatest respect that we can pay will be to channel that Bob Crow attitude into fighting for the rights of our workers. Farewell, Brother.
By Liz McInnes on 18 March 2014
What a loss to socialism and to the anti-fascist movement He was a doughty fighter and an inspired speaker always speaking with conviction and passion. I heard him speak last December at the 'Return of the Brigades' event in London to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the International Brigaders return from the Spanish Civil War. It was a night to remember and Bob will be missed.
By Mary Greening - AEP member and IBMT member on 18 March 2014
Sending our deepest sympathy to Bob's family and comrades at this terrible time. We have been privileged to be a part of getting your important message out there and join you in mourning the tragic loss of an inspirational man, a true comrade and fighter. The struggle continues.
By Dale, Beth and all the Team at GMAC Film in Glasgow on 18 March 2014
It was a privilege to hear Bob Crow speak on a number of occasions and I was struck by a strength of conviction which was an inspiration to all those who believed in the principles of equality and fair play. Our thoughts are with his family and with all his colleagues within RMT and the broader trade union movement.
By Dilwyn Roberts-Young Deputy General Secretary UCAC) on 18 March 2014
Bob, you were a great advocate for the working class and as both a character and leader you will be sorely missed.
On a personal note, it was great to know you and work with you on many occasions to carry the fight forward.
Rest well and best wishes to your family.
By George Currell on 18 March 2014
Condolences to all Bob's comrades, colleagues, family and friends.
Bob was a principled trade union leader and fighter for the working class, who took an important initiative to resolve the crisis of working class representation. He was a friend of Cuba and pro-communist in the face of all the Cold War rhetoric. Bob took an important stand against the European Union of the monopolies, while at the same time making it clear he was an internationalist.
One was proud to shake his hand.
Let us carry forward his work as he would have wished without pulling any punches.
By Michael Chant - General Secretary, RCPB(ML) on 18 March 2014
RIP Bob Crowe. The Labour Movement have lost a true class warrior and he will be sadly missed. We should re-double our effort to bring about the changes that Bob fought for.
Condolences to his family and friends.
By Norman Candy on 18 March 2014
A great man - a massive loss to the trade union and labour movement.
By Jim Kennedy UCATT National Political Officer on 18 March 2014
A life well lived comrade, others will carry the work forward. Condolences to Bob's family and all his comrades at the RMT from the tutors and trade union students at Stockport TU Ed.
By Dianne Jones, UCU and TUC Tutor Stockport Trade Union Education Centre on 18 March 2014
Such sad news that you have been taken away at an early stage of your life. You filled it with so much fight, anger and honesty, that I hope you now are at peace. You have left such a great legacy that I'm sure will carry on for a long while. RIP Bob, It was a pleasure to have known you. I hope you enjoyed your St Paddy's Day up there and kept the party going!!! x
By Angela Duncan on 18 March 2014
For all your support to your London Underground staff we thank and salute you Bob. Keep watching over us. God bless.
By Lizzy Chandler on 18 March 2014
Thank you for continuing to hold out and fight for the working class against the Tory onslaught. You did us proud.
By Lyndsey Boyle on 18 March 2014
A real loss to all trade unionists A born fighter
By Rew Butler Bletchley branch on 18 March 2014
Bob Crow was a man of immense character and integrity who was not only a credit to his RMT Union but an absolute credit to the whole trade union movement. I counted Bob as a friend and a friend to my Union. He was passionate about the rights of working class men and women. He will be sorely missed by all in the trade union movement for his passion, honesty and integrity. He was an inspiration to all and fought for what was right.His legacy will live on but my thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and his union members in the RMT. RIP Bob Crow you were a man of stature.
By Steve Gillan General Secretary POA on 18 March 2014
I met you a couple of times at Doncaster and listened to your speeches and you really were a true gent and a brilliant leader. A very sad loss RIP Bob.
By paul bratley RMT member. on 18 March 2014
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Bob's death. He was a leader in the style of the old school, a true socialist who did the best he could for his members . A loss to te RMT .
By Andrea Andrews on 18 March 2014
What a tragic loss for so many reasons. He was a tremendous role model and a voice for the ordinary working person. He had a dramatic and powerful presence. May he rest in peace.
My deepest condolences to his family.
By Jayne Tierney on 18 March 2014
My father loved and trusted you bob a rare thing for my father.
Deepest sympaphy to your family.
Massive loss to Socialism!!.RIP BOB.
(Gerry's son.)
By declan o'shaughnessy on 18 March 2014
Rest in Peace, Comrade
condolances to your family
the Trade Union movement will miss you
By Geoff Southern on 18 March 2014
We learnt with sadness the untimely death of Bob Crow. I had a privilege of sharing with him a platform once at socialism 2013. It was clear from his positions on the most fundamental questions facing the British working class that he was one of its finest and most revolutionary fighters. His death has indeed robbed the labour movement internationally of one of its greatest at the time when trade union leaders everywhere are betraying the working class struggle. Our condolences to his comrades in RMT and his family.
By Mametlwe Sebei, Workers and Socialist Party, South Africa on 18 March 2014
On behalf of the whole of Aslef district 6, a tragic loss to both Bobs immediate family and his union brothers and sisters.
May your legacy be to bring a new generation of unionists forward to contine your hard work.
By ASLEF District 6 on 18 March 2014
Sympathy to Bob's family and friends and solidarity greetings to all RMT members. We have lost a giant of the labour movement and a true socialist. Sadly there are not enough union leaders like Bob left in the world so we must use his life and death as an inspiration for us to organise and defeat the neo-liberal consensus.
RIP Bob.
By Paul Rafferty on 18 March 2014
You were an inspiration to my generation of trade unionists. Ever since we have entered the workplace, all we have seen are attacks on trade unions and workers rights. To see a General Secretary who was prepared to stand up on behalf of his members was a neverending source of motivation. Sleep well comrade, knowing that you've definitely done your bit.
By Steven North - Branch Secretary, Salford City UNISON on 18 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow I was fortunate enough to hear you speak on several issues and always left feeling inspired and with the determination to fight for what was right for working people. Common sense is a rare commodity in our society these days but you had it in bundles. Still can't excuse the Millwall badge on your cap though. About the only thing I disagreed with you on. God speed
By Paul Russell on 18 March 2014
A great loss to the RMT, and the trade union movement generally. If Bob was one of the dinosaurs, please can we have some more?
By John Bamford, Greater Manchester Hazards on 18 March 2014
From Unite West Midlands branch 6901
The branch sends its condolences to Bob’s family at this very sad time and the branch acknowledges the work undertaken by Bob on behalf of his members and the trade union movement.
I had the pleasure of meeting Bob at Ruskin College. It was a short meeting that left a lasting impression.
By Bill Ryan on 18 March 2014
A true hero and a tragic loss to the trade union movement. I was always honoured to share a platform with him. The best tribute we can make is to fight as hard as he did for our class.
By Sue Bond, PCS Vice President on 18 March 2014
Bob Crow's fearless determination to take the struggle to the bosses and the rest of the ruling class will forever be a huge inspiration. He made a monumental contribution to rebuilding the struggle for socialism after the battles that were so valiantly fought in the 1980s. Bob rightly believed a working class leader had to fight shoulder to shoulder with comrades, not FOR them, if we were going to have the strength to win. That's why he insisted on the need to build the NSSN as an organisation of rank and file activists before launching its political counterpart, TUSC. Bob valued every working class fighter at his or her true worth and never seemed to forget a name. Despite his vast achievements, his best years were surely still ahead of him. We will always mourn his loss as we go forward fighting for a socialist future.
By Mariam Kamish, Socialist Party and NUM on 18 March 2014
my deepest sympathy to your family and a great loss to our union, has left some very big boots to fill.
By lynn long on 18 March 2014
Bob will be sadly missed by the workers of this country.
By Barney Nixon on 18 March 2014
R.i.P Bob. You were the best and you gave the rest of us the lead in our trade union battles. I learnt so much from you. On a personal level I would like to thank you for your support and kindness when I was battling cancer and the way you took time out from your busy life to send your good wishes. Happy memories too of Palestine and Tolpuddle. The Trade Union movement will feel your loss. We will organise .
By Nina Franklin on 18 March 2014
I am honoured to have known Bob, a true champion of the working class. One of the best on the stump, on a picket or just having a beer. A great loss to us all. You fought from the front, never taking a backward step, you will be sadly missed all around the world Brother.
By Adrian Evans - Maritime Union of Australia, West Coast on 18 March 2014
Shocked and saddened by Bob's untimely death. A truly great leader who will be sorely missed by his family, friends and the RMT.
By John Edmonds on 18 March 2014
Brother it was a pleasure and an education to have known you for over 23 years and without a shadow of doubt your influence has greatly impacted on my own trade union activity and no doubt many like me
Will treasure the times i spent with you, especially your visits to the calmac vessels and trips to the Western Isles of Scotland, where your visits were greatly anticipated and welcolmed
Sicere condolances to all your family
RIP Comrade
Brian Reynolds
Leith Shipping
By Brian Reynolds on 18 March 2014
You helped me out thank you Rest In Peace
By Sandra on 18 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to Bob Crows family & fellow comrades at RMT. A tireless campaigner for workers rights, for social justice & peace. Will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
RIP Bob Comrade and true friend of the worker.
By Sean McCourt ASU Australia on 18 March 2014
Condolences to family and friends. Solidarity RMT. A voice for the working class has gone...we all need to speak up and be louder to fill the void. RIP Bob
By Claire Mooney on 18 March 2014
It was with deep regret that I heard of Bob's death. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. He was an extraordinary man in extraordinary times and he never ever forgot his responsibilities to his union members and to all the working people in the UK. Our lives and community will be diminished by Bob's passing
Thank you for all your efforts over the years they have been appreciated
By Eddie Sheehy on 18 March 2014
An hero has fallen. You will greatly be missed..
Sleep well in The Lord. May the good lord console your family and filled the vacuum.
By A.Taiwo on 17 March 2014
A true 'Man of the People' Bob will be sorely missed, not only by his family, but by all who needed him to fight in their corner. Don't forget to picket at the fellas gate when you get their Bob.
By H. Donnelly on 17 March 2014
A great example to future generations on how to stand proud when representing the interest of working people for fair pay, a fighter against racism who believed and fought for the right of all workers to treated fairly. You leave an exemplary legacy. My condolences to the Crow family.
By rossana leal on 17 March 2014
All trade unionists will be deeply saddened to learn of the untimely death of Bob Crow. At a time when the trade union movement seemed to be on the retreat everywhere he provided inspiration to many of us looking to organise a fight back against unremittingly hostile employers. Whilst his death is one which every trade unionist will mourn the test of every union leader is whether their legacy survives them and Bob Crow's certainly will live on with every trade unionist inspired by his example.
By Alex Davidson - Secretary - Manchester Trades Council on 17 March 2014
I found bob to be an inspirational leader fighting for a just cause.
He fought through adversity and lead the RMT to many successes.
My condolences to his family, friends, brothers and sisters at this sad time
By Luke Kennedy on 17 March 2014
What a loss - one great trade unionist and socialist - such a scarce combination!
By Tish Gibbons on 17 March 2014
Rest in peace comrade.
By Dan O' Neill on 17 March 2014
Such a shock. A true Socialist a man who lead from the front,a man of principals,
By Trevor Parsons. Former C O H S E & UNISON on 17 March 2014
R.I.P Brother Bob.
Sincere condolences to Bob's family
we have lost a true warrior of the workng class people.
it was an honour to have known you.
Thsnk you for fighting for us.
By Eddie Wildman on 17 March 2014
You cared in a world were so many don't, a true working class hero, RIP Bob xxx
By Doreen Smith on 17 March 2014
R.I.P comrade Crow. You will be missed. Such a rare example these days of a public figure who was PROUD to be called a socialist.
By Carl Looker on 17 March 2014
It was a pleasure to work with you as a member of the RMT band for a few years. Your sense of humour, dedication and determination always shone through. Many happy memories of trips with you and Geoff and how appreciative you both were of the band. You always stood for what was right
By Jo Brown on 17 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, if you can looking down on what this lot are doing to our country.
You will be missed in the fight to rid of these posh boys
By Alan Bloore on 17 March 2014
RIP Bob you led by example and was a beacon of light for us all. we will miss you terribly.not just for all the hard work you did on all our behalf. but for your selfless determination to look after us. we will ensure your legacy will be our are at peace now brother.Never Forgotton
By George Falzon on 17 March 2014
RIP Bob CROW AND MY RESPECTS FOR YOUR FAMILY .I enjoyed working with you over the years, and know that you were an honest principled fighter not just for your union but for your class .
Both will miss you but the struggle has to continue- that's the only fit memorial.
Jane Carolan- Unison NEC
By Jane Carolan Unison NEC on 17 March 2014
The working class have lost our champion,and our trade union movement it`s most respected leader.his family must be suffering terribly,bob crow really was a working class one comes close to him,a complete gentleman that`ll be missed by all...
By Paul Curran,Lambeth on 17 March 2014
RIP Bob, thanks for all your hard work.
By Nathan on 17 March 2014
I was very sad to hear of Mr Crow's death. It is not often that life gives us someone with whom might not agree on all things but who can be respected for completely and to the bone acting on what he or she believes and fighting like hell for those he or she represents. I hope his family and friends can find solace in thier love for and friendship with him. I hope mention of his name will give certain people a nervous twitch for many, many years and he can have a good laugh watching it.
By Kathrine E L Stone on 17 March 2014
Gone to the great picket line in the sky but never forgotten. Thousands of people had better working conditions thanks to Bob Crow and the work of the RMT. God bles him.
By Lisa Weller on 17 March 2014
My Dad was an NUR man. My Grandad was an ASLEF man. I've always been a Trade Unionist in another field. Bob Crow was a hero. RIP.
By David Chambers on 17 March 2014
Thanks for your help Bob, I and my family will forever be in your debt..God bless ya
By Dwain Jones on 17 March 2014
You were born a soldier and died a soldier your strong determination and strength lives on. May your soul rest in peace and don't worry for all the good you did God's gate is open for you. Thanks again for allowing me to provide food and a roof over my families head. Rmt member 4 life.
R.I.P Brother Bob.
By Jennifer james morden/oval member on 17 March 2014
I met Bob around 25 years ago as an activist in the South East, Whenever we met Bob was always encouraging, but more so very principled in any meetings we had.
I spent time serving on the Red Star national negotiating committee where Bob and I worked closely to combat many of the moves of the company at that time.
Bob was surperb in his skills and certainly over the years I learnt a lot from him in my time being with him.
I did once venture to Millwalls ground when the Gills were playing there, and there was Bob the life and soul of the party, but still found time to chat.
Bob showed the way to represent your members, and not cave in under pressure, everyone knew when Bob was around it would always be a lively but sticking up for the members he represented.
It was a proud time working with Bob over the years, and a sad loss the trade union movement
my condolences goes to Bobs Family.
By Keith Sansum on 17 March 2014
Thanks for all your support, good times and bad. You filled everybody you touched with confidence that through solidarity and hard work we can make a difference happen. Nobody worked harder than you for your members, and for trade unionist all round the globe.
By Steve, ITF on 17 March 2014
Bob Crow was an inspiration to union activists all over the country. He was a great leader.
May you rest in peace.
By Elizabeth Baptiste - Co-Vice Chair - Greater London Regional Black Members (UNISON) on 17 March 2014
Condolences to his family. Bob was a hero of mine
By Liz Watson on 17 March 2014
It was with great regret when I read of Bob Crows untimely death.
Nothing can really be added to what has already been written about him.
My thoughts and condolences are with his family and many friends.
By William (Bill) King on 17 March 2014
We have all lost a great fighter and a man of principle. Condolences to the members of the RMT who have lost a General Sec. who believed in them.
Our best tribute would be to carry on the struggle he believed in with renewed vigour.
By Frank Keoghan, General President TEEU and Secretary People's Movement Ireland on 17 March 2014
Rest in power Bob. You were an inspiration to many and a true internationalist.
Aaron Kiely, NUS Black Students' Officer
By Aaron Kiely on 17 March 2014
Sympathy to all of his family at this very sad time - but take heart with the legacy he has left behind along with the admiration and respect of thousands of people.
Bob was someone to admire in his fight for the rights of his members and ordinary worker. There will never be another Bob Crow, but we can continue his message and fight for the rights of all our members.
By Jan & Sue on 17 March 2014
So sad to have lived such a short time, but thank you for achieving so much for working people
By Caroline Knowles on 17 March 2014
R.I.P Bob.A true man of principle.
By Shaun Woodcock on 17 March 2014
It's taken me a week to not get too emotional to write this tribute. A great man of the people has gone and we in this Union have lost a great leader. I would like to pay tribute to his Partner and Children who shared this wonderful man with us on the long weekends when he attended conference after conference. How many of our Partners or Wives would have put up with this. I pray that you are up there organising the Angels for their first Industrial Action. Take care Big Man and may you rest in peace. Love always Stuart&Robert
By Stuart Bennett on 17 March 2014
By chris ulr from London on 17 March 2014
Dartford and District branch would like to extend our condolences to Bob's family and freinds and colleagues at this sad time. It has been a honour to have known Bob and to have been part of the history he has created within the R M T. He's beliefs and ability to speak for the working man are part of history and legend. He will be truly missed within the ranks. A new star shines bright in the heavens. RIP Bob.
By John Collins Branch Secretary Dartford and District on 17 March 2014
To my uncle bob
Words can't describe how I feel. I can't beleive u won't be here anymore - may u rest in peace and look after aunty ann and nan and grandad - u keep them in order ! Tears are rushing down my face and the pain hurts so much.
U will be truly missed and we all love u soo soo much. U made us all proud and ur memory will go on.
All my love as always
Julie xxx ooh and u was right - it is very warm in march xxx mwah mwah xxxxxxxxxx
By Julie Hudson on 17 March 2014
A giant of a man,a giant of a trade unionist.Will always be missed,but never forgotten.
By BILL CHILDS on 17 March 2014
Dear Bob
To your family my love and condolences .
You were a wonderful professional ,personal friend & comrade to me. I appreciated your directness, humour and sharp discussions.
Most importantly you were a great trade union leader who fought for the international unity of the working class and the removal of capitalism.
Another world is possible and we will continue the struggle . La luta Continua !
By Alison Mcgarry ITF on 17 March 2014
I would like to extend my deepest sympathies at the loss of Bob Crow. So few people have made me sit up and listen and when I saw him speak at the TUC I knew what collective unity felt like. He was a shining light in a dark place and he will be missed.
By VANESSA DOIDGE on 17 March 2014
I would like to send my condolences to Bobs family. Bob was an inspirational union man a true fighter for his members rights. I had the pleasure of meeting Bob many times and I found him to be an honest man who worked hard for what he believed in and a reason why I will promote the RMT as a union that puts its members first and I will continue the fight. Rest in peace brother.
By Martin Staker asst branch chairman Brighton & Hove city on 17 March 2014
our sympathies and thoughts are with the family. He was a real trade unionist. I just hope his successor adopt the same attitude and devotion to the cause. RIP
By Ally on 17 March 2014
It was so sad to hear of the passing of Bob Crow.I have been a RMT member. For over 15 years and although I don't always agree with every strike action that has happened.Ive always believed that having Bob Crow on our side and fighting for us when our employers try to push us around was a good thing.He was a man of his word did what he thought was right for members.R.I.P.
By Steven Williams on 17 March 2014
Many Sympathies from myself and my colleagues at Chingford ASLEF Branch R.I.P to a real figher
By Stephen Jestico on 17 March 2014
Bob, you are a true legend in the history of trade unionism and a great inspiration to people to to like my self.RIP
By John Wynne, UCATT Branch Secretary on 17 March 2014
I would like to send my condolences to Bob's family but also to echo the sentiments of the NUJ member in appreciation for the way in which Bob stood up for the rights of working people in an era when many consider it no longer fashionable or relevant to belong to a trade union.
He will be sorely missed.
By Sue Buckley NUT member on 17 March 2014
The PCS IPS London and South East Branch (Passport Office) sends its condolencies to Bob Crow's family and friends and to our comrades in the RMT.
Bob Crow was an authentic class fighter who stood up for his members and the class more widely. He was also a staunch anti-fascist and anti-racist. In short Bob Crow embodied the values of the trade union movement. Bob Crow wasn't just a theorist, he was a man of action who put his sound beliefs into practice. He will be sorely missed. Let's be inspired by Bob Crow's example and continue the fight back against cuts, privatisation and austerity and against racsim and fascism.
By Paul McGoay, Branch Chair PCS IPS London and South East Branch on 17 March 2014
Firstly I hope you rest in peace and your family can find the strength to move on knowing that you helped bring a living wage and good conditions to your members.I also hope that a few more leaders take a leaf out of your book and realise that the shop floor is where the duty of leadership lies.RIP Bob GREAT MAN.
By Bill Keefe on 17 March 2014
On behalf of the Stop the War Coalition I would like to send condolences and best wishes to Bob's family, friends and of course the whole of the RMT membership at this terrible time. The loss of Bob is a tragedy for the whole movement, but especially for those who knew and loved him. There is one memory that I hold very dear. In the run up to the Iraq war we held a mass demonstration whose size took us by surprise and where the pressure from the crowd was such that the front was breaking up. Bob took control of the front banner and stewarded that part of the march pretty much single handed. He was a tower of strength. I still have a picture of him holding that banner on my wall at home. He was a great stalwart of all those demos and would make fantastic speeches at the end. The anti war movement, as well as the trade union movement, has lost a powerful voice. Our greatest tribute to him is to keep fighting.
By Lindsey German on 17 March 2014
Bob Crow a man who stood up for the working class will be sadly missed
By Quentin Tallon on 17 March 2014
I am shocked at the loss condolences to his family at this sad time he was in my mind a great fighter for the worker and their rights it was one of the reasons i decided to become a local rep may his legacy live on in sprit
By Richard Crossman on 17 March 2014
I only spoke two words and only saw him twice in person, now I am saying good by to him. what i learnt that he was such fantastic peoples person
By sajeev Bhaskaran on 17 March 2014
RIP Bob,it was a privilege to meet/know you. Your legacy will live on long after your untimely passing. In auster times you fought our corner and won the day, thanks for the memories.
By Tony Keane on 17 March 2014
my Condolences to all of Bob's family and close friends, the unions have lost a great leader who told the goverment and emploers exactly how it is. It is a shame as he was the last of his kind. Again my deepest condolences.
Rest in peeace Brother Bob
By Stephen Alder on 17 March 2014
By JIMMY GREGORY. on 17 March 2014
In an age of political mediocrity was always a joy to hear Bob telling it like it is!
A man with real beliefs who will be sorely missed.
By Paul Beardsley on 17 March 2014
I use to play football with Bob around the mid 90s, team was called Peel House. He was our captain and always enjoyed his company over a pint with him after games.
My thoughts are are with his family and friends at this sad time.
By Matthew Orwell on 17 March 2014
My deepest sympathy with Bob's family, comrades and colleagues for their sad loss. I had the pleasure of meeting Bob at Burston Strike School and listening to his powerful speeches. It is a great loss to the Trade Union Movement of such an inspiring leader who stood shoulder to shoulder with his members, he will be a hard act to follow for any individual. God rest your soul Bob.
By Susan Lewis, CWU on 17 March 2014
Condolences, BC was an inspiration, a positive role model of what a union General Secretary should be. He was totally committed to his members and the fight for justice, always upholding socialist values. He was dedicated and never lost sight of his under pinning values. A great loss to the TU movement, RMT, his members and not forgetting his family.
By Sue Gooding on 17 March 2014
Condolences and renewed commitment to class struggle for which Bob Crow lived and died.
By Helena Sheehan on 17 March 2014
BoB Crow was a chrismatic and decent figure hard to replace.
By Sohaila Jalinousnia on 17 March 2014
You were one the the last of the old School Trade Union Leaders and will be greatly missed by your ever increasing mebership which was a honour to you. Rest in piece
By Peter Fryer Unison Oxfordshire County Branch Sect. on 17 March 2014
Bob Crow you were a bright light that shone out of a dark tunnel.
My sympathies to his family and friends.
By Michael Stavri on 17 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family. A truly inspirational trade union leader who organised his members effectively against a hostile employer, resulting in significant membership growth during difficult economic times. He will long be remembered by his members and the wider trade union and labour movement. RIP
By Ross Murdoch GMB on 17 March 2014
Bob I expect to see you on the pearly gates vetting everyone passing and organising the picket line. You were a inspiration to so many and will never be forgotten RIP
By John Hamilton on 17 March 2014
We are all poorer without Bob, but richer for knowing him. He has inspired a new generation. In solidarity.
By A Khan-Gordon on 17 March 2014
Well Bob, wherever you and Tony Benn are.. and both of you turning up in the same week it’s going to get lively.. I’d normally say RIP but I doubt that very much comrade..
By John Colbert, CWU on 17 March 2014
Our deepest sympathies go out to Bob's family, colleagues and comrades. At a time when the establishment would have us believe that belonging to a trade union and standing up for the rights of the ordinary working person was old fashioned, out of date and no longer relevant, he proved them all wrong. Bob will be sorely missed.
By Keith Murray NUJ Cambridge Branch Chair on 17 March 2014
I am writing to extend the Connolly Association’s condolences on the untimely death of Bob Crow.
Bob’s life and contribution to the struggle, with courage, full commitment and dedication, is an example to us all. He will be greatly missed by all who fight for justice and especially those who had the pleasure of knowing him personally.
Bob was a true friend of the Irish people, of the Connolly Association, and of democrats in every country. His record as a defender of national sovereignty, and his understanding of international issues contributed greatly to the struggle of the working class for the most basic of rights against imperialism.
Without Bob the fight for democracy will be more difficult but we will continue doing what we know he would have wanted us to.
With sincere condolences,
Michael Carty
General Secretary
Connolly Association
By Michael Carty, General Secretary, Connolly Association on 17 March 2014
It is a travesty that we have lost one of the greatest trade union leaders ever. The fact that the Tories and the Labour Party, the establishment and the media continually slated him meant they were very afraid, his fight for the rights of others worked. Workers are not going to put up and roll over with what ever is dished out. I only hope that someone with equally big balls will fill his shoes to carry on Bob's legacy. What a hero.
By Katie Bowden on 17 March 2014
To a man who was not afraid to speak his mind, and to stand up against the establishment for what was right for his members.
His life has been taken too soon, and he will be missed. His shoes will be very hard to fill!
Condolences to his family and friends at this very sad time.
By John Taylor-Mason on 17 March 2014
I am self employed and not a union member but I admired Bob Crow, his honesty, integrity and inspiring leadership.
I send my heartfelt sympathy to his family (my dad died young too).
By Jenni Stuart-Anderson on 17 March 2014
You were a good man and will be greatly missed by all RIP Bob.
By James Butler on 17 March 2014
I was shocked and saddened by Bob's passing so soon. My condolences and thoughts to his family, freinds and collegues.
By Peter Petrou on 17 March 2014
My deepest condolences to Bob's family. A true fighter for the working class. He will be sorely missed.
By Conor McCabe, SIPTU, UCD Dublin branch. on 17 March 2014
RIP Bob. Fantastic person, great character and fellow MFC fan. True trade unionist that will deeply be missed.
By Lucian C on 17 March 2014
The news of the passing of Bob Crow, such a leader and tireless fighter, was heartbreaking. Bob was not merely a role model and leading character of RMT or workers in Britain, but he reached to so many activists and leaders of the working class worldwide. His courage in standing for workers' rights in their most difficult times was remarkable and is well recognised.
At the time when workers were prepared to give in and accept harsher conditions in order to save their jobs, Bob managed to create a movement to create hope and progress. Bob was known for his ability to unite workers, build alliances against the bourgeois attacks. His ability and strength in conveying hope and determination to achieve change, fairness and equality. His legacy is building paths for empowering workers.
Once again we would like to give our condolences to Bob’s family, RMT and to all workers worldwide. The passing of Bob is a tragic loss to us all.
By By Nazira Mehmari on 17 March 2014
A great fighter for the Trade Union movement and a great socialist; he will be sorely missed.
Don't mourn organise!
By Tony Urwin on 17 March 2014
Bob was an inspiration to all of us - both inside and outside the movement. Missed already - sincere condolences to Bob's family, friends and membership.
By Carolyn Simpson on 17 March 2014
Very shocked at the sudden death of Bob. Condolences to his family. He was a great leader and an inspiration to all Trade Unionists. May he rest in peace.
By Caroline Hickson on 17 March 2014
Bob Crow, a giant in the Trade Union movement who will be greatly missed. He stood for the working man and never backed down. Taken too soon. Condolences and thoughts to his family, friends and colleagues.
By Carla Whiting -UNISON member on 17 March 2014
I was shocked to hear about the death of Bob, I met him quite a few times, it is a great loss no only to yourselves but also to the Trade Union movement. He will be a hard act for anyone to follow, but follow someone must. I hope whoever it is will have the same sense of humour Bob had, he was always a joy to go and listen to. He is going to be missed by everyone in every union. R.I.P. BOB Your legacy can and will live on.
By Sharza Dethick UNITE Stockport Branch Equalities Officer on 17 March 2014
RIP Bob. I admired the way you stood up for your members.
Condolences to your family and friends.
By Richenda Farman on 17 March 2014
You led your troops well and articulated the trade union agenda and socialist principles more clearly than any other public figure. You will be missed.
By Saraka Keating, Unite rep at CSP on 17 March 2014
In an era dominated by jaundiced disinformation generated by the media puppets and Etonian ideology Bob stood out as a genuine battler for workers rights and greater equalities.
By Richard Pfeiffer on 17 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob, you were taken too young. If there is a God, I hope you give him/her/it an earful.
My deepest condolences to Bob's family.
By Marshall Abrahams on 17 March 2014
We are deeply saddened to findout about the death of Bob Crow, My colleagues and I we extend ours condolences and respect to his close friends and family, and to RMT activists and members, who lost a great and principled leader.
Bob Crow was more than just a militant trade union leader: he was a nuanced and principled tactician and class war strategist. He used all his abilities to put people first and resist attempts by corporations to colonise every aspect of modern life.
Bow Crow was a working class hero and trade union fighter who dedicated his whole life to the movement. Our Heart are now very poorer by losing him.
By Tathy Yoka Mpela (Steward / Health and Safety Rep at University College London Hospitals ) on 17 March 2014
Bob Crow was a brilliant fighter for our trade union movement. He will be greatly missed but never forgotten
By Angie Birtill on 17 March 2014
Bow Crow was a true trade union fighter and dedicated his whole life to the union movement. I am not a RMT member but I had heard his voice so many times while fighting for his union members rights. He will be deeply missed by all of us.
By Lalinder Uluoglu on 17 March 2014
The Labour movement has lost a great leader, and one who never compromised his principles, who always stood up for what he believed. He will be greatly missed
By Lizzie Gent on 17 March 2014
A passionate champion of the ordinary worker, he gave hope and inspiration to so many. A rare and wonderful character who never forgot what he stood for.
By Amanda Mirza on 17 March 2014
The Trade Union movement has lost a great leader, you always inspired me to carry on the fight. Sadly missed
By jan on 17 March 2014
The Labour Movement has lost a great advocate - he will be sorely missed. My condolences to all family and friends. A truly great man. RIP Bob.
By David Knibb on 17 March 2014
It was a pleasure to have met with you on numerous occasions especially on your visits to our branch NTLT&S, RIP Bob. Martin Rivers
By Martin Rivers on 17 March 2014
Bob Crow. A great comrade, icon and friend to the LUL fleet maintenance branch. You will be sadly missed but never forgotten.
By Mick Jennings on 17 March 2014
The City & Islington Nut group had a minutes silence at our meeting on 11th March as a mark of solidarity and respect for Bob Crow. Our condolences to his family, friends and comrades.
Bob Crow stood out as a trade union leader who represented his members of all grades and defended working class interests.
By Jane Hartley on 17 March 2014
When I first was feeling at my politics at the age of 18, my first political rally I attended with a friend in London on the question of political representation. It was then I saw Bob Crow speak. Not knowing much about the RMT or even trade unions at this stage, my first impression was that he resembled an East London gangster. But I remember of all the speakers he left the greatest impression on me that day, as a man who spoke plain and no-nonsense on how we can fight for ordinary working people in a language that I instantly understood as the only way we can get anything for our class.
RIP Bob Crow - a principled socialist and a champion of working people
By Lee Vernon, PCS Rep on 17 March 2014
Bob would be very amused at the media coverage of his tragic death. From the devil to national treasure. Class enemies must be so relieved to be rid of a class fighter. I remember Bob from my first Neasden 1 meeting more than 30 years ago, impressive even then. Just as
impressive last month at the WEA when he came to support Janine's new book. I'm glad we had a chance to say hello, if not good-bye.
By Pam Singer on 17 March 2014
I shall remember you as a friend and great leader of our Union an Insperation to others,an honest man and fighter of ALL causes be it good or unwinable.
R.I.P Bob sleep well, You will be missed but Never Forgotten .
By John McCallum on 17 March 2014
Having moved to Canada from Glasgow shortly after the miners strike, I did not have the opportunity to meet or get to know Brother Crow. I have watched from across the Atlantic the battles that workers in the UK have fought since then.Bob Crow is the type of Union leader that we so terribly need as workers, no matter where we are on the planet. May you rest in peace brother your contributions are greatly appreciated.
In solidarity
Tam Gallagher - formerly of the LPYS and Militant supporter Easterhouse, Glasgow
By Tam Gallagher , Labour Relations Officer - Ontario Nurses Association (Ontario, Canada) on 17 March 2014
Question Time will never be as interesting again! I am shocked and saddened to hear of your untimely death, at a time when your voice and leadership have never been needed more. But we have been inspired by your fighting talk and undaunted solidarity with working people. The struggle will have to go on without you - but your ideals live on.
By Marianne McAleer (NUT member) on 17 March 2014
Undefeated !!!!!! Rip Bob
By John P Clements on 16 March 2014
My only encounter with Bob was during the National Shop Stewards organised March in Brighton last year asking for TUC to name the day for National strike. while most (big union) bosses will not show up in the hall to show their solidarity with us the hard working people.
Bob was one of the few that addresses the meeting he was captivating, articulate and full of convictions telling us he is ready and would vote for National Strike.
From the ovation at the beginning and throughout his speech one can not but accept that this man meets all the criteria of working class man of the people.
This is how l want to remember him a man of the people for the people. Rest in perfect peace Big guy. Sympathy to Bob's family and solidarity to all the comrades he left behind union activism would never forget your legacy. Thanks for enriching our life in your very short life.
By David Oladele on 16 March 2014
Bob you will be sadly missed you were a terrific Leader and true Activist we really need more people like you,
By Phil Treacy Unite Branch 6224 on 16 March 2014
Bob you was n still are an inspiration to all of us Power to the people R.I.P
By Alan Davey on 16 March 2014
Dear Bob
Thank you for all what you have done while you were with us. You were at times controversial but always with a clear and honest reason. Your fight and RMT's fight to protect and support fair causes despite the political "inconveniences" and proudly defend your members are an inspiration for present and future comrades, mainly but certainly not only for Latin Ametican Unions.
See you later in the SafeHaven
By Antonio Rodríguez Fritz on 16 March 2014
A massive loss; a glass or red, hake with loads of vinegar and treacle tart will be consumed in Shrewsbury in honour of Bob Crow.
By Lee and Tracey Green on 16 March 2014
Bob you will be sadly missed you were a terrific Leader and true Activist we really need more people like you,Ex H&S rep and Shop steward, Retired.
By Trevor Nightingale Unite the Union on 16 March 2014
Bob Crow inspired a whole new generation of socialists and trade unionists by being a union leader who was always on the picket line with his members, campaigned for workers' rights around the world, and spoke with great passion at meetings and rallies around the country about union values and about socialist politics. His militancy in the labour movement will be greatly missed. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and comrades in the RMT. A huge loss.
By Sarah Collins, Unison and Chair of Scottish TUC youth committee on 16 March 2014
Deeply saddened by your death Bob. Thoughts are with your family at this difficult time. I have to say that what I loved about you was your straightforward and honest approach. The fact is that you are a hero to working people. Intelligent, sharp and witty yet from a normal background and never compromising on principles (even down to the way you speak). Let's be fair, the establishment and the middle class didn't like you because you dared to be an erudite, confident working class man. They didn't understand it so they feared it. They don't get it. A Lions fan an' all. 'Go on Bob!' and 'Go on the Wall!
By Ian on 16 March 2014
Taken from us to soon. I will always remember a true trade unionist who always put his members first. You have left a huge hole to fill in both the RMT and Socialism.
By STEVE on 16 March 2014
Plain speaking good old fashioned union leader, sad loss.
By Eddie on 16 March 2014
A great loss for the Trade Union Movement, our condolences to Bob's family, he will long be remembered as a great fighter for RMT members and the working class.
By Unite SE/6253 Hastings District on 16 March 2014
Your job was to do the best by your members, no-one could fault you on this. You had the courage of your convictions and put the human side to your fights. Unlike those who only saw money, you saw people. The human cost is all too often forgotten in broken Britain. Unfortunately, I don't think there is anyone else like you to fight for your members. They will only know your true worth, now that you are gone. LEAVE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE THAN YOU FOUND IT - you certainly did your bit Bob.
By Tina Quinn on 16 March 2014
All the best Bob. A great loss to all in the movement
By Joe Bailey Manchest UNITE memeber on 16 March 2014
A tireless worker who, with his commitment to fairness supported many important causes, as well as ensuring the protection to railway men and women. We will surely miss him. Huge thanks to his family who shared him with us.
By Anna Eagar on 16 March 2014
A giant in the history of Trade Unionism. The privilige was all ours.
By Norman Thomson - RMT Rep London Underground on 16 March 2014
Bob was a great inspiration and support to the trade union movement in Plymouth. He will be greatly missed, and we will continue his passion and drive for workers rights, social justice and socialism
By Tony Staunton, Secretary, Plymouth Trades Union Council on 16 March 2014
Whenever I needed to restore my faith in the importance of trade unions I would google or YouTube Bob. RIP.
By Shane Harris on 16 March 2014
A champion of the masses; you fought tirelessly for the rights of the working class and truly believed in equality. A huge loss to the working class and the communist movement in GB. Others, such as the GS of my own union, Prentis, have so much to learn from you; you make them look so incompetent. As Mandela said ' When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity'..You have done just that Bob...
By Senik on 16 March 2014
Both Harlow Labour Party and the Essex Labour Campaign Forum,who have met ,respectively, on Friday and Saturday of this week,,were deeply sadden by the sudden loss of one of the great TU icons of the 21st Century. Bob Crow will be greatly missed and our condolences go to his family, friends and everyone in the RMT.
By Charlie Cochrane, Chair Harlow CLP and Essex Labour CF on 16 March 2014
Great loss to his family and the union movement.
A man of integrity, passion and commitment.
God bless.
By Gerry Whear on 16 March 2014
So sorry to see you go, Bob. I'll do my part to keep up the good fight.
By Laura in London on 16 March 2014
Although I didn't share your political views, like many others I admired the way you fought for what you believed in and above all else, your aim in every case was to get the best possible conditions for your members. You were spectacularly successful in doing that and you were a credit to both your members and your beliefs. At the same time, you knew when to cut a deal with "management" and your members never had a problem with that. The world is a much poorer place without you. RIP.
By Big Al on 16 March 2014
Sincere condolences to the passing of a true character; and with Tony Benn passing away as well, the unions have lost 2 great friends in a week. Your memories will live on in history.
By Steve Floyd on 16 March 2014
The Left can ill afford to loose one of its standard bearers and his union members can ill afford to loose their leader, in these troubled and troubling times.
By Norma Spark on 16 March 2014
In life, you rarely get the opportunity to work with and for such a great person. I had that, and proud and thankful for it. Thank you Bob. You will leave a big vacuum in the lives of all who knew you. Condolences to all your family and friends, which I was proud to be one of.
Rest peacefully mate
By Peter Trend on 16 March 2014
Bob was one of the good guys. Not enough of them about.
By Sean Brodbin on 16 March 2014
Bob will be greatly missed: a true trade unionist, socialist and comrade. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, comrades and members of the RMT. Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers
By Liz Davies, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers on 16 March 2014
Goodbye Bob. Never regretted voting for you as General Secretary. You did a great job.
By Stuart Watkin on 16 March 2014
You were an inspiration to the dispossessed and a giant who carried the torch of hope. Now you're gone and will be missed but your memory will live on in those who you helped directly and indirectly on this earth. Rest in peace.
By B Y on 16 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to Bob Crow's family and friends. He was a true fighter for his members and a great internationalist campaigner. He will be remembered.
By Marie O'Connor on 16 March 2014
The only careers advice I had was from my dad when I left school at 15 in 1962, was to join a Trade Union, he was a shop steward in the docks. I did join NATSOPA . NATSOPA provided my education, through Middlesex Poly Ruskin and LSE. I became a FTO for the GMB . TUs are so important for working class people. I knew Bob and spoke at public meetings with him on cuts . He will be missed. The best tribute we can pay Bob, is to increase TU membership.
By John Ball on 16 March 2014
Bob a true internationalist, who supported the workers' cause in all countries. You will be missed! We will continue your work. Hambe Kahle ( go well).
By Alana, ITF on 16 March 2014
he was an inspiration to us all & will be greatly missed by all Unions
By tim frere-smith on 16 March 2014
My father Maurice Barrett worked with him and said that he was a working man for the working people. I met him last year at the Tuc and told him off for jumping the queue for coffee but when he spoke he held the room. He is a loss to all but he built the foundation for us all to add to. My condolences to his family
By Marina Gunn on 16 March 2014
You were one of the few decent public figures left in this country. People called you a hypocrite but only because they feared you and they knew you were right about everything. Your main priority was the safety of people and you were not money obsessed like everyone else. The majority of commuters supported you 100% because you had our best interests at heart. You were a man of great integrity and you will never be forgotten. I pray a thousand more are born who have your integrity, strength and compassion. May your legacy never end.
By Amina on 16 March 2014
You will be missed mate ... God bless
By Sam on 16 March 2014
Here was someone who shrugged off media criticism, sensing that if the Daily Mail did not 'hate' him, then he would not be doing his job properly. Bob Crow was EFFECTIVE and that's what matters.
Large numbers of rail passengers (myself included) supported and continue to support transport workers' actions. The amount of inconvenience it causes minor compared with the importance of defending workers' pay and conditions.... and the knock on positive benefits it brings to workers in all kinds of industries.
When I next take action I will think of Bob Crow's outstanding and steadfast leadership.
Much missed. But the World is a better place for him. And thank goodness there was a Bob Crow to keep us going during the worst of times.
By Stephen Smith UCU Brunel Branch on 16 March 2014
I may have moaned (just a little bit) on tube strike days, but at heart I never stopped believing in what Bob Crow was trying to protect and achieve for his members and for working people as a whole. Let's hope Bob's legacy is an inspiration for all those that follow and as his family and friends feel sorrow that he was taken so young, I'm sure they are also be immensely proud of a life lived so fully, with purpose and meaning, for the greater good.
By M S Lockley on 16 March 2014
Bob Crow a true socialist. The world is poorer without him. My condolences to his family. In his memory we must continue the fight for socialism. Farewell comrade RIP
By Sarah Welch Portsmouth and Southampton Socialist Party on 16 March 2014
Comrades, brothers and sisters. solidarity to Nicky and family on the death of Bob. Bob has left us we have to carry the political class socialist voice with us. we can't be demoralised, this May see the political right coming to form under a banner. in Europe are we going to take up the challenge in which Bob gave to us. we have to work together to make sure that UKIP. are political alienated
onward victory to working class Socialism.
By Con Carroll on 16 March 2014
A true Working Class man.
Bob, thank you for knowing you, Working with you., fighting with you and demonstrating with you.
It was a honor
In solidarity,
Niek Stam
By Niek Stam National Secretary FNV PORTS NETHERLANDS on 16 March 2014
A good man taken from us far too young! Best wishes to his family and to the RMT.
By Ruth Mason (NUT and SP) on 16 March 2014
A good man taken from us far too young! Best wishes to his family and to the RMT.
By Ruth Mason (NUT and SP) on 16 March 2014
I cried when I heard you were no longer here with us. I learnt so much from you and through my work, I will continue fighting for what you stood for. I laugh every time I think of your "Question Time" appearance when a man from the audience said Muslim women should be banned from wearing burkhas because "you can't even tell if there's a man or woman under there" and you replied "how do I know you're a man?".
By Gillian Pardesi on 16 March 2014
All condolences to his family. I hope they can take comfort in his courage & commitment to working class people in the months ahead.
By Les Price ( UCU Leicester Shire Branch ) on 16 March 2014
The establishment detested you, that must be the biggest compliment.
By Richard Hudson on 16 March 2014
I didn't know Bob personally and only met him once (at a funeral), but his presence as a principled and incredibly effective leader of the trade union movement will be greatly missed. My thoughts are will his family, friends and RMT colleagues.
By Dave Lewis on 16 March 2014
Many will reflect on their uncomfortable relationship with
Bob as he forcefully represented a view on behalf of workers
that required upsetting bosses and the establishment. His
challenge was class based and a demand for action to achieve
a fairer distribution of wealth. Seldom challenged but
mainly tolerated by his peers. I loved him for his
committment, his graciousness and his humanity. He will be
missed by the RMT and its members.
By Eddie Dickson Retired Assistant Secretary, Inland Transport, ITF on 16 March 2014
I didn't know Bob that well but never the less he fought tirelessly to improve my pay and conditions over the last 20 years as a RMT member for which I will always be in his debt. My wages have doubled in real terms, I work a third less hours and we have never had a strike just the threat has been enough, with Bob as our leader the bosses knew we meant it.
I woke up after a night shift to find a text from my daughter saying Bob was dead I couldn't believe it, at 52. What a waste! Our union will never be the same, but we will fight on in Bob's name, make no mistake about that!
My best wishes go out to his family at this time and I hope I get to meet them and thank them for helping Bob fight for all the RMT members and the working class in general as you know Bob had many causes he supported.
Can we have a commemoration, were all the branches can get together, with our banners and celebrate his life? and maybe Tony Benn's at the same time? He'd have liked that
Safety Rep EPS Branch 0520
By Arthur Shaw on 16 March 2014
Thanks for everything Bob.
The fight won't be the same without you!
By KG on 16 March 2014
They say you can't choose you're family. Not BOB CROW, he included all of us as his family. R.I.P brave lion heart. Condolences to all your close family and friends.
By Nishan Fernando on 16 March 2014
You will be missed brother. RIP
By Bob Bayley on 16 March 2014
you will be miss,you left a big hole in the heart of mine of us rest in peace,and whatever you are keep the figthing spirit of you .
By mac on 16 March 2014
Bob Crow's honesty, bravery and tenacity will be long remembered. A towering defender of worker's rights his legacy will live on. Condolences to his family, friends & his RMT family.
By Jenner Folwell on 16 March 2014
such a great loss a great leader its a tough job but bob done what he had to do and got the right answers with every fight but we say the rmt will go on and we will allways remember bob for being a true rmt leader its going to be hard to find some one who can match what bob done for all hes members but together we can still be strong so rip bob you will be missed
By graham bowden southeastern employee on 16 March 2014
Sorry to see you go. R.I.P.
By Leona Hussey on 16 March 2014
We will carry on the fight,
We will never give up,
The world has lost two great men this week, politically minded people who had integrity, something we don't see to often these days.
By Jim Scott on 16 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. RIP Tony Benn. RIP democracy.
By Matt Lebon on 16 March 2014
Sadly missed. We will carry on the fight!
By Bromley NUT on 16 March 2014
My deepest condolences to family and friends of Bob. He will be so sadly missed, a strong, funny, clever and a big compassionate man.
He and Tony Benn in the same few days, I feel very grateful to have known them, had them on my side, and to have been on theirs. I hope that there will be able to be some kind of public memorial.
By Carey on 16 March 2014
A great speaker and a sad loss. Sincere condolences to the family.
By Helen White (UNISON and Millwall) on 16 March 2014
I am glad I managed to meet Bob on his visit to NZ a couple of years ago - an inspirational leader who will be greatly missed.
By Dorothy Macedo on 15 March 2014
A great man who fitted the job description of Trade Union General Secretary. He did what he had to do to protect his members. He cared about working class people in such a way that he raised their spirits and let them know that there was something to fight for. RIP Bob you will always be remembered.
By Barbara White - President Redbridge Trades Union Council on 15 March 2014
A man deserving of the respect of the working class
By Kenny Goldie on 15 March 2014
Solidarity with all comrades in the RMT following the tragic loss of Bob Crow.
He was a oustanding leader and fighter for his class and will inspire current and future activists in our movement in the continuing struggles to create a better world.
By David Niven, PCS RPA Carlisle Branch on 15 March 2014
Big admiration for Bob Crow. He'll be missed.
Condolences to all family and friends.
By Ciaran Mahony on 15 March 2014
A great loss to his family, the Trade Union Movement and the people and workers of this country. His legacy will endure.
By David Andersen on 15 March 2014
Bob Crow was an inspiration. He fought for workers, and was a fine example of a trade union leader. Some of the media indicate he belonged to a past era. They are wrong. He fought for a better world and a better future. Hope his family know there are many of us who are very proud of him.
By A worker on 15 March 2014
Of course I only knew you through your heroic efforts on behalf of so many true workers.
Society can ill afford to lose people like you who passionately believe in fairness and true equality.
We have lost a true socialist.
Rest in Peace.
By Derek Stephen on 15 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. You have always fought the good fight for your members.
By Yvonne Parmenter on 15 March 2014
We have a lost a truly great man who fought for his members, workers and for society generally, I was fortunate to have attended a number of rallies, demos and conferences and Bob always stole the show with his passion and commitment. RIP in Bob.
By Steve Leggett - TSSA EC on 15 March 2014
Bromley TUC mourns the death of a great man that fought for jobs, workers' rights and fairness in our society, Bob was also a great friend and advocate of Trades Council and will be greatly missed by us all. We must all continue and increase the fight in Bob's memory. As Bob said 'If we all spit together we can drown the bastards', from all at Bromley TUC RIP Bob.
By Bromley Trades Union Council on 15 March 2014
RIP BoB crow
By Oliver Campbell on 15 March 2014
Bob Crow was a total insparation to all trade unionists. Having such a powerful, principled and strong diplomatic figure as part of our movement, gave me such confidence and drive that we can and must continue to strive for improvements for the working people. I am proud that I have been involved in the movement with one of the greats Bob Crow but I am totally devastated about his tragic and sudden loss. My heartfelt, deepest sympathy to all his family. 'Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes; hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread but give us roses!'
By Michelle Jenkins on 15 March 2014
A great loss to both his family and the working class. Yet what an inspiration his life has been to all of us that will continue the struggle for a fair, just and more equal socialist future.
By John Gardner on 15 March 2014
Will be sady missed by so many but his legacy will live on. Thank you Bob for all your inspirational work. R.I.P.
By Clynt Garnham on 15 March 2014
A great moral man with ideal aspirations, a sad loss for the hopes of all working people, to whom he gave much hope. Thank you for all you did and all you tried to do, Bob.
By Pat & Norma Gowen on 15 March 2014
Our condolences to Bobs family & all comrades in RMT. his memory & Legacy will live &inspire us.I first met Bob at Tolpuddle in1997 when carrying Barnstaple Trades Council Reclaim Our Rights Banner Bob marched with us giving us the inspiration to carry on the struggle for Trades Union Rights .
By Paul Dyer. BarnstapleTrades Council on 15 March 2014
We have lost someone who worked for those who went out to work for a week's pay and who had no other defender. The current government are against everything Bob Crow stood for. May another generation of Trades Unionist stand up for ordinary workers and the unemployed, to continue his achivements.
By Pat Jourdan on 15 March 2014
Our condolences to Bobs family & all comrades in RMT. his memory & Legacy will live &inspire us.I first met Bob at Tolpuddle in1997 when carrying Barnstaple Trades Council Reclaim Our Rights Banner Bob marched with us
By Paul Dyer. barns on 15 March 2014
sad news indeed!
another good socialist gone!
sincere condolences to bob's family,
By inga bystram on 15 March 2014
You will be missed RIP
By Elsa on 15 March 2014
I was genuinely devastated to hear about bob. I loved listening to him defending the cause of those in need and my biggest regret is being too scared to get out of my car when I saw him in Knightsbridge one day to tell him how much I admired him. What a terrible loss to the world and to his family x
By Faye harvey on 15 March 2014
A great loss to the RMT, all working people, but most importantly his wife and children. RIP BOB
By James cooper on 15 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to Bob Crows family & fellow comrades. A tireless campaigner for workers rights, for social justice & peace. Lets keep fighting its certainly what he would have wanted & never failed to do.
By Kelly Alcock on 15 March 2014
An inspirational and far sighted fighter for RMT members and the working class in general. Alongside my union PCS, Your fighting leadership under Bobs guidance has been a beacon to our class. You will be sorely missed comrade, but we will honour you by stepping up the struggle for fairness in the workplace and socialism.
By Dave Lunn on 15 March 2014
Just liked you're style mate.
By Alex Anderson. on 15 March 2014
Bob Crow was a working class trade union leader who was an inspiration to me. He provided leadership to his members through his personality, his knowledge of his industry and his understanding of the balance of forces between his members and their employers. His death is a huge loss to the union movement.
By Annette Wright, President, Manchester Trades Council on 15 March 2014
We are saddened by the untimely death of Bob Crow. His time in office saw the RMT win many key battles and his death is a loss to the union movement. Our thoughts are with his family and all RMT members.
By Manchester Trades Council on 15 March 2014
The question 'who will replace him' should be a wake up call to each of us who work tirelessly in TU movement to keep it "alive and kicking" to ensure we get the best deal possible for our members.
Not as a way of bringing down our workplace but to stop this race to the bottom and stand together to force those at the top to make sure that they don't see people as parts to be replaced; but human beings.
Bob you gave us inspiration, your passion, when you spoke, I would always sit up & listen, giving you a standing ovation.
Who will replace Crow? Perhaps no one can, they broke the mould when he was born, but Instead, in the spirit of unity, all of us should play a part, to right the wrongs of greedy bosses.
*****Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. - Author Unknown*****
By Cheryl McLeod Unite Workplace Rep. Branch LE/111 on 15 March 2014
a sad loss for all who thought that he saw the future !! the future will be ours comrades !!
By DAVID CHURCHLEY on 15 March 2014
Still cannot believe you have gone.
You fought the good fight, you have finished your course, you kept the faith.
You are already much missed but the fight will go on in your honour.
Thank you for everything. X
By Kathryn on 15 March 2014
Sad loss of the last great working class hero
By Maggie Taylor on 15 March 2014
A great man who will be missed by all ,I was glad to have met you RIP Bob
By Gwyneth Goddard on 15 March 2014
A sad loss RIP
By Mike Crudgington RMT rep on 15 March 2014
A huge loss to the labour movement. Deepest condolences to his family.
By Anna on 15 March 2014
A giant amongst men using his knowledge skills and attitudes to stand up for the workers.
By John Dawson on 15 March 2014
Aside from a stalwart of the trade union and Left movement Bob had a very fine wit, which he often shared with the rest of the TUC General Council.
RIP Bob Crow, rail worker, trade unionist, Socialist, Internationalist and Comrade.
Sean McGovern
By Sean McGovern on 15 March 2014
Still can not believe the news, the Union will simply not be the same without Bob. What a great leader. I was always proud to say I am solid RMT and follower of Bob and wherever he takes the union. Condolences to all his family and loves ones. RIP Bob- You have done us proud!
By Ian Flatman, Driver and RMT Rep- Hammersmith Grove Train-Crew depot on 15 March 2014
A man of principle and of the people. A tragic loss for his family and the Labour movement. RIP Bob Crow
By Colin Jackson on 15 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. A sad loss to the whole TU movement. You will be remembered fondly in NI. Condolences to the family and solidarity to the RMT family.
By Olive Buckley Unite NIreland Health Sector on 15 March 2014
I am not a train worker or part of the union but i'm deeply saddened and traumatized by his death. He was the last man standing in standing up to what's right and i feel showed people especially workers to not have fear against machine. I was quite disturbed and upset by the appalling way he was treated by the media and the the slithery boujoire city cons. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and send him a personal note of gratitude and show what an inspiration he's been to me and many others. Your an inspiration. RIP
By Ronnie W on 15 March 2014
A huge loss to the whole labour movement.
By Mick Piggott on 15 March 2014
you were a working class hero to millions of us downtrodden workers of this once great country mr crow. it will be a very long time before we see another like you sir. R.I.P. Bob
By sheriffs hepburn on 15 March 2014
Bob Crow was a youthful delegate to Haringey TUC in the 1980s and never forgot his links. A fighter for our class, his life will serve as an inspiration for those who will continue that fight
By Keith Flett. Secretary of Haringey TUC on 15 March 2014
Bob Crow was arguably the best contemporary General Secretary in th Labour Movement. No other group of ordinary working people maintained reasonable terms and conditions than Bob's members in the RMT. A tireless campaigner against inequality and exploitation , a sad loss .
By Bryan Kennedy Unite Housing Workers LE/1111 on 15 March 2014
Met Bob at the miners gala in Durham.Top man,brilliant craic,liked a pint and knew whose side he was on.
By chris graham on 15 March 2014
A man who worked tirelessly for the greater good. An inspiration for many, not just his union members, in these difficult times. The distressed black lady ( seen on national television ) who said Bob's death felt like losing a family member I'm sure spoke for many others who are struggling in difficult times. I will miss not being able to hear him speak at the Orgreave mass picnic& festival ( 30th anniversary if the miners strike) at Catcliffe, South Yorks on 14 th June. My condolences to Bob's wife & family. Dave Johnson ( retired Probation Officer ) Sheffield.
By Dave Johnson on 15 March 2014
RIP. Mr. CROW. RIP. Mr. BENN. RIP. Mr. CROW. RIP Mr. BENN. RIP. Mr. CROW. RIP. Mr. BENN. RIP. Mr. CROW. RIP Mr. BENN. RIP. Mr. CROW. It's been a very tragic week of doom and gloom and despondency . We.lost two great men. I am not here to write about religion wether u believe in. GOD or u don't GOD every soul shall taste death including myself. Let's not forget those who also died in the two separate helicopter crashes.Other events Oscar P. court case in South Africa. Conflict in Russia /. Ukraine. MH. 370 the missing plane still not found May A LLAH help find the missing aircraft. Thank u all 4 your time reading this . GOD bless. I love u all. RIP Mr BENN. RIP Mr CROW RIP MR BENN RIP Mr CROW. RIP. Mr. BENN. RIP Mr. CROW. RIP. Mr. BENN. RIP Mr. CROW. RIP. Mr. BENN RIP. Mr. CROW. RIP Mr. BENN. RIP Mr. CRO
By Aklaqur. Rahman T/op Arnos Grove. PICC 15 / 03 / 14 SAT. 16:22 pm on 15 March 2014
A great loss to the country - as well as the Trade Union movement. We need more voices speaking up on behalf of ordinary people.
By Pam King on 15 March 2014
Regrets from the son of an old T&g man, bus driver with London Transport. Where have all the good men gone?
By Steve Williams on 15 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family and loved ones, the truth is Bob's family was over 80,000 strong and he loved and cared about every single one of them.
By Mal Monkhouse Teesside RMT on 15 March 2014
A man of great principle and character. Who will save us from the Far Right now that he and Tony Benn are gone?
By Pippa Lewer on 15 March 2014
Where will we find someone like Bob to carry on the fight for working class people's rights? Alas, Tony Benn has died in the same week. Two great losses to all of us who want to see a fairer society.
By Stephen Ward on 15 March 2014
Tragic loss to the trade union movement, a real leader. He was not afraid of ruffling the feathers of the employer or the public in defending his members T&C's. R.I.P. Bob Crow
Sorry and saddened by the newa to coin a well known phrase.."Never in the field of human conflict....has so many.. owed so much" Rest in Peace..
By Alan Jones on 15 March 2014
Bob Crow showed what being a trade unionist means-fighting hard for the workers and not giving in to employers' bullying. Rest in peace from a former RMT member and current EQUITY member.
By Sarah Finigan on 15 March 2014
a fighter and a true gentle man -inspiration to us all!!
By steve andrew on 15 March 2014
Bob Crowe was a great fighter for the working class.
By Neil Devlin on 15 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob. You were the greatest! I am so fortunate to have known you. John and I love you and we will miss you forever. Lisa xxxx
By Lisa Quinn Hendy on 15 March 2014
One of the great people of our country that stood up in what he believed in and doing good for others you will leave a very big gap in the Union world Bob R.I.P
By Ian Trimble ASLEF Union rep on 15 March 2014
As a trade unionist in the NUT I value what you have worked for, for your union members. You will be sadly missed throughout the trade union movement. I hope that people will have the strength and determination to represent workers rights in all unions to make our unions powerful once more. Rest in Peace.
By Gwen Martin on 15 March 2014
Will be sadly missed, I always admired that he was able to put forward a reasoned argument, that left his opponents stumped. Had a strong opinion of right and wrong and how to pick the right causes. I only hope his replacement will be as honourable, Rest in Peace Bob
By P Radley on 15 March 2014
I didn't know him and never met him but I made a point of following his political activities and speeches in the news because, for me, he was an inspirational voice: a public person, a Trades Unionist, of strong beliefs, values and principles who was not frightened to speak truth to power, to use his voice in defence of the weak, the poor and the working classes. His death has left me sad and full of sorrow. RIP, Bob Crow.
By Anna Hackett on 15 March 2014
Dear Bob
Your passing over marks the passing of one of few principled and honourable men whom I ever met. I fear the end of an era.
By James Lockyer on 15 March 2014
I didn't know you personally but I am grateful for your example of trade union values and fidelity. You stood up for your members and for workers rights and it seems you were no-ones fool. You were dignified and unbowed in the face of establishment smears, and I salute you. Thank you Bob Crow. A sad loss to the movement and a tragic, untimely passing.
By Zoe Fox on 15 March 2014
What a great loss to The Trade Union movement , Bob was an honourable
Man who fought for better terms for his Members , things will not be the
same , admired by both his comrades and his opposite numbers within the
Industry . A funny and humorous man , with principles and respect, condolences
to hi Family . Mondo
By Ray Shaw on 15 March 2014
Thankyou for your lifelong commitment to the trade union movement, my brother was a friend of yours
I consider you a " brother " to
By Nick Georgiou on 15 March 2014
I had the pleasure of knowing and working with Bob, he always had time for rank and file trade unionists and when on the TUC General Council always made sure he was on the Trade Union Council JCC, when most of rest of the general Council members thought it was below them. His greatest attribute was to have total faith in his members, when he went into negotiate he didnt have to bluff or sell terms and conditions because he knew what his members wanted and that they were willing to fight to get them, its a pity most of the TU leaders dont have a clue what conditions are like for the members and therefore are quite happy to sell their terms and conditions to maintain their own priviliged lives, best wishs the his family and the RMT
By Bernard Roome on 15 March 2014
Will redouble efforts to build the unions where it mattered most Bob, in the workplaces and in the local communities. RIP Brother
By Steve Mckenzie on 15 March 2014
In a week that has seen the passing of both Bob and Tony Benn, not only the socialist left but the world is a sorrier place. We need great souls such as these, as never before. Rest in peace dear comrades.
By Marie Leach on 15 March 2014
A tragedy for his family and friends, a massive blow to the left in this country. Bob never departed from his beliefs and never backed down. A true working class hero in an era of so few. The best way any of us can honour Bob is to pick up where he left off, fight as hard as he fought and join a union. Let this not be the end of the left but the inspiration for it's resurgance. RIP Mr Crow
By Philip Jones on 15 March 2014
Socialists will mourn the passing of Bob.
By Mike J Harper on 15 March 2014
Massage from Dashty Jamal Representative of Worker-Communist Party of Kurdistan- Abroad Organisation
Worker-Communist Party of Kurdistan- Abroad Organisation was saddened and shocked to hear of Bob Crow’s untimely death on the morning of 11 March 2014. Our thoughts are with his family and RMT members whose interests and wellbeing Bob has represented so successfully. His efforts on behalf of his members was truly an inspiration to all trade unionists up and down the country and across the world, where no doubt Bob’s championing of workers rights is also known .Bob was great fighter for the working class , Justice and workers rights
Solidarity with RMT members and his family
By Worker - Communist Party of Kurdistan - abroad organisation on 15 March 2014
It is with the geatest of regret that we learn of the sudden death of Bob who stood for all that is good about the trade union movement.
A beacon in a sea of mediocraty has been quenched and the plight of the ordinary working man has been made all the more difficult by Bobs passing.
A kind individual who not only looked after the collective but showed remarkable interest in the individual.
Irreplacable comes to mind but yet his legacy will stand the test of time and those who come behind him will stand on the shoulders of grestness.
The greatest shame for committed trade unionists in Ireland was that Bob did not live long enough to expand the RMT to a wider audience who fervently need the representation that Bob provided.
Sleep well Bob but you can be proud that the trade union movement left in a far better place than when you first entered it!
By Bob Bent on 15 March 2014
I was shocked and saddened to hear of the very untimely death of Bob Crow. He was a great example of trade union leadership. He will be sorely missed. Ian Foreman former NALGO/UNISON steward and retired UNISON member
By Ian Foreman on 15 March 2014
My condolences to Bob's family, friends and all members of the RMT. A giant in the trade union and working-class movement who will be sorely missed. Rest in peace comrade.
By John Livingston on 15 March 2014
An inspiration to all Working people. His power and spirit will live on. RIP Bob.
By James Carey on 15 March 2014
if it was not for bob i could not have taken early retirement at 52 from lul. bob could see what was going to happen to lul in the future. thanks bob for my life long pension. bob you was a real working class hero. RIP.
By steve on 15 March 2014
So sorry to hear off the sad loss off your general secretary Bob Crow, I met him a few times and he always acknowledged you whoever you were and always fought the cause through to the end rest in peace Bob you've earned it as many people you have helped will agree
Bill Baxter ASLEF Company Council Southport Merseyrail
By Bill Baxter ASLEF on 15 March 2014
We've lost a decent man who made you proud to be a socialist. It was always a pleasure to see him sticking it to the bosses.
By Harry Harmer on 15 March 2014
Amor y Solidaridad!
Love and Solidarirty of humanity the fundamentlal prerequisite for a true revolutionary! You will be in excellent company Bob with Hugo Chavez and Tony Benn et al.
Build it daily Bob.
A shocking loss to us all!!
Shaun Kings Cross Rank and File RMT members.
Venceremos !!!
By Shaun Mckenzie on 15 March 2014
He was true to his socialist values, worked hard to better the lives, conditions & wages of all his members at all levels of his industry. Let us hope that his legacy is not wasted.
By Joe O'Neill on 15 March 2014
It is hard to grasp that the labour movement has lost such an indomitable leader. A sad time for us all, but most especially his family & friends and RMT colleagues.
Such was his stature, that despite doing all they could to deter, silence and sidetrack him in life, the media and political establishment cannot ignore his death. Yet they remain silent on his broader aims & political achievements - No2EU-yes to workers rights, TUSC Against Cuts - even the NSSN. In a sense this is the best tribute - he remains a threat to the establishment! A working class hero is something to fear!
By Susan Powell, TUSC Against Cuts Gloucestershire on 15 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow , a socialist who was driven by a vision of a more just society and who stood up for the interests of working people. Bob will be sorely missed by the labour and trade union movement...
By Mina Boromand/ Chris Bird on 15 March 2014
Such a sad loss for his family, the RMT, the Trade Union Movement and the working class.
He was loved, respected and admired by his supporters and respected and feared by his adversaries.
I hope that young men and women in the Trade Union movement will emulate him.
By John March, retired GMB rep and GMB Life Member on 15 March 2014
A great loss to this country. More union leaders should be like him.He showed you can
do a great deal for working people by standing up to arrogant and corrupt governments .
We have never needed people like Bob Crow more than we do now.I'm sure that a great many
people have been inspired by him.
I hope that Millwall FC pay some kind of tribute to him .
By Terry Kavanagh on 15 March 2014
If I was a 10th of the man Bob Crow was, I would think I was a Great man, so they have to make up a new word to describe your greatness. Bob was taken too soon from this world and my heart goes out to his family for their sad lost. Bob leaves behind a great legacy and I hope we can carry it on.
My sincere sympathy,
Jeff Hazel
A very grateful and proud RMT member.
By Jeff Hazel on 15 March 2014
He was not the "most hated man in London", he was a genuine fighter and protector of the workers. I am a nurse and only wish we had had a trade union leader like him. He will be so missed by his members, his family must be devastated and this Londoner admired and supported him.
By Claire Robbins on 15 March 2014
RIP Bob. You were true champion of the workers rights, worked hard to get poor workers a fairer deal always. Heart felt sympathies to Bob's family.
By Felix D' Souza on 15 March 2014
A great man. A sad loss.
By Cheryl Lloyd on 15 March 2014
I was extremely sorry to hear of Bob's death. One of the few "respectable" trades unionists left, his passing is a great loss, obviously to the RMT, but also to the wider union movement and the progressive left. We desperately need more leaders of his calibre, his honesty, his commitment and his strength. The fight against the corporations and the pressures on public services must be intensified.
By Michael Green on 15 March 2014
Absolutely gutted. Rest in peace Bob Crow.
By Caroline Butchers (NUT member) on 15 March 2014
Too soon Comrade Too soon
By Barbara Brown on 15 March 2014
Wir werden Ihn nicht Vergessen, er war ein Kämpfer und ein erfolgreicher Gewerkschafter!
Klaus Klemenz (Ver.di-Germany)
By Klaus Klemenz on 15 March 2014
He has left a strong and unflinching legacy of principled commitment to securing the best possible outcomes for the RMT membership.
By Jackie on 15 March 2014
At a time when most of our public figures are overtly opportunist, here is a man who dedicated his whole life to further the cause of the downtrodden working class-he will be deeply missed.
By Sujit Bhattacharjee ( an admirer who met him once) on 15 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob. You will never be forgotten. You worked so hard to make peoples working lives better. We are proud of you and my thoughts are with your family and friends at this sad time. Although it is a very sad time for your family, friends & members, they were all lucky to have you in their lives and i hope that thought will help them at this sad time.
By Ashley Louise Cocker on 15 March 2014
An ancient retired person who got out of wage slavery 20 years ago, I lament the passing of Bob Crow whose radio words I have always grasped with affection. The battle goes on but it will perhaps be harder without the likes of Bob Crow & Tony Benn
By Colin Blundell on 15 March 2014
Bob never wavered in his belief that the rights of those he represented came first and foremost. The epitomy of someone who wanted to get things done and not simply to be liked, Bob's legacy is an invigorated Union that will serve its membership well long beyond his all-too-early departure.
I could probably disagree with him as to methodologies from time to time but both his leadership and belief in the rights and conditions of his workforce 'family" passes without question.
We salute your achievements, we mourn your passing, and we grieve your family's loss. Farewell Bob.
By Andy Bunyan (ex-RMT - now in NZ) on 15 March 2014
A sad loss.
By Penelope Twining on 15 March 2014
What a great human being!! He was driven both by his respect and empathy for his fellow human beings and by an ideologygy which sought justice and equality for the working class and black people. He was honest and uncorruptable and therefore he could not be bought off and so he was able to work tirelessly for the improvement of humanity. A unequalled role model for the working classes in Britain and all the oppressed people around the world.
Thanks Bob for your courage and committment to humanity.
By Barbara Ellis on 15 March 2014
A great loss to the RMT and will be greatly missed as a friend, our thoughts are with his family.
By Brian Anderson on 15 March 2014
A saddening loss for Bob's family, the union and the country alike.
By Gareth Lazelle on 15 March 2014
He gave us hope and showed us our strength. Condolences to the family.
By ann fine on 15 March 2014
R.I.P. to a great comrade in the struggles of working people and an inspiration to others
By JULIE ATKIM on 15 March 2014
A tireless worker for the rights of his members. He will be missed. Wha's like us, damn few and they're au deid.
By Gordon Ross CWU engineering rep Edinburgh. on 15 March 2014
As an RMT rep for nine years I looked to and took guidance from you! You were a great man and one of greatest personalities of all time! All of our lives our family lives owe you a debt of gratitude for all you achieved in our name, you will be missed by all who had the privilege to know you
By Sharon Walsh on 15 March 2014
RIP and thank you
By Melissa Shorten on 15 March 2014
Bob Crow
The higher you build your barriers the taller I become
The farther you take my rights away the faster I will run
You can deny me, you can decide to turn your face away
No matter 'cause there's
Something inside so strong
Rest in peace brother
You took the fight to them and you never gave up, gone but not forgotten.
With the greatest respect
Brother Barry Chappell Union Rep Waterloo
By Barry Chappell on 15 March 2014
He will be enormously missed by his family, his members and the Union movement. He worked tirelessly for his members and that loyalty was rewarded over and over again and I always wished I could have had a leader like him in my working environment. A true giant and a privilege to have known of him.
By David Nolan on 15 March 2014
A man of integrity and honour, a rare thing in this day and age. Farewell comrade.
By Kevin O'Hanrahan. on 15 March 2014
I didn't know Bob that well, only through his work for John McDonnell MP in Hayes and Harlington Elections and by his dedication to the defence of working people. He was a great representative of our class and will be missed.
By John R Holmes on 15 March 2014
What a sad loss for his family and for all sane thinking people. Admired Bob Crow as a brave fighter, articulate in defence of working people's rights. loved listening to him cut to the chase. He knew what the concept of fair play meant. He remained calm in the face of provocation and had a great sense of humour. The stress he must have been under is unimaginable.He gave his life for the cause of justice for working class and oppressed people everywhere. He will be much missed. Celia and Neil Macey
By Celia and Neil Macey on 15 March 2014
Bob Crow was a successful leader because he had integrity, passion, honesty and courage. Thank you for the hours and days of your life you gave to improve the lives of ordinary working class people and fighting social injustice. I hope you're example inspires others to stand up for what they believe in.
By Sarah Kersey on 15 March 2014
The man who made a difference, said here with much sorrow. Condolences to his family.
By Kenneth Surin on 15 March 2014
Bob was a faithful champion of the workers - in contrast to those union leaders who become traitors to the working class as soon as they assume office.
By Heinz Grunewald on 15 March 2014
Thanks Bob, for all your tireless work on behalf of your RMT members - and your stand for all the working class of Britain - whether working or otherwise. You were an inspiration to me - and without a doubt thousands upon thousands of others.
May you Rest In Peace.
My condolences to your family, friends and colleagues.
By John Aston on 15 March 2014
Myself and Chair, Louise Osborne, on behalf of the Branch Committee and all of our members, we send sincere and heartfelt condolences to Bob's family. We hope that solace can be found in the tributes that have been made about Bob. We echo those tributes and will always remember, honour and salute his contribution to trade unionism and socialism. Farewell, Comrade, farewell.
By Bob Hewlett, Branch Secretary Unite LE230 Central London Cab Section on 15 March 2014
People's champion and a great leader.
By Oriakhi Edwards on 15 March 2014
Shocked and saddened at the passing of Bob Crow.
I can only thank Bob for all the work he did by standing up and fighting for his members.
RIP Bob.
By Tom Eyres Crossing Keeper (retired ) on 15 March 2014
A true inspiration to all of us who believe in fairness, justice and equality. Also thinking of his family. RIP
By Lindsay Wall-Unite the Union on 15 March 2014
So sorry to lose you. You worked so hard and so well to help working people get a fair deal. You had the right values . I hope we especially other trade union leaders can carry on your good work. You are a hard act to follow.
Thank you Bob. Best wishes to your loved ones. You made a huge contribution and you were taken from us too soon. I hope we can live up to your legacy.
By Noeleen Grattan on 15 March 2014
Condolences to Bobs family and friends he will be sadly missed by us all in the trade union movement
RIP comrade
By Jose De Abreu (Stagecoach west ham ) 14March 2014
By Jose De Abreu on 14 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow you will be sadly missed by your Brothers & Sisters and the wider Trade Union movement.
God bless you and look over you.
By Greg McGurk on 14 March 2014
Bob is gone but not forgotten. He has secured his place in history as a champion of the working class. His memory will live on in others who will carry on the struggle for fairness, social justice and equality.
By Gary Heather, President Islington TUC on 14 March 2014
I loved Bob Crow. He had the gumption and plain speaking when talking to the Muppet media and wouldn't allow them to spin. A good man!
By Mick Bailey Doncaster on 14 March 2014
Within less than a week, this country has lost two irreplaceable and great men who have made their mark. It's tragic that you left us too early.RIP Mr Crow. You will be sorely missed.
By H.Sibtain on 14 March 2014
What a powerful speaker, defender of the working class and inspiration. Our continuing resistance is Bob Crow's legacy. Condolences to family and comrades.
By Katrina Miller Retired teacher, UCU member, Keep our NHS Public campaigner on 14 March 2014
My tears flow for the death of Bob Crow I will go on with him in my heart.
By Tricia Clarke on 14 March 2014
I met Bob in summer 2011 at the rally in Derby to save Bombardier, and have heard him speak several times at the Durham Miners' Gala. His commitment, passion, principles and vision of a better, fairer Britain were an example to us all.
We need more people like Bob in this age, to defend ordinary people, their jobs and working conditions from the attacks from the right wing and the neoliberal machine.
RIP Bob. You will never be forgotten.
By Charles Regan on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a true champion of his members and the wider working class. Respected by his members and feared by the gaffers - as it should be.
By David Forman on 14 March 2014
It was so inspiring to see a Trade Union leader standing at the forefront of transport worker's rights. I supported the on-line petitions in recent months to retain jobs on the tube and the overground railway network. Replies from the 'grey suits' at Westminster were infuriating. They inferred that I'd suggested the conductor couldn't always be bothered to check passengers' tickets which completely misrepresented my point. I had suggested that driver only trains could lead to some people taking advantage of this by avoiding payment. I also made the point that women/vulnerable people would fee less secure if there were no visible staff patrolling the carriages, particularly use of toilets. Of course, no acknowledgement was made about this point! The success of the East Coast Line isn't widely known but Bob can rest in peace knowing it's escaped shareholder's clutches.
By Christine Isherwood - NUT member and activist on 14 March 2014
A true fighter for the Working Class, a hero
By Stuart Cullimore on 14 March 2014
Simply a great man. A brilliant mind, quick witted, thoughtful, and always a good listener. I was very privileged to have worked closely with Bob and learned infinitely more from him than he could from me. He always had an uncanny instinct to see the way through complex issues with clarity and to deliver an outcome others thought impossible.
Bob was always fun to be with, knowledgable, warm company and generous. Life simply won't be the same without him. A devastating loss for so many. Rest in Peace.
By Doug Christie, Thompsons Solicitors on 14 March 2014
Your leadership was more precious than solid gold.
By Dennis Atkins, London Underground on 14 March 2014
A true inspiration to a generation and will never be forgotten
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
By Doug punch on 14 March 2014
True socialist and trade union, RMT, leader who represented workers properly with collaboration of them. You resisted against the privatization of public services including railways, education, NHS, energy, communication etc and you fought for the people control on big corporations including banks. As a worker I will miss you. Condolences to his wife, children and his friends.
By Omer Esen on 14 March 2014
A true firebrand - in the best possible sense. RIP Bob.
By Rebecca on 14 March 2014
Bob, you were the type of General Secretary that every trade union should have and want. You brought the class closer to realising its own power. The labour movement world-wide salutes your powerful contribution for justice and a socialist future. You will be so sorely missed. Long-live your legacy comrade!
By Jim Reekie (Sec. Shropshire CPB) on 14 March 2014
You took on the system, and stood up for your people, so the media came for you in the usual way with lies and smears and innuendoes... but you stood strong and used your wit and your wisdom. Old school values, if you call solidarity 'old school'... but you were a man for our times and an example. Bless you and R.I.P
By John Stuart ex-teacher on 14 March 2014
Condolances to an untimely loss. One of the few General Secretaries who was prepared to mix wwith his members and hence a testimony to his success in representing his members.
By Peter Smith Newham NUT Secretary on 14 March 2014
RIP BOB.will be missed by all.
By jason iffland on 14 March 2014
Condolences to the family of Bob Crow.Taken from us way too early.A great loss to the working classes.
By Martin Brown on 14 March 2014
A life well lived.
The british, welsh, and international trade union movement mourns your passing. Your courage and tenacity were, and are, an inspiration.
sincere condolences to your family and freinds
By Owain Davies, Chair Unison Ceredigion County Branch on 14 March 2014
May you rest in peace Bob and may the Left unite stronger than ever to show respect for a real activist like yourself.
You will be sadly missed but fondly remembered.
By Jake Whitby - from Manchester in Solidarity on 14 March 2014
My deepest condolences.
A sad loss
By Helen Platt on 14 March 2014
A truly great trades unionist, Bob will be missed immensely. RIP.
By Anthony Berrow, GMB on 14 March 2014
You have set a very high standard of honesty and integrity for others to follow in the fight for equality and justice.
Condolences to your family.
By Laila Coleman on 14 March 2014
Bob was inspirational ,dedicated and 100% on the side of his class.RIP Working Class Hero
By Norma Buddle on 14 March 2014
Such a sad loss. Trade Unionism has lost a good strong comrade ........we will never forget you Bob
By Adrian Baker - GMB on 14 March 2014
We must owe a debt of gratitude to Bob Crow for his service. Whether you love him or hate him, he had worked tirelessly for what he believes right for members of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), and cared passionately just as we do about the ever-changing workforce behind the world's most important industry.
RIP Bob Crow
By Jeffrey Wong on 14 March 2014
Thank you for your courage, integrity and for not giving up for the working class. I pray that there will be others to walk in your footsteps. R.I.P. your day is done I applaud you a right cheeky chappy.
By roslynn turner on 14 March 2014
Tragic to lose a man like Bob at a time when we need such people desperately!
By Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi on 14 March 2014
Love and respect brother
By Glenn Jenkins on 14 March 2014
I feel less safe in the world now you are gone
By Jennifer Dromey on 14 March 2014
I never met him but it is really sad that such a lovely, decent, genuine, hard working, working class man has been taken away from us. Rest in peace.
By sidra malik on 14 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob. You were an inspiration to trade unionists everywhere.
By Karen Watts on 14 March 2014
Very sad, I'm absolutely gutted. Who on earth can fill those boots? Not just as a union leader but as a bulwark of socialism, decency and social justice. We (and Britain) will miss you Bob.
By Bernard Glazier on 14 March 2014
The good that men do is oft interred with their bones. The good that Tony Benn did will live forever in our minds.
By ROWLAND HILL on 14 March 2014
Bob was an inspiration to trade unionists across the country - an excellent example of what a union leader should be, we all wished he was our GS! Deepest sympathies to his family and friends, we've all lost one of the best of men
By Graham Korn NUT Havering on 14 March 2014
Shocked & saddened by the news of Bro Crow's tragic early death. Will be much missed, and a huge loss to the trade union movement. Condolences to his family, and all RMT members.
By Hussein Ezzedine, ASLEF Edinburgh No1 Branch. on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a genuine East London hero. He will be sorely missed, but his values and struggles, on behalf of Britain's masses, will inspire and inspire for generations.
By Bahauddeen Latif on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a great fighter for both his members and a responsibly run transport system that prioritised safety not profit. His courage to speak out and refusal to pander to the media was an inspiration. His death is a loss to London as well as the trades union movement. All sympathy to the RMT.
By Cat Stephens on 14 March 2014
I have no connection with Bob apart from being a lifelong union member, however, I always felt that he was one of the good guys. Am very sorry for his family's loss.
By Elaine on 14 March 2014
Bob's death a tragic loss for all RMT members, all trade unionists, and the Left in Britain as a whole. Everyone who used public transport owes him a debt. Safety was his priority. He was a brilliant trade union leader, but so much more. He was a communist and a socialist who put his ideas into practice. He was a true internationalist, giving great support to the Cuban people, the Palestinian people, and all those in struggle across the world. A true working class hero.
By Pauline Fraser, NUT retired member on 14 March 2014
A true Trade Unionist now at rest. Fought for all he believed in to the bitter end.
Rest in Peace Bob you will be missed by many.
By Jan Smith E. Dereham G.M.B Branch Secretary on 14 March 2014
I hope that Bob's inspiration will motivate more people to fight for the rights of the workers.
By Will Duckworth on 14 March 2014
So sad and so sorry. A great fighter for peace and social justice.
By jo jeffery on 14 March 2014
MU member says thanks to Bob; I was going to put that we wouldn't see his like again, a true working class champion. But what he represented can be an inspiration to future generations and I very much hope that others will pick up the torch and carry on the good work, for my children and their children's sake. Condolences to his family; out here in the world he was a wonderful man and I'm sorry for your untimely loss.
By David Carter on 14 March 2014
I regret never meeting Bob in person. His successful, militant leadership inspired me to join the RMT from a more ineffective union.
I cannot recall how many times my friends told me "You are lucky to have Bob Crow fighting for you".
In an era when so-called union leaders seem happy to sit behind mahogany desks, writing letters to The Guardian berating the state of affairs, Bob provided a shining beacon to the entire labour movement. He proved that with courage, fortitude and determination that when working people stand together no force can defeat us.
Let's honour Bob's memory by redoubling our efforts in supporting all workers throughout the world fighting for fairness and justice.
Arise like lions out of slumber,
In unvanquishable number
We are many, they are few!
Good night and God bless Bob. He only takes the best.
By Phil Roddy, RMT, LU member on 14 March 2014
I am very sorry to hear of the death of Bob Crow. He was one of few real socialists left in this country. I have to travel in London but never resented the inconvenience of strike action as I knew it was for good reasons. My condolences to his family and friends and the workers he represented and hope his union will elect someone as principled as him.
By Carole Read on 14 March 2014
Represented his members' interests and the interests of working class people effectively regardless of the vitriol aimed at him. A proper trade unionist - ballot first and negotiate from your strongest position. Believed in the best for working class people. Top man.
By Dylan Roberts on 14 March 2014
I no longer work on the railway but, when i did, i was a proud rmt member. Being an rmt member gave me a real glimpse into how a trade union can be so strong & effective - something i had never experienced before. Bob was a real inspiration to me - he fought so hard for the rights of the working person. I hope that the rmt members & staff can push their grief into a productive form - by taking Bob's legacy forward & continuing with his good work. To all who knew & loved Bob (particularly his family & friends) I wish you strength, comfort & peace. Rest in peace Bob - gone but never forgotten, thank you for all you did. xoxox
By Demi on 14 March 2014
Can't believe how many tributes to Bob have already been made. And now today Tony Benn - may they both R.I.P safe in the knowledge that they never sold out. It takes such courage to knowingly take the heat so many times when you are trying to say and do what's right but there are very strong voices opposed and I'm glad that they both never lost their integrity through either their anti-war stance or domestic issues. Both will be sadly missed and always remembered on the left their natural home.
By Helen Ingram - Volunteer for John McDonnell MP, UNITE Parliamentary Branch on 14 March 2014
We have lost a working class hero. His passion, commitment and dedication to fight for his members and stand up for the rights of all working people and the oppressed was second to none. An inspiration and a terrible loss at at time when we so badly need our heroes and class fighters. He managed to combine sharp political anaylsis with wit and a wicked sense of humour. You will be terribly missed - RIP Bob
By Eve Turner, Secretary Ealing Trades Union Council on 14 March 2014
Rest in peace Brother Bob the voice for the working man
By Kenny Cambridge on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a person who tried to make a difference for those who are on the receiving end of a corrupt system. We need to make the world a fairer place for all. not just the 1% who write our laws and everything else to only benefit themselves. We need many more like Bob. travel well my friend
By wade jacks on 14 March 2014
As a one time CWU rep and CWU member for over 26 years I was deeply saddened by this formidable union man's tragic premature death. He epitomised everything a union man should stand for, and never backed up when it came to getting the best deal for his members.
He will be sadly missed in a time when many in politics change direction to suit the outcome, or to further their political careers.
My thoughts are with his family at this sad time.
HGV Driver SWDC Bristol.
By Mark Pritchard on 14 March 2014
A true socialist and champion of the working class - thank you for your tireless commitment R.I.P. comrade Waterloo branch member
By TONY O'GRADY on 14 March 2014
I could not believe the news when I heard this on Tuesday. The labour movement has lost a great champion of workers rights and a true internationalist. One of the best trade union leaders of his generation. Condolences to all his family, friends and colleagues.
By Steven Johnson on 14 March 2014
What a sad loss and condolences to Bob's family. What a great man and true friend of the Fire Brigade. He brought passion to all workers and frustration to the Employers. Rest in Peace Bob
By Richard Lockwood on 14 March 2014
Like dropping a brick in a pond the ripples from the work of one man spread out and touched the lives of many others. And true to the spirit of the team he loved, in certain circles.... No One Liked Him, He Didn't Care!
“The greatest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude.” -(Thornton Wilder)
By J Fenwick on 14 March 2014
The sudden death of Bob Crowe is awful and incredibly sad for his family and a massive blow for members of his trade union. It is a sad week for trade unionists across the country.
By Moyra Mahoney on 14 March 2014
We can ill afford to lose people of such honesty and integrity. The working class has lost a powerful voice and a steadfast champion. The left has lost one of the few communists/socialists prepared to put forward the arguments for a fairer,safer, and more equitable world.
You'll be greatly missed and mourned, Bob. Rest in Peace.
By Kelvin Hanks on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow's sudden passing leaves the British trade union and workers- movement orphaned at a time when it needs all the intransigent, courageous leadership it can get and which Bob embodied so inspiringly.
Condolences to Bob's family and comrades from a former railway unionist in Australia.
By Dick Nichols on 14 March 2014
So very sorry. A tragic loss for the Crow family and all working people everywhere. An inspiration. Rest in peace.
By claudia Calvino on 14 March 2014
As long as the British trade union movement produces comrades like Bob Crow there is hope of change to a better society.
By Sam Gordon Leon, Nicaragua on 14 March 2014
By STEVE CONWAY RMT on 14 March 2014
I was shocked to hear of the death of this true socialist trade union leader. A great man. Condolences to his family.
By Roz Whitaker, retired Unison member on 14 March 2014
I was very shocked and deeply saddened to hear of Bob Crow's death. It hit me in a way I would never have expected, perhaps because he died so young, perhaps also because some of my ancestors were railwaymen. My great grandfather started work at Crewe station at the age of 11 and worked his way up to become station master. His sons also worked on the railways. Bob always stood absolutely firm for the right of working people to decent pay and working conditions. He was an inspirational leader not only in his own union but to many of us in other unions. RIP Bob and my very sincere condolences to your family.
By Julia - community member, UNITE on 14 March 2014
Bob, a giant of the trade union movement who never forgot his roots. A sad premature loss.
By Andy Darken (POA Deputy General Secretary) on 14 March 2014
Brother Bob Crow was a giant in the Labour and Trade Union Movement.
His commitment, courage, passion and integrity were and will remain an inspiration to us all.
The RMT has lost its leader and the rest of us a fine example of what a militant, Trade Union General Secretary looks like.
I send my condolences and sympathy to Bob's family, friends and of course his members in the RMT.
Bob's was a life well spent.
God bless. RIP.
By Terry Brough, St Helens, Merseyside, WA11 7DP (UCATT) on 14 March 2014
Condolences to all RMT Members, Bob's legacy will be your strength and solidarity
By Unite NW234 Branch - DHL in JLR on 14 March 2014
I was Bob's assistant branch secretary at Stratford No. 1 for a couple of years in the late 80s when he was branch secretary. He was a model trade unionist and comrade, I got to know him quite well in those days and even after his rise to the top if he ever saw me anywhere he would always stop by for a chat no matter how taken up he was by other business. I remember after Dagenham and Redbridge played Doncaster in the conference play off at Stoke in 2003 I bumped into Bob, who had also been there, on Monument station and enjoyed a really good football chat as far as Mile End - I also remember fondly Bob's karaoke style - (tone deaf but bang it out no matter :-) I am still stunned by the news of Bob's death, the world is a darker place without him. I defended Bob in a thousand mess room debates and I always said he was the most honest man I had ever met and I stand by that. Farewell Bob and I hope we meet again on the great football terrace in the sky.
By Jeff Porter on 14 March 2014
I was a great admirer of Bob Crow for the way he looked after his RMT members and working class people across the board. It is a tragedy he died so young with so much more to offer, I am sure. The working class in this country needs more people like him, especially with the brutal Government we have in power at the moment.
My late socialist father was also a Millwall supporter for all his life. I admired them both for their strong principles.
By Susan Rowberry on 14 March 2014
What a wonderful Man the people of Britain have lost one of its biggest advocates. RIP Bob
By Bernadette Jones on 14 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, you were and no doubt will continue to be an inspiration.
By Andrew Byrom on 14 March 2014
You did a lot to keep wage levels and working conditions at a decent level in a way that benefited all transport workers. Gone too soon.
By Rosemary Kennedy on 14 March 2014
The sudden loss of Bob Crow is a tragedy for the trade union and Labour movement. To me, knowing him as a colleague and friend for nearly 30 years, he epitomised the finest qualities of leadership, committed to his members and to all workers fighting against exploitation and injustice. We are all the poorer for his passing.
Arthur Scargill President 1982-2002, National Union of Mineworkers
By Arthur Scargill on 14 March 2014
However much I may want to, I can't shake the realisation that parliamentary politics as we know it is washed up, a sham and that what society needs is more people with soul, like Bob to be able to (re?) connect people with politics. Whether part of the parliamentary process or from outside, we need good humane socialism like never before, and we need good humane socialists to fill the void left by giants like Crow and Benn. At ease comrades. RIP.
By Tony Shephard on 14 March 2014
GoneToo Soon. BOB. Gone But Never Forgotten. Sincere Sympathy to your Family,Friends,Members. RIP my friend.
By Margaret Gallagher on 14 March 2014
A man that stood by his beliefs and fought for his members a sad loss. My thoughts are with his family at this sad time.
By Paul Darvall on 14 March 2014
So sad to hear of Bobs passing he was a great man for the working class he will be so missed.
By Kevin Allen on 14 March 2014
A sad loss, and so young. Bob Crow was a union leader who fought for his members but also for all the working class. He seemed tireless, getting to so many different occasions and meetings, always good humoured and speaking from the heart, and he had time for the rank and file whether relaxing in our company or fighting for our cause. A true socialist.
By Charlie Pottins on 14 March 2014
A great man who stood up for the people he was elected by, really sad loss RIP Bob Crow
By Andy Merritt on 14 March 2014
"Apostles of Freedom are ever idolized when dead, but crucified when alive". Written by James Connolly, so applicable to Bob's life. A true Socialist hero, in the modern day mold of Connolly. RIP Bob. Your legacy will live long.
By Sean Morley on 14 March 2014
Will go down in history as a true champion for the working classes, a brilliant leader who is going to be sorely missed. A fellow Millwall supporter, Bob Crow, RIP you legend!
By Dave Horton on 14 March 2014
Staunch fighter and a power for those who lacked only power. Good London boy too!
By Rick Osborn on 14 March 2014
Maybe if we all spit together we can drown the bastards.
Great man who stood strong for the working class.
By Jim muir on 14 March 2014
Rest In Peace, Bob.You were a staunch and loyal fighter against injustice and the oppression of the working classes. So very sorry that you were taken from your family so young.You will never be forgotten.
By Vicky Ryder on 14 March 2014
This is a massive loss to the Trade Union movement, especially at a time when non-graduates and non-suits are getting to be a protected species. Now it's up to those of us who are left to carry on with the job.
RIP, brother!
By Mike Scott on 14 March 2014
I heard Mr Crow speak at the Bournemouth TUC, last year. That short speech shored me up and gave me hope. Not just for me, but for my family and community, too. Now he's gone; way too soon, it's very painful and distressing to know he's not there. Speaking for us, and galvanizing us into positive action. My deepest and sincere condolences to his family. And all of us.
By Kathy Jones on 14 March 2014
What a devastating loss to the working man. Bob Crow was a man of honesty and integrity, rare qualities found in our public figures today.
I had great respect for this giant of a man. So sad, there was so much more to do.
By Sam Twombley on 14 March 2014
Bob, a champion of the hard working man, may your soul rest in peace. Thank you for everything.
By Michael Napier. on 14 March 2014
I voted for Bob Crow when he stood for election as General Secretary of the RMT following the death of Jimmy Knapp and never regretted it. He did a lot for the union in his twelve years as G.S. and will be missed. Hopefully, his successor will be of the same calibre.
By Trevor Burr, RMT member on 14 March 2014
A courageous leader and true socialist. Losing Bob Crow and Tony Benn in the same week is a terrible loss to all those of us who care about the rights and the dignity of ordinary people. We need a new generation of those who will speak truth to power and lead without succumbing to the glamours of the ruling classes. We have had the heroes and the role models. Now we must carry the torch through this Tory and New Labour darkness.
By Liz Kirsopp on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a true working class hero and a fine General Secretary of my union. I am a lifelong socialist and I agreed with Bob's politics. His death is a devastating blow to the Trade Union Movement. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and fellow RMT members.
By John Duncan retired British Rail Engineer (1948-1994) on 14 March 2014
One of the best,God bless you.
By Andrew Graham on 14 March 2014
A true Trade Unionist. Saldly missed as we need more people of conviction and character.. We honour him by carrying on the campaign for decent working conditions and fairness for all.
By Pat Powell. on 14 March 2014
Dear Bob, family & comrades I am very saddened by this death Bob was immense in the Trade Union & Labour movement always standing on his convictions and working tirelessly for his members I worked with him on Reclaim our Rights / United campaign NC. RIP mate
By Tony Richardson (ex- Bakers Union) on 14 March 2014
A True Working Class Hero - a man of principle and one the few working class Trade Union Leaders left.
By Dave Fowles-Towler - Prospect - West Midland Retired Members Group on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a tenacious fighter for the rights of working people I greatly respected his strong principled stance against the cruel policies of this government from hell. Yes a real good man who will be sadly missed by working people the poor vulnerable and oppressed. We need more people like Bob who nail there colours to the mast and fight tirelessly for social justice.
By Mike Bush on 14 March 2014
What a terrible loss - RIP Bob
By Mark Shapiro on 14 March 2014
I stayed in the same B&B as Bob last year at the Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival. It was a privilege to meet him. He was a true champion of the working class. I would like to offer my condolences to his family.
By Helen Field on 14 March 2014
As an artist I have never had my own union but I always liked listening to Bob Crow stand up for all his members. He seemed fearless but also a genuinely friendly and funny man, a wonderful combination of qualities.
By Emma Cameron on 14 March 2014
RIP Comrade, from a fellow Trade Unionist and Millwall Supporter.
By Tom Murphy on 14 March 2014
a real opponent for all employers a great man.
By bob walker unite on 14 March 2014
I recall standing on picket lines at Morden as pickets phoned through the turn out to Bob.
I remember on my return to Derby having to help organise the protests against the BNP's "Red, White and Blue" hate festival. On that demonstration I remember Bob Crow strolling along happy as Larry. On the way back I was talking to a young lad from Plymouth on his first demonstration - only able to get there with the support of the union.
For his members; for the struggle against injustice and racism; for a better future for working people - Bob deserves the thanks of all of us. And a commitment to throw back those who deny working peoples' rights.
By Graham Lewis on 14 March 2014
It has been with great sorrow that the railwayworkers members of the CGT Versailles branch have learned of the death of Bob Crow, great leader of the RMT and internationalist activist, member of the presidential council of the World Federation of Trade Unions.
Our union joins you in your mourning, because not only do we regret a great leader whose powerful voice has inspired our activism, we also cry a man fallen at a too young age, a comrade from the other side of the Channel that received us as brothers in Brighton.
We express our condolences to his family and his friends, as well as to all his comrades of the RMT, members as us of the great family of international class struggle activists.
With this great loss, class struggle union activists and struggling people from all around the world have lost a brother in arm, the CGT Versailles Railwayworkers have lost a friend.
The struggle continues, rest in peace comrade
By Matthieu Bolle-Reddat, general secretary ot the Versailles CGT railwayworker union (France) on 14 March 2014
He was an example to us as a Trade Unionist in fighting for his members.
He will be sadly missed.
Rest in Peace Brother Bob
By Eugene Czauderna Unite Branch Chair UCLH Branch on 14 March 2014
Condolences to Bobs family and friends he will be sadly missed by us all in the labour and trade union movement
RIP comrade
By Kevin Lindsay Aslef District Organiser Scotland on 14 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to Bob's family. A sad loss of an inspirational man and trade union activist, before his time!
By Andy Smith (Unite and RnF electrician) on 14 March 2014
You have been and will always be an inspiration to me and to all working people. Through your actions you demonstrated the intelligence, the soul of the working classes, and the possibilities of what we can achieve when we act as one. Rest in peace Brother Bob.
By Simon Peacock on 14 March 2014
R.I.P. to a great comrade in the struggles of working people and an inspiration to others
Gordon Peters
Unite Communities Branch
By Gordon Peters on 14 March 2014
just hope and prey there's more people like you to represent the voice of the working class thanks bob for everything
By mark roberts on 14 March 2014
As we mourn the departure of a brother beloved from the circle of our fraternity, may we trust that he has entered into a higher brotherhood, to engage in nobler duties and in heavenly work.
May the Railway, Maritime and Transport Union (RMT) continue the fight!
By .:Aquilino Castro Jr:. TWU Local 100 on 14 March 2014
Bob I saw you deliver a fantastic speech in Liverpool in October 2013. Your words were powerful and inspiring. You will be sorely missed, particularly to those who want a fairer more egalitarian world!
By Nicola Abedin on 14 March 2014
Your strong leadership in pursuance of the best working conditions for your members was an inspiration to the trade union movement. This country needs more people with the qualities you possessed to fight for an equal society. We can but hope that there are others willing to take up the mantle you've left behind. My condolences to your family at this very sad time.
By Vee Darlington retired Unison member on 14 March 2014
I like the rest of the trade union movement mourn the loss of Bob. He was a pleasure to listen to. Articulate and knowledgeable when he spoke, passionate about matters that concerned him, but friendly. The world and more importantly his family have lost a leader, a father figure and a friend.
Condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
By Andy Hides (Grantham Branch - RMT) on 14 March 2014
A loss to us all. Bob was an inspiration to those of us who find the New Labour project a very bad thing for ordinary working people and the poor.
He worked for others in a selfish country governed by the strong, against the weak. I will miss his interviews and his thoughts. His memory will live on.
My condolences to his family.
By Cllr Paul Bell on 14 March 2014
My thoughts go out to Bob's family, including his extended family - his members. A larger than life politcal figure who's dedication to trade unionism and committment to his members was an inspiration to everyone on the left. Mark Barter - Unite Convenor & Branch Secretary.
By Mark Barter on 14 March 2014
I was saddened by the sudden death of Bob Crowe he was a great fighter for transport workers he will be greatly missed we have a lot to thank him for. A true fighter for workers rights
By RICHARD PINNOCK on 14 March 2014
I never knew the man personally but over the years I have been a member of his union I felt he was a good friend a true man of the people who told it how it was when I heard the news I cried instantly this shows the mark of the man the country has lost one of its true sons. Rest in peace big man
By Lee Horn on 14 March 2014
A man of principles, honour and decency who I admired greatly. RIP
By Damian McArdle, NUJ, Belfast on 14 March 2014
I was not very close to Mr Crow; but knew and worked allongside him him for years as an LUL worker in the 90's and 00's. I'm absolutly shocked at news of his early passing.
I heard him speak and spoke with him on many occasions; The only really cool anecdote I have was me, Bob, Alex (his assitant) and the head of a large French rail union hanging out in a cafe at Guard Du Nord after a solidarity action. This was over 12 years ago.
The great lesson I walk away from knowing Bob is that we can organise, we CAN win
Yours in Struggle
By Anthony Timmons on 14 March 2014
It was a privilege to work with Bob and get to know him personally. Bob fought unfairness and injustice and was a powerful voice for RMT members and Trade Unionists across the world. An example to us all.
My thoughts are with Nicky, Bob's family and Comrades at the RMT
By Tristram Sterry - Thompsons on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow represented what was best about the trade union movement, a care for the workers and a commitment to fight for the best wages and conditions for all. He also did much to make sure that the history of the labour movement was brought to the attention of all, not just to members but to people who had perhaps forgotten why unions were so needed. he was proud of its culture, not only here but also in Ireland. His early death is a great loss to us all. My deep sympathy goes to his family.
By Peta Steel on 14 March 2014
Bob Crowe was an inspirational leader who never wavered in his commitment to his members and to the wider struggle. He will be sorely missed.
By Monica Brady on 14 March 2014
Please accept our sincere condolences from all members of Suffolk Fire Brigade Union.
Bob has always been a great supporter of us in the FBU and many of us have had the pleasure of hearing Bob speak at different rallies and marches.
Bob you have been a great trades unionist and have been a first class fighter for the working man and woman.
Rip brother and thank you.
Suffolk FBU.
By Roy Humphreys on 14 March 2014
The Trade Union movement has lost a gem, Bob showed it was good to be outspoken when necessary, and showed the power of unity. RIP
By Maureen Rutherford (Unison) on 14 March 2014
With great sadness we say goodbye to Bob Crow, a true working class hero and one of the great union leaders have passed away.
Bob and RMT have helped us with advice in our fight against the deregulation of the Swedish railroad. The advice and inspiration have helped the Swedish railroad workers.
May his fighting spirit live on in all of us!
Our condolences to his family and the RMT union
Rest in peace
Chairman SEKO Banklubb 209 ( Railroad workers in Stockholm)
Hakan Englund
By Hakan Englund on 14 March 2014
Bob was an example of how a radical trade unionist fights for his members and the wider society. He saw through the hypocrisy and weakness of the Labour Party and some collaborating unions. We need more like him. He will be missed.
By Joseph Healy on 14 March 2014
The world has lost a great champion for the working class. We are all the poorer with his passing.
By Marty (Norwich) on 14 March 2014
RIP Bob. An inspiration to all and a man of honour. A fitting legacy would be your dream of a society based on need not greed being realised.
By Nick Edwards on 14 March 2014
A great working class hero who fought for justice, equality and socialism. Condolences to family and close friends.
By Paul Crofts on 14 March 2014
The Sorrow of the Union has been heard all over the Country.
My Deepest Sympathy
By OC SISLEY on 14 March 2014
You are a great communist and socialist Bob, an inspiration to me and my life of struggle for my class - the working class. Thank you for you the many times you gave me words of encouragement, for supporting Burston Strike School and for speaking at the rallies, and for giving your life to your members and for the cause. Love and condolences to your family, and a promise from me...that I will not cease the struggle for peace and socialism until my last breath. In comradeship and solidarity.
By David Peel on 14 March 2014
Heartfelt condolences to the family and all members of RMT. Dear brother and comrade you will be sorely missed. Thank you for your solidarity with the people of Chile, Cuba and workers all over the world. I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet you. You greeted me with a warm and strong handshake and a vibrant and committed look in your eye; a truly great and principled man. Forever in our hearts and forever an example of worker leadership and emancipation, thank you Bob Crow.
By Valentina Montoya on 14 March 2014
Bob crew will never be forgotten by the Arab transport unions and the Palestinians in particular. He always supported our issues and fought for the rights of our workers. Bob is our hero, and his principals will always guide us. Our condolences to his family and his union. Bilal Malkawi Araab world ITF regional secretary.
By Bilal Malkawi on 14 March 2014
So sad to here of the tragic and way too early loss of such a great working class fighter.
By Andy Pirie on 14 March 2014
Condolences to the family and friends of Bob Crow. Londonders like myself are proud to have had Bob Crow standing up for RMT workers and for the public who travel safely as a result. Bob was an excellent trade unionist and a true example to all of us in exercising the power of the workers.
By Kevin Lowrie (PCS Member) on 14 March 2014
I was shocked and deeply saddened by Bob's unexpected death. I worked with him on various issues over the years he was RMT General Secretary. I liked him very much personally as well as having a great respect for him professionally. He was highly intelligent and insightful and a great union leader. His compassion and commitment shone through at all times. I also very much enjoyed his sharp sense of humour. He was at the forefront of our campaigns for union rights and individual employment rights, as well as equality. His loss is very much felt at the TUC; to honour his memory we must build on his legacy and work even harder towards achieving a socialist future. My thoughts are especially with his family and with RMT.
By Sarah Veale, Head, Equality and Employment Rights, TUC on 14 March 2014
May your great work continue for generations to come. Rest in peace.
By Andreia O. on 14 March 2014
Brother Bob, you excepted my invitation to attend our Branch Meeting in August this year, alas this cannot be, thank you for resurrecting our Union, for your beliefs, for your commitment, no matter how big the battle that was placed before you, you will remain forever in my thoughts.
By Alan Osborne on 14 March 2014
The Brunel University UCU Branch Committee is saddened to learn of the death of the RMT General Secretary - Bob Crow. As fellow Trade Unionists, we are aware of the huge contribution Bob Crow made to RMT and its members - and to the wider Trade Union movement. He will be sadly missed.
Our deepest sympathies go to his family, friends and colleagues.
By Brunel University UCU Branch Committee on 14 March 2014
RIP Comrade
By Darren O'Grady on 14 March 2014
We shared many a stage and you always inspired and showed me how great men deliver passionate words to encourage and galvanise those willing to fight for what is right, your passing has left a big hole in the trade union movement which will be hard to fill, taken so early you will be truly missed by many.
My thoughts and those of all FBU members in London are with you Bob and to Nicky, family, friends and colleagues our sincerest condolences are with you.
R.I.P Bob
By Ian Leahair FBU London Region on 14 March 2014
It was an honour and pleasure to work for the NUR and later the RMT, particularly under the leadership of Bob Crow. He was a great fighter for workers' rights and a good boss too. It is cruel that he died so young. Our thoughts are with his family.
By Pat and Geoff Wilkinson, retired RMT staff on 14 March 2014
He was always one of the best, and a real champion of the people
By MMcD on 14 March 2014
Deeply saddened to learn of Bob's death my condolences to his family a man of principle and a great loss to working people at home and abroad.
By Jenny Williams on 14 March 2014
British workers, don't mourn the passing of this heroic worker. Pick up the spear and continue the fight to improve the lot of the workers the world over. Long Live the spirit of Comrade Bob Crowe! Long Live the Spirit of Internationalism!
By Nobhala Phesheya (SACP, South Africa) on 14 March 2014
So sorry to lose you Bob, you will be sadly missed and deeply mourned. The Labour movement will be poorer for your passing but you have left your mark for those left behind who will hopefully carry on the good work. RIP.
By Ann Laurie on 14 March 2014
As a striking seafarer in Dover 1988/89 we were blessed by your efforts to keep us fed by regular donations to our 'women's support group'. Your support continued as we battled for justice in later years and will never be forgotten ... rest peacefully sweetheart - the world is a poorer place without you ... xxx
By Beccy Sawbridge on 14 March 2014
Thank you Bob for what you done not just as a member of the RMT but as a person that care for everyone no matter who, where they come from.Rest in peace.
By Mark Anthony Bastiani on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was of the old guard, a rare trait,I am not a member of your union, being a retired Merchant Seaman. Bob followed in the footsteps, in my opinion, of the great TGWU leader Jack Jones. Sadly missed by the trade union movement. R.I.P Comrade.
By Nick Barras on 14 March 2014
Bob Crowe who was an old school trade unionist who demonstrated what effective union organising can achieve – better pay, terms and conditions and an increase in membership. A man who even his enemies acknowledge was good at what he did. If we had more Bob Crowe’s we would not be living through a period of decreasing wages and ‘in-work poverty’ where working people rely on state benefits to buy food and pay bills. RIP Bob Crowe, A working class hero - we need more like him.
By Foxie @ Bleeding Hearts music on 14 March 2014
The loss of Bob Crow as a socialist heavyweight at such an early age is deeply tragic. Someone so committed to working people both within the RMT and in campaigns outside is a very great loss to all of us, and I hope his family and friends are able to now manage without him.
By Bruce Tanner on 14 March 2014
Bob can truly be described as inspirational and passionate leader, he spoke up for those without a voice and challenged the status quo. His legacy will not be forgotten and I hope that people find the strength that he had and fight on in the trade union movement for the good of all.
By Zenia Squires Jamison on 14 March 2014
Genuinely shocked and saddened to hear the news about Bob this week. A sad day not only for family and friends but also for the wider family of Trade unionist's, whichever union to which you belong. Rest in peace.
By Mel Rady on 14 March 2014
The one thing that has always stayed with me, was the amount of train staff I spoke to who held Bob in such high esteem. Always a story to tell about the time they met him at a branch meeting or how proud they were to belong to the RMT. It is rare for so many members of a trade union to have such pride for their General Secretary. I've had the pleasure of meeting Bob several times and fondly remember spending a late summer afternoon at Burston Strike Rally with Bob and other RMT colleagues. Bob will be sadly missed, he is a true working class hero and never gave up the fight to improve the lives of not only his members, but also the working class in broader society. RIP Bob x
By Alan Warner, UNITE member on 14 March 2014
One of the great working class leaders in the tradition of Tom Mann and A J Cooke. In office but still at heart a rank and filer. The best tribute we can pay is to "Mourne then Organise". The fight will continue.
By Norman Biddlecombe on 14 March 2014
A great human. A working class hero , RIP.
By S. Taylor on 14 March 2014
I notice last night on ‘This Week’, Andrew Neil slated Bob for holding London to ransom.
Bob wasn’t paid to fight for the interests of London. He was paid to secure the best possible terms and conditions and for his members, for which he was exceptional at doing.
Sadly, with one or two exceptions, it’s a trait that is somewhat lacking in the Labour and trade union movement today.
R.I.P Bob.
By Howard Jones on 14 March 2014
The untimely passing of Bob Crow is a sad loss to us all; a working man, a union man, a man for justice and rights. Others I hope will aspire to follow in his footsteps, but he was an original, an inspiration. RIP Bob, and condolences to your family on their loss. x
By Marina Gray on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a great union leader. Bob and RMT has been and inspiration to us in our fight for the swedish railway workers. It is with great sadness we have recieved this tragic news. Our condoleances to his family and the RMT union. Rest in peace.
By Jörgen Lundström Seko Infranord Sweden on 14 March 2014
I was shocked & saddened to hear of Bob's death. I heard Bob speak many times and he was always inspirational and showed all the hall marks of a class fighter. I also met him on several occasions at TUC & other events the last time being in Preston in October to launch No to EU yes to Workers rights In the North West. Bob was always the same however busy he always had time for a chat. My thoughts are with his family, friends & colleagues. Let us take this opportunity to fight all the harder for the causes Bob fought for all his life, workers rights, building of strong fighting trade Unions, and the Socialist transformation of society. Good night Bob sleep well, you gave your all and nobody could ask for more.
Gavin Hartley PCS DWP GEC & NSSN Steering Committee
By Gavin Hartley Public & Commercial Services (PCS) DWP General Excecutive Committee & NSSN SC on 14 March 2014
So sad to hear the news, so sudden. RIP
By Susan Bennett on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow, scholar and a gentleman, always one of us, a true trade Unionist and man of the people RIP Comrade
By Mark Toner Eastern No4 CWU Branch Secretary. on 14 March 2014
My condolences go to the family of Mr Bob Crow.
Mr Crow will be fondly remembered and greatly miss by all the various body of the trade unions in the United Kingdom and the world in general. He put his members interest above self. He was a great fighter and a fearless leader not easy to replace.
May your sweet soul rest in perfect peace.
By Monday Ibude, Pcs, London tribunals BEC Chair. on 14 March 2014
We have lost a great Unionist & a great Socialist... Bob Crow will be Sorely Missed by his Members & the Trades Union Movement... Taken before his time... My sincere Condolences to the Family of Bob Crow with a massive thank you to Bob's family for all the support they gave Bob to enable him to do the great work he achieved with the Union ,,,,Dott Peterson
By Dott Peterson GMB CAMDEN BRANCH on 14 March 2014
A massive loss to our movement with no immediate replacement. A Great Comrade, who's contributions at the Communist Party Executive, were always soundly class based. He was the only one showing the way forward in the Labour Movement, and it speaks volumes of the Labour MPs in the House of Commons, that none of them paid tribute to him until a Scot Nationalist did so.
Farewell young Comrade you are our great loss.
By Terry Stevens on 14 March 2014
One of the joys of Tolpuddle was to see Bob proudly marching ahead of the RMT Band and his members, and following that with listening to Tony Benn. It will b e a desperately sad rally this year. A terrible loss to the whole Labour movement.
By Alan Lloyd Chair Unite SE6239 Branch on 14 March 2014
A terrible to loss, so young, to his friends and family. A terrible loss to all of the workers in this country,not just from RMT but from all walks of life. He was an inspiration.
Honest, straight talking, fighting for right and recognition of decent working practices, neve for profit and privatisation. RIP.
By Janet Aris, Retired Unison Member. on 14 March 2014
My sincere condolences to the family and friends. Bob, you were and will continue to be a true inspiration to many working class people across the world and in the labour movement. You fought tirelessly for your members and you stood up for ordinary people. You are a true example of a decent and principled human being!
It was a pleasure and a privilege to have met you a few years ago and to have been able to learn from you when as a union officer I attended a meeting with TfL management where you were also present. I shall always remember how pleasant and down to earth you were and how you made me feel at ease in your company that day.
Thank you for the example you set of what can be achieved when we are prepared to stand up and fight! Your loss leaves a huge gap and you will be missed by many - but your legacy will continue.
Rest in peace comrade!
By Herman Cobham (PCS) on 14 March 2014
The trustees and staff of the Transport Benevolent Fund send their sincere condolences to Bob's family, friends and colleagues following his untimely loss. He was a long standing Patron of the TBF, an active supporter of the charity, and always there to help when requested. He will be sadly missed.
By Ian Barlex, Development Director, TBF on 14 March 2014
Its says so much about this class-ridden, elitist, and deeply divided country that the media just had to highlight -- in their profiles of Bob Crow’s career and life -- that despite his significant salary, ‘he still lived in a council house’.... And just for once Bob, you can go gently into that good fight. Ian Nelson (Dr) Unite 14803685 14 March 2014
By Ian Nelson on 14 March 2014
A great fighter for fair wages and employees' rights will be sadly missed.
By Mushtaque parkar on 14 March 2014
Farewell Bob, Comrade, Friend and a true class warrior.
By Brian Corbett ASLEF EC Member on 14 March 2014
Very Sad, RIP, will be greatly missed.
By Cllr Paul Schroder - Harlow on 14 March 2014
Bob, a true leader, and a great Man, like all good men, gone too soon, rest in peace. x
By Brian King on 14 March 2014
Bob was simply a great success as trade union leader. Nobody can deny that under his watch the RMT grew in numbers and achieved decent pay rises for its members through difficult economic times.
When I worked with him through my job at the TUC, he was always comradely, had a good sense of humour and never failed to make a strong postive contribution to the broader work of our movement.
Like so many others I shall miss him personally, and my thoughts are with his family.
By Paul Sellers on 14 March 2014
I never met Bob but a friend told me an anecdote about Bob being asked to phone an old railworker at some meeting Bob was speaking at. He was at the time preparing to go on stage and deliver his speech. When he was asked to make this call- what for him might have been an unwanted distraction- he not only did so but spent 5 minutes on the phone talking to a delighted OAP. Unlike some leading figures he remained a people person who had not forgotten where he had come from. A great trade union leader but also a great bloke.
By Steve Harrison (NASUWT member) on 14 March 2014
condolences to Bob's family from myself and ASLEF's Black & Ethnic Minority Representative Committee . Bob , you fought hard for your members and will be sorely missed. R.I.P comrade.
By Floyd Doyle ASLEF BEMRC chair on 14 March 2014
You were an inspiration to many, and struck fear into more. You will be sadly missed by those of us seeking a better world.
By Tom Mahoney on 14 March 2014
So sorry to hear that Bob has died, and at so young an age. When I was the Secretary of the Keep Tyne and Wear Metro public campaign in 2008/10 RMT were a great help, and Bobs committment to the travelling public as well as his members was insprational.
Now as Secretary of the Tyne and Wear Public Transport Users Group we have campaigned for Direct Railways to continue to run East Coast Rail.
Bob and Arther Scargill are the two greatest socialist trade Union leaders I have ever met, we have lost a great man and leader with the death of Bob. Kevin Flynn
By Kevin Flynn on 14 March 2014
My deepest sympathies to the family and all those who knew and loved Bob Crow.
I never met Mr Crow but he always got my attention. I believe he was a man who had a lot of love for people. But here was a man who was demonised because he stood up to the injustices and short sighted-ness of the 'authorities'; fighting for the rights and welfare of ordinary people; for fairness and equality. Goodness will always prevail in his memory. He inspired me to become a union activist and I do it with pride.
Thank you for your contribution and the difference you brought to this world.
By Nnenna, University College London Unison Branch on 14 March 2014
A sad week for socialism, Bob Crow epitomised all that was right about trade unions, never giving up on what he believed for his members and for the public.
We mourn for the loss of a beacon of light in the darkness of today's austere times.
With deepest condolences and thoughts and prayers to Bob's family, friends, members of our sister union, the RMT and the brothers and sisters in the trade union movement as a whole from the Bedford branch of ASLE&F.
R.I.P Bob
By Rob Reddan, branch secretary ASLE&F Bedford. on 14 March 2014
A true working class hero always led from the front and said it as he saw it.
Condolences to your family may you rest in peace.
By Si Goode ASLEF Rep on 14 March 2014
A terrible loss, far too young to go Bob, you still had plenty fight left in you I’m sure. Your legacy will live on. RIP.
By Sarah Laurie on 14 March 2014
Condolences to all Bob's family.
Bob you were a Lion as a leader, we have had to many Donkeys. Your legacy will be the success of your projects, National Shop Stewards Network NSSN, Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition TUSC and NO2EU.
I am a TUSC candidate in the local elections and on the NO2EU list for Eastern region and an active member of NSSN. I can't think of a better way to celebrate Bobs life.
Steve Glennon
By Steve Glennon, on 14 March 2014
Genuinely saddened to hear of Bob's passing.
He not only stood for righteous principles but was effective in doing so.
He made you feel that something could be done in the face of declining living standards and contempt most working class have faced in the last 30 years.
My condolences go out to his family and friends.
By GB on 14 March 2014
A man who represented his people the way it should be done. Without fear or favour. The trade union movement as a whole will miss him. RIP Brother
By Dave Johnson Waterloo Aslef Rep on 14 March 2014
'A working class hero is something to be' John Lennon once sang. It sums up Bob. But he was more than that, he had the ability to make people feel as though they knew him personally whether a local rep or an International figure Bob always had time for you. He achieved so much for this union both here and internationally. The RMT became THE union to be in and I am proud to say that this was the message we received from others in the TU & organised labour movement, people wanted to shake your hand just because you were in the RMT.
Bob's vision was clear educate, organise, agitate. Its a legacy we must continue to uphold. I lost a friend on Tuesday, the RMT lost its greatest Leader and the Whole of the Trade Union and International movement lost a working class hero.
My thoughts go to Nikky and family who lost a Husband, Father, Grandfather,and Brother.
By Greg Hewitt on 14 March 2014
My most sincere condolences. Genuinely an immeasurable loss to the movement. Rest in peace Comrade.
By Marz Colombini ASLEF Executive Committee on 14 March 2014
One of the best union leaders in a long time, and not just a figurehead, but someone who inspired others to take action. So annoyed at the hypocrisy of his opponents praising him. Johnston FFS!
I'm sure RMT activists (and many in other unions) will do all they can to continue your good work.
La Lotta Continua!
By Pete Firmin, chair Brent TUC and Political Secretary, Labour Representation Committee on 14 March 2014
By patrick leo on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow will be difficult to replace! A tireless fighter for workers rights in an age where workers are being trodden down. Didn't agree with you much Bob but I couldn't fault your integrity and drive. your members will be worse off without you. my thoughts go out to your family in this tragic and trying time
By Charlie Gilbert (ex-LUL) on 14 March 2014
A true working-class hero. Someone whose integrity, intelligence, wit, and humanity made him a General Secretary who towered above those of his generation and who will live in the hearts and minds of working people now and in years to come.
By Mary Pearson, Unison on 14 March 2014
The branch are sadden by the lost of a union brother. Who was still fighting to the end “keep fighting Bob do what you do best in heaven”.
By Unite Branch 1365 (Stansted airport) on 14 March 2014
One of the few who had principles and stood by them in often very difficult circumstances. An inspiring comrade who will be sorely missed.
Roy Mayhew
By Roy Mayhew on 14 March 2014
We were shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Bob Crow and pass on our deepest sympathies go to his family, friends and colleagues. He was a fantastic ambassador for the union movement and will be a great miss to the RMT.
From all of us at Newcastle Teachers’ Association.
By Ian Grayson - Newcastle NUT on 14 March 2014
Shocked and saddened by the death of Bob. He will be a great loss to working people in the UK and many dispossessed peoples internationally. Condolences to his family and all his colleagues and friends in the RMT and labour movement.
By Marian Kearney on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a great class warrior and a man of principles and integrity. He will be greatly missed.My condolences to his family, co-workers and friends.
By Linda Bond on 14 March 2014
Had the pleasure of meeting Bob, great negotiator, great trade unionist and family man.
By Eamonn Murphy on 14 March 2014
Bob will be sadly missed by all that had the pleasure of meeting, working and being a friend of him. A man that stood up for his convictions and was true to his word, a dedicated trade unionist the whole movement has lost a great leader all our thoughts go out to his family at this sad time.
By Tony Hughes GMB Union on 14 March 2014
A trade union leader who knew which side he was on and ensured that his members did too.
By Bill Walther on 14 March 2014
Whenever I heard Bob Crow address a rally and heard him call us 'Sisters and Brothers...' I felt proud to belong to a trade union. Thank you
By Jeni on 14 March 2014
A great man, a massive loss! Thank you for your persistence Mr Crow! May God strengthen his family and may his gentle soul rest in peace.
By Doreen Omaghomi on 14 March 2014
Truly a man of the people. My condolences to his family. You will be sorely missed. RIP
By Rona Hendry on 14 March 2014
The best way to remember Bob Crow and keep his memory alive is by fighting and defeating fascism and racism. No pasaran.RIP comrade.
By Anthony Evans on 14 March 2014
One of the First modern trade unionists to put into practice the old "looking after members" combined with modern negotiating skills. A ONE OFF.
By Jim Crampton ex Nalgo District Officer on 14 March 2014
Condolences to his family
I did not have the good fortune to meet Bob, but he was and still is my hero.
He had principles and was loved by us all.
RIP Bob - you will remain in my heart.
By Martina on 14 March 2014
A sad loss. I know I'm not the only Unison member who wished he was in the RMT...
By Martin Loftus on 14 March 2014
A very sad week for the left. Bob Crow should have had more time for himself and his family to enjoy the retirement benefits he fought for so hard for everyone else.
By Rosa Van der Meersch on 14 March 2014
Our local members would like to pass their love and strength to Bob's family at this time. Bob was a man admired by many in our party, a man who believed in fighting for a better deal for working people, and who did not hesitate to speak up for us all, even if it meant putting himself firmly in the sights of many a critic. His will, his spirit and his belief in his members will be missed. There are not many like Bob, and that makes his loss all the more crushing.
By Niki Rosenbaum, Secretary of Carshalton & Wallington Labour Party on 14 March 2014
I never meet Bob personally but I have great respect for the way he looked after the members he represented and his tactics for persuading employers that his view represented that of theirs. Very unfairly treated by the press and most Politicians how criticised his way of legally forcing their hand. He should have been an inspiration to all union leaders to get stuck in defence of the rights of his members. His Family should be justly proud of him.
By Ken garrad on 14 March 2014
A sad loss to his family and the whole trade union movement.
By Sandie Maile on 14 March 2014
You showed that a strong union gives a voice and power to workers. It is a power the bosses do not want us to have.
By John Siblon on 14 March 2014
I had the honour of listening to Bob Crowe on many occasions. We have lost a great fighter for our class and we must face many battles now without him. But Bob was right, courage is contagious and we go forward to battle with great confidence. NHS worker.
By Andrew Travers. on 14 March 2014
It was an honour to meet Bob at the 2012 STUC Congress. My condolences and thoughts to his family and brothers and sisters in the RMT.
By Kirsty Connell on 14 March 2014
At a time of falling membership in trade unions, the RMT membership grew. That was a great reflection on Bob Crow who supported his members in time of need. As a fellow Millwall supporter, my thoughts will be with him at our game v Charlton tomorrow,which I'm sure he would have attended. RIP Bob Crow.
By Mark Wardell on 14 March 2014
My condolences to Bobs partner and family. We have lost a person, who was a tireless fighter for his class. He only wanted the best for his members and workers the world over.
R.I.P. Bob.
By Steve West . Chair of Manchester south RMT Branch. on 14 March 2014
Truly shocked and sadden by the ill timely death of a great Leader and committed Trade Unionist. A massive loss not only to Bob's RMT members but to all Trade Unionists throughout the world. A truly inspirational person and a massive irreplaceable loss to the Trade Union Movement!!
My sympathy also going to Bob's immediate family and friends.
By Ken Smith on 14 March 2014
Saddened by the news of Bob's untimely and early death. He will be missed by all union members. Condolences to his family, all RMT members, friends and comrades
By Bill Wright on 14 March 2014
One of the last of the great working class leaders. OR maybe one of the first!
I hope so, otherwise the future looks even bleaker with no political party to represent us.
By David Nissen on 14 March 2014
On behalf of Unite members, staff, officers and organisers in the London & Eastern Region I send deepest sympathy to Bob's family and all comrades within the RMT. We all know that Bob's passing is a profound loss to our movement and to all socialist struggles here and abroad. His legacy will live on and should be an inspiration to all of us.
In our thoughts
By Pete Kavanagh - Regional Secretary, London & Eastern Region, Unite the Union on 14 March 2014
Our union, SEKO Klubb 111, the union that organise all workers in Stockholm´s underground received the shocking news that our comrade Bob Crow, General Secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) had passed away earlier today, at the early age of 52.
Bob Crow’s demise is a great loss for the international class oriented trade union movement.
SEKO Klubb 111 wishes to express its full solidarity with his union, the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), and its sincere condolences to his family, colleagues and friends. In honor of his memory.
Giannis Konstantis
By Giannis Konstantis, Chairman SEKO Klubb 111, the union for workers in Stockholm, Sweden, underground on 14 March 2014
Our sincere condolences to Bob Crowe's family, friends and those whom he represented. Bob Crowe's untimley death has left a huge whole in the TRADE Union Movement. I cannot think of anyone who has the courage and conviction to stand up for working class people like he did on behalf of working class people. He was my hero and will always be remembered by those whom he represented. RIP Bob Crowe.
By Caroline Glendinning Oxford City Unison on 14 March 2014
The Labour and Trade Union lose two great figures in one week. A great loss.
By Paul Moroney - Manchester Unison on 14 March 2014
There's not many left with his integrity.
By Mel Errington on 14 March 2014
In these days of cosy,toothless "officially recognised" unions with meaningless names that sound like deodorants (What kind of name is "Advance"?) He fought for his members like an old fashioned socialist. As a result he was hated and feared by the corporate, the greedy, and the entitled and vilified by the right wing media. I bet he was dead proud of it as well. Safe journey,comrade.
By Phil Cope on 14 March 2014
I wish Unison's leaders had half the courage and determination that Bob showed. He was a wonderful champion for his members and great integrity. The trade union movement is diminished by his loss.
By Carole Hanson on 14 March 2014
The labour movement, the political landscape and the nation as a whole won't be the same without you. We've lost a Colossus and you'll be so sadly missed. As well as your obvious brilliance, you were kind, Bob, and I'll never forget that.
By Liam Welch on 14 March 2014
A man of deep understanding and pride that shone like a bright beacon keeping all in the safe hands of honest and true unity. Deeply missed by Freinds and foes. Sleep well Bob ❌
By Stephen Blewitt on 14 March 2014
On the few occasions that I met Bob, he was so nice. Often a word that people think of as bland but you can’t underestimate the impact of meeting someone and them being generous with their time, thoughtful and engaging. I am proud that he was a trade unionist and stood up for decent lives for all working people.
My thoughts and best wishes to his family, his union and all those close to him.
By Becky Wright, TUC on 14 March 2014
Condolances to the family of Bob. My God give him rest in peace.
By Samran Janjua - UNISON Manchester on 14 March 2014
Deepest condolences and solidarity from all at Haringey UNISON. Bob was an inspiration to those of us fighting the seemingly endless attacks on jobs and wages across society. we were proud just a few short weeks ago to give solidarity greetings to RMT members on strike at our local Tube stations in Haringey. Bob was a fighter for all in transport from the drivers to the often forgotten cleaners for who he won the living wage. He will be sadly missed by the movement and far beyond it.
By Sean Fox Haringey UNISON on 14 March 2014
Good luck organising Heaven with Tony, Bob. You will both be missed greatly :-) xx
By Jenny Tingle on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow worked tirelessly for his members, always putting the interest workers first, uniting all workers regardless of ethnic origin, sexual orientation, race Etc in ther struggle against the greed of Capital for profits. Other Trade Union leaders have much to learn from him. Londoners enjoy a safe underground transport system thanks to the diligence of Bob Crow and his RMT stewards and members.
By John Tymon, Camden Unison, & Football Against Apartheid
By john tymon on 14 March 2014
As a trade union member working in education, I have seen the rights of employees and students eroded over recent years. Bob was an example to all of us. Proof that it is worth fighting and that complacency is the true enemy.
RIP Bob, you will be sorely missed
By john mccarthy on 14 March 2014
Condolences and sympathy to Bobs family and friends at this difficult time.
In an increasingly unprincipled world those that standby the principles that they hold to be true are an increasing rarity.
Bob you were one of those rarities.RIP.
By David Duboff on 14 March 2014
In Bob Crow and Tony Benn we had two people who had our backs. Who will do that for us now?
Condolences to Bob's family
By Seth Jacobson on 14 March 2014
If only we could all have a union leader like Bob Crow, no more poverty wages and zero hour contracts then. A working class hero.
By Ann Battle on 14 March 2014
Condolences and deepest sympathies to the family of Bob Crow. His untimely death is a great loss for working people in Britain.
By T Carbajo Garcia on 14 March 2014
We will all miss Bob's poignant and witty speeches at TUC - a fine trade unionist
By Janey Hulme on 14 March 2014
A hard act to follow............
Most sincere condolences to Bob's family and friends and to all my Brothers and Sisters in the RMT.
Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
No one likes us........we don't care!
RIP Comrade
By Jonathan Havard, National Secretary, Nautilus International on 14 March 2014
Very sad to hear of Bob's death. He will be greatly missed in the the trade union movement as a whole.
By David McEvoy on 14 March 2014
The passing of Bob Crow is a sad loss to all of us who are more concerned about the dignity of ordinary human beings rather than the pursuit of profit at all costs. RIP
By Chris ARIS on 14 March 2014
We would like to extend our condolences to Bob Crowe's family, friends, RMT activists, colleagues and members.
May he rest in peace.
By Yvonne Green 14 March 2014
By Yvonne Green - Croydon Unison Branch on 14 March 2014
Bob was a true working class hero, he will probably be the last working class leader of a trade union. Gone but not forgotten.
Condolences to Bobs family from all the trade union members in Hackney.
By Lee Ray - Hackney Unison Local Government Branch on 14 March 2014
What a fighter! Thank you for being there for your members. May God comfort and be with your family,comrade and members. May your soul rest in perfect peace.
By Sarah Taiwo on 14 March 2014
I briefly knew Bob Crow and he was a completely different man to his media portrayal. The mass media (all of them, no exceptions) delighted in winding him up, to get a more newsworthy story. I watched him change when his mobile rang and another nit-picker wanted the RMT angle to take apart. It is difficult to accept as sincere the crocodile tears of some publicly mourning his passing when one in particular refused to meet him.
Of course people disagreed with him; he represented a view which many sought to eliminate and others wanted to promote. I only knew him as a man without tunnel vision, who did have an idea of a better world. I’m from TSSA and I am pleased to have known him briefly. I can’t say the same for my passing associations with some other politicians. At least Bob Crow was an honest man.
By Joel Kosminsky on 14 March 2014
With the greatest of respect of a man with principles who did what all union leaders should aspire to; fighting for his/her members and challenging attacks from both current and past governments that wish to undermined workers rights.
By Ragnhild Steinshamn on 14 March 2014
You always knew where you stood with Bob. He fought for his members every inch of the way and that is what a TU leader should be doing. I wish I had someone like him to represent me!
He will be sadly missed.
Condolences and sympathy to Nicola, his children and his many friends.
By Richard Balfe (Conservative Party Envoy to the Trades Union Movement) on 14 March 2014
It's been a tough week for the left; the loss of Bob Crowe and now Tony Benn. Both will be sorely missed!
By Johnny Mooney on 14 March 2014
Never met you Bob but as a trade unionist you fought for what you believed,
By Ged Garside on 14 March 2014
You will be missed verymuch. God rest you in peace and give your family strength to face this difficult time. NIBSC. Potters bar.hertfordshire.
By Yogesh Mistry on 14 March 2014
By PROF OKRAFO SMART on 14 March 2014
The officers and members of the Belfast and District Trades Union Council wish to express our deepest sympathies to the family, comrades, and members of the RMT at the sad and untimely loss of comrade Bob Crowe, RMT General Secretary.
An exemplary trade union leader, and champion of our class we have fond memories of Bob’s visits to Ireland. His powerful address at the 2010 May Day Rally in Belfast inspired the audience.
While cowards flinched and traitors sneered, Bob stood resolutely with, and for, his members and our class. A genuine internationalist his flag stayed deepest red.
Bob’s passing leaves a hole in our movement that will be hard to fill.
We need more people like him.
Kevin Doherty Paddy Mackel Kerry Fleck
Secretary President Vice President
By Kevin Doherty, Secretary, Belfast & District Trades Union Council on 14 March 2014
Bob itis a sad time you were a great man who showed the courage of your convictions you will be sorley missed by your family friends and your colleagues in the Labour movement may you rest in Peace and you legacy live on.
By Ian McMullon on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was an inspirational leader of the RMT and a major asset to the Trade union movement as a whole.
Though some of his arguments could often divide opinion, his determination to give his members the best possible pay and conditions could never be faulted or critisized.
He was a unique character and will be sadly missed by all who benefitted from his actions.
Condolances to his family and the RMT and indeed the union movement as a whole will miss you Bob Crow - RIP
By Tim Davison on 14 March 2014
I was very proud to work on campaigns with Bob. He was inspirational leader of the RMT and the wider trade union movement. Through his dynamic and intelligent leadership and massive charisma, he was a huge force within the TUC and the internatinoal trade union movement. And, of course, he was a great bloke. He will be massively missed by all of us.
By Matt Dykes, TUC on 14 March 2014
A true working class hero. RIP
By Pete Banks Manchester UNISON on 14 March 2014
such a loss to our Trade union movement, I do hope you and Mr Benn are having a nice cold pint together somewhere discussing just how applalling this coalition really is.
By david hall on 14 March 2014
Condolences to the family of Bob Crow. He has been an inspiration to fight for a fighting trade union, also abroad, here in Holland.
By Michel Eggermont, Utrecht (Holland), Councilmember SP, railwayworker on 14 March 2014
A true socialist who thought the right wing for better rights, safety not just for his members but for the public as well. RIP
By Peter Grunshaw on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow may to some have been a political pain, but for me it was impossible not to like, respect and trust him. Bob was an outstanding trade union leader, and a rhetorical as well as physical giant among men. Even Bob’s bitterest political enemies mourn his passing, with fond memories of the man who could have been their undoing.
I understand that RMT members loved Bob, and I can fully understand why.
Condolences to Bob's partner Nicola and the four children, and my best wishes to RMT as it looks for a new leader.
By Francis Sedgemore (NUJ member) on 14 March 2014
I'm simply full of sorrow. So much work yet to be done and it always seemed that you were just getting started! I will miss you, Bob.
By Larry Herman on 14 March 2014
A true socialist, a respected and admired Trade Unionist that led with passion. A devastating loss for his members and the wider movement. RIP.
By Steve Lynch Vice Chair Manchester UNISON Branch. on 14 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob Crow. You were a great man, a real working-class hero.
Your personality and actions will become examples for many others.
I would have been honoured to meet you.
By Adrian Waters on 14 March 2014
no one will ever be able to replace a man like Bob, who had an heart of gold when it come for fighting for his members it was great to be apart of your team and under your partnership you will never be forgotten by my team and member who would not of got anything if it was not for people like you xxxx
By Marcus Lee RMT LCC Rep on 14 March 2014
The Young Greens, the youth branch of the Green Party, would like to add our condolences and sympathies regarding the sad passing of Bob Crow. His fight for social justice was an absolutely essential one and his death is a huge loss to the movement for a fairer society. May his vision and hope continue to inspire thousands - particularly young people - to campaign for democracy in the workplace and the wider world. Rest in Peace.
By Young Greens on 14 March 2014
Condolences and deepest sympathies to the family of Bob Crow.He was a true Socialist and a great Trade Unionist.He will be very much missed I know by other Trade Unions because he always said it how it was .The best quote I have heard about him was that his Union members respected and admired him and that employers feared him, which is how Bob liked it !We need more Trade Union leaders like Bob and losing him is a terrible blow to the movement. RIP
By Clare Marshall on 14 March 2014
Tragic. A man who stood for the working class, representing the members BEFORE all other considerations. If we had 10 more like Bob the working class would be receiving their just rewards for their labours.
By Robbie Harper CWU on 14 March 2014
The University and College Union South Region Retired Members Branch sends condolences, and extends its sympathy, to the family, friends and trade unionists, on the passing of Bob Crow. Many of us in the trade union movement view the dedication and successes of Bob with a certain awe and believe his passing will deny the movement a great advocate for working people in Britain today.
By Martin Giddey, UCU on 14 March 2014
Great unionist, true socialist, pleasure to have met you RIP Bob
By Ronnie Evans, Chair RTC/L&RD committee, Unite on 14 March 2014
RIP BOB it was great having you in my gang working on trees, you will greatly missed by all your fellow workers who you did so much for.
By Fred Gosling - ex veg control section, retired. on 14 March 2014
Brilliant man, fantastic speaker will be sadly missed by the trade union and Labour movement. Much love to all his family and friends x
By Allison Maclean on 14 March 2014
I was a great admirer of Bob Crow, his untimely death is such a loss.
By Linda Jones on 14 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow... I didn't know you but like thousands of others I'd heard about you and your work...
By FBU Mandeep Singh on 14 March 2014
A real champion of the working class and he didn't compromise this ideology
By RonKnowles (unison,retired) on 14 March 2014
I am a retired union official from the Utility Workers Union of America in the United States. Bob Crow and union leaders like him, are of international significance. He was always on the side of those of us who have least,knowing that fighting for the low-waged and no-waged was critical to maintaining and improving the wages and benefits of his own members. He gave courage and resolve to those of us across the pond who believe as he did that the 1% have nothing but poverty and death to offer. The 99%, if we can get together, definitely have a world to win.
By SAM WEINSTEIN on 14 March 2014
thanks for all your hard work on our behalfs you will be sadly missed(R.I.P)
By Richard O'Meara/Ainta O'Meara on 14 March 2014
One of the greatest and realist leaders of the left in Britain, a huge loss to Britain and Socialism RIP
By Huseyin Abudharr Ali on 14 March 2014
The Labour Movement is the better for having Bob being part of it these past years. Bob Crow leaves a very large hole and we need to continue his fight and beliefs. Socialism is the answer.
By Mike Kalaher on 14 March 2014
May you live long in our Great British history.
By Hannah Dee Routledge on 14 March 2014
My deepest sympathy to the family,friends & RMT comrades of Bob Crow.As a railworker & trade unionist here in Ireland I can appreciate all the work Bob did with RMT & the wider trade union movement. Bob was also a great friend to Irish trade unionists & regularly attended & spoke at Jim Connell festival. I know some people disagreed with Bob but as Bob would admit he was there to represent his members which he did courageously. Slan agus Beannacht Bob
By Michael Shanley on 14 March 2014
The members of our branch extend their thoughts to the family of Bob Crow and their tragic loss. He was the leading light in the trade union movement and will be missed by all.
By Paddy Collins, Secretary of Buckingham Labour Party on 14 March 2014
Thank you for your fantastic leadership you will be greatly missed.
My deepest sympathies to Bobs family and friends.
By Christopher James on 14 March 2014
Way too young to have passed. Too much more to do. We need strong union leaders more than ever. All the best to the family.
By Joanne Oldale on 14 March 2014
My sincere condolences to all of Bob's family a man of integrity and principles. An inspiring
contribution to the trade union movement who put his members interest first who never saw himself anything other that a trade union activist fighting for the rights of all workers.
A hard act to follow lets hope there is someone waiting to continue the fight for working class people.
By Hannah Middleton UNISON Branch Secretary on 14 March 2014
I attended a meeting against the cuts in Rugby which you were meant to speak at. Unfortunately you were unable to attend,as you were busy doing your job by helping someone who had been unlawfully dismissed. A man of the people. RIP
By Lorna Dunleavy on 14 March 2014
Life has been made that much easier during redundancy and now retirement thanks to the T&Cs fought for by Bob and the RMT.
Thanks Bob. Taken far too soon.
By Alan Grimsditch - RMT Liverpool 5 on 14 March 2014
Seems to me he was a working class fighter for socialism who didn't lose touch with his roots......we need thousands like him
By Terry Crow on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow made me not be ashamed that I'm a working man. He gave us hope that there was a better world to be had. That men and women of all colours could be treated as equal and that there was nothing wrong in wanting to live in a society like that.
We look around and think "what will happen now he's gone?" Well the struggle went on before Bob and it will go on after him. And to carry it on in his memory will be the biggest tribute we can pay.
Viva la Revolucion!
By Mark Allan on 14 March 2014
A quote from Lenin, apropos Boris et al. RIP Bob
"During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonise them, so to say ... while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarising it."
By Peter Woodward (UCU Imperial College London, Personal Capacity) on 14 March 2014
Met you at Tolpuddle's Festival. Took a great photie of you. RIP Bob. You together with Tony BENN will be sadly missed.
By Pedro Antonio Perez on 14 March 2014
Top Man will be sadly missed.
By Ian Cordiner on 14 March 2014
Love and sympathies to Bob's family.
Good night God bless great man. Rest in the great equality of heaven where all is fair. The fight is over, and your own battle won. The baton passes on to others now and they will take up the cause as bravely as you.
By Lesley Turner on 14 March 2014
Very sad to hear of the passing of Bob Crowe. My condolences goes to his family and all that knew him well.
By michael edwards on 14 March 2014
My condolences to bob family keep the faith bob is resting in peace
By peter Lewis. on 14 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. You will be greatly missed but always admired.
By Daniel Herbert on 14 March 2014
Such sad news, the passing of a man of integrity, strength, principles and character. RIP Bob.
By Kate on 14 March 2014
I only knew of you, but you looked after your members and did your best for them. Condolences to your family. Today we have heard of the death of another great man - Tony Benn. May you rest in peace together. Linda Starling
By Linda Starling on 14 March 2014
To Sir Bob.
Thanks for everything. You inspired me to be strong.
By Dionne S on 14 March 2014
Sincere condolences to Bob's family and friends.
Just like Tony Benn, Bob has left a legacy for us - an inspiring contribution to trade unionism, to the lives of working people and to the struggle for a just society and a peaceful world.
By Paul Coleman on 14 March 2014
My sincere condolences to all of Bob's family and friends. You were a legend, a man of integrity and principle. Rest in peace, brother.
By Jude Dolby on 14 March 2014
The sad death of Bob Crow is a great loss to the labour movement. Bob Crow was a trade union leader who fought bravely and resolutely for his members. Sincere condolences to his family and friends and to RMT members.
By Elizabeth Lawrence, UCU President Elect on 14 March 2014
RIP Comrade Bob. A role model for all trade unionists.
By Paul Couchman on 14 March 2014
So sorry to hear that Bob Crow has died. Without his skill and fortitude the tube etc is safer. As a commuter of over 20 years , despite the inconvenience of the strikes , the action was necessary to ensure proper wages were paid and the railways remained safe. As a woman travelling on the railways I applauded Bob Crow's commitment to ensuring this. It is a sad loss to all.
By Sarah Bird on 14 March 2014
You will be missed by so many. Old school and refreshingly so. Your name can be added to join those who tragically leave this world far too early. My condolences to Nicky and the family. RIP Bob - I consider myself lucky to have met you.
By Jeff Lewendon on 14 March 2014
As a life-long Conservative I did not always agree with Mr Crow, but his Integrity and Commitment marked him as a man worthy of respect and trust. For this and his honesty I shall miss him.
I offer my condolences to his Family, Friends and Colleagues.
By Steve Walker on 14 March 2014
A man of integrity. Rest in peace.
By Andrew Gilbert on 14 March 2014
Bob was an inspiration to us all. it was because he was such a great leader that RMT is so strong. its such a tragedy that he is gone and so young too.
By Alison Mandrill (PCS lay rep & activist) on 14 March 2014
Your life was short but you achieved far more for your union members than others who were around much longer. RIP Bob Crow stalwart of the worker!
By Pauline Devine on 14 March 2014
A true leader whom we owe a lot of gratitude to. Bob, RIP and thank you for all you did for us brother.
By Keith Pearce on 14 March 2014
A huge loss to the Trade Union movement - a great man, and an example to us all. RIP Bob.
By Kevin O'Keeffe - Unite the Union on 14 March 2014
A proper socialist who encompassed the Trade Union ethos.
My condolences to the family whom I can only empathise with at this hard time.
By Adrian Prins CWU member on 14 March 2014
He stayed true and loud to the trade union and Labour foundations and kept the integrity of both.
By Jo Pryce on 14 March 2014
RIP,Bob. We will continue your fight for fairness & true equality for all! A hard fight but we're up to it just like you!
By Linda Boulton on 14 March 2014
Devastated by the news of Bob passing away. An inspirational speaker and leader, who dedicated his life to improving the everyday lives of others. RIP.
By Oliver Hopkins on 14 March 2014
Move over God...
Bob Crow and Tony Benn RIP
By Carol on 14 March 2014
R.I.P Comrade. The International Labour & Trade-Union Movement will greatly miss your fortitude & leadership in its historical struggle against the forces of Global Capitalism.
By Mel Battersby on 14 March 2014
RIP Bob you will not be forgotten. You were an inspirational trade unionist and a great General Secretary.
By Danny Canavan on 14 March 2014
An inspirational fighter and a leader willing to stand up and be counted - something we sorely lack these days. He never allowed himself to be cowed by the bosses or the right-wing media. Bob is a huge loss to the worker's movement.
By Daniel Waldron - Socialist Party in Northern Ireland on 14 March 2014
A very sad loss. Rest in peace bob.
By Christopher coppinger on 14 March 2014
A man of integrity who without fear or favour always did the very best he could for his members. A true loss to the organised labour movement. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and members.
By Paul Ward on 14 March 2014
Condolences to the family. Bob was a true fighter for the rights of the working class
By Mark Childerhouse on 14 March 2014
Bob will be sadly missed. A real fighter for his members and the travelling public .
By John Garvani on 14 March 2014
A great trade unionist. He said workers want, a job, decent pay, housing, education, good pensions, no war and an NHS. What a great manifesto. Shame we lost him so early, just like John Smith for Labour. Stephen Sinclair, CWU member, Chester and the Marches branch.
By Stephen Sinclair on 14 March 2014
RIP Bob, You will be missed. A true working class hero.
By Mick Hansford on 14 March 2014
A true socialist and trade unionist, who knew his job was to fight for the rights of working people, not to grovel for crumbs off the table of the rich and privileged.
By Geoff Williams (PCS union) on 14 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family. A massive loss to the Trade Union movement; a man of great principle and an inspiration. RIP Brother.
By Katy Effer on 14 March 2014
I met a couple of times when he was here in the SF Bay area. While the Union rank and file that heard him speak were very impressed some officials were much less so. Maybe they thought this visiting Brit radical could set a bad example! A National Union leader that actually wanted to win strikes and not just ''settle ''
I hope that others in the British Labor movement will continue his legacy .
RIP Brother Crow
By Stan Woods Oakland Ca USA on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow,a good working class man seeking justice for all. He fought for the standards of living of rail-workers and for the safety of the travelling public. Bob was a man of peace passionately opposing Western imperialist wars in the Balkans, in Moslem countries and elsewhere in the world. HE IS SADLY MISSED. I send sincere condolences to his family and friends.
By Anne Davies - a member of the public. on 14 March 2014
My thoughts and feelings go out to Bob's family as well as to the union that he worked for. His death is a huge loss to the trade union movement and to the left generally.
As he was one of the good guys, vilification by the gutter press was a given. I'm sure that he would have taken some comfort however from the words of Lenin:
"We get our approval, not from the sweet murmurs of praise, but from our enemies wild shouts of rage."
RIP Bob, and I hope you're busy collectively organising the angels right now.
By Michael Preston (NUJ photo branch, personal capacity) on 14 March 2014
A loyal, hard working, working class lad.
Fought tirelessly for what he believed in.
Vilified and witch hunted by the right wing press and media.
An inspiration to us all in our fight against today's unjust and unfair corrupt capitalist society.
By Steve Nevin on 14 March 2014
Gone but never Will be forgotten RIP BOB....
By Dougie on 14 March 2014
I met Bob a few years ago. He motivated me to stay in the union fight. The world be be a little less because of his passing. Lets all try to live up to his example of postive spirit and determination. God Speed my Brother.
By Joseph Prisco - International Brotherhood of Teamsters (Rank and file member) on 14 March 2014
A sad day for workers, rip Bob
By andy turner on 14 March 2014
Best leader I've ever known. So sad, our thoughts are with his family. RIP Bob.
By Terry Roustborne T/op on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow was a colossus astride the Trade Union moment embodying the strength, resolve & principles upon which the Labour movement was built whilst having the vision & political nous to be respected as a fearsome & savvy negotiator; all have commented on his skill as a deal maker. He was a man who knew his craft, he knew the political machine, he knew the realities of modern industrial relations, not the realities that we are told, but as they really are. He was what all great leaders, are an inspiration & that will be his legacy, that he showed those weaned on black propaganda demonising the Trade Union movement that there is power & righteousness in Union solidarity. Our greatest memorial to Bob Crow is to continue to rebuild & strengthen the a trade a union movement, above all it is to educate those within the Trade Union movement & society as a whole that society is more just & stronger with a robust & committed Trade Union movement. R.I.P.
By Ged Forrst on 14 March 2014
I'm so sorry you've gone...we need
By pamela pearson on 14 March 2014
Bob Crow will be sadly missed.
A true fighter and genttleman, a rare quality
Fighting for everyone no matter who he was, but for the right cause
A rare gem
Condolences to his family friends and his comrades in the RMT
By Abdul Din on 14 March 2014
Huge loss for the trade union movement. I will miss you Bob.
By Buyanaa Shanjmyatav/Mongolia/ on 14 March 2014
Comrade Bob Crow,
A leader amongst Workers, you will be missed! Rest now in peace and allow us to take up the fight for workers rights as it is a war that must continue to go on!
By Norman Shaw on 14 March 2014
I was brought up in a family where my father was a branch sec for ASLAF in the docks. I have not been in a union for 30 years or more. But now at the age of nearly 62 I will unite with my brother and sister trade unionist and join the union. Bob Crow was a fighter for his fellow workers may he rest in peace.
By Derek Lester on 14 March 2014
My sympathies to Nicky and the family. I wish to celebrate the life of my friend, and comrade. I have many, many fond and personal memories of Bob. Our movement is all the better, because of the tenacity and courage, Leadership and solidarity shown by the tireless, hard work of Bob. May I thank Nicky, the family and the RMT union, for sharing Bob in our movement. xx
By Mick Rix on 14 March 2014
Didn't much care for your politics, but admire your commitment, RIP.
By Paul Trippett on 14 March 2014
When you were on the tv prior to the tube strike a few weeks ago, I listened as you wiped the floor with Boris in arguing his failure to consult. I thought then how good it was that there was still someone like you, able to stand your ground and speak so measured and determined, representing your members, but also - as in often the case representing the interests of the travelling public. I am so very sorry to hear of your untimely death. The Daily Mail will probably still argue you shouldn't have had a holiday! (I laughed when watching the news and the reporter asked a woman what she thought about you taking a holiday he got an answer he wasn't expecting when she said " he not allowed to have a holiday then?".
As a Londoner whose uncles and grandfather drove the London buses pre and post war, I send my deepest condolences to your family and colleagues. You will be an almost impossible act to follow - and thank you.
By Elaine Pope on 14 March 2014
I am so very sad to hear of Bob's death. He did so much for working people & this will never be forgotten.
By Susan Johnson on 14 March 2014
A fine Comrade, who held his beliefs dearly and unlike others would not back down in the event of a fight. A rare breed, sadly taken too soon, leaving a massive vacuum to fill. RIP Bob, one of the working classes finest sons !!!
By Donald Mc Dougall, UNITE Honda Branch Secretary on 14 March 2014
We never met but I feel like I have lost a true friend. Bob was a true man of the people, always speaking up for the working people of this country. As a lesbian I also valued Bob's support for gay rights. My heartfelt condolences to his family, friends & members of the R M T
By Lucy Erber on 14 March 2014
An inspiration that will be sadly missed...working class people need more people like bob crow a man who never forgot who he was and what he believed sure bro scargill was waiting at the gates
By Roy Tysall BFAWU Branch 414 on 14 March 2014
Thank you Bob, for reminding us what socialism is really about. I will miss your straight talking determined defense of the rights of working people. Condolences to your family. You were uniqe.
By Jo Irvine on 14 March 2014
Great Man RIP Bob
Needs another man like Bob to carry on the good work that he has already done for the rmt
By Steve Hampton Bristol Rail on 14 March 2014
Bob was a man who really fought for his members and achieved decent pay and working conditions for them. He'll be much missed. His family and friends are in my thoughts. May he Rest In Peace.
By Peter Greenhill on 14 March 2014
I still feel devastated. Bob made such a significant contribution to the class struggle, both within the RMT and the wider socialist movement. I know he had tremendous respect from his members for being one of the few Trade Union leaders to implement exactly what the members had voted for - no deviation, no capitulation. I knew Bob through TUSC, and i marvelled at his commitment to there being a new workers' party, a truly socialist party. Our movement will be weaker with Bob's sad passing, but we owe it to him to redouble our efforts, comrades, and work for genuine socialist unity and a new socialist party. Rugby TUSC members are proud at having been photographed with Bob when we stood for Rugby Council in 2011, and our thoughts are with his family and close friends at this very difficult time.
By Pete McLaren on 14 March 2014
A great man who did so much for his members in London and for the Trade Union Movement generally. My condolences to his family and friends. RIP Bob - you won't be forgotten!
By Stewart Whitehead - retired UNISON member on 14 March 2014
I hated everything you stood for and disagreed with your political views. But you fought for what you believed in and did a fantastic job for the RMT. RIP Bob, if more people had the same conviction as you, Britain would be a better place. Thoughts are with your family.
By David Goodwin on 14 March 2014
When people say "safety first" it's usually an excuse for not doing something properly. When it came from Bob, it meant just that for his members. A true and consistent leader who puts most other so called leaders to shame.
By Tim Hoy FBU on 14 March 2014
I was personally lucky enough to have met Bob a few times over the years and feel he will be missed by many who enjoyed hearing him speak at rallies and festivals. He was a great leader for his members and the union movement has lost a loud voice for all workers.
By Rachel Heemskerk Branch Secretary PCS DWP Essex on 14 March 2014
You were a great fighter for your class. What finer compliment could I pay you? Respects and RIP.
By Boris Clover; unite community branch;Bristol-personal capacity. on 14 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob, a true working class hero & a'real' socialst. Your loyalty & commitment to your beliefs & your members will go down in history, especially for those of us who are prepared to ignore the relentless bluster & misinformation of the right wing media to seek the truth. If your 'crimes' were to represent your members unconditionally, fight to protect jobs & to get the best possible pay & conditions, not to laying down at the first fence, then I for one salute you. Many more leaders can (and should) learn from your attitude, spirit & style. U.I.S. My thoughts are with your family & friends. God bless.
By Gary Smirh on 14 March 2014
Thanks for all you did for working people. God rest you, Bob
By Esther on 13 March 2014
I was raised to respect good people like Bob. I still believe that together we can make ourselves heard despite the detractors, the greedy and the self seeking. To Bob .... Much respected and already greatly missed. My thoughts are with his family as his were so often with us - the masses.
By Emma Costello on 13 March 2014
Was shocked to hear the sudden news. Rest in Peace.
Ex Unite Employee
By Katie Butler on 13 March 2014
fucking gutted only 52 bloody hell what a time to go :(
By Duncan Capp on 13 March 2014
Hi Bob,
I know your there, I shook your hand , I listened to your speeches intently, I only spoke to you 2 weeks earlier, what a massive blow to trade unionism and to comrades all around the globe. A truly unique man, a giant, an orator, a behemoth in trade unionism. You were and still our working class hero and the reason we will win and carry on with the fight and vigour to defend our brothers and sisters. History will precede you, only then will the people in power and governance realise what a giant you were (are).
Rest in peace brother Crow, we will never forget you, you will echo on in eternity!
Agitate, Educate, Organize!
Dave Nightingale RMT Wilmslow Cheshire.
By Dave Nightingale on 13 March 2014
Dearest Bob, I never knew you; only knew of your work and I admired your passion, straight to the point, honest and down to earth attitude. A real human being. You'll be missed by thousands. I pray you Rest in Peace with the Holy Spirit. adieus, Sunnie Dae :)x
By Sunnie De Pass on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, not just a man of the people but a man for the people.
A massive loss not only to the Trade Union movement, and Socialism, but to every decent working class person who strived for fair conditions and a decent working wage.
Every union member throughout Britain has lost our leader. RIP (Ex London firefighter)
By Martin O'Brien on 13 March 2014
We can't afford to lose too many good guys. There aren't enough left.
By Alex. Arthur on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow showed millions that you can fight and win, that's the legacy that we have to continue, rest in peace Bob.
By Steffan Bateman, Socialist Party on 13 March 2014
An inspirational orator, leader and socialist, you will be missed across the trades union movement. Rest in peace and thank you for fighting neoliberalism for the disadvantaged across the world and for the working classes in UK.
By Seán Doyle on 13 March 2014
A great class fighter, inspiration to us all. The messages of support from all over the country say it all. We must all redouble our efforts to continue the struggle; his work has started something vital for working people everywhere. We must make sure it has not been in vain
By Mike Forster, Socialist Party and Unison on 13 March 2014
To Bob... thank you.
To Bob's family... my sincere condolences, and my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
By D Cooper on 13 March 2014
The labour movement is poorer without you, Bob. You were a tireless campaigner not just for your members but for your class all over the country and the world. You fought the good fight, more than the army of talking heads and keyboard warriors ever did or ever will. You're an inspiration. Your fight is over now, you certainly did your bit and I'm so sad it finished far too early.
Rest in peace, Brother.
By Dave on 13 March 2014
Condolences to his family. Condolences to his colleagues in RMT. Condolences to those workers he represented so eloquently and tirelessly against those who wanted to remove those workers jobs. He is a loss to all of us who travel. Too quickly taken. Bob Crow RIP.
By Trevor Jenkins on 13 March 2014
Deepest condolences to family, friends and colleagues. A great union leader. who fought tirelessly for his membership. Fought and won, so many times. A great loss to the union, and to his fellows in all other unions. RIP Comrade Bob. In everlasting solidarity. Thanks to the RMT for allowing me to post on this page. My condolences to you all.
By Frances on 13 March 2014
A truly passionate Trade Unionist who constantly fought for the rights of his members in such challenging times. RIP.
By Darren Reeve - FBU Newmarket Branch on 13 March 2014
A true union brother who said what he thought and spoke from the heart. Will other union leaders take a lesson from him and do what he did
By Nesar Rafiq. wakefield on 13 March 2014
My heart goes out to the Crow family. As a person you will be missed by many people who you fought for. You stuck to your beliefs and they was clear for all to see. Rest well big lad and I can honestly say I don't think you'll be forgotten. Rest in peace and goodbye Bob.
By Darren Richardson on 13 March 2014
So pleased I heard him speak on 20th October 2012 in Hyde Park - the man was an inspiration. RIP Bob, you were one in a million, too young to die. Condolences to family, friends and the labour movement who have lost a true hero and friend.
By Elaine Pembro, Unison member, Shropshire on 13 March 2014
By Mikee Willams on 13 March 2014
Of all the trade union leaders and politicians, Bob Crow was the only one worth listening to. His life was valuable to the working person, his untimely demise willike now prove costly to the worker. Bob is sadly missed already.
By Os. Brown on 13 March 2014
Bob. A trade unionist with the highest levels of expectations for all men and women at work. Fought for the right of all workers to earn a decent wage with dignity and respect.......A true Union leader who was more than a match for politicians and employers alike.
By Noel Fay on 13 March 2014
God Bless You Bob !
You Will Be Truly Missed
By Diana Sommerville on 13 March 2014
(Salutes) rest in piece bob,its a shame you had to leave us, and you will be sadly missed.
i hope your family find comfort though these now even hardest of times!
you were a great man, with great morals, doing a great job!
Rest in Peace,
By callum harrison (usdaw) on 13 March 2014
You stood up for your fellow man.
By Robin Mayes on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow a true working class hero who worked tirelessly to improve the working conditions of his members. If the trade union movement had more leaders with the commitment he showed then I'm sure the country would be a better place to live. Long live the memory of a true socialist.
By Les Wlggleswrth on 13 March 2014
There are not many like you in this world - now there is one less, and the world is poorer for it. I met you once a few years back and your philosophy and beliefs were (and still) are phenomenal. My thoughts are with your family.
By Errol Reilly on 13 March 2014
I heard Bob Crow speak twice at public events. He was truly a man of the people and he stood head and shoulders above other public figures because of his integrity and commitment to socialism. He inspired and was loved by his people. He was feared and hated by the ruling class. Condolences to Bob's family.
By Carel Buxton on 13 March 2014
Nice one comrade. One of the good'uns: A union man who knew what it was about and didn't cave in to the defeatists. They slagged you off because you were fucking good at your job, and we loved you for it. The genuine labour movement will miss you terribly. I hope we can "all spit together and drown the bastards" in your memory. Condolences to your family and close friends.
By Andy on 13 March 2014
There should be a Bob Crow at the head of every Union, a true socialist and determined fighter, certainly one of the most rousing speaker that I have ever had the priveledge of hearing. Rest in Peace Bob
By Roy Leader ( Unison) on 13 March 2014
Not a RMT member or a railway worker but I had a huge amount of respect for Bob Crow. He said things how they were and his honesty and integrity were evident in every action he took. In the days of public figures looking for carefully managed sound bites and never actually saying what they think Bob's honesty was a breath of fresh air. He could have been one of Britain's best politicians. RIP Big Man.
By Gavin Bhunnoo on 13 March 2014
R.I.P Bob, the railway has lost a legend. The greatest trade union leader, certainly in my lifetime. Thank you for your guidance, leadership, inspiration and common sense in the many disputes we've had over the years. You had more integrity than all the polititions and right wing media types put together. You are going to be sorely missed.
By Ronnie Dewhurst, RMT H&S rep, liverpool on 13 March 2014
A great loss to the trade union movement, and the world in general! We need more like him! R.I.P Bob. Condolences to his family!
By Roy and Sue Hirons on 13 March 2014
Quite simply, Bob Crow was, and always will be, a working class hero. He was one of the few union leaders of his generation with the principles and sheer balls to really stand up and fight for the interests of the workers he was elected to represent, for the wider travelling public, against injustice and bigotry, and for the ideas of Socialism. My deepest condolences to his family, friends, and his RMT brothers and sisters. He will be sorely missed. We must continue his life's work and build an unstoppable movement for change that will do him proud.
By G.Baker, GMB shop steward & West Ham fan on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob the fight will go on and so will your legacy but you will be missed.
By John Traynor Unite on 13 March 2014
A sad loss for the trade union movement. Farewell Bob Crow.
By Chris Baldwin - Unite member on 13 March 2014
Thank you for all your work you were an inspiration a true comrade ynwa
By Michael Midghall on 13 March 2014
Firstly to Bob's family my condolences. Myself and fellow members of the RMT can't compete with your lose however we as a union and a movement will never forget Bob's commitment to our cause and will endeavour and try to achieve as much as he did in the time we were lucky enough to have him.
By Nigel RMT member Neasden on 13 March 2014
Bob crow was an insirational leader, and his premature death is a great loss to the trade union and socialist movement both here in the UK and across the world. A fitting tribute would be for all trade unionists to draw inspiration from Bob's determination and courage, stand shoulder to shoulder, and make sure his legacy continues.
My sincere condolences to Bob's family, friends, colleagues and members.
By Julia Slade (Unite member, Plymouth) on 13 March 2014
To a Great Man:
I will never forget you, My heart breaks of sadness your father in heaven has sent for you, in our hearts you'll always be, For always you will remain our sweetest memory. I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again.
By Miguel Dias on 13 March 2014
A true working class hero - we should honour his memory by helping build a genuine socialist alternative to the vile & corrupt system that the current crop of politicians have allowed to grow like a contagion over the last 40 years.
By David Elliot on 13 March 2014
A tragic loss for the working class, RMT and Bob Crows family. I Met Bob a couple of times and interviewed him. He was a truly inspiring and committed unionman who saw longer than the usual daily union struggle.
Rest in peace Bob, your memory will last for a long. long time. Thanks dear comrade.
By Ingemar E L Göransson, Sweden on 13 March 2014
This is a tragic loss at a time of huge attacks on working people.
By Kathleen Hamilton on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, the trade union movement has lost a giant .
By Helen T on 13 March 2014
You strived to make a better world. May we continue this fight for your memory's sake. Rest in peace.
By Joe Brydon on 13 March 2014
Sadly missed, may our comrade rest in peace. He worked tirelessly for his own union members, and for workers in general - a true champion of the working class.
By Jane Susanna Ennis (Vice-Chair, GREEN LEFT) on 13 March 2014
Let us follow his example and fight for our class whatever organisation of the left we are part of. Salute Comrade
By Bill Byrd - Retired member Unite on 13 March 2014
Although i did not have the pleasure of meeting you in person,i know that you were a great man who truely believed in fighting for his members rights on pay and conditions and H&S and the safety of members of the public,some of whom criticized you for daring to care about their safety.The union movement has lost a great man and as a member of the FBU i would have been proud to have you as our leader.R.I.P Bob you will be greatly missed and never forgotten.
By Edward Ellis on 13 March 2014
A tragic loss of a truly good man.A true socialist who worked tirelessly to improve the lives and conditions of his members. God bless you Bob. Rest in peace. Wade CWU.
By Wade Casey on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow's death is a huge loss to the whole Labour and Trade Union movement - especially to those who would like to see a return to real labour and socialist values. We have lost a comrade and friend, an unflinching fighter not only for RMT members but for all of us.
You'll be very sadly missed, brother Bob.
My sincerest condolences to Bob's family and friends, and to the members of the RMT.
By Kate Jones on 13 March 2014
An enormous loss to the trade union movement in this country and throughout the world. In his memory we must continue the fight.
By Patricia Sheerin on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob. We can never thank you enough for all you have done for the rail workers. Much sympathy to Bob's family & friends
By Josie P on 13 March 2014
Truly a man who inspired me, a man that stood head and shoulders above. I'll miss his particular brand of negotiating skills, it will take someone as special to fill his shoes RIP Bob
By Unite Bus Driver on 13 March 2014
Our deepest condolences goes out to Bob Crow & his family & friends. With the amount of respect from our comrade, showing that what he stood for can go a long way.
THE MEASURE OF A MAN: Not - "how did he die" But - "how did he live" Not - "what did he gain" But - "what did he give" These are the units To measure the worth Of a man, as a man, Regardless of birth.
There are times when there are too few words left to heal us, when what we wish for is to be carried, when all we have left is the hope that tomorrow will be a more gentle place to land than today.
As Bob Crow used to say, '"It's an old media myth that the Rail, Maritime and Transport union resorts to industrial action lightly.'
You will of course be greatly missed but never forgotten. Rest In Peace Bob Crow
~ Rajiv Thukral Director from The News Team - End Prejudice Media on Facebook Page, we Salute You Comrade.
By Rajiv Thukral on 13 March 2014
Top Man!
By Carlo Pezzulo on 13 March 2014
Dear Bob,
Your RMT family along with other members of the Trade Union movement
are desperately hurting at present.
In time we shall find the strength to lift ourselves, and carry on the fight
for the working class.
One day we will make you as proud of us, as we were to have you as our courageous leader.
Good night Comrade Bob
We will never forget you.
Tony RMT
By Tony Ridgley on 13 March 2014
By LORAINE OSBOURNE on 13 March 2014
A true trade unionist who supported fellow trade unionists and didn't care what politicians thought about himself. Thank you for all your support for the POA in our fight for our trade union rights. RIP
By mick longstaff on 13 March 2014
You were a true legend & stood up against your rights Bob Crow. No one can ever question what you did but the far right, from the left you had the support, but without a doubt you showed great gratitude & for that people across England need to pay some respects for what you did for the Union & also for the employees at RMT.
From all of us & from me the co-founder of Raj Meister & on behalf of End Prejudice Media on Facebook, our condolences goes to your family & friends.
Rest In Peace Bob Crow
~ Raj Meister
By Raj Meister on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow, a fine unionist, serving his members with dedication.
A tragically short life, but a full one.
Respect to Bob, and condolences to his family.
By Sam Stelling. Unite member on 13 March 2014
Such a great loss, not just to the union movement, but to this island. One of too few who stood strong in the face of corporation led attacks. A real hero.
By Roscoe on 13 March 2014
Bob had a unique blend of humility, humour, strength and courage. We must battle on for justice for all in his honour. "If we all spit together, we'll drown the bastards!" As he put it. RIP.
By Rachael Thomas - Bristol NUT on 13 March 2014
Such a huge loss the trade union movement. Bob fought hard for all his members which is why they have some of the best wages and conditions in the country. And he didn't forget those who had less muscle such as the cleaners. It is no accident that the RMT increased its membership during his tenure as GS. He will be remembered for a long time to come. What the trade unon and labour movement needs now is two, three many Bob Crows.
By Tessa van Gelderen on 13 March 2014
I heard you speak but never got to shake your hand, I'll regret that for the rest of my life.
You never compromised your morals and you always operated on behalf of your members.
You never ever forgot who you are and what you could achieve.
I will miss you, the labour movement will miss you.
Thank you, enjoy the rest; you've earned it.
By Neil cole GMB on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, you're gone but not forgotten. Wish all union leaders were like you fighting for the interests of your members.
By Phil Graham on 13 March 2014
I man amongst men, never afraid to speak out against injustice, lies and inequalities, a true gentleman would never cow down to the bully boys of the media or politicians. They could not put this man down, no matter what they threw at him, sadly the world is a poorer place without him. R.I.P may his god be with him.
By Joe Halligan on 13 March 2014
Saw you speak Shrewsbury 2010 with my kids you were one of the good ones. Such a sad loss to the trade union movement and society my thoughts are with your family rest in peace big man.
By Mark Carolan on 13 March 2014
A tragic loss to the Trade Union Movement. RIP Bob Thanks for standing up for the working class. My sympathies to Bob's family and to his friends.
By Janice Jess on 13 March 2014
So sad. A voice of and for working people lost. Bob Crowe was an example to all TU leaders. Condolences to his family and friends.
By Trish Chester on 13 March 2014
Nothing could have prepared the movement for this great loss. Bob you were true to yourself and your class. My thoughts go out to your wife, family and the RMT. RIP Bob.
By Julia Long Unite on 13 March 2014
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer Bob was an unflinching leader for his members. The RMT can be absolutely proud of having one of the best leaders of our movement
As Socialists we must fight with all our might to see Bob's desires bear fruit. That means building The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition into a real alternative to all the capitalist parties and ensuring the NSSN plays a key role in transforming the Trade Union movement into a movement Bob would be proud of.
GMB shop steward
A GMB shop steward.
By Charlie Taylor on 13 March 2014
A truly inspiring man. Principled and passionate who never bowed down to authority or compromised in what he believed in. I have heard the news asking whether he is the last of his kind. I hope not. I truly hope not. RIP
By Zoe Hunter on 13 March 2014
Gutted. Last one of the few fighting the good fight... RIP
By Stephen Firefighter on 13 March 2014
A great leader ! and trade unionist and i am a proud to be a member of the RMT , RIP Bob Crow
By steve virgin on 13 March 2014
r.i.p gone to soon,keep up the fight up there
By noreen murphy on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, a tragic loss
By Andy Watt on 13 March 2014
Bob, I have nothing but admiration & respect for your attitudes & determination in the day to day struggles that we face. You were the one that got things done & one that will be sorely missed by those left to carry on the fight. A working class hero is something to be........
By Darren Brown on 13 March 2014
You were a truly inspirational man, who fought for what you believed in. You will be a huge miss to us all RIP Bob x
By Sasha ames on 13 March 2014
I give thanks for the life of a great man. Bob had foresight, courage and ability, as well as the charisma of a leader. We shall not see his like again. Rest in peace , Bob.
By John McLorinan on 13 March 2014
What a tragic loss. So young and full of fight. There are not many people still willing to speak out for working people in this country and now there is one less. Rest in peace Bob.
By Lesley Nicholson on 13 March 2014
We have lost a General in our battle against the darkness gathering around us. So sorry to his family and friends, he leaves us all so much the poorer.
By karen voncripps on 13 March 2014
R.i.p Bob You alsways fought for your members and know one will never live up too you!
By Joanne Bamford on 13 March 2014
Such a nice sad loss, you will be deeply missed
rest in peace bob crow. ..
By Simon barker on 13 March 2014
A formidable activist, who shall never be forgotten - RIP Bob Crow.
By Carol 13.3.14 on 13 March 2014
One of the few genuine socialist who had the courage to oppose the emergent fascism of the present tory government. You will be sorely missed comrade.
By Dr.Stuart M. Brown on 13 March 2014
You're gone too soon. Such a sad loss for trade unionism and for socialism. You were a leading light for working class struggle and will be sadly missed. Rest in Peace comrade.
By Shaun O'Brien on 13 March 2014
My 88 year old father rang to tell me. He could hardly speak with emotion. Bob has been a wonderful inspiration, a regular at Burston and a titanic voice for the working class. Thank you Bob for all you have done. The March continues.
By Tim webb on 13 March 2014
'Simply the BEST' RIP Bob
By Lesley O'Hagan on 13 March 2014
God bless Bob Crow. A valiant defender of his class and the oppressed worldwide.A fine, decent, principled man. Peace light and love to Bob's family.
By Andrew Allan on 13 March 2014
A man of passion who believed in his members and the right of every man and women to have the right to a decent job and a decent salary. A true trade unionist and a man of the people. We have all lost in his passing. Rest in Peace dear friend.
By Ayfer Orhan on 13 March 2014
We will miss you bob. You were a giant of the left and an inspiration to all socialists. We owe it to you to continue to fight for a fairer more just society. RiP bob.
By john Mason on 13 March 2014
So sorry to hear of this great loss. He will be sorely missed. A good man, an honest man, and a man of decent political principles: there are not enough like him in public life. He ran rings around his opponents and inspired many.
By Sarah Walker and Barrie de Lara on 13 March 2014
An inspiration and fighter for the worker. I was so looking forward to taking my young sons to hear him speak at Burston this year as after hearing him speak in the past, I personally felt like I could take on the world and have a chance of winning. They will never get the chance.
R.I.P Mr Crow
By The Simmons on 13 March 2014
Taken too soon. Thanks for all the work.
By Kevin Butler on 13 March 2014
When we were on strike for 9 months the RMT was always first to offer support. Bob you were a man of principle, that's why the enemies of labour attempted to demonise you. You were and always will remain a true labour movement great .
By Charlie Malone on 13 March 2014
We know who we are, thanks Bob. Condolences to your family.
By Marty on 13 March 2014
A great loss to ordinary working people, My condolences and best wishes to his family.
By Nick Bray on 13 March 2014
You have relit the fire Bob. Direct democracy is back. Rest in Peace.
ordinary member BECTU Scotland
By Andrew MacMillan on 13 March 2014
You were an inspiration of the left. We will miss your strength your wisdom and your fighting spirit. RIP bob. We will never forget you.
By john Mason on 13 March 2014
Condolences to the family of Bob Crow, like many of us I was fortunate to consider Bob not just as my General Secretary but as my friend, I will miss him greatly what he has done for the RMT and the whole trade union movement should never ever be forgotten and a fitting tribute would be to make sure that his legacy carries on and that we stand shoulder to shoulder as Bob would expect us to do.
May you rest in peace Bob you were an inspiration and friend to many, you will never be forgotten.
By John McDougall on 13 March 2014
Incalculable loss for all who strive for a better world. Bob Crow. A working class hero and an example to us all, nationally and internationally.
Sincere condolences to all the family and friends, we will always miss Bob because we will never be able to forget him.
By David Betchley on 13 March 2014
So sadly missed. Trade Unionist, antifascist and working class hero.
By Paul Nelson on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow a true working class hero so please to have met you at Topuddle many times RIP Bob so sad
By Richard Atkins on 13 March 2014
What a great loss to the union movement someone who never took a backward step in his battle with the employer for his members.
RIP Comrade
By Paul Malyan CWU on 13 March 2014
I wish to add my condolences to Bob Crow's family. Living in London I never held any industrial action and the inconvenience caused against him or his union. I've always understood that it was being done for a just reason and because other avenues had failed. Although I never knew him I've always believed he was a good man who stood up for what he believed in and for the rights of others who couldn't. I know he'll be sadly missed and hope this will ease your pain a little. May Bob rest in peace.
By Howard J Clark on 13 March 2014
This branch greatly admired the the conviction and dedication that Bob had in the fight for his members ,and indeed the trade union movement as a whole.
He will be greatly missed and a very difficult man to follow .
By Doncaster uc 143 branch of UCATT on 13 March 2014
A great man - RIP to him, we need more like him in this country..
By A. Fallon R.Coughlan on 13 March 2014
Dear RMT Colleagues,
The Lambeth College Branch Committee of UCU is very saddened to learn of the death of RMT General Sec. Bob Crow.
As Fellow Trade Unionists, we are well aware of the huge contribution Bob Crow made to the working lives of RMT members. More than that however, Trades Unionists up and down the country and around the world were inspired by his willingness to stand up and be counted on behalf of the common man, woman and indeed child. Millions of people could travel more safely underground, on land and at sea because of the work done by the RMT and for that, we are hugely grateful. Campaigns such as the one to keep London Underground Ticket Offices open may have gained the greatest publicity but there was much more going on besides this.
We therefore pay tribute to someone who was a tremendous advocate on behalf of all those who need support and we join together in mourning his passing.
Yours in sympathy and respect,
Lambeth College UCU Branch Committee.
By Lambeth College UCU Branch Committee. on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob. A true fighter and son of Tower Hamlets.
By Dave Farrar on 13 March 2014
A sad loss for all workers and progressive peoples internationally. A true heir to James Connolly. RIP. "The great only appear great because we are on our knees, let us rise".
By Stuart Booth on 13 March 2014
Deepest condolences to Bob's family, friends and colleagues.
Simply the best Union leader, a truly fantastic leader of working people, who always fought for the best possible outcomes for his members.
By mark hollinrake on 13 March 2014
I was never lucky enough to meet you, but loved hearing you speak. So freshing to listen to someone that was fighting for the working class, and you will be missed more than you can imagine. You've inspired many people to carry on where you left off, so thank you.
By Nicola Mann on 13 March 2014
A good man and a better comrade. We'll keep up the fight! No pasaran, and rest in peace.
By John McCullough on 13 March 2014
it was with great regreat that I herd the news of Bobs crows death .He was a leader of the working class ,who Lead with pride and dignerty .
By Paul Hetherington on 13 March 2014
Our union and our class has lost a voice and a warrior for workers rights. Sincere condolences to Bob's extended family and friends. Hasta Siempre, Comandante.
By Gareth Jameson on 13 March 2014
RIP to a great Socialist and great human being. Thoughts are with his family, friends, and all who he fought on behalf of.
In solidarity.
By James MacGregor on 13 March 2014
The dedication shown by Bob was truly inspirational. A great man who stood for what he believed in. My heart goes out to his family. May they take comfort in the number of people who held him in such high regard.
By Janet on 13 March 2014
A powerhouse a genuine working class hero, he stood up for every worker, and Trade Unionist in struggle across the globe. A loss to our movement but his legacy wil live on forever!
By Sonya Howard on 13 March 2014
A great man, a great leader, he will be greatly missed, but never forgotten. Especially by those in the FBU. RIP Bob.
By Mick Gomm on 13 March 2014
Working Class Hero, will be a hard act to follow RIP.
By Linda Pownall on 13 March 2014
Taken from us far to early but will never be forgotten. x
By Shirley Ann Venning on 13 March 2014
Dear Bob, your passion and honesty were an inspiration and you always made me smile. You will be missed but we won't forget what you fought for. Love and sympathy to all the family.
By Tara Hanks on 13 March 2014
A tragic loss for the union movement and all who care about a just and decent society. Bob was a true champion of the underdog in this country and a man of conviction. He leaves behind a world that was better for having known him - leading politicians take note.
By Simon Benyon, former Usdaw activist and student at Ruskin College on 13 March 2014
You will be sorely missed Bob, not just by your union and its members, but by the wider union movement. You were a tireless worker for your sector and members against the likes of the mayor of London and the private rail companies. At a time when trade union membership is lagging, you've swam against the tide, seeing your RMT membership rise. Thanks for standing up against those with vested interests, and caring enough about your members. There should be more people like you - I for one will miss you, even though I've never worked in the transport sector. My thoughts are with your family and friends xx
By David Rimmington on 13 March 2014
Really sorry to hear of the passing of a leading light of the trade union / left wing movement. A man who fought for the workers and against racism, who stood up strongly for his beleifs. My thoughts are with Bob's family and friends. R.I.P.
By Steve Jones on 13 March 2014
You will continue to be an inspiration. Thanks for all you did for our movement. Be happy.
By Mary Pope on 13 March 2014
I'm a teacher and I'm about to put a picture of Bob on my classroom wall as a tribute to a man of true principle. Thank God someone stood up for working people.
By Andrew Wood on 13 March 2014
The best union leader this country had.
Thanks Bob for officially opposing the war on Iraq when most union leaders would not .
You did more in your short life than most union leaders do in decades.
I am so sorry for your family but he will never be forgotten
By Ghada Razuki - Unite on 13 March 2014
If the measure of a trade union leader is what they've achieved for their members, Bob Crow must be there at the very top
By Dave Armstrong on 13 March 2014
A voice for the working person with socialist values at heart. You will be missed Bob
By Ian's Shaw on 13 March 2014
A true representative of working people, he said it as it was and his actions spoke volumes for his beliefs . Sadly missed a working class hero.
By David cusack on 13 March 2014
Bob was a great inspiration to us. His death touches not just British workers but no doubt workers worldwide.
We remember Bob and his legacy but we must recognise that we cannot rely on great leaders like him to organise for us alone. We must take the fight to the bosses ourselves. Remember Bob in your struggle!
RIP Bob Crow.
By Young Communist League (North-West) on 13 March 2014
Strange how the loss of a person you've never met can feel so personal. Massive loss for the movement and for all trade unionists.
By Donna Braithwaite on 13 March 2014
I think this devastating news. I heard him speak several times and he ws without doubt one of our great leaders. I didn't agree with him always but I admired his tenacity and guts a great deal. RIP Bob Crow
By Pete cook on 13 March 2014
You were a true hero to all working people in Britain. RIP Bob Crow
By Alex on 13 March 2014
A real loss to the working class. R.I.P
By Jack Brown GMB Southampton Branch on 13 March 2014
We will carry on the struggle you fought all your life comrade.
By Peter Beadle on 13 March 2014
thank you for all you've done for ordinary working people rest in peace now Bob
By Nat Baxter on 13 March 2014
We could do with some more like you Bob - but I fear you were a one off! RIP
By jill mackay on 13 March 2014
Bob was a Charismatic Leader who Stood up for All of Us!! Never shirked His responsibilities and Never Turned away from a fight!! He will be sadly missed.. But His Legacy Will Live On within All True Members Hearts! R.I.P Bob
By Sean Hughes LLC Rep Skipton on 13 March 2014
I had the pleasure of talking to Bob over the tv link on a course in Doncaster and had all my misconceptions of him wiped away!! I can honestly say he was a great union leader and will be sorely missed by many, the fight will go on the get better pay and conditions for all RMT members RIP Bob you are a legend!! I send condolences to Bobs Family at this sad time from all my Branch and also the Unite members at Bournemouth Transport.
By Richard Fry Bournemouth No3 Branch Secretary on 13 March 2014
God Bless x
By Matthew C on 13 March 2014
a big loss to the working class...
By K Singh on 13 March 2014
Deepest sympathy. An absolute inspiration x
By paul arkell Ilfracombe community unite. on 13 March 2014
As a fellow student of the secondary school which Bob attended in Hainault, I want to send my sincere condolences to Bob's family, work colleagues and friends. Bob worked relentlessly for the people in his care, in spite of the tirade of abuse that he received from the right wing media. Rest in Peace Bob. A man of real principles. We should build more council houses in your honour too!
By Dave Smith on 13 March 2014
It was with great shock to hear of Bobs passing. Its along time ago when I first met you Bob down in Neasden the day I joined the fetling gang at wembley Park. Even then I knew you were a trusted comrade and fighter for working class people.
It was no surprise that you went on to do such a sterling job for the union as General Secretary.
You will be sadly missed by all that knew you.
A true Class fighter we have lost in you.
Condolence to your Family and friends and all that knew you.
Martin Carlin
By Martin Carlin on 13 March 2014
Just felt I wanted to say Thank You for all your hardwork and commitment Bob, your passion for the working class was so refreshing and heart warming, people like you are hard to find and you will be sorely missed. RIP Bob Crow
By Julie Balfour on 13 March 2014
Thanks for your support of my former Fire Brigade colleagues Bob.
My condolences to Bobs family.
Ed Cole Retired, London Fireman.
By Ed Cole on 13 March 2014
Rest in Peace, Bob, will not see you at Tolpuddle this year, but your spirit will be there, a legend in the Trade Union Movement
By Alan Higgins on 13 March 2014
I have been a postman and member of the CWU for 26 years and am based at Stafford. Before my transfer I lived in Woodford Green and I saw Bob in Snakes Lane a few times and he always had time for a chat. A really decent bloke and always believed in what he stood for. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace Bob. And hope your legacy will always remain
By Tony Bone on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob a true friend to all workes
By john lambert on 13 March 2014
The Working Class needs many thousands like you with your principles and integrity. You will be greatly missed Comrade Crow.
By Wayne Osborne on 13 March 2014
I usually don't participate in these things but, Bob truly deserves this. It's a very sad time indeed and we can look back on the great work that Bob did for his members and for working people in general. Bob will be greatly missed and he left us far too early in his life. My sympathies are with his family and friends, Bob will never be forgotten.
By Peter Dillon (Usdaw trade unionist) on 13 March 2014
A truly great union leader who helped restore the confidence of labour movement by negotiating hard and winning, as well as linking union members' stuggles with the wider class struggle. He will be missed enormously, but he leaves the movement stronger and better prepared for the struggles ahead.
By Steve French on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was a voice for the working class like no other. A terrible and shocking loss at a time when we need voices of strength and integrity. He will not be forgotten.
By Adeline O'Keeffe on 13 March 2014
Bob was a highly effective but thoroughly down to earth Champion of the working class both at home and abroad.
He was a good friend of PCS who I had the pleasure to meet in both professional and social environments.
On behalf of our members in the north west, I offer deepest condolences to his family, his RMT comrades and all those in the wider movement who loved him.
You'll be missed Brother.
By Peter Middleman, PCS NW Regional Secretary on 13 March 2014
Sorry to hear of Bob's passing, a sad loss to the labour movement. Fondly remembered in Belfast where he spoke on Mayday a few years ago. The best tribute to Bob is a revitalised labour movement, built strong and proud from the bottom up.
By James Fearon on 13 March 2014
By Ian Boyle on 13 March 2014
Talked the talk and walked the walk. RIP Bob..
By Peter Campbell (FBU) on 13 March 2014
Fellow worker Bob Crow talked the talk and walked the walk. He had a heart of gold and a heart for workers interests. Brother Crow knew who he represented and who he was fighting for and it was not big business. Bob Crow blazed a trail that we should all continue to follow before the path goes cold. He had a vision and we should fight for that vision despite what the corporate press screams and scribbles.
Let not Bob Crow's memory fade but become a guide for further battles so that the bosses will never forget who are our heroes and who are our mentors.
Bob Crow was a brother to my union, the Transport Workers union local 100 of New York city. We were all looking forward to seeing him this Saturday for our annual Quill-Connelly Day but know that he will be there in spirit. Condolences to his family, friends and workmates.
By KEVIN HARRINGTON TWU LOCAL 100 Vice President Rapid Transit Operations on 13 March 2014
What a sad loss to the world.
Condolences to the family and a great big thank you to a great union man.
By Margaret McNaughton on 13 March 2014
Bob, Thanks for your support at all times. An example of how to fight back.
By Graham Tranquada Bedford Trades Council on 13 March 2014
I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear of Bob's passing. Working people have lost a hero, the trade union movement has lost a great servant and the transport industry has lost a great advocate.
I first met Bob at Stratford No.1 branch in around 1994, when I was a young and keen RMT member but was unsure of what being active in a trade union was all about.
I watched and I listened at that that meeting. In particular, I watched and listened to Bob as he spoke and, having heard him during the meeting and afterwards when we chatted over a pint, I knew that I wanted to be more than just a paid-up member of a trade union. I wanted to be a trade unionist, and I've been a trade unionist ever since.
Thank you, Bob.
By Jason Turvey, TSSA Executive Committee, London Transport division on 13 March 2014
You were a true hero of the working class. It's a shame there are not more like you were, then the country would not be in such a mess and there would be a fairer distribution of wealth. Join a Union in Bob's memory and stick it to the toff exploiters! My condolences to friends and family. RIP Bob Crow
By Robert Chinnery on 13 March 2014
This a Huge blow for the working classes i'm deeply saddned by the early death of bob crow.Bob was a man of huge strength that i will miss so much.
By Mark Worth on 13 March 2014
My most sincere sympathy to Bob's Family and Comrades in RMT.
He was such an inspiration to all who shared his vision of a society based on human need rather than capitalist greed.
He will be sadly missed.
By john Bowen TSSA Ireland South on 13 March 2014
To Family, Friends and Comrades of the late Bob Crow our heartfelt condolences, always a true friend to all Trade Unionists and workers across the world, may you rest in peace whilst we continue the struggle to honour your name.
Solidarity to our RMT brothers and sisters at this sad time.
By D West Branch Secretary Lewes POA (Prison Officers Association) on 13 March 2014
My very sincerest sympathy to Bob's Family and RMT comrades on his untimely death.
He was an inspiration to all who want a society based on human need.
HE will be sadly missed.
By John Bowen on 13 March 2014
You were an inspiration to me! A trade union leviathan in a time where that has been the most difficult. You spoke for me, my family and the working class as a whole, where usually we are silenced. Will never forget meeting you at a rally, which confirmed what a wonderful and genuine person you were. Deepest sympathy's to your family that must be feeling such a massive loss. RIP big man, I will never give up fighting in your memory! Hasta la vitoria sempere!
By Phil Sparrow (shop steward) on 13 March 2014
I must have seen Bob speak 20 times at rallies and demonstrations and every time he managed to infect us with his determination to keep fighting for working class people. He's left a hole that won't be easy to fill. He got more people up off their knees and onto their feet with defiant fists in the air than any trade union leadership with the exception of the PCS. We'll miss him in Cardiff, as he'll be missed in every part of the country that's fighting the cuts. One fewer fighter who can be counted on to say "bollocks" when he's told there's no alternative: the working class has to pay for capitalism's cockups. We'll do right by him by continuing the work he spent his life doing: building fighting trade unions and a new political voice that will stand up for the rest against the rich.
By Ross Saunders, Secretary of Cardiff Against The Cuts on 13 March 2014
Such sad, sad news indeed. A man of true principals and conviction.
R.I.P. Bob
By Mark Campbell on 13 March 2014
thank you Bob for giving us all hope that honesty and passion mean so much than spin doctors ect in politics and trade union affairs RIP BRO BOB CROWE
By Mick King on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow’s untimely death is a huge loss. Portsmouth Trades Council would wish me to pass on condolences to his family, friends and everyone who knew him.
Bob Crow was an outstanding trade union leader. He showed how trade unions could fight and win on behalf of their members. The RMT under Bob’s leadership was a force to be reckoned with. The union achieved pay and working conditions envied across the trade union movement.
Bob was genuine socialist who wanted a fairer society free from poverty, racism and war. He always stood firm to his principles even if this meant upsetting Labour Party leaders. The trade union movement needs more people like Bob Crow. He will be sorely missed and fondly remembered for many years to come.
By Jon Woods on 13 March 2014
Greatly missed,thoughts are with the family.
By David May on 13 March 2014
You were an inspiration for working people across the country who have to put up with unfair pay and working conditions.
The way you fought for your members showed what could be done if the appetite for a fight is there.
You will be sorely missed but never forgotten.
By Tom on 13 March 2014
My condolences to Bob Crow's family, his friends, colleagues and members. He was an inspirational union leader and his death is a great loss to the movement and the class.
My heart always lifted when I heard Bob speaking on radio or television because he was one of the few public voices to speak reliably, as a socialst and trade unionist, on behalf of the organised working class. No mealy-mouthed apologies to capitalism from him; he was uncompromising. We need more leaders like him. I think the best way we can honour his memory is to act on the words of Joe Hill 'Don't mourn; organise'.
By Sue Talbot on 13 March 2014
Bob was a true inspiration to me. When Bob addressed a meeting he would look individuals in the eye as he spoke. He wasn't just addressing the floor, but personally speaking to each person there. I'll always remember that about him. I've always been proud to be an RMT member but I'm especially proud to have voted for Bob for GS and to have been a member and depot rep under his leadership. Heartfelt condolences to Bob's loved ones. You will never be forgotten comrade.
By Paul Bowman on 13 March 2014
RIP Brother, a sad loss to the Union, The working class and your family.
By Colin Nimmo - London Underground - RMT member 31 years on 13 March 2014
Bob thank you, you fought for use like no other,our standard of life,our wages,our pensions,our conditions,bob you will be greatly missed,we must carry on your good work in your name,this has been a very very sad day to all of us in the rail industry,a great great loss.
my condolences to your family.
never never will be forgotten.
Alan Cole staff rep LB Box
By Alan Cole on 13 March 2014
My respect for Bob Crow and sorrow at his death.
A great Union Chief
Among the greats as Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner
GMB member
By Pat Blackman on 13 March 2014
As a fellow trade unionist,an NUT member, your name always invoked much pride at our meetings.If they can do it we should too. Indeed we could do with a fighter like you on our side.Your loss is going to be felt by all those people being downtrodden by the rich.
May you rest in peace.
By Oliver Pereira on 13 March 2014
Our Movement has lost one of its true champions. I will always be grateful to Bob Crow for his unflinching support for the Trades Union Councils, when other trade union leaders saw us as little more than embarrassing relatives.
Whenever, I heard Bob speak be it at the Burston Rally, the Cable Street commemoration or the Trades Union Council's conference, he always spoke from the heart and told the truth.
My thoughts are with his family at this sad time.
By Ian Pope, Secretary, Southend Trades Union Council on 13 March 2014
I'm so sorry about the passing of Bob Crow, such a shock and such a loss that he is no longer able to defend working people and he has shown what a committed trade unionist can achieve. Bob has highlighted the Dickensian working conditions which many, who were not fortunate to directly benefit from his leadership, suffer today.
Bob will never be forgotten,RIP.
By Julia on 13 March 2014
Farewell to a Trade unionist, Socialist and altogether good bloke you will be hard to replace Bob we can only hope that someone can fill your boots for the sake of the working class.
By Jeff Davies on 13 March 2014
A massive loss to what's left of the labour movement. A true working class hero. Sadly missed but forever remembered. RIP comrade.
By Elaine Taylor (CWU Organiser) on 13 March 2014
Thanks Bob, for everything you achieved with honesty and integrity.
By Paul Clark NUR Finsbury Park Branch 1985-89 on 13 March 2014
A sad loss to yours and the Railway Family. Always true to yourself. An example for us all.
By Christopher Tarrant on 13 March 2014
Condolences to family and friends. If only all trade union leaders were like Bob Crowe, we would not have the low wage miserable jobs that too many people are forced into. He was always refreshing to listen to. Knew who he was representing and fought for them.
By Maggie Mellon on 13 March 2014
Such sad news about such a great peoples champion....a true fighter for the underdog and down trodden....RIP bob god bless you
By Chris White on 13 March 2014
He will be sorely missed, condolences to his family
By Glynis Freeman on 13 March 2014
We have lost a dedicated and effective Trade Unionist who fought hard for his members and working class people. My condolences to his family and friends and RMT members
By Tracy Buckley - CWU,Telecoms National Executive Member on 13 March 2014
Sincere condolences.
Let his death not be in vain,may it galvanise us all to be ever stronger.
In unity forever.
By UCATT York 1st branch UC126 on 13 March 2014
we have lost a real working class hero at a time we really need one.his voice of desent against the process of opressing the working man, was honest,and brave.the most important, will be very hard to fill his shoes.i only hope the trade union movement can find someone of the same caliber of bob crow to continue his battle.
By tony banfield ex shop steward royal group of docks on 13 March 2014
A very sad loss. Let's remember Bob by all doing more of what he did best - fighting the boss class.
By Paul McGarr NUT rep on 13 March 2014
You were an example to other union leaders. You spoke plainly and led your union with determination, grit and a solid belief in the working class. You will be sorely missed by all of us who want to see a better life for working people.
By Elizabeth Clinch on 13 March 2014
A man of strength, determination and respect, a fighter for trade unionism, his members and fair play, heartfelt condolences to all his family
By colin canham Treasurer Unite L/E Retired members (Suffolk branch) on 13 March 2014
On 11th March 2014 the working class lost one of its finest sons, an indefatigable defender of its cause.
We will not mourn but draw inspiration from Bob's life of struggle and his uncompromising courage in fighting against the austerity that now besets us.
There will be no greater tribute to him than our resolve to continue on the path he set, founding a new workers party and ultimately winning the fight for a socialist society in which profit and greed no longer dictate economic and social goals. A society based on justice and peace for all humanity.
RIP Comrade and Brother, your life was all too short.
By Susanna Farley on 13 March 2014
An outstanding trade union leader and true internationalist who stood up for the most vulnerable in society. Bob was a thoroughly nice man who will be sorely missed by all. RIP comrade.
By Louise Richards, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign on 13 March 2014
Condolences to all Bob's family and thank you Bob for all you done for the working class in this country, we will always be grateful and never forget rest in peace dear friend.
By Vic Locke. on 13 March 2014
Sincere condolences to Bob's family, friends and RMT comrades. Rest in Peace.
By PCS DWP Devon Branch on 13 March 2014
Bob will be sorely missed a great leader of our union who fought tirelessly for our workers rights rest in peace.
By Gemma Brady rmt ll rep on 13 March 2014
A great loss to our movement, he will be greatly missed.Thoughts are with his family
By Matt Draper National Officer (Road Transport & Logistics), Unite on 13 March 2014
On behalf of members and reps in the PCS DWP group, RIP Bob.
PCS were proud to stand alongside you in many campaigns. The left has lost one of its best fighters.
Bob was a great reminder that campaigning wins and action gets results, proving that standing up for decent jobs and services can win.
His death will be a huge loss to his members in the RMT and to the trade union movement more widely.
It is up to us now to carry on the fight as he would have wanted.
Condolences to all Bob's family and friends xx
By Fran Heathcote, PCS DWP Group President on 13 March 2014
Like Joe Hill your legacy to the movement - the need for collective struggle and fight for socialism will live on well beyond the lives of your adversaries.
Deepest condolences to your family, friends, and RMT members
By Roger Green NUT rep retired on 13 March 2014
Bob was a beacon and an inspiration to not only the NUR and RMT, but also the wider
T. U. movement. A timeless defender of his members' rights (evidenced by an ongoing increase in membership) and conditions. I always hoped he would become an MP.
R. I. P.
By Paul Clemo on 13 March 2014
I dreamed I saw Bob Crow last night.... Where ever working people are fighting for their rights, it's there you will find BOB CROW
By Terry Burns, Tusc & iWW on 13 March 2014
you were an exceptional leader and always went right to the limit for the benefit of your membership a great trade unionist who leaves a big void in the movement
By roger quinton on 13 March 2014
My condolences go to Bob Crow's family, friends and every member of the RMT.
We will miss you Bob at the Burston School Strike Rally in September.
A true brother that will be sorely missed by all ordinary working people
By Ann Skipper on 13 March 2014
For standing firm and winning victories, for calling for co-ordinated strike action, for working to rebuild a political voice for trade unionists through TUSC, for supporting the NSSN, thank you Bob.
By Martin Powell-Davies NUT on 13 March 2014
Bob was an authentic leader of the working class, whose like we all to rarely see. I was lucky enough to have had the privilege of meeting Bob several times, here on the west coast of America and once in London. Condolences to his family and all the members of the RMT.
Bob Crow, Presente!
By Robert Irminger, Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific, San Francisco, California on 13 March 2014
Never new bob ,shame on me a legend by what I've heard. A pity,
There are not more men like him. R.I.p.
By wyn jones on 13 March 2014
Such a sad loss, my thoughts are with his family and friends.
A light has definitely gone out. I wish we had more like you, a true working class fighter to the end.
RIP comrade.
By Karla on 13 March 2014
R.I.P Brother Bob.
A railwayman through and through.
I was always In the other union , but will remember you in my heart as one of the only true trade unionists of our time.
May your family and friends always remember you in their own way. My thoughts are with them at this very sad time.
Gone but never to be forgotten.
By Ron Addison on 13 March 2014
Gutted is all I can say rest in peace bob
By Helen on 13 March 2014
What a shock to find Bob has been taken away from us and from our movement. He was a fighter for the working class and a really funny and lovely bloke personally. His example will always remain in our thoughts.
By John Boadle -Coventry Socialist Party on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow Loathed by the few Loved by the many followed by the masses Rip you will be sadly missed
By GeorgeNicol -RMT Morden /Oval on 13 March 2014
What a gaping hole there is now with Bob's death. It is up to all of us now to step up, work together and stop this mad dash back to poverty and deprivation whose effects will be felt for many years to come.
By Gill on 13 March 2014
One of the good guys.
By Paul Austin on 13 March 2014
A truly inspirational trade unionist for all to aspire to. The sad news, was a shock wave within the Trade Union Movement. He was without question the most important and profound voice for the industrial unionism and the working class in the UK & the world. I only met once at the TUC Conference, but I was admired by his determination and fight for his believes and members. On behalf of the NW Unite the Union, Disabled Members Committee, I would like to pass our condolences to the Crow Family, friends and RMT Members.
Comrade, R.I.P.
By Walter Duhalde (Chair - NW Unite Disabled Members Committee) on 13 March 2014
There were some times when I thought Bob was wrong, but there were many more times when he was absolutely right.They say he was hated, but only by the bosses and the effluent who in large measure control the TUC and the so-called Labour Party. To workers like me he was inspirational; the sort of leader that you wish yourself to be. We'll mourn his passing, but his fiting tribute will be when we rid our movement of the traitors and cowards who presently control it and move on to defeat capitalism and build a new mass workers party to transform society. Farewell comrade.
By Tony Church PCS union on 13 March 2014
To Bob's family my deepest condolences for your loss
Bob and I have known each other for nearly thirty years through the union and the love of a lost cause Millwall but one thing is for certain although we sang No one likes us, it is clear how many people loved, respected and admired Bob.A proper geezer loyal and honest and a friend
You truly will be missed and I hope the rest of us can carry on your legacy
By Les Harvey LU Eng on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob,
You were and are a inspiration to me and many others, inspiration in the struggle. RIP comrade, gone but never forgotten.
By Richard Price on 13 March 2014
The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Remembering Bob! Long live Bob!
By Fuad Abdullahy on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow will be remembered as a giant among current trade union leaders, a committed Socialist and staunch supporter of the need for a new mass workers party to fight for real Socialist change. This is why Bob played a key role in launching TUSC as a step towards such a party.
There was only one thing wrong with Bob Crow– there was only one of him! We need class fighters like him leading all trade unions in Britain and we need class fighters like him as our political representatives.
As Trade unionists and Socialists we need to redouble our efforts to make this a reality to build a fitting tribute to Bob Crowe.
By Andy Bentley Socialist Party and TUSC Staffordshire agent on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow fought with a strength of character and belief that is lacking elsewhere in the Trade Union movement in modern Britain. The unwillingness to bow to right wing pressure in defence of his members is something that other Trade Unionists should and mus aspire too. His understanding and unashamed understanding of his members role to protect and better conditions for his members and the wider working class from their enemies not to mention his unapologetic standpoint when doing this is another inspiration. I had the pleasure or meeting him several time briefly and can say that this was matched with a openness and warmness that gave my 17 year old self strength. All of my thoughts are with his family, friends and comrades of course but also with the wider working class who have lost not just a good fighter of their corner but a good man. But we will not just mourn we will organise with his memory with us.
By Rae Lewis-Ayling (Musician and Socialist) on 13 March 2014
Myself and my colleagues were deeply saddened to hear about the death of Bob Crow and wish to extend our condolences above all to his family and, to our brothers and sisters in the RMT. Bob led by example and will be missed by all within the trade union movement. A truly hard act to follow.
By Simon Woolfenden Branch Secretary Unison Winchester City Branch on 13 March 2014
Well I am still in shock that I will never see and chat to the Finest Trade Union Leader of my generation. I was fortunate enough to know our GS personally having served on the COE and no amount of words will ever do the man justice. However he was a principled GS that always put the members first and always found time to help you with any problem you may have had. I will remember him fondly as a man that had no fear and would always toe the union line. He was proud and I believe quite humble that he was re elected twice un opposed. Its true you don't realise what you had till its gone.......God bless Bob x
By Paul Burton Branch Sec - Croydon No1 on 13 March 2014
Sadly gone but not forgotten RIP comrade!
By Maureen Darkin on 13 March 2014
GMB Rep Brighton. A very sad day for the trade union movement, & a kick in the guts for the working class. Sympathies go out to Bob's family.
By Matt Duckett on 13 March 2014
Sleep well, our working class hero.
By Nicky Easton on 13 March 2014
Devastating news about Bob Crow. Sincerest condolences to Bob's family and friends. A sad day for the RMT and the rest of the trade union movement. Bob will be sadly missed by all that knew him.
By Chris Kitchen on 13 March 2014
An inspirational working class leader and a hero to me and so many others. Bob Crow was a great believer and supporter of trade union and working class education. Those of us involved in worker education will carry on developing, supporting and building the activist generations of the future – motivated and inspired by the legacy of the many great women and men like Bob who came before us. Condolences to Family, friends and RMT comrades.
By Trish Lavelle (CWU Education) on 13 March 2014
comiserations to nicky and the family now the class must carry on the fight look at tories attack on public sector workers come on you wall
By bob law jubilie south branch on 13 March 2014
If this man had chosen politics,this country would not have caved in,because of the banks.He would have kept them on a tight rein.
Rest In Peace,Bob.
By mike monaghan on 13 March 2014
I was deeply saddened to learn of the sudden death of Bob Crow.
A towering figure for social justice and respect in the workplace - the contrast between him and some other TU leaders you might care to name is staggering. What an example to everyone.
Loathed in high places, loved in low places. That's the finest legacy I think anyone could hope for. RIP
By Adam McGibbon on 13 March 2014
I had the great fortune to meet and talk to Brother Bob Crow a number of times, he was an inspiration to the working class and trade union movement, a personal hero. He fought tirelessly for his members and carried the banner for working people, took no prisoners when it came to the "boss class" he highlighted them for what they are ! I was shocked and saddened top hear of Bob's untimely death. My deepest sympathies to his family and friends at this sad time
By Derek Jones..Unite the union, officer on 13 March 2014
The most effective memorial to Bob will be to continue the fight until we achieve a fair, equitable and socialist society. I will always remember him!
By Denis Lenihan - PCS on 13 March 2014
Bob fought with tenacity, courage and belief for his members and for fellow working people. He fought for better pay conditions, health and safety and achieved success in all these areas. He cast off negative press like a bear shakes off the river. He often made me laugh and think.
I have felt shocked since the news came in. He was far too young and I feel great sympathy for his family, friends, colleagues and RMT members.
I hope those who fight on do so with honesty and pride. You have a hard act to follow.
By Elizabeth Pacey (pcs union member) on 13 March 2014
A favorite song of mine is big John well it doesn't take much to change it to remember our leader friend and comrade Big Bob a strong corner pillar of the RMT and the trade union movement unmoving, strong and dedicated a great loss to all who knew him.
Well Big Bob it was decided that your time to rest has come too soon.
Your dreams and aspirations will continue with those you have left behind god bless you brother.
By Dave Roberts Scarborough Branch on 13 March 2014
If we had more leaders like you the working class wouldn't struggle as much as they do now. You were, are and always will be an inspiration to me and everyone involved in class struggle. Rest in peace legend
By sandra trotter on 13 March 2014
A great loss to the organising working classes everywhere. Condolences.
By Terry Jones (Carlisle - former UCU Branch officer) on 13 March 2014
I have known Bob since the day he was born and could never have imagined what a man he would have grown up to be.
Even now my wife and i cannot take in the knowledge that he possessed. Never the one to say
what he did, what for and who for. We are just finding out through what people in all kinds of workplace
are putting on this tribute to Bob. That is Bob. In our eyes, and I am sure in many others,he is something else.
A very hard act, if possible, to follow. Our son, daughter, in-laws, all family,loved Bob and will miss him
tremendously. We love you Bob.
We would like to THANK ALL for these so lovely tributes being paid to Bob.
By Ron Gilbert. Husband of Bobs sister Maureen. on 13 March 2014
Thank you for being one of the few people to be willing to be seen being socialist in public (tv etc) and thank you for what you achieved for your workers and thank you for being one of the few public political actors to mean what they said.
By Maia Hough on 13 March 2014
A great man and fighter for the working class. The fight goes on.
By Iain Trotter on 13 March 2014
The words of James Larkin describe the feelings and the heart of the people that continue to fight the corruption and unfairness in the world.
Bob Crow was one of the leading figures in that fight.
He will be sorely missed not only by his family and friends but by brothers and sisters the world over.
The struggle goes on in your memory Bob.
By IAN JOHNSTON on 13 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family, friends and comrades. He will be remembered as the only trade union general secretary of his generation who had the courage to actually stand up and fight for the interests of his members. RIP, brother.
By Dave Rommer on 13 March 2014
I am as shocked as everybody who knew and met him. A great man and Union leader who was humble, honest and tenacious. He gave his most valuable time to come and talk with all us in our local communities to hear about our concerns and opinions. Bob Crow was grassroots and was worth more than all those worthless, grasping, greasing politicians and banker elites put together.
We will remember you always Bob, gone but never forgotten comrade.
By David Walter on 13 March 2014
My thoughts go to his family at this sad time .he Was a great leader of our union Will be a very hard act to follow
By Michael Rimmington on 13 March 2014
My deepest condolences to Bob Crows family.
I don't think anyone can put into words how we all feel about this sudden Loss.
Bob Crow - A true leader and without a doubt true to his roots.
Unity will always be strength.
By Geraldine McCarthy on 13 March 2014
A devastaing loss to our movement of a true and fearless class warrior. We need more inspirational leaders like Bob. He'll also be sorely missed at the annual Burston Strike School Rally in Norfolk which he attended frequently and at which he often spoke. Bob was duee to speak there this year. RIP comrade.
By Nigel Reigate (UNISON and Musicians Union) on 13 March 2014
Bob, you were truly a hero! I never met you, I never worked for London Underground but I sure admired you! You had the wit, the character, the intelligence and strength to endure the bullying and vilification you received from the media, but they could not stop you! My heartfelt condolences to your family and the many who loved you and still do. RIP and may your work live on.
By maggie on 13 March 2014
I rarely found myself agreeing with you at SERTUC meetings and TUC Conferences, but there's no doubt you stimulated debate and had us all thinking. It's all too easy to dither and fart-arse about about at these events. We all needed a kick up the arse on occasion, and you were invariably the man to do it.
By Mark Rivers on 13 March 2014
I would just like to pass on my sincere condolences to Bobs family, and to say how much of a shock it is that he is no longer with us. It is also a massive loss to the trade union movement both in the Uk and the world over, but i know that he has left a lasting legacy, that will shine on through generations of trade unionists, in there struggle for defending the rights of the working class. Thanks for all the help and support you have given the Isle of Mann Steam Packet down the years, you were a top top bloke and a fantastic leader. In the words of John Lennon you were a truly genuine Working class hero!
By James Healy (Isle of Mann Shipping) on 13 March 2014
Condolences to Bob’s partner, children, friends and family. It was a great shock to hear the news. Bob was one of the few trade unionist leaders today who stood up for his members and ignored the ‘pleadings’ of the employers and who put principles before popularity.
The trade union movement and RMT members will sorely miss Bob.
We now need to honour Bob’s memory by carrying on his struggle until we have the employers where they currently have us
By CLIVE WALDER on 13 March 2014
What a complete shock this was. Your contribution to the Labour movement and your tireless dedication to your members will live after you. You are so much admired and will be sorely missed. RIP Bob...
By Stella Kordun on 13 March 2014
A great man who fought for what he believed in. Condolences to his family and friends. The trade union movement has lost a real gem.
By Shaun (Socialists for Republic) on 13 March 2014
My condolences to Bob Crow's family and friends. A man of principle, honour and devotion who worked tirelessly for the betterment of his workers and their families, for all us Londoners and the people who visit our city. A great loss. Let us hope his good work is continued.
By Julian Macho, Unison. on 13 March 2014
By alan hooper on 13 March 2014
Brother Bob ..... wish it could have been me instead of you - I remember meeting Jimmy Knapp few years before he died - I never thought you would leave us so soon - strange feeling, because it really does feel like I've lost a family member .... indeed we have lost a 'brother'
Take care bro :'( x
By Richard Easson - past GMB now Unite on 13 March 2014
Bob you are our greatest, loyal and faithful leader. You will be hard to replace.
When we spoke on the train to Glasgow on Friday the 7th of March 2014, I said see you later and on instinct I turned back and shook your hand and you smiled. I did not know that was our last discussion and hand shake.
To Nicola and your families you are not alone we are with you in prayers.
we have lost the best and greatest leader.
RMT staff, Members and Reps we have to cry with hope and be prepared to carry on and do our best and make Bob proud of all of us! RIP Bob Crow until we meet again
By Miss Thandi Mabodoko on 13 March 2014
"The weak do not fight. The stronger
Fight on perhaps for an hour.
Those who are stronger still fight for many years
The strongest fight on all their life.
These are indispensable."
Bertolt Brecht
"Working Class Hero is something to be /
If you want to be a hero well just follow me"
John Lennon on (surely!) Bob Crow
My solidarity with Bob's family, all comrades from R.M.T. union and transport workers of United Kingdom. Let's keep our struggle in His honour.
By Piotr Strebski - WFTU Poland on 13 March 2014
A good man in a bad world I hear ur not a believer but I hopes ur there to rep me in de next world
One love
From de Irish nation
By noel mc inerney on 13 March 2014
I'm so sorry for your lose to all Family Members, There Was Only one Bobby - True Londoner that fought for working Class People Rights of this Country He is was our Voice this is a Sad Day for Working Class People. We will Never see the likes Again May You Rest In Peace.
By Darren on 13 March 2014
Why did you stay in your council home Bob? The answer is what the right wing will never understand. Your values lay with people not with ownership. You always knew that wealth was never just about money and ownership.
By Ray Kempson on 13 March 2014
PCS members in East of England Branch are saddened to hear of Bob's untimely death and we would like to add are deeply felt condolences.
By Mike Chew on 13 March 2014
My condolences go the Bob Crow's family and friends,
His loss has been felt by many people and he will not be an easy man to replace. His has very big boots indeed! The Working class movement will observe the upcoming event ahead to see how his death has affected the political landscape but as a working-class fighter Bob Crow will be sorely missed by everyone.
Again, my condolences to family and friends.
By Samuel Taylor-Wickenden on 13 March 2014
You were a good bloke who got your priorities right. Rest in peace, Bob.
By Clare Jordan on 13 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family and to brothers and sisters in the RMT, this untimely passing is a sad loss to the labour movement in the UK and throughout the world. I never met him but heard him speak on many occasions and he invented the meaning of passion. RMT members were definitely better off for your time on this earth, God bless you Bob and may you Rest in Peace.
By Joe Malone, CWU NEC Member on 13 March 2014
Did not realise until I heard the shocking news how much I admired his manner and his spirit and his (ulitmate) humility - and - how much I took it for granted that he would be around for many years to do some good: I feel I have lost a much-admired relative: Goodnight sweet prince; may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
By Steve Agarwala on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, your integrity and strength of character will be sorely missed in the days ahead.
By Noel Bilson Plymouth S&T on 13 March 2014
A real working class fighter.....more than ever we need people like you...your strength of character, integrity and determination is an example and inspiration to us all. The best we can do is keep up the fight...we shall overcome...
RIP Bob Crow
Condolences to his family, friends and RMT members
By Jan McLachlan on 13 March 2014
He loved his class and fought for it with intelligence and energy. As most of us are in that class, he fought for us; a very sad loss for all.
By Nigel Smith on 13 March 2014
My sympathies to Bobs family it was such an honor to have met you brother you will leave such a hole in many peoples lives god bless
By ken clay on 13 March 2014
You did more than your bit for lots of persons so rest in peace now mate
By jim kerr on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob. You were an inspiration in word and deed to thousands of trade unionists, socialists and working class people here in Ireland. Condolences to Bob's family and comrades in the RMT. We will continue the struggle in your memory. Ní bheidh do leithéid arís ann.
By Mary Cahillane on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was an inspiration to me. I am not in a union but was always so pleased and relieved he was around. His was a welcome voice in the sea of middleclass liberalism we are drip fed these days. Thank you Bob for all you did to protect the tube its a much safer place than it would be if the management had their way. Thinking of his family at this very sad time.
By kathleen hanna on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, you were a Lion of a man and an inspiration to Organisers across the movement.
By Matthew Partridge on 13 March 2014
If there was more like you we'd be living in a much better society. Fair play with everything, showing us that the status quo isn't unbeatable.
By Colm O'Mahony on 13 March 2014
Bob devoted his life to bettering the lot of ordinary people, in Britain and across the world. The list of powerful people in the corporate media, big-business and the political establishment who attacked Bob Crow during his life is itself proof of his principle and his effectiveness. Thank you, Bob.
By Richard Burgon and family, Leeds on 13 March 2014
With sympathy to the family and friends of Bob. A virulent verbal vigilante who's passion on his mission for fairness and equality in the workplace will be sorely missed but never forgotten. R.I.P.
By Nick Dale on 13 March 2014
Following a minutes silence for Bob Crow at Southwark Trades Council it was recorded that those present were truely shocked at his unexpected death.
The Southwark Trades council members'were generally respectful of his trade union leadership approach.
He was a fighter not only for his RMT members but for the millions of ordinary low income impoverished, disadvantaged and downtrodden at home and abroad. An inspiration to trade union activist old and and young alike.
We the Southwark Trades Council would like to pass on our sincere respects and sympathy to his RMT members and colleagues, close friends and above all his beloved Wife and family.
By Henry Mott on behalf of the London Borough of Southwark TUC on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace.a true man of the people.will be missed,they dont make them like bob any more.are prayers are with his family.
By jill mcnally on 13 March 2014
My sympathies to Bob Crows family.
We have lost a great force for good in the working class movement.
Pauline Mcardle
By Pauline Mcardle on 13 March 2014
You were so unapologetic about doing the job you were elected to do: standing up for your members and making sure they had a decent standard of living while the rest of us have suffered with lower pay and worse terms and conditions. The venom you received from the right wing media proved just how effective you were. I wish we had more of you. You are sorely missed.
By R van Stroppe on 13 March 2014
We have lost a true Leader.
While mainstream politicians shift ever right, Bob stood up for his people, stood for social justice and against the culture of greed.
Sadly, we will not see his like again. RIP
By William Pearce. CWU on 13 March 2014
Rest in pease Bob, the greatest Trade Union leader of our time.
By Mark Armstrong RMT Bridgend, Llantrisant and District Branch on 13 March 2014
We have a crisis in our movement and that is a crisis of Leadership - Bob stood out in his leadership of the working Class - What a terrible loss - and we needed him at this time! My enduring memory will always be trying to photograph him as he led the RMT Band at Tolpuddle and retreating along the road in front of him!
Secretary of Exeter Socialist Party
Vice President of Exeter TUC (Personal Capacity)
Election Agent for local TUSC
By Sean Brogan on 13 March 2014
So very sad to hear the news of Bob passing away his loss will be felt by us all.We must make sure we all keep up the good work..
By Neil Coatsworth..Guards L.D.C Woking. on 13 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob. You fought hard and long for the rights of the worker. Maybe it's our time to shoulder some more of the responsibility that you carried.
My thoughts are with your family and friends at this time.
By George Paterson on 13 March 2014
So glad I bumped into Bob on Stratford Station not so long ago and shake this great mans hand. Thank you for standing up for us working people.RIP.
By Mark Scofield on 13 March 2014
A very sad loss for family, friends and the wider population that could appreciate a man of true commitment. Many of us, even those not in RMT, will mourn a man of principles, dedication and honesty. You always told it like it was and that made you both popular with members and hated by those politically-minded in government or business. Your union family will find you a hard act to follow! Condolences to your family.
By Denise Gilvear on 13 March 2014
An inspiration ,a rock a true Working class Hero
A sad loss to all true Socialists and the trade union movement
By Des Murphy usdaw k066 on 13 March 2014
Deepest and sincere condolences to Bob's family.......
Bob was and always will be an insperation to all working class people, in the Trade union movement. A giant amongst both men and women alike.
A mighty oak as fallen, but his memory and honesty will live on for ever ...
Bon voyage comrade ....
By Davie Leonard. RMT Liverpool shipping branch on 13 March 2014
God Bless. A man who fought for the rights of others. Well Done Bob
By Mark Doggett on 13 March 2014
A man of total integrity. Will be missed by all his comrades here and abroad. I'm sure Bob would, as reiterated by Jerry Hicks (UNITE) quoting Joe Hill as he went to his death "Don't mourn me.Organise!" R.I.P. Bob. Solidarity.
By Howie Williams (UNITE) Bromborough Wirral on 13 March 2014
You were a true fighter till the end , your family should be very proud of the impact you had on many life's . You will be sadly missed and irriplaceble xx
By Maria on 13 March 2014
My condolences to Bob's family a great and a great leader. I am very privileged and proud to have met Bob and to shake him by the hand,you will be missed by many to sum you up Bob in one word LEGEND R.I.P.BOB
Terry Melvin Dorset Rail Branch
By Terry Melvin on 13 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family, friends and RMT brothers and sisters. Bob's determined stand for the interests of his members was an example to all of what a good General Secrrtary can achieve. Sadly there are not enough like him. He is a great loss to the Trade Union Movement
By Steve Wilkins Unison and Secretary Medway Trades Union Council on 13 March 2014
Deepest Condolence,
You will be remembered as a great warrior, leader and hero, though very sadly missed by all mankind. R.I.P Bob Crow
By Angela Harrison on 13 March 2014
I never had the honour of meeting this man in person, however, he was a true inspiration.
A real champion of his members with a honest heart. He did so much for so many. A true peoples hero.
My thoughts are with his family at this time.
RIP - You will be a tough act to follow
By CP on 13 March 2014
R.I.P Bob
Unbending champion of the worker a man of principle a rare commodity in this day and age.
By steven whitfield (GMB) on 13 March 2014
Welsh people would say you had "hwyl" - a word that cannot be translated, but it is a mix of passion, fervour, commitment and love.
My father died 'young' [at 60] more than 20 years' ago. I can still summon up his voice easily, when I think of all the kind and principled things he did. And your children will be able to do the same; it will bring some comfort.
By Lynne Walsh on 13 March 2014
Condolences to The Crow family and friends and the RMT family on the shocking news of Bob's passing.
A passionate, principled and inspirational leader of workers who delivered for them in their workplaces and communities. A comrade in the truest sense of the word who opposed racism, fascism and injustice with vigour.
London Town has lost one it's finest sons as has the International Workers movement. Found memories of Bob wearing colour shirts and straw hats at the RMT annual Cuba Solidarity Garden Party surrounded by his family dancing to Salsa.
Farewell Comrade Bob Crow you proved that their is no progress without struggle.
The struggle continues.
By Seán Kettle Unite (Corby) on 13 March 2014
A true working class hero
Who will be missed by all real trade unionists god bless bob crow
By Findlay mclaughlan on 13 March 2014
Sincere condolences to the family and close friends and colleagues of Bob, who knew him best and will miss him the most.
I cannot pretend that I knew him, but I was saddened by his untimely death. He stood up and spoke out what he believed in, and he fought hard to improve the terms and conditions of his members.
I will recall his speeches in the north east: at the Durham Miners' Gala; at a TUC Fair Pensions March and Rally; and his support for the Churchill cleaners on the Tyne and Wear Metro who took strike action for fair pay.
I did not agree with everything he said, but that is not important. I admired his passion and political drive, and his commitment to working people and to changing our society. That is what will be most missed.
By Jon Bryan, UCU Regional Support Official on 13 March 2014
On behalf of all of the members of Unifor (in Canada), we offer our deep condolences to the family of Bob Crow, as well as to the members of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers.
Bob was a brilliant and hugely effective trade union activist. His leadership inspired working people not only in Britain, but around the world to stand up for their rights with confidence and determination. His unwavering commitment to the rights of workers, his political savvy and his refusal to accept the dogma of austerity resulted in tremendous victories for working people in Britain.
The global labour movement has been strengthened by Bob’s vision and leadership, and for that we are enormously grateful.
We have lost a dear friend and wonderful comrade.
In solidarity,
Jerry Dias, National President & Peter Kennedy, Secretary-Treasurer
By Peter Kennedy, Unifor Secretary Treasurer on 13 March 2014
Champion of the members and the cause. A sad loss.
By Dave Nelson GMB G50 Branch on 13 March 2014
Thank you for supporting the workers and inspiring many. Rest in peace xx
By livia Najman on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, seen you speak many many times and always been extremely inspired. You not fought for working class people on the railways and in the workplace, but at the ballot box too, with No2EU and TUSC. Bob lead the way in demanding a true voice for ordinary working people.
By Matt Gordon, TUSC and Bristol Socialist Party on 13 March 2014
Deepest sympathy from
Pride of Hull members.
Rest in peace comrade
Gone too soon but what a fighter and great leader.
By PRIDE OF HULL MEMBERS on 13 March 2014
Well done to you Bob for standing your ground on issues that effect ordinary working people, we need more people like you, who fight for what they believe in, the work that you done as a trade unionist is your legacy and I hope that young people will look to you as a role model and ensure that your legacy, of standing firm for better pay, terms and conditions for ordinatry people continues, we won't forget you Bob and more importantly you will be remembered, as the great man you are in trade union history.
By Helen Osgood on 13 March 2014
RMT will never have a leader like you again, many thanks for all the things you fought for and may you rest in peace
By Glen Sutherland on 13 March 2014
One of the very last union leaders not to be tempted as so many others have by the cosy cartel with the establishment. A man of principle,a fighter who always stood up for the members and low paid, hated by the right wing gutter press. Sadly there are not many like him around,a very hard man to follow.Deepest sympathies to Nikki and the rest of his family, every member of the RMT will mourn his passing, as should every working person.
By Mick Isaacs on 13 March 2014
Your principles were so high that you embarrassed the TUC. You were a top man RIP.
By Patrick Kearns on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was a lively participant at the main TUC congress each year, both on the main floor and in fringe meetings. He will be missed there, as well as being sorely missed by his members, who he served brilliantly.
By Ro on 13 March 2014
By Maureen Gilbert on 13 March 2014
Bob you were great man who believed in fighting for workers rights. It will be very difficult for anyone to fill in your shoes. We will miss you at Burston Rally this year. Rest in peace comrade and god bless.
By Unison Princess Alexandra Hospital - Harlow on 13 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob.
A huge loss to the RMT and deepest sympathy to Bob's family.
By Anthony Bush on 13 March 2014
Bob inspired us all. Even after two days it is still barely possible to understand that he has gone. A great leader and a kind man who never deviated from supporting his members, his union and his class. Somehow things are never going to be quite the same without Bob. It was an honour to meet him and to be in the same industry that he fought so hard to protect.
By Chris Godbold (TSSA member) on 13 March 2014
I have a lot to thank Bob Crow and the RMT for. My big regret is that I never met you in person Bob to thankyou. My life could have been so much worse without the RMT backing me.
You will be missed..........
By Jon Coe on 13 March 2014
The Government today has announced a basic 1% pay rise for NHS workers, let us honour Bob's memory and fight this injustice - JOIN A UNION !
By Richard on 13 March 2014
a truly great union leader and gentleman ,a sad loss to the union , his family and friends,
those boots of his are going to take a great leader to fill !
By dan fox,(aslef) , earles sidings, hope ,derbyshire. on 13 March 2014
Thanks Bob for everything that you did for your members- never selling out always knowing that the employers were out to get you. You could not have done anymore, other trade union leaders could never be spoken in the same breath as you. The workers and the underpriveliged have truly lost a champion. R.I.P
By Colin Ross on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, you were the best.
By Julie Moore on 13 March 2014
you were a "diamond geezer", loved and respected by all your members, the best leader the NUR\\RMT ever had, rip bob,sadly don't think we'll see your like again.
By nigel wood euston no.1 rmt on 13 March 2014
Deepest condolences.
No man truly dies while his works live on.
By Andy Kent on 13 March 2014
With condolences to Bob's family, friends and RMT members, from all 4,700 members at Brighton and Hove UNISON.
Bob - sadly you are gone, but your spirit will never be forgotten in this City - the fight continues!!!!
By Alex Knutsen on 13 March 2014
Bob was a true and honest man of the people. Unfortunately there aren't more like him in positions of power these days, who will fight for the rights of working people. He will be sorely missed and my heart goes out to his family.
By Sara Browne on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow, an absolute inspiration, I was in awe anytime I heard him speak as he did it from the heart, he deeply cared for people and especially for the RMT, so priviledged to have met him, shake his hand but ultimately listen to some amazing speeches :( you will be dreadfully missed Brother!
By Deborah Figures Unite, Glasgow Branch on 13 March 2014
You fought when many capitulated and in that you set an example for the next generation. I remember sharing a platform with you at Walthamstow's TUSC meeting and I took my neighbour along. Initially my neighbour had some misgivings about you but after you had spoken he said, "I'm ready to fight for him Nancy" , this reflects the effect you had when ordinary people met you.
We will continue the project you collaborated with us in TUSC and we will support workers in struggle everywhere, as you did.
Nancy Taaffe
Socialist Party
Walthamstow Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Candidate.
Unite member
By Nancy Taaffe on 13 March 2014
Bob's family should be so, so, proud of him. AS a member for 40 years, I can say without question he was far and away the best leader we ever had - what a great man, just how every union leader should be, but isn't!
Sincere condolences to all his loved ones.
By Dave Kelleway on 13 March 2014
The only fitting way to cherish such a great man's memory is to redouble our own efforts to achieve our movement's goals, and to try to emulate some of his keen vision and unshakable determination. He would expect nothing less. Heartfelt condolences to Bob's family and friends and to all comrades that feel his loss.
By Kenny Fryde on 13 March 2014
Brother Bob Crow was an inspiration to myself and thousands more, a leader, gentleman and most of all a friend, RIP Bob you will be sadly missed.
By Les Bruty (Neasden Branch) on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was a proper union leader, not like that useless twat we've got, who is more interested in his peerage like Tony young was.
Bob the working classes need more people like you.
By Stuart Moore cwu on 13 March 2014
The global trade union movement is a weaker movement today than it was this time last week. It is on all of us to honour Bob's memory by strengthening our movement again. My sympathies to Bob's family and to the members of his union.
By David Gibney - Mandate Trade Union, Ireland on 13 March 2014
I recall Bob being awarded a 'young Trade Unionist's' accolade at a Weston-super-Mare conference in the mid-eighties during the Miners' Strike. I had felt pleased with my efforts supporting the NUM but after young Bob's speech I left feeling vain and guilty. This man was exceptional!
By Gary Skolik (ex-NUR/RMT) : Hull on 13 March 2014
Bob was a true champion of the people. He was an example to all who believe in fairness and equality.
By Bob Brockleank on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. You will be sadly missed. A man of principles that never sold out. You will be missed
By Les White on 13 March 2014
R.I.P Bob
A truly Inspirational Trade Unionist for all to aspire to.
May your God be with you.
By Paul Mclean on 13 March 2014
Bob was a force of nature, charismatic and principled, engaging and persuasive. He served the RMT superbly but also represented the interests and concerns of the whole movement.
He will be sorely missed but his example and his beliefs will continue to inspire the work of unions in the years to come.
Sincere condolences to Bob's family and friends and all members of the RMT.
By Jonathan Ledger on 13 March 2014
Bob was a truly remarkable trade unionist - we are proud to have known him. He worked tirelessly for working people and their families and the greatest tribute we can make to his memory is to step up our campaigning for all the things he believed in.
By Malcolm and Jan Wallace on 13 March 2014
Every time i met you, you always gave me your time and your ear , even though you always had a lot on your plate ! You always made me feel as if you were genuinely concerned and interested in all of the dialogue between us ! Thank you for being the great person i knew ! Taken too soon :( !!! My thoughts and condolences are with your family and friends at this difficult time !!! Gone but never forgotten !
Rest in Peace Bob x
By Kevin Smith on 13 March 2014
52 So young for our times. My deepest condolences to Bob's family. It is they who are truly in shock. As for the wider labour movement we have lost a warrior ... a champion to follow and take pride in. His colleagues and many many more can't speak highly enough of the man himself. His Union have lost a gifted leader. He will be remembered for many years to come.
By Kevin Hayes on 13 March 2014
A good man with the courage of his convictions. Very sad loss.
By Megan Redmond on 13 March 2014
To my little baby brother hope you know how very much I love you and how proud Iwas of you I could always see the lovely little boy you was and the great man you became Will love you forever BOB
By Maureen Gilbert on 13 March 2014
Massive loss to us all, of someone who was still doing so much for the movement.
By Kieran Crowe on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was a hero figure for me, as a young socialist and trade unionist. His zealous defence of his members, and his principled and far-sighted approach on the question working-class political representation, are an inspiration still. My heartfelt condolences go to his family and comrades. Your brothers and sisters in the movement are with you, and we will honour his memory by fighting on. Solidarity forever.
By James Ivens on 13 March 2014
Memory of a great man
May your memory be as powerful and influential as your presences.
You gifted us compassion and commitment when they called us peasants.
The presidents you set will be upheld and defended.
Your legacy begins although your life has been ended.
Enjoy your rest big man. You never gave up and neither will your ideals and morals.
RIP comrade.x
By James Taylor on 13 March 2014
We have lost a giant of a man, principled and strong, who protected his members' pay and conditions, despite being vilified by the press and the Tories. He has left very big shoes to fill, I'm not sure that anyone can. Bless you Bob, I admired you greatly. XXX
By Jac Williams on 13 March 2014
When we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the victory at Saltley Gate, when engineers struck to support striking miners in February 1972 in Birmingham, Bob came along. He hadn't been invited to speak, he just thought it was important to be there.
We need more fighters like Bob.
By Pete Jackson on 13 March 2014
My sympathies to Bob's friends and family at this trying time. Otherwise the best way to remember him is to keep up the struggle, as that would be what Bob would want!
By Tom Armstrong on 13 March 2014
It was with genuine sadness that I learned of the death of Bob Crow. I think working people have lost a true champion. Whenever I saw him on the tv I found him to be a breath of fresh air - a straight talking man in a world of snakes. I admired him for not backing down, for looking after the people he was there to serve and for staying strong against real pressure. It seems his determination cost him dear and the attacks on him in the media were disgusting. I hope we can all learn a bit from him and take his work forward. There are too few people like him in the public eye these days. A proper hero. My condolences to his friends and family.
By Angela Chicken on 13 March 2014
We have all lost a true comrade and brother. Bob you where and always will be an inspiration never fearing to go where others feared to thread.
By Pedro Misquita (CWU) on 13 March 2014
R.I.P....A man who stuck by his principles and never sold out,Bob you will be sorely missed.My thoughts are with your family and friends...Solidarity forever.
By GRAHAM HENRY on 13 March 2014
Shocked and saddened. Bob is a blueprint for any trade union leader now and forever. A giant amongst men. We both shared more than one thing in common............... not least, our admiration for one of Englands finest footballers,Terry Hurlock who played for Brentford and Millwall!
By Tim Rugg on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow - a great human being who believed in and courageously fought for his union's membership and social justice for all and was not afraid to speak truth to power. A loss to us all - but an example to us all as well! I wish the RMT luck in finding a worthy successor.
By Derry Hannam on 13 March 2014
You'll be sadly missed by the trade union movement RIP Bob
By Roger Zanker on 13 March 2014
I could not believe the news. You have inspired many people to work much harder for the cause of workers' rights and for socialism. RIP comrade and my best wishes to your family, and thank you for all you did.
By Ruth Henderson on 13 March 2014
To family, friends, RMT members and comrades, I would like to add a message of respect at the sad and premature passing of Bob Crow. I would especially like to record the whole hearted support he gave to the Vestas occupation on the Isle of Wight in 2009 when others in the trade unions feared to tread. Bob led from the front and as ever gave great inspiration and confidence to the occupiers, workers at Vestas and the island community. In that struggle he raised the sights of all to a better society in the socialist values he stood for. Bob has left a fighting union both industrially and politically through No2EU and TUSC. In his memory we fight on. Solidarity forever!
By Nick Chaffey on 13 March 2014
I will miss you Bob . You epitomised what the movement needs . Your enemies will think they have won. They can think again!
By Nigel Cornwell on 13 March 2014
Condolences from Socialist Party Wales to Bob’s family and the RMT family.
Bob will be missed by workers across Britain and Europe because he stood firm against everything the bosses threw at him and the RMT. While others wavered or retreated he was proof that a determined defence of workers gets results for the members and builds the union.
We greatly valued Bob’s unstinting support for the idea that workers should have their own party. His unyielding support for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition and his fantastic speeches in support of TUSC at meetings in Wales inspired us to make his dream a reality.
The working class has lost one of its greatest sons and we feel like we have lost a brother. We must ensure that his example is taken up and his legacy continues.
By Dave Reid (Secretary, Socialist Party Wales) on 13 March 2014
R.i.p bob..thankyou for giving all the low paid workers hope of a brighter future.
By Natalie Thomas on 13 March 2014
Bob was more than the elected general secretary of the RMT. He was a trade union LEADER.
As a devout socialist, Bob's robust application of working class principles set him apart from many other union 'leaders'.
Bob spoke with passion and fight which inspired others within the trade union movement.
His courage was not only illustrated in the recent industrial action, but through the political direction he took the RMT; being influencial in the founding of the Trade Unionist Socialist Coalition. I am a prospective candidate for TUSC and hope others stand/join in Bob's memory.
Long may his principles be echoed by the trade union movement for years to come!
Rest In Peace comrade!
By Carl Harper (CWU Delivery Representative) on 13 March 2014
A great loss to the RMT, the trade union movement and millions of working people who found a voice in Bob, my thoughts are with his family and those he held close.
I was fortunate enough to see Bob speak on a couple of occasions and found him sincere and honest with clarity of thought and a conviction that is hard to find.
His achevements and record at the RMT do the talking. A true giant amongst men and a real inspiration, there will never be another Bob Crow. RIP Bob...
By Kevan Pugh - CWU Rep Colchester on 13 March 2014
RIP, my thougths with the family, huge loss for the working class
By luis chieddi on 13 March 2014
If our thieving politicians had an ounce of Bob Crow's integrity and conviction, then society would be fairer place to live in.
By Martin Waterhouse on 13 March 2014
RIP bob from all the track staff days met line Northwood a great leader who will be missed
By Roy ellis on 13 March 2014
So rare to find a man that leads with such humility and good humour and remains so true to his roots. I've been honoured to work with Bob for over 12 years trying to secure a voice in Parliament for RMT members. Absolutely devastated by the loss of such a brilliant, honest, and courageous fighter for ordinary people all over the world and my mate.
By Simeon Andrews on 13 March 2014
What a Man,a man for the working class people R.I.P
By Peter Butterworth on 13 March 2014
A great man who will be sadly missed.
By Julie Parker on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow had an unmatched talent for speaking the language of socialism and trade unionism in a fashion that was popular, passionate and occasionally hilarious. His uncompromising support for his members meant the esteem he was held in by working people was matched by the spite the bosses and their shadows in the media reserved for him.
As well as his industrial record Bob also had the vision to see that the trade unions needed their own political voice with the move to the right by the Labour. Alongside the healthy state of the union he leaves behind this will prove to be an enduring legacy to leave to our movement.
Deepest condolences to Bob's family and RMT members.
By Neil Cafferky on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was our comrade, and one of the finest trade unionists of our generation. His loss to the movement is immeasurable.
By TRADE UNION COORDINATING GROUP (bfawu, fbu, napo, nuj, nut, pcs, poa, rmt, ucu, urtu) on 13 March 2014
A Giant of a man, an inspiration and hero to working class people all around the world, a credit to the Trade Union movement, and his RMT members in particular. R.I.P. Comrade.
By Neal Kidwell CWU Eastern No6 on 13 March 2014
Incredibly saddened to hear the news of Bob's death at such a young age. I felt like I knew him after attending two of the RMT's brilliant garden parties and meeting Bob on both occasions. He led with honour and passion and won't be forgotten by the labour movement. RIP.
By Jack Connor on 13 March 2014
a great loss to family friends and all at rmt union condolences to bobs family for truly a great leader and a fantanstic unuon colleague.
By dominic moloney r.e.o at southeastern (srt) on 13 March 2014
The trade union movement has lost our leading example of the power common people can have when unified. Long live organized labor, collectivism and worker solidarity. R.I.P. Bob!
By Cian Hynes (Civil, Public & Services Union of Ireland) on 13 March 2014
I was so shocked to hear about Bob's death, I've always found him to be an intelligent, principled fighter for not just his members, but also others as well. When those of us in PCS took industrial action, he came and stood with us on the picketline at the British Library. Bob could be pragmatic when it was necessary, but never mistook that for capitulation. Bob was an inspiration to and for so many, and his legacy of fighting for a better world will endure....
I am paraphrasing Patrick Pearse, that stawlwart irish republican below when he said; 'They think that they have pacified us. They think that they have purchased half of us and intimidated the other half. They think that they have foreseen everything, think that they have provided against everything; but the fools, the fools, the fools! - they have left us our union dead, and while we holds these graves, the workers unfree shall never be at peace'
By Floyd Codlin on 13 March 2014
Bob you have dedicated your life to bring quality to others,a giant with a big heart.I am very grateful.Rest In Peace brother.
My condolences to Bob's family and friends.
By T.Siva on 13 March 2014
The working class has lost one of its best fighters and leaders. Bob and other RMT members proved that standing up for decent jobs and services can win. He is a trade unionist that all workers should seek emulate.
Let me also pass on condolensces to Bob's family and the union from Socialist Party members in Leeds too
By Iain Dalton, Yorks & Humber TUC Youth Convenor on 13 March 2014
In solidarity and with condolences to comrades, friends and family.
"Don't mourn, organise".
By Jonathan Davies on 13 March 2014
An inspirational speaker that was proud to call himself a socialist. He touched so many people not just because he stood up for his members to improve their working lives, but becasue of his tireless public speaking. The TU movement is a poorer place for his passing.
If only more of the TU leadership had his balls!
His family are in all of our thoughts.
By David Seagrave on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow's premature passing is a terrible loss to the British Trade Union Movement. He was a genuine working class fighter - a very rare thing in contemporary, public schoolboy-run, Britain. Deepest sympathies to Bob's family, close friends and comrades.
By Patrick Bellew London Metropolitan University on 13 March 2014
An inspirational man who will be sadly missed by the trade union movement r.i.p bob
By Andy thurstance - ucatt midlands on 13 March 2014
We were shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of RMT GS Bob Crow who was a symbol of couregous and fighting unionism. There is no doubt that his early death was a loss for his family his union and workers everywhere, as Bob Crow was one of the leaders of a new direction of the labour and trade union movement internationally that refused to accept the capitalist domination as a fait accomple and fought to change the tide of history.
We in WAC MAAN found in Bob Crow's RMT a union that opened its doors to new ideas and new initiatives, stood strongly with the Palestinian people and always emphasized the need of Arab and Jewish workers to cross the sectarian and religeous lines and to join hands on a class basis.
We will always remember him for what he was - a working class hero
may he rest in peace knowing that his union and fighters for justice and workers rights go on in his struggle
Assaf Adiv
National Coordinator
By Assaf Adiv - National Coordinator - The independent Trade Union Center WAC MAAN on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob. The Youth Fight for Jobs campaign has been shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic death of RMT General Secretary, Bob Crow. Since the foundation of Youth Fight for Jobs, the RMT - and Bob Crow in particular - have offered outstanding support to the campaign and to the struggle for a future for the 99%. We were especially grateful for the support given during our re-creation of the Jarrow March for jobs in 2011. Our thoughts are with Bob’s family and friends and we offer solidarity to the RMT at this difficult time.
By Youth Fight for Jobs on 13 March 2014
Sadly missed, the world needs more like Bob,people who arn,t afraid to stand up and say No.
By Nigel Bailey on 13 March 2014
A massive tragedy for his family and for the movement. He stood up for his principles and for his members. We need more Bob Crows!
By Shirley Franklin on 13 March 2014
Still feel numb with shock. Sleep well, comrade. Your memory is an inspiration for trade unionists everywhere.
By Phil Burton-Cartledge (Stoke Labour Party) on 13 March 2014
Thanks for everything.
By Roger Spackman on 13 March 2014
Dear Bob. I may not have always agreed with your opinions, but I would *always* want you on my side fighting for me. May you be reborn quickly back into a world that desperately needs more people like you. <3
By Christine on 13 March 2014
Goodbye old friend.
By John Sweeney Ucatt on 13 March 2014
The worse thing about losing Bob is there are no more like him. A fair minded firebrand portrayed by the right leaning press as a troublemaker. He stood up for people. His detractors can't say the same.
By Matt Lowe on 13 March 2014
A great loss to the labour movement and to the movement for peace and social justice. He will be a hard act to follow.
By Neil Bateman, Ipswich on 13 March 2014
A message of support and solidarity from the Norfolk County Branch of UNISON. Bob was a remarkable trade union leader in that he was able to convey the principles of trade unionism to his members and thus ensured they got a fair deal from the employers and also protected a vital public service at the time of cuts. If more people followed the example of RMT members this country would be a better place.
Thoughts also got to Bob's friends and families.
By Jonathan Dunning on 13 March 2014
By Eddie Lawrence CWU on 13 March 2014
Losing Bob is a real tragedy, of course above all for his family and the RMT, but also for the whole working class. Bob was a real class fighter, a trade union leader worthy of the name, at a time when such leaders are desperately needed. How popular that made him is shown in the outpouring of public affection towards him over recent days. It was a privilege to work with Bob in No2EU and the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. He will be greatly missed, but the best thing we can do in his memory is to fight on.
By Hannah Sell Socialist Party on 13 March 2014
Unionism has lost a father! R.I.P Bob, you played your part well, let's hope your legacy will be preserved by those who seek to step into your shoes.
By Clive Obianyor on 13 March 2014
A top top man. Fought for who elected him for precisely why they elected him, most MP's could take a leaf out of that book. Politicians who publicly disagreed with him privately admired him for being what they weren't. Loved and respected.
The best way anyone can honour his memory is joining or forming a trade union.
By JD on 13 March 2014
Bob had a fantastic combination of humour, commitment to the movement and unswerving conviction to socialism.
He turned up to the Burston rally for several years (even when he was not a speaker) which showed his personal commitment to grass-roots Trade Unionism.
A tireless campaigner and straight talker- he will be a huge loss to the movement!
Our thoughts are with his family and Comrades
Kevin Reynolds (Unite/ Great Yarmouth Trades Council)
By Kevin Reynolds on 13 March 2014
Bob was a true working class man a inspiration to all and will be greatly missed, he was one of a kind, sadly missed
By Tina Holroyd on 13 March 2014
It is tragic that the union movement should lose an inspiration like Bob at this time.
He showed how union leaders should operate.
Too many do not have the courage to stand by their principles and support their members in the way Bob did.
It is no wonder his RMT members supported and trusted him.
He will be missed by family, friends, members and the whole trade union movement.
Thanks Bob, you showed us what we can achieve by Socialist and Trade Union Solidarity.
R.I.P. a comrade.
By Geoff Smith (Scarborough) on 13 March 2014
A mighty leader whose talents and dedication will be mightily missed in the coming struggles
By liam campbell on 13 March 2014
Bob was one of the great trade union leaders he was selfless in is determination to get the best deal available for his members. R.I.P.
By Nigel Holcombe, Bognor Regis. on 13 March 2014
A good man. One of us. Who will take up the fight for the working class now? We are lost without your leading example.
Then raise the scarlet standard high,
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here
Respect to your Family who supported you through your fight, and through the lies of the press.
By Lizzie O'Grady. on 13 March 2014
Sincere condolences to Bob's Family. A great man. RIP Bob.
By Ian Cole UNISON United Utilities on 13 March 2014
An inspiration, a character, a beacon of strength and hope for so many, a giant man who's left a giant void. Condolences to his loved ones and friends
By Samantha Facey on 13 March 2014
So shocked and saddened by Bob Crow's passing away. A charismatic trade union leader who fought for his London Underground employees and the safety of its passengers. Our great city of London has lost its most powerful advocate.
By Geneviève Robinson on 13 March 2014
Bob was one of the great figures of the modern union movement, never afraid to voice his views. He was a man of integrity and absolute commitment to his members. His untimely death is a very sad loss.
By Christine Buckley - NUJ magazine editor, former Times Industrial Editor on 13 March 2014
Bob was such a good friend and comrade to my late partner, Greg Tucker. His premature death is devastating and a massive loss to socialists and trade unionists world-wide.
He was a genuinely nice man - a gentleman in the true sense of the word - and he will be sorely missed.
My condolences and best wishes to his family, friends and all RMT comrades.
"Don't mourn, organise - a better world is possible!"
By Joan Twelves on 13 March 2014
Condolences to his family. To sum BOB CROW UP.
By Dennis Mc Pake on 13 March 2014
In an era when unions have been portrayed as the equivalent of the plague many unions have survived by becoming quiet, concilliatory and right of centre. They have lost members and a voice. Bob Crow was heard. He won arguments because he knew his facts and he knew his enemies. He maintained living standards for his members. He was open about his beliefs and desires. He was that rare thing nowadays, himself. A fighter, a campaigner and a prime example that if you fight for what you believe in, however unpopular the media says you are, you can obtain great results.
By Mary Prior on 13 March 2014
Very rarely do a persons "opponents" pay such genuine tributes and there is a reason for the warm words many have spoken.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.
His passing is a loss to the world. A very intelligent man who cared.
R.I.P. Bob Crow
By Mark Higgins on 13 March 2014
A true, committed man who cared about decency, fairness and the safety of people. More political authenticity in one Bob Crow flake of dandruff than the whole Westminster throng combined. Sadly, Boris will be having more restful nights from now on.
We'll miss you, Bob
By Antony Thomas on 13 March 2014
Bob Crowe was an inspiration to many. He spoke with passion and conviction and stood up for the rights of workers. He refused to be divided by the politics of envy. He was a brilliant speaker at the Burston Strike School Rally and someone others listened to carefully. He'll be sorely missed. King's Lynn and District Trades Council send their condolences and solidarity to all those who will feel his loss.
By JoAnne Rust on 13 March 2014
You always did the best you could, whenever you could, for as many as you could. What a testimony and legacy...
By Julie-Anne Dalchow on 13 March 2014
Inspirational leaders like Bob don't come around to often making this one of the saddest losses for the trade union movement in recent times. RIP Brother
By Jamie Wyatt on 13 March 2014
Thank you Bob Crow for standing up for London and Londoners, you will always be in our hearts and minds. From now on I intend to refer to the line that goes from Brixton to WalthamstoW the Bob Crow line
By Jon Harding on 13 March 2014
Condolences and solidarity from just another London commuter who always admired what Bob achieved for his members.
By Michael Scanlan on 13 March 2014
What a very, very sad moment in history, and an immense loss to those people that seek justice and fairness in the world. His integrity was a example to us all.
By Gordon Mason, Branch Chairperson, Central Counties & Thames Valley Branch, Communications Workers Union. on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow, you were an inspirational man. Your death is a huge loss to our class. RIP
By Una Byrne on 13 March 2014
Bob, Thank you for giving the workers a voice.
Many are Silenced out of fear of losing their jobs against the union busting machines of big corprate business and cost cutting barons.
You will go down in modern history as one of the best union leaders of our time.
My sympathies to Bob's family and to his friends
Sleep well.
By Elizabeth from Newcastle on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow always fought for what he believed in. He epitomised all that is good about socialism and the Trade Union movement. He will be sorely missed by so many. Can I add my condolences to his friends and family on their loss. Solidarity!
By Norma Anderson on 13 March 2014
A man of principle, in a world where few are principled. In still in shock
RIP big man
By Jonathan Smith on 13 March 2014
On behalf of Liverpool UNISON Local Government Branch we send our sincere condolences on the sad news about Bob Crow. This is a loss for all of us in the trade union movement to lose someone so inspiring as a speaker and who was so passionate about his trade unionism. However the loss will be felt most greatly by Bob’s friends, family and colleagues. Our thoughts are with all of you at this sad time. We will continue to campaign, organise and fight for the principles of trade unionism as the best tribute we can pay to such an incredible man.
Babs Hennessy
UNISON Branch Secretary – Liverpool Branch
By Babs Hennessy, Liverpool UNISON local government on 13 March 2014
Bob was a good man with principles and was a great leader. He will be sadly missed by all the RMT members who work for London Underground. RIP Bob
By Stephen Lubbock on 13 March 2014
As a Shop Steward for the old T&GWU, now Unite the Union, who worked in the motor industry here in Luton and not in the railway industry as Bob did, I always admired the way Bob Crow stood by his members and always leading from the front.The right wing media and politicians were always lining up to try and undermine him and the members of the RMT but never succeeding because of his staunch loyalty to his members his union and his class.Never afraid to stand by those who he represented and never afraid to say it as it was.He will be sorely missed at a time when we need leaders such as Bob to lead the trade union movement so that others may follow.He believe passionately in what he was doing was for justice and fair play and I for one will miss that passion that inspired so many.My condolences go to all his friends,family and his trade union colleagues who must be shocked and devastated at his passing.
RIP Bob Crow.
By Kevin Rouse on 13 March 2014
Sad that such a doughty fighter for his members died so young.
By Meredith Lawrence on 13 March 2014
I am sorry you are gone. My thoughts are with your family.
By Fiona McLatchie on 13 March 2014
Hard to know what to say really, Working class fighter through and through, inspirational leader for the working class. Hard to see how the void left with the untimely passing of someone so great can be filled, Rest In Peace
By Seamus O Colgan on 13 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family and his many friends. Bob Crowe embodied the spirit of working class resistance and demonstrated the enduring power of working class organisation. He was an authentic voice in an age of spin. His untimely death is a great loss to the trade union movement.His memorial is the strength of the union he led. Don't mourn, organise.
By Ray Ellis CWU on 13 March 2014
It is such a tragic loss for his family and the whole of the Labour Movement. Farewell Comrade.
By Ray Walker on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was a huge inspiration to me and will continue to be so. A devastating loss of a good man and trade unionist.
Rest in peace, comrade x
By bernadette hanley on 13 March 2014
A great union leader and fighter for the working class. The fact he annoyed a lot of powerful people is to his credit! Bob Crow will be sorely missed, the movement has lost a militant and inspirational comrade.
By James Taylor on 13 March 2014
A sad and great loss of great TU leader, socialist and a man of the people. The world of trade union will never be the same again, and it will be long time before another such as Bob is fighting for workers rights. Rest in piece Bob your legacy has inspired and will inspire generation of reps, and officers of unions across the UK and the continent. Your name and what you stood for lives on.
By Paul Moffat CWU Eastern regional Secretary on 13 March 2014
To say I was shocked when I heard the news would be an understatement. I heard Bob speak at meetings I was at a few times and he always made so much sense and he represented, to me, what a proper Trades Union Leader should be all about. He will be missed by the Left in this Country and in the wider world where he was vocal in support of any Union dispute affecting the workers. RIP Bob you leave a big gap to fill.
By Trevor May - ordinary retired PCS member on 13 March 2014
A hero, a fighter and an inspiration. The world has lost one of its greatest figures. RIP Bob.
By Ryan Wallwork on 13 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family, friends and all at the RMT. His magnificent example encourages all of us to work longer, fight harder and reach higher in pursuit of working class power and socialism. No2EU, Yes to Workers Rights!
By Chris Davis (Unison) on 13 March 2014
Bob inspired workers in this country to believe that if we stand together and act together there is no power that can defeat us and a world to win. RIP Brother.
By Richard Edwards PCS Eastern Regional Secretary on 13 March 2014
One of the few trade union leaders who understood that you don't play football while the other side's playing rugby. A loss not only to his family but to the entire movement.
By Rob Crowther on 13 March 2014
In the age of the jelly mould politician where you can't tell a Clegg from a Cameron from a Milibean and no one knows what the Labour Party is for anymore, Bob Crow was a man you could look to and know exactly what he was all about.
God rest him, on his picket line outside the pearly gates!
By JB on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow knew how to fight back against this disgusting Tory government. he will be sorely missed by working class people. The best legacy he could leave is that we show solidarity to all striking workers and kick out the Tories now!
By Katrina Mayer on 13 March 2014
At a time when workers' rights are under attack like never before, Bob has stood out as a beacon to Trade Unionists everywhere. He will be sadly missed, but I peldge to carry on the fight from within my Union, PCS
By Richard Ferris on 13 March 2014
Condolences to all Bob's family and friends and my brothers and sisters in the RMT.
The first time I ever heard Bob speak left me feeling as if I would walk throught fire for him. He reached something deep inside me that I did not even suspect was there. I am so glad he did. He was an honest, straightforward man with integrity. He did not fear anyone and he gave his members what they wanted - strong leadership and an awareness of what was happening in the international unions.
I still can't really believe he has gone.
A great man, a great union leader an in his memory we must never give in. We must always stand up and be counted. Bob has left us a legacy we must safeguard it and take it forward.
RIP Bob you will be sorely missed.
Jenny Gray RMT Bristol Branch
By Jennifer Gray on 13 March 2014
Bob I remember a few years ago at our tssa conference delegates saying why has Bob Crow been invited to speak? Well you spoke from the platform on pensions and such was your impassioned speech you received a well deserved standing ovation. We said gosh if you were on the front line on hearing that you'd go over the top no problem. Such was your impact. I feel greatfull to have shared a platform with you during the Bombardier Campaign. You will be greatly missed. RIP Bob.
By Tony Barrable on 13 March 2014
It was a pleasure to have known you a Bob your example should be the model for every trade unionist to follow, a fearless champion of your class the working class, a great internationalist and a true comrade of all the progressive people of our planet, Hasta La Victoria Siempre !!!!
By Denis Doody Regional Secretary UCATT Northern Region on 13 March 2014
The hundreds of messages of condolence already sent testify to the unarguable fact that the Labour Movement has lost one its very best activists. You were an inspiration to me and to many, many other trade unionists. Rest in peace.
By Dave Kent, GMB member on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was a true hero of trade union and socialism and will be sorely missed. We are all diminished for his parting.
By Dan Thompson on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. His detractors complained he held London to ransom with his bullish tactics while raking in a generous salary. But Crow earned every penny of his salary - he was good at his job and did exactly what a union leader is supposed to. Fight hard for his members. To the bitter end.
By Salman Shaheen on 13 March 2014
a sad loss to the trade union movement and especially to all transport workers,so shocked when i heard the news, my thoughts are with your all your family and friends, rest in peace Bob you will be missed .
By richard bradley on 13 March 2014
A lion has died. I remember attending a TUC conference , in 1990's and he was very friendly & jovial not at all as the right wing media demonised him.
He contributed greatly to the trade union movement and to transport system.
Just wish to end on a chant from his favourite football team ; "They don't love me, we don't care".
RIP my sympathy to your family and wife. xx
By Cate Tuitt (Catherine Shanti ) on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow, very clear view of right and wrong, alway on the side of oppressed and weak, great fighter, words won't do you justice.Very rarely to know such a great hero.
By Ahmad Baker on 13 March 2014
"It suits today the meek and base whose minds are fixed on pelf and place to stoop before the rich man's frown and haul our sacred emblem down." Well Bob Crow was someone who didn't!
It seems appropriate to use the last words of Joe Hill "Don't mourn. Organise." but it is likely that trade union activists will be doing both.
By Derek McMillan on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob true champion of the working class and a great hero to me and thousands like me we will carry on the fight Comrade!
By Steve Meese on 13 March 2014
You will be sadly sadly missed. Thanks for knowing you .uour great work and the legacy you left behind. You were worthy of emulation. May your gentle soul ret in perfect peace.
By B Egharevba on 13 March 2014
Bob was a straight and down to earth he told you how it he was a great man, his work is not finished and we must carry on the fight for him!
By Mark still on 13 March 2014
You will be so sadly missed by the international movement. You were a wonderful inspiration for all organisers, members and society as a whole. I thank you for your service to the movement. Sincere condolences for your family, friends and comrades.
By Helen Bellette on 13 March 2014
RiP Bob. Best. Union. Leader, he. Will be. Sadly missed. My. Sympathies to. His. Family.
By Peppino. Marino. Rmt great northern branch. Finsbury park on 13 March 2014
Bob the BFG of the TU movement is irreplaceable and will be sorely missed.
By Karim Ismail Unite on 13 March 2014
You left a legacy of selflessness for the youth to emulate. RIP Brother, my thoughts with the family at this grieve moment.
By Melody Amoah Maritme n Dock Workers Ghana on 13 March 2014
You would always go the extra mile for your members but never give an inch to their employers. You undoubtedly achieved results for your members because of the unwavering support you gave to them and the deserved and loyal support they gave to you in return. It has been a fulfilling experience to have worked with you, your colleagues within the RMT and your members.
By Brian Tait, Miranda Becher & Alan Rodgers, Drummond Miller (RMT Solicitors, Scotland) on 13 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob
Very sad and tragic loss of a great man and fighter for the working class.
Pleasure to have known you.
You will be sadly missed by friends and all who knew you.
Heartfelt love and condolences to Nicky & family xx
By Lisa & Cydnie on 13 March 2014
Condolences to family and RMT members. A class fighter who will be missed leaving the labour movement the weaker for it. False friends who hated him life praise him in death. They should remember his legacy in the RMT, TUSC, and NSSN and class struggle everywhere will live on.
By Tony Saunois (CWI secretary) on 13 March 2014
Bob will always be remembered for his strength and determination, along with his commitment to fair treatment for his members and other working people. Never intimidated. A true working class hero. His death is a terrible loss to us, but so much more to his family and close friends.
This message comes with my deepest sympathy.
By Lydia Massey on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow's death is a tragedy for his family and for the labour movement. His was a genuine, authentic and discordant voice that unsettled the elites and the media. Powerful because it spoke of a working class reality often silenced, it disturbed because of its emphasis upon the legitimate role of trade unions to represent the interests of their members. He will be missed. His legacy is a strong RMT. Others now need to follow his example.
By Huw Beynon on 13 March 2014
Sad time gor the Trade union movement.
An aspiration to many.
Many people will carry your manta forward.
Thank you for all that you did for workers in ghis country.
Rest in Peace.
By Wendy Hurst on 13 March 2014
I would like to send my deepest sympathy to Bobs family at this sad time. Bob will never be forgotton and the fight for our members rights must continue in his name. Having been active in the miners strike it was refreshing to once again be led by a great leader and I was proud to be an RMT member and always will be and I will always remember Bob as a inspiration to all. Rest in peace Bob.
By David Pinkney on 13 March 2014
If only more people had Bob Crow's fight, grit, humour and determination that life can and should be better. R.I.P Bob and condolences to your family. The world will be a lesser place without you hammering the few on behalf of the many.
By Fiona Robb on 13 March 2014
I am deeply saddened to hear about the death of Bob Crow, and extend my condolences and respect to his close friends and family, and to RMT activists and members, who lost a great and principled leader. We are poorer for losing him.
Rest in Peace, comrade.
By Helen & Dave Annand on 13 March 2014
I only saw Bob speak once and it was at last years Durham Miners Gala. He was a very passionate speaker and obviously a true Union Man, he increased his Union's membership from 20,000 to 80,000, he fought for peoples jobs, pay and against privatisation, a strong passionate man, regards to Bob's family and Friends and Respect to a True Man of the People
By Luke Hoggarth on 13 March 2014
Bob was the best trade union leader of his generation. A tireless fighter for his class and trade unionists everywhere. Always one encourage and assist others he was an inspiration to so many and not just RMT members.
I first met Bob 20 years ago and even though we sometimes went a while without seeing each other he never forgot .
It is up to us all to redouble our efforts and carry the fight forward in Bobs memory.
My thoughts are with his friends and family he has left a legacy we must carry forward
RIP Bob a comrade in every way
By Dave Proctor on 13 March 2014
I did not know Bob Crow personally, but his passing is a loss to all working class people in this country. By sticking up and fighting for his members he was fighting for all of us. I hope the rest of the Trade Union movement take inspiration from his work at RMT and on behalf of all of us.
A great man, tower of strength and a truly great Brit!
By Sean Conway on 13 March 2014
An honour to meet a great man and a privilege to drink with. The world has lost a genuine giver of fucks. May he continue the good fight from above.
By Keiran Curry MUA on 13 March 2014
Well done Bob you were an inspiration to many.
Tony Broxson
Wigan Left Unity
By Tony Broxson on 13 March 2014
A great man who had time for anyone. The world has been robbed of someone who fought tirelessly for the working people of this country. You will be missed, rest in peace.
By Steven Moule on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was and remains a true inspiration for thousands of workers and trade union activists the length and breadth of Ireland as we continue the working class struggle against capitalism and corporate greed. Bob will certainly be missed but his great legacy is that joining a union and being active in organising and campaigning actually provides real workplace power and security for our class. Mandate salutes the legacy of Bob Crow and we continue along the path he ploughed so bravely! RIP
By Brian Forbes. Mandate Trade Union on 13 March 2014
The loss of Bob has been deeply felt by so many becuase people understood his honesty and clarity. He was clearly on their side, that seems rare, even amongst trade union leaders. He fought valiantly for RMT members and was amongst the first to understand that 'austerity' meant that working people desparately needed their own political voice. We must take inspiration from his life and continue his fight.
By Paul Kershaw Unite on 13 March 2014
The Trade Union Movement has suffered such a great loss. A principled man who fought for his class. In your memory I will not weep, I will organise comrade.
Condolences to your family and friends.
By Kellie O'Dowd on 13 March 2014
Very sad day for me today to hear of the death of the most prominent and popular working class socialist we had in our movement. RIP cockney legend Bob Crow ! Feared by the bosses, loved by the people indeed!
You may have been a Millwall fan (me a rival Hammer), but I met you on many occasions and interviewed you, and you practiced what you preached every time. You nearly gave me a job as a press officer for the RMT, but that fell through in the end. I also was proud to march alongside you at the Burston Strike Rally last year shoulder to shoulder. But your passing will be a sad loss for all your members that you won better conditions for, and above all for international socialism. If all socialists came from your background (Shadwell,East London - my old manor), had your sense of humour and your courage, loyalty, honour and solidarity - then socialism wouldn't be a dirty word! RIP Bob - as we say in London Town - you were the top jolly!
By Paul Wellings (freelancer for The Independent, Mirror, NME and author of 'I'm A Journalist Get Me Out Of Here') on 13 March 2014
A great trade unionist and class figher. He will be sorely missed by the Movement!
By Sheila Pevely - PCS on 13 March 2014
Bob will be sorely missed - he was a dedicated and committed human being with a simple aim, to safeguard and improve the well-being of all he represented - and at that he was the best! The wider Trade Union and Labour movement are that much less with his passing and his drive, determination and personality will be sorely missed. Please pass on my sincere condolences to Bob's family, friends and colleagues.
By Jem Brookes on 13 March 2014
Sorry to hear the news of Bob's passing. He was a true leader and the biggest reason for the RMT Union continuing to grow and continuing to strengthen. He will be missed by those closest to him and by all of his members whom he represented with such determination and conviction.
A sad loss to this world and may he rest in peace
"Never on our knees"
By Christopher Morris on 13 March 2014
Already missed.
By Karen on 13 March 2014
You fought so hard for us in life Bob; now rest in peace.
By Pete Brown on 13 March 2014
A good strong leader and great character you will be sadly missed and near impossible to replace, rest in peace brother
By Graeme Davies on 13 March 2014
we wish to extend our sympathy to the family, Bob crow will go down in history as one of the greatest trade unionists this country has ever had, he always remained true to the fight, true to his class and true to himself, no one can ask for more, solidarity forever Nottingham city home care workers.
By Nottigham city branch Unite the union on 13 March 2014
He was a tough old-fashioned union man. I heard him speak and knew his union was in safe hands. The sell-out and the greedy bosses were scared to death of him and so were the posh-boys. We are the poorer for his passing but we must fight on in his name; he always did his job we have to do ours.
By Linda-Mary Smalley on 13 March 2014
Anybody who stands up for the pay, conditions, welfare and common good of the working man will always have my support and Bob Crow was brilliant at it. This is firstly and most importantly a family and personal loss to those who knew Bob. However his death is a massive loss to the union and to the Labour movement in general. I feel a real sense of loss that our union will not be led by him in future. RIP Bob Crow.
By Neil Rudd - RMT member Hull Depot on 13 March 2014
Thank you comrade. You have improved the lives of so many of your members. You have also shown everyone else that working people have a voice and the power to change things. I will miss your leadeship and strength. My heart goes out to your family and friends.
By chris hall on 13 March 2014
A traggic loss to the trade union movement and to his family. Bob was never afraid to tell it how it is and stand up for what he believed in. For this I have nothing but admiration for your all too short a life.
We will continue the battle for our rights and to improve the lives of hard working people.
Rest in peace Bob.
By Val Cooke USDAW on 13 March 2014
Condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of Bob Crow and to those he represented with vigour, compassion and most importantly absolute conviction.
Bob was one of the pitifully few people in public life that had had a set of principles and ethics that could not bought or tempered by the establishment nor the media, a rare trait in today's world.
Rest In Peace.
By Mick Berg on 13 March 2014
A traggic loss to the trade union movement and to his family. Bob was never afraid to tell it how it is and stand up for what he believed in. For this I have nothing but admiration for your all too short a life.
We will continue the battle for our rights and to improve the lives of hard working people.
Rest in peace Bob.
By Val Cooke USDAW on 13 March 2014
R.I.P Bob. You were a dedicated fighter for the working class. The struggle for an an end to this rotten capitalist system goes on and you will continue to be a real inspiration in that struggle for socialism. Your part in that struggle will never be forgotten.
By Chris Newby Socialist Party and TUSC on 13 March 2014
Caring about other people , is the best thing you can do in life.Bob Crow lived to do it. God bless him and his family.
By Ivy Beard on 13 March 2014
I am very very sad.
I loved Bob so very much .
By Martina on 13 March 2014
A fighter for his members. Tube drivers now have the best pay and pensions in the public sector due in no small part to Bob Crow.
By Cathy Reed on 13 March 2014
I took my daughters to hear Bob speak at the Durham Miners' Gala in 2013. He was by far and away the best and clearest speaker. We were inspired by his passionate call for socialism and his pride in being a militant trade unionist.
The establishment and false friends in the LP are trying to say Bob was a blast from the past but he was the opposite. Yes he stood in the best traditions of the Labour Movement but he was the music of the future. Young trade unionists today will continue his struggle to establish a new working class socialist party based on the trade unions. A life well lived - thanks a million Bob.
By John Andrew Hird CWI Spain on 13 March 2014
By Daniel Joseph on 13 March 2014
Our prayers and thoughts with his family at this time. We will miss him walking his dog and seeing him around the estate where we live. 20 years we have known him. He will be missed in Woodfordgreen. He always said hello and it didn't matter who you were. Not many people like that now. Sad to see a big character go. We will never know what more he could of achieved. RIP
By patricia & John on 13 March 2014
Those who are Anti-Union are probably the very reason that we need them. RIP Bob Crow. A very good man
By Angela Fountain on 13 March 2014
Just when we needed you most, a great man who was true to himself and the fight, you will be missed, Solidarity forever.
By Carol Starr on 13 March 2014
We are proud to work alongside our comrades in the RMT, a fighting union that has never shirked away from a fight and has never wavered in its commitment to our class’s fight for socialism. Bob Crow epitomised those principles.
In an era marked by timid trade union leaders, more concerned with peerages than protecting their members, Bob Crow ensured the RMT represented a different leadership of labour. By sticking to its principles, regardless of fad or fashion, and by standing with its members whatever the cost, the RMT have done more than any union to ensure that the principles of militant action and solidarity are central to the workers’ movement.
We were proud to invite Bob to Portsmouth in 2010 to launch the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition election campaign. It is our hope that victory in the fight to provide genuine political representation for our class will be central to Bob’s legacy.
In Solidarity,
Ben Norman
Portsmouth Socialist Party
By Ben Norman - Portsmouth Socialist Party on 13 March 2014
RIP comrade.
An inspiring speaker and a true fighter for our class.
By Elenor Haven on 13 March 2014
Millwall supporter, great trade union leader and friend. We will all miss you greatly.
By Mole Meade on 13 March 2014
Absolutely gutted at Bob Crow's passing.We have lost a true leader. Rest in peace Bob.
By Barry Robertson on 13 March 2014
Brilliant man who made such a difference, will be sadly missed.
By Keith Osborne on 13 March 2014
A terrible shock and loss for all trade unionists but of course more so for his close friends and family. A man who called it like it was, led his members fearlessly, showing that quality so rare in Trade Union General Secretaries these days - real leadership. The tributes paid to Bob over these last few days have been incredible and moving, a shame that he could not have heard them while he lived. Although he knew he had the support of his members, which was the most important thing- and should be to every union leader. Taken too young, this witty forthright man will be missed more than my tribute can adequately say.
By Grace Mitchell, CWU on 13 March 2014
An inspirational leader, who was afraid of nobody, and stood steadfast in what he believed in and fought tirelessly for us, his members, RIP Bob.
By Neil Redmond on 13 March 2014
you where on our side, great loss to all ordinary people
By bob taylor on 13 March 2014
RIP comrade Crow. The working class has lost a great fighter and socialist. We'll carry on your legacy by building TUSC and the struggle for a socialist future.
By Greenwich Socialist Party on 13 March 2014
BOB was and is,the greatest union leader in the history of Trade union movement.who came from working class and past away as working class with lesson to all the working and middle class of the UK
I am deeply saddened to hear about the death of Bob Crow, and extend my condolences and respect to his close friends and family, and to RMT activists and members, who lost a great and principled leader.
By BAL SWAMI on 13 March 2014
We are the many, they are the few. Thanks for everything, comrade.
By Robert Edwards on 13 March 2014
Socialist Workers Party members were greatly saddened to hear of the death of Bob Crow. In life, scorn was heaped upon him by right-wing politicians and the press. That was because he stood for improving the lives of the workers he represented by wielding their collective power. Under his leadership RMT members saw their conditions improve and the union grew. To the rich and powerful, this was anathema, but it made him one of the most highly regarded trade union leaders of our times.
Though he came from a different political tradition to our own, Bob put the interests of his class before sectarian divisions. We stood alongside him in opposition to imperialist wars in Afghanistan in Iraq, and in support of the Palestinians. He also sought to address a burning issue of our day, that of working class political representation, most recently through the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition.
Our condolences go to his family, friends and comrades. His memory will live on in the struggle.
By Socialist Workers Party on 13 March 2014
A tragic loss, not just for your family and friends but for comrades in the trade union movement. You were such an inspiration to us all in the struggle. The least we can do is to carry on your message and stand up for ourselves and our comrades.
Veronica Killen (UCU)
By Veronica Killen on 13 March 2014
2 working class hero’s lost in a week,Mike Abbott and now Bob Crow.
How do we go on?
Because we have to
Bob’s quote,
" If we fight we may win,
If we don’t fight we will loose”
A man of actions, will be sadly missed, our condolences to all his families, blood and Union fraternity
By Raymond Holroyd Unite workplace rep on 13 March 2014
To all his family & friends we would like to send our condolences. We only met Bob Crow last saturday in Brighton, when he gave a rousing speech & put fire in our bellies to go out there & fight for what is right for all workers.Wish we all had a man Like Bob Crow at the top of our Unions.
By Jan & Chris Mears Unite. on 13 March 2014
Fair we'll to a great champion of the working class a fine leader who was more than willing to put his head above the parapit for those who depended on him, the better tha man the greater the lose ,the passing of Bob Crow is a terrible blow to democracy, R I P Bob.
By Martin Gallagher on 13 March 2014
It is a pity there are not more people in this world with your courage and conviction, a real sad loss to the movement, thinking also of this great man's family and close friends at this very difficult time
By Nigel Waymark on 13 March 2014
Such a tragic loss. I have my own personal grief as a railway worker and what this loss will mean to all RMT members but I want to extend this to sending my love and support to Bob's family at this painful time. I will be forever grateful for the work he has done for workers on the railways and how much better off I am personally for this. A true union man and the loss of a great railwayman.
By Jem Hannam on 13 March 2014
We are devastated at the loss of Bob, one of the most outstanding working class leaders we have known. He was a staunch supporter of the Shrewsbury 24 Campaign and most recently he walked with us up to the door of 10 Downing Street and handed in our petition demanding that the Government release all the documents about the arrest and trials of the 24 pickets.
Our sincere condolences to his family and all RMT members.
By Eileen Turnbull Shrewsbury 24 Campaign on 13 March 2014
Condolences and solidarity to his family and colleagues on the loss of a truly great class fighter and fearless man. Hamba Kahle.
By C Bell on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow, the trade union movement is going to miss him.
By Stephen Miller, Left Unity on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob and condolences to your family and friends.
You have left a great legacy which needs to be carried on.
Thanks for standing up and fighting for us all.
By K Rogers on 13 March 2014
You were an inspiration to comrades throughout the trade union movement and your legacy provides us all with hope for the future.
Our thoughts are with your family and friends at this difficult time.
Rest in peace.
By Derek Hansford CWU on 13 March 2014
The National Shop Stewards Network is shocked at the tragic news that Bob Crow, the RMT general secretary has passed away. Our first thoughts are with Bob’s family at this sad time.
We also offer our full support and solidarity to the RMT.
We want to pay tribute to a militant trade union leader who has inspired a whole generation of workers that it is possible to fight back and win victories.
We will be forever grateful that Bob and the RMT initiated the NSSN in 2006 and we hope to continue to live up to his example.
Rob Williams, NSSN National Chair
By Rob Williams on 13 March 2014
The trade union movement has been robbed of a true fighter. I wish we had more like him, there is a big hole where he once stood. My condolences to all Bob's family and friends
By Judith Jackson, former RMT activist, now Unite on 13 March 2014
Bob was the sort of Trade Union leader who reminds us why the movement was established. A fighter and a champion of his class, he will be sorely missed.
By Donal O'Cofaigh on 13 March 2014
We are all joined in mourning Bob's loss; now we continue the struggle. Condolences to his family & friends. 'Honour the dead, fight like hell for the living!'
By Chris McCabe on 13 March 2014
I still can't believe Bob has gone. His death is not just a devastating blow to his family and his loved ones but has deeply affected 100,000's if not millions of working class people. We need more leaders as determined as Bob was to defend and extend the rights of our class. Bob, despite all the attempts to vilify him remained a genuine, authentic, internationalist right to the end. His spirit will always be with us on ever picket line, on every demonstration till we all meet again at the rendezvous of victory.
By Mark Anthony France - Unite Community Member Bromsgrove on 13 March 2014
Still hard to believe that Bob has left us, a great man, a great fighter, honest and true to his members and the working class. Walked the talk, fought for those who suffered injustice, a true working class hero, will be sadly missed, but the fight goes on...Viva Bob, Viva the RMT, viva the working class, so sad
By John McManus, Glasgow on 13 March 2014
I am deeply saddened to hear about the death of Bob Crow, and extend my condolences and respect to his close friends and family, and to RMT activists and members, who lost a great and principled leader for the working class.You will be missed but not forgotten.
May his soul Rest In Peace.
By A.Fernandes(Cally Road) on 13 March 2014
RIP BOB CROW, your legacy will live on...
By Ashraf Choudhury on 13 March 2014
Thank you Bob for the support you showed the Vestas workers and their supporters on the Isle of Wight. Thank you for your loyalty to Millwall Football Club. Thank you for the support you have given not just to the working class but also to us who are being portrayed as an underclass, the sick and disabled and the jobless at a time when it's political suicide to be seen as doing so. You were one of the rare few. Bless you.
By Jackie on 13 March 2014
Bob,I have just joined Unite Community and hoped our paths would cross. I have seen you speak on many occasions and felt empowered. You will be greatly missed. Rest in peace.
By sharon bestley on 13 March 2014
This is a great loss to the trade Union and the Labour movement.He will be a hard act to follow. Condolonces to his family friends and all the Bro and Sis at the RMT
By Esther Rey (Hounslow Council Staff Side) on 13 March 2014
Bob was a tireless fighter not only for his members, but for the creation of a fair, just and decent society. He was inspirational. His work must go on.
By Peter Lazenby on 13 March 2014
Bob came down to Llanelli in 2011 for the anniversary of the 1911 first national rail strike in which troops shot dead 2 men. He gave a powerful speech in which he said how 100 years ago the Labour party had emerged to challenge the Liberals for the votes of working people. We were now in a similar time, he said. Labour was not defending workers & a new party was needed to defend our interests. There was massive applause. We feel Bob's premature death especially keenly as now more than ever we need people of his calibre to stand up to governments who are attacking us. Don't mourn - organise! The struggle continues.
By Tim Evans on 13 March 2014
All of us at Union Solidarity International were deeply saddened to hear of Bob's passing. He was an inspirational figure not only for his own union but our Movement. We pass on our condolences to Bob's loved ones and all at the RMT. In Solidarity.
By Andrew Brady on 13 March 2014
Bob was a legend in the movement and will be sadly missed by all. RIP
By Lynn Browne CWU on 13 March 2014
By Chance Brown on 13 March 2014
Rip bob Crow you will be missed by thousands x
By Margaret Falcon on 13 March 2014
Your untimely death has deprived many low paid, poor, unemployed, sick & disabled Britons of a voice, who now will take up your legacy ?? no one I fear, may you rest in peace and thank you for all you have done for workers rights....
By Andrew Rankine on 13 March 2014
Not only have we lost a friend we have lost a truly GREAT man who's commitment and dedication to the trade union movement will be so greatly missed.R.I.P BOB
By Paul Hazell on 13 March 2014
Rip you will be missed by thousands x
By Margaret Falcon on 13 March 2014
The sad loss of a great union man RIP Bob.
By Chris Brewer on 13 March 2014
Met you twice and both times you were a gent. You'll be an inspiration forever. RIP.
By Mark Osgood, Unite. on 13 March 2014
It is sad to see some one like Mr Bob to die young, but I was very proud to be represented by Mr Bob for the last 10 years and I wish his family and friends quick recovery and bless his sole.
By Kamil Hassan on 13 March 2014
rest in peace bob crow, an inspiration i heard him speak once or twice at demos, fantastic and completely committed
By rachael horwitz on 13 March 2014
Bob i never knew you but i know you were a good man and a great union leader you stood for the working class people of this country and unions need to follow what you believed in....RIP
By linda graham on 13 March 2014
Such an inspirational man and very charming with it! You will be sorely missed
By Gary Alleyne on 13 March 2014
A lot has been said about Bob, through it all one thing was constant, his dedication and fierce determination for any of RMTs interests was undeniable. RIP your legacy will live on...
By Leon McInnes on 13 March 2014
I would like pass on condolences to his family .
it was great to have the best leader of a union which he ,s name will never be forgotten .
I will not forget the support he give to the members of the RMT .
Back in year 2003 the bus workers of Exeter went on strike for first time for over 20 years he came down and give us support.
Which due to this I then decide to get involve in the union movement ,which now i am the branch secretary and made use of his legend and make used of the education centre.
It was always nice to see bob when come down to Exeter and at the bus workers conference and have a pint and talk about lower league football even came watch Exeter city v Millwall on a very wet and windy Tuesday night .NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.
Its with great shock and pain that we heard the news that one of our own Bob Crow had died. A great fighter for our class. A solid trade unionist and a militant leader. This loss comes at a time when we needed Bob the most to stand alongside us in the struggles to come. Unite community Sheffield would like to send our love to Bobs Family and friends and our Solidarity to the Rail Maritime and Transport Union which Bob lead. We intend to pay our respects to Bob in the way he would have wanted by waging a fight for ordinary working people against those that wish to exploit us.
In the words of US activist Joe Hill
"Don't Mourn ORGANISE"
By Sheffield Unite Community Branch Committee on 13 March 2014
Very sad at your passing Bob. We need more people with your fight and now we have less.RIP
By Rick Evans on 13 March 2014
I was an NUR member back in the late 60's and 1970's when the union had a very different leadership than current RMT leadership until I took employment away from the trains.Bob was an inspiring leader at a time of big attacks on the employment conditions of transport workers and who is missed by many. My thoughts and prayers to Bob's family at this time of sadness
By Phil Cutler on 13 March 2014
You gave me the opportunity to serve this great union, you gave me inspiration to serve our members.
You have left a void in me which i can only fill by continuing your great work in the RMT.
Rest In Peace mate................... Stewart
By Stewart Cameron on 13 March 2014
You will be missed so much by so many people, was an absolute pleasure knowing you.
By leoni mitchell on 13 March 2014
Bob Crowe; everything that is best about a working class hero. What a tragedy that you should leave us when working people so desperately need giants to fight on our side.
By joyce brand on 13 March 2014
How very very sad, Bob will be sadly missed by all those whom had the pleasure to meet him.
I will miss him, his emails, and his presence at the rallies and meetings that he always attended when asked. Bob would never let you down. I was so appreciative of Bob, he supported The Shrewsbury 24 campaign of which I am apart of and had a banner made for me at a minutes notice.
He once asked me if I would pick a photograph up for him showing the Perth Railwaymens Strike Committee, he said its just up the road from you, when I asked where, it was 70miles away......I didn't hesitate, I went with pleasure.
Its with a heavy heart I write this email, so, lets remember Bob as he would wish, lets carry on his fight,our fight, better conditions and pay for all, lets fight any closures and job loses, the fight goes on.
Bob Crow, A true comrade, you will never be forgotten. As the sun goes down and in the morning, we will remember you....Phil Simpson
By PhilSimpson on 13 March 2014
As a member of the FBU I had the privalage of hearing Bob speak at a few rallies , he was an inspirational orator and leader . He will be greatly missed by us all
Jim Cuthbert
By Jim Cuthbert on 13 March 2014
You were a trade union member and leader that any trade unionist should aspire to be like and likewise you continue to inspire us to stand up for working people and fight for our rights. Rest In Peace.
By Mark Lancaster on 13 March 2014
I never met the man only seen him on TV, but i admired him a lot for what he stood for and for standing by his principles. I think the RMT and Britain will be sadly lost with out him.
My best wishes to his family.
By Anthony Bacon Bradlet Stoke Bristol on 13 March 2014
A man of the people. An inspiration and example to unionists and union leaders everywhere.
Bob will be sorely missed.
By Karl Timms on 13 March 2014
I never met Bob but his passing has truly saddened me. He was an inspirational fighter and one of the last representatives of what true trade unionism should be about. He will be surely missed. And may our memory of him guide us all.
By Joao Florencio, UCU member on 13 March 2014
A big character, passionate about working people and their value in a world driven by money. My condolences to his family, those close to him and the RMT members.
By Brendan O'Brien, CWU NEC Member on 13 March 2014
Whilst we had our disagreements I always respected his firm principles and actions on behalf of RMT members. What he brought to Trade Unionism will be sorely missed. RIP.
By Patrick Harrington on 13 March 2014
Bob and the RMT and previously NUR held on to principles of supporting the members this was seen in London Transport they were to the fore of holding on to training,skills and attempted to maintain jobs. Also in the London Transport pension scheme which gave workers a life after retirement when other unions sold-out.
He was spoke up for his members.
By Pat Atkinson on 13 March 2014
Fate has brought a void into the world of Socialism and the workers struggle. Goodbye comrade , I will always remember you.
By George Taylor member of BECTU on 13 March 2014
Still not got my head round this devastating loss to rail workers, all the movement and most of all Bob's family.
Keep fighting !
By Tosh McDonad Vice President ASLEF on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow:
A working class warrior, who inspired me, he reminded me that the values of the trade unions were worth fighting for.
Thinking of all those who's lives he touched, especially family, friends, RMT members and the wider trade union movement.
Missed always, living on in our hearts forever.
By Bianca Todd, Community Court Yard, Unite, Left Unity on 13 March 2014
The greatest trade union leader of our generation. A legend who will never be equalled . Rip brother . Rab McKenna senior shop steward city clean Brighton . Gmb B50 branch
By Rab McKenna on 13 March 2014
An inspirational leader who showed both compassion and strength to a generation of workers. He will be sadly missed by colleagues and all workers who want dignity and respect as well as fair treatment. RIP Bob you will not be forgotten.
By Barry Vaughan on 13 March 2014
Thanks Bob, my family is better off because of you. We will never forget.
By Terence O'Neill on 13 March 2014
Bob was an inspiration and tireless fighter for the working class.He will be sadly missed not only by family, friends and members of his union but by all people who believe in equality of opportunity for all.
By Jayne Calderwood on 13 March 2014
Bob I am missing you already. You will never be forgotten and your memories will go on for ever. You were a legend, you stood by your members with great affection, you were strong, honest and above all - you believed in us. Bob you made a lot of difference to many people's life. You knew that it takes a lot of strain on personal life by working unsocial hours and you made sure we were rewarded accordingly. I can't thank you enough.Rest in Peace Great One and God Bless you...
By Ash Shah on 13 March 2014
Rip bob a friend in kells co meath
By kevin Smith on 13 March 2014
So sad to hear the news.Bob Crow was an amazing man who always fought for his members.He is a great example of Trade unionism.I always enjoyed hearing his speeches and admire his dedication.The movement is a poorer place without him.RIP Bob.
By Michelle Fury Usdaw Rep on 13 March 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Jane and I are devastated by the news of Bob's death. We have both known him for around 30 years. AGMs, Frant Place, Council of Executives (1994/5/6). It's difficult to accept what has happened.
It is a very sad day!
By Rick Wilmot on 13 March 2014
RIP. The world needs more like Bob Crow, sadly today we have one less.
By Alan Yule on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace comrade im so glad i had the plesure to meet you in this life
Workers united
By Mark baker bfawu on 13 March 2014
I spent most of my legal career advising Bob he couldn't do something because the law didn't allow it, and he went ahead anyway. Exasperating for me but nearly always in his members' interests. RIP Bob.
By Paul Statham Patinson & Brewer Solicitors on 13 March 2014
God bless you Bob. Our hearts go out to Bobs family . Bob leaves big boots to fill. He will be sadly missed .
By Elaine Marino on 13 March 2014
I only met him once, in London, but in that meeting I saw a man of passion who worked tirelessly for members and cared deeply for social justice. He made me proud to say I am working class, a true hero, and he will be sorely missed.
By Silvia Vousden on 13 March 2014
A Great Shock and a Greal Loss for a Great Man.
By Peter Morris, LUL, Baker Street on 13 March 2014
I am simply unable to process this terrible news. Bob was the man we all wanted on our side. He was an immense presence and personality. Deepest sympathy to all his friends and family, and I am sending love to all his colleagues at Unity House. I know it can never be the same again for them following this untimely loss.
Fron a non Millwall fan who is hoping for a Millwall win this Saturday.
By Marina Pearce on 13 March 2014
R.I.P. Sir Bob met you just once great man we will miss you.
By Rich Gosai on 13 March 2014
Bob gave heart and inspiration to so many of us who are dedicated to standing up for our rights. His passing is a great loss but his legacy is magnificent. Thank you Bob.
By Jan Baxter on 13 March 2014
So sorry to hear of the sad loss of Bob
An inspirational leader and a superb fighter for the working class everywhere
He will be sorely missed but always remembered with honour
We all need others to step forward and follow the lead he gave the movement
He was right ... united we stand and together we will win
Condolences to his family and to all his friends and comrades in the RMT and the labour movement
Solidarity from PCS in East Sussex
By Nigel Sheahan PCS DWP East Sussex on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, you were a leader with pricipals and values, you led from the front, the RMT must continue the fight. You were a great and bring all unions together. Lets not forget the memory of dinasours can live forever.
By Paul cooke on 13 March 2014
R.I.P. our fellow Comrade, smooth seas. You have been a shining star in these dark times, rest easy brother.
By Alan Smith MUA Rank & File on 13 March 2014
They say, the most important thing in life is to have a go, Bob did that. Rest in peace brother.
By marcus burtonshaw on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, you'll never be forgotten, your colleagues will keep up fight.
Condolences to your family.
By Bill Goode on 13 March 2014
A true friend of the FBU and a shinning light in this political darkness.
By Tony Church on 13 March 2014
You will be sadly missed at The Burston Strike Rally,where on numerous occasions you livened up the atmosphere with your truly honest speeches.
I had the priviledge of meeting you there,and thanking you, for your wonderful work you did for your members and the working classes,both at home and abroad.I subsequently joined the RMT,and am proud to have had such an outstanding leader,the struggle will continue in your
memory and we wont let you down.
By Andrea Molton on 13 March 2014
We have lost a giant of the trade union movement, sleep tight brother Bob.
By GR Pearce (FBU ret) on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob You are and always will be a hero to many.Condolences to your family
By GREGG DUNSTER on 13 March 2014
My deepest condolences to family and friends. R.I.P. brother Crow, true gentleman.
By Scott Thomson on 13 March 2014
By Don Rowley Former ASTMS / MSF Convenor on 13 March 2014
A great loss to the labour movement and to humanity. A great comrade has been lost. RIP Bob Crow.
By James Harrison on 13 March 2014
I met Bob briefly in Durban. His defense of socialist Cuba was convincing. A fellow struggler died, the struggle goes on. Sincere condolences to his family and comrades
By Hendrik Vermeersch on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, a huge loss to the movement but an inspiration to those who take up the fight!
By Matt Tipper on 13 March 2014
If there were more people in this world like Bob it would be a better place for all.
Goodbye Bob
By Peter Coombe on 13 March 2014
Bob was a person of principle and a lovely man. We need more like him. He will be sorely missed. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.
By Adrian Dolby on 13 March 2014
R.I.P ....Suvh a tragic loss, you were never afraid to speak your mind and you made a sufferance to so many lives....You have opened many doors to change and I for one respect you for what you have achieved. You acted on your beliefs and were not afraid to fight for what you thought was right for the good of the working class.
By Caron King on 13 March 2014
An inspiration to our generation of trade unionists, will be missed but never forgotten.
By Ryan Slaughter on 13 March 2014
I learned my socialism from my Dad in the 50s, before you were born. But you reminded me so much of the Labour stalwarts of that generation: principled, passionate, with working class roots and proud of it. Rest in peace, and if there is a heaven, I can just imagine you having the crack with Nye Bevan et al. Sincere condolences to the family. Xxx
By June Elliott on 13 March 2014
Man of the people a true hero of the working class sadly missed
By glyn jones 329 branch on 13 March 2014
Bob crow A great fighter and a great union leader.My sympathies to his family.
By nawaz (Silvertown ) on 13 March 2014
A man of your people and a man of your principles. When will we see your likes again? R.I.P., Comrade.
By Peter Storch on 13 March 2014
You'll be an inspiration to many for years to come - a legacy of fighting for workers' rights. Thank you. Rest in peace.
By Lawrence Chapple-Gill on 13 March 2014
R I P Bob greatest union leader of our time genuin socialist. Condolences to family
Friends and members
By Paul Woodward on 13 March 2014
A real hero of the labour movement. Rest in peace.
By Richard on 13 March 2014
a massive loss to the trade union family respect to bobs family rip big man
By mick ryan on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob. You are a great loss to the trade union movement.
By Tom Beattie on 13 March 2014
Such a sad day for all Working people I was not in the RMT wish I had been even so I felt saddened by his passing gone was a HUGE MAN who fought long and hard for members of his union RIP in peace great man
By Ross Phillips on 13 March 2014
Sad day! One of the last true Trade Union Leaders. Workers from all Unions will miss him. Cheers Fella and thanks for everything.
By Nick Chaffey Unite. MOD and Government Departments on 13 March 2014
Bob was a giant of the trade union movement, a credit to his union and his class. We shall all miss him. The fight for trade union freedom goes on, his passing will make us fight even harder. Farewell Bob.
By Tony Burke Unite AGS & Chair of Campaign For Trade Union Freedom on 13 March 2014
in honour of Bob, join a trade union....RIP
By Chris Moon on 13 March 2014
my sympathies to Bob's family.
By nawaz on 13 March 2014
RIP Brother Bob, a pleasure to meet you, and march alongside you, the workers will miss you, Unity is strength
By Martin Luke on 13 March 2014
so sorry to hear that mr.bob crow has passed away,my heart goes to his in peace bob you will not be forgotten.
By colin allden,rmt member on 13 March 2014
Rest In Peace Comrade.
I attended the RMT National Conference last year, representing our union the RMTU of New Zealand. Bob was an inspiration.
A sad loss to organised labour and working people everywhere.
John Kerr
By John Kerr on 13 March 2014
Bob remains an inspiration for all who want fairness and decency in their working lives. He was the finest Trades Unionist of this generation.
By Dafydd (NUT) on 13 March 2014
A man of principle and integrity plus a fighting spirit.
If only all TU leaders were the same.
RIP comrade.
Kevin Hussey
Sacked Tilbury Docker
By Kevin Hussey on 13 March 2014
R.I.P Bob a true union man we will fight on for you
By sean coyle on 13 March 2014
You fought a good fight.
May God strengthen your family.
By Cliff on 13 March 2014
Keep up the fight, RMT - don't let Bob Crow be the end of any era. Keep it up and we will fight with you.
By Fiona Flynn on 13 March 2014
Firstly heartfelt condolences to Bob's family. They have lost the most. In addition a huge loss to the Trades Union movement, RMT members, and Britain as a country. We need more like Bob not less. A man of courage and conviction. I admired him greatly.
By Dr. Graeme Beard on 13 March 2014
Thanks for your strength.
By Paul Thompson on 13 March 2014
Rip bob,great man and leades,will be sadly missed.
By markhowes norwich rmt branch on 13 March 2014
Fighting for the workers of the world, a very brave and strong man to do it by words alone.
By Michael Turner on 13 March 2014
A true socialist and a great example to those that follow
By Mark Dickson on 13 March 2014
Bob Crow was a trade unionist and a socialist fighter for the working class worldwide who lived his whole life by our union's motto: Unity is Strength. His legacy is that he leaves our union immeasurably stronger than he joined it. The very best tribute that we can pay to his memory is to continue his brilliant work building industrial unionism in the RMT and acting in solidarity with workers wherever in the world they are fighting for justice.
Vale, Bob! We honour your memory. We will support your close friends and family in this time of inconsolable grief. It was an honour and a pleasure to have known you, worked with you and learnt from you. Thank you.
By Alex Gordon, RMT President 2010-12 on 13 March 2014
A true leader and one whom never lost sight of the reason why he was fighting and that was for his 'Members'. A massive hole will be left in the Trade Union movement and rightly so.
R.I.P Bob and thoughts are with your family at this truly sad time xxx
By Deanne Ferguson - GMB Trade Union on 13 March 2014
Bob just did what union leaders are supposed to do. Extremely well, I might add. I just wish more were like him. Fare thee well Bob.
By Jim Barr on 13 March 2014
Bob was a wonderful and dedicated man. He worked tirelessly for his members and was not afraid to speak the truth and stand up for his members. He made so many peoples lives better through gaining them better pay and conditions in the work place. He will be grately missed by all.
RIP Bob you were the best.
By Lee Jamieson on 13 March 2014
Thanks for your role in the labour and trades unions movement. You stood steadfastly on the side of the vulnerable and oppressed and were a shining light in the struggle for socialism. You will be sorely missed.
By Les Robertson on 13 March 2014
What a great man that has been taken from us
it was great knowing you few time.
By Ian Ashburn Deptford Branch on 13 March 2014
Admired by his members, feared by the Employers. Just as it should be !
By Richard Baker on 13 March 2014
You were a genuine man of principle. Rare to find. Rest in peace Bob Crow
By Indrani Mitra on 13 March 2014
A true working class hero!
By Jim McClenning on 13 March 2014
Old school union man.
Stood by the principles he had and never let his members down.
God bless bob and sleep easy comrade.
By John Webb on 13 March 2014
Real sad to hear that Bob Crow had passed. A man of real conviction and principle even though I didn't always agree with his stances. He is a loss to the trades union movement and the wider Labour movement. My thoughts and condolences to his colleagues and family at this time.
By lee Jeavons, Walsall on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob.. history will treat you very kindly for what you have done for the normal working class people.
By Alan Clark on 13 March 2014
The first time i met you, Garry Hassell invited you to our local Brighton pub - The Bugle. I played piano for you that night. The next time was when we all played football together for the 'Bob Crow Cup' at least a couple of years later. You gave me a hug. Introduced me to everyone with you as a great piano player and asked how i was doing. You loved people and never forgot a face. I respected you as Bob Crow the man. A friend even. A man of the people. It was then i understood why you were loved as Bob Crow - General Secretary of the RMT. My 'Bob Crow Cup' Medal will be my reminder of a great day and of you. A great man. RIP Bob x
By Ian (Sillo) Sillett on 13 March 2014
I met Bob at trades union congress 2005-2008 as a delegate with PCS, and also at the Morrning Star events. I loved Bob's speeches, getting to the crux of the matter with joviality and jest along the way. Bob has left a legacy, I used to say in my group, what would Bob Crow do in a matter like this? Let's do what Bob would do!
My sincere condolences to Bobs family, friends, the rmt, and the wider uk trade union movement. RIP Bob.
By Emmet O'Brien - former Group Organiser PCS Met Police Group on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob a true mans man he always fought for us members. Rest in perfect peace and god bless
By Steven Smith on 13 March 2014
Dear Bob, How are we going to replace you? It is all very nerve wracking. I Hope you are resting in peace.
By Maria Warren on 13 March 2014
A man of principles who was there first and foremost for his members. He was also Socialist and inspiration who wasn't afraid to tackle oppressors head on.sadly we may never again have someone like Bob in the movement, for that reason his passing is very poignant. Thank you Bob.
By Neil Kendrew on 13 March 2014
Comrade Bob Crow stood up for his members. His life is proof that militancy pays. Bob was a true working class hero and will not be forgotten.
Bob was unlucky to die when he did. It is very sad that he will not be around to witness and to fight the struggles ahead of us as the crisis of capitalism bites hard down and working people rouse themselves to fight the bosses' austerity.
My condolences to Bob's family, friends, and to all his Comrades in the RMT and throughout the labour movement. The RMT must honour Bob's legacy by continuing his struggle and leading the whole labour movement in the fight for socialism!
Rest in Power, Comrade!
By Mordecai Paechter on 13 March 2014
Rip Bob.Thank you for sticking to your socialist principles when others on the left were ashamed to mention the word,champion of the ordinary man on the street.
Appreciate your anti-war stance on Iraq/Afghanistan, your support for the Palestinians in the face of,and under the threat of the Zio media.
A man of true courage .You will be missed by anyone,irrespective of political allegiance,who still believes in a fairer society,and an equitable world.
Condolences to all your family and friends.
By Kadam Hussain on 13 March 2014
You have made the world more equitable and raised workers and families lives above what they were! You have given workers and their families better lives and better futures through your commitment and hard work! For every worker you helped, for every workers spouse, partner or child whose future held more chances because of you, Thank you! From me thank you for inspiring me to work harder to make the world a little fairer! Good man! Good Bye!
By Michael Nolan on 13 March 2014
You were an inspiration to fighting unionists in life. Your memory will be an inspiration to us still. Sleep well, brother Bob.
By Richard Paul Hamilton, Branch VP, National Tertiary Education Union, University of Notre Dame, Australia on 13 March 2014
On behalf of all members of the SNSW Branch of the MUA our sincerest condolences to Bob's family & the RMT membership. A great leader, a true working class hero, an insperational speaker and an honorable man of great courage, conviction and principle Bob's passing is a great loss to the international union movement. RIP mate you will be missed.
By Garry Keane MUA SNSW Branch Secretary on 13 March 2014
RIP - Gone too soon. My condolences to your loved ones.
By Janet Smith on 13 March 2014
RIP, Bob, a hero to so many. You will be greatly missed.
By Conny Eley on 13 March 2014
On behalf of the Pah Unison Branch Harlow , We would like to send our condolences to Bob's family and to RMT, You have lost a great leader .
By PAH Harlow Unison Branch on 13 March 2014
I never met Bob Crow because I thought the man would live for longer to come; however after having heard him over the the few years I did, I found him to be one of the best men to have ever walked upon this planet.
The loss of such an individual to the RMT, this country and it's people will be felt for many years to come and the legacy and values he left behind are only truly understood by those that knew him. Those that did not know him will read about him and future generations will understand the importance of the legacy he left behind which marks him as a great visionary that all have no choice but to honour with the highest regard.
My only regret is that I left it so long to actually meet him.
By Z Ali on 13 March 2014
RIP Comrade Bob,condolences to your family,friends and RMT members
By Garry Smith on 13 March 2014
Deepest condolence and heartfelt sympathy to the family, comrades and friends of Bro. Bob Crow on his untimely demise. His sacrifice and service to the working class will remain deep in the hearts and minds of the working community. RIP Bob Crow.
By Arunasalam.P, Former Reg. Rep. IMFSEA on 13 March 2014
R I P bob one of the last true fighters for the working man. Proud to be part of this union good luck to your successor, hope he continues to guide us in the battles ahead!! . And keep this union where it belongs at the forfefront of trade unionism.
By Richard hoey rmt rep on 13 March 2014
He did a great job for his members.
By FIONA GREGORY on 13 March 2014
Goodbye and thankyou Bob, you fought the good fight for all of us.
By Lorraine Vivian on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob. My thoughts are with your family and our RMT comrades. I had the privilege of hearing you speak on many occasions but I will never forget being lucky enough to be in your company for a few games at Millwall. Leader, inspiration, hero of the working class, you were the shining light of a movement. Although we are not blessed with your ability we owe it to you to try to keep your light shining on as best we can.
By Matt Smith Unite Regional officer on 13 March 2014
A massive loss to the country if everyone was built like Bob crow Briton would be great again rip Bob and give them he'll in heaven mate
By taxiallianceLiverpool on 13 March 2014
Condolences to your family. RIP Bob
Regards Vinny MUA Western Australian Branch.
By Vinny Clegg on 13 March 2014
A truly inspirational man and a champion of working people's struggle, who will be greatly missed by so many.
A working class hero is something to be.
Rest in peace brother.
By Cameron Matthews on 13 March 2014
With love and affection we will miss you Bob ,
But the work you have done will be continued .
A Socialist Britain will be achieved in your name .
R.I.P Comrade Crow .
By Comrade Clark - Communist Party of Britain on 13 March 2014
When words are hard to find in a time when we are all unsure things as such suddenly happen... A leader at his best who fought for one and all no fear he stood his ground his aim was true and fair He represented defended a Man of Duty who stood tall ... A great loss to the Country and the R.M.T.Union ... Rest in Peace Bob Crow in the grace of God may your Memory live on in the Person that takes up your Vacant position and the many people you so Represented I hope that you live on in those people you looked after and in the next world.Deep and Heartfelt sympathy at your sad passing may your Family take comfort from the strength of others that care .... R.I.P.Eternally a Great loss xxxx
By Dennis Sprigg on 13 March 2014
R.I.P Bob Crow
My condolences to Bob Crow wife Nicky and their family for such a big loss. Bob was a family man a true trade union leader and great internationalist. It is a big loss to RMTU as Bob fought with passion for the British working class
and the international class struggle. He was feared by ruling class and stood up for workers in anti union climates to spite the attacks from Murdoch media and the Tory Government. Bob will be deeply missed by all.
Rest in peace Comrade.
By Mick Williams on 13 March 2014
A heart breaking loss for the working man . Bob restored my faith in the trade union movement. Such a shame to lose a comrade of such integrity. In Solidarity. Mareth Docherty.
By Mareth Docherty on 13 March 2014
Sadly, I never met Bob but like my late father, he was a proud and passionate trade unionist who quite simply did the very best for his members pay and conditions and for the safety of the public. His passing is a huge loss, I hope we can all take inspiration and between us transform this rotten society we live in.
By Paul Edwards on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob, we had our disagreements but I always admired you for how you delivered for your members and stood up to the bosses. You will be sorely missed in the London Labour movement.
By Daniel Nichols - LFEPA UNISON on 13 March 2014
Sleep well Bob. The shock and sadness at your passing I have seen from front line railway staff of all grades, be they in ticket offices, driving and guarding the trains, working the platform, or like you used to, working on the tracks shows the unity and support you had amongst railway staff no matter if you were cleaning the trains or driving them.
Many people are asking what now? I am sure the best way to honour your memory is for all the grades to stand by each other and fight for a better and safer railway which puts the passenger first by having visible, highly trained, decently paid, well turned out and friendly proud staff, than enacting corporate nonsense. DOO still remains a serious threat, as do closures of ticket offices, and cheap agency labour with zero hour contracts, so the fight is onging.
Sleep well friend. You will be forever a legend.
By Paul (Western Region driver and former guard) on 13 March 2014
RIP Bob. You were an example to all union leaders and you defended your members and the interests of the TU movement and working people with skill and determination.
By Ian, UCU on 13 March 2014
Thank you for your fantastic achievements and service. The railway is a safer and happier place to work through your hard work. It is now time for you to rest. But your memory will last for ages to come.
By Katherine Kennedy-Johnson on 13 March 2014
A man of true and unshakeable principles. RIP Bob.
By mark mcmanus on 13 March 2014
A great leader and person, not just for the RMT but for trade unions and the working class in general and there's nobody I'd rather have fighting my corner. Devastated to hear of your passing but so grateful of what you've done.
RIP comrade
By Scott Simpson on 13 March 2014
Sleep well Bob. The shock and sadness at your passing I have seen from front line railway staff of all grades, be they in ticket offices, driving and guarding the trains, working the platform, or like you used to, working on the tracks shows the unity and support you had amongst railway staff no matter if you were cleaning the trains or driving them.
Many people are asking what now? I am sure the best way to honour your memory is for all the grades to stand by each other and fight for a better and safer railway which puts the passenger first by having visible well trains, well turned out and friendly proud staff, than enacting corporate nonsense. DOO still remains a serious threat, as do closures of ticket offices, and cheap agency labour with zero hour contracts, so the fight is onging.
Sleep well friend. You will be forever a legend.
By Paul (Western Region driver and former guard) on 13 March 2014
Bob was a working Class hero, true to his class and a force to be reckoned with. He will be missed as he was loved and admired by many.
By Clara Campos on 13 March 2014
It's always sad to hear that a candle has burnt out too early! An inspiration to the masses within the RMT and other unions.
Individual unions we are, fighting our own corners, but losing a brother is never easy and never moreso when its a brother with trade unionism truly embedded within.
Figures like Bob come round once in a lifetime. I'm sure we all hope the next Bob Crow isn't too far away.
The family are in our thoughts.
From all at Leeds 302/3 Unite
By Paul Landau - Chair Unite 302/3 NEYH on 13 March 2014
Sorry to hear of your death. You were a tireless worker. RIP.
By annette flanagan on 13 March 2014
I was deeply saddened to hear the news of Bob's passing. He was a true original. Unfortunately in my country of birth we haven't seen a trade union leader of his like for decades. Indeed one has to reach back to the 1920s, the IWW and the likes of "Big" Bill Haywood for any type of comparison. Loud, brash, uncompromising and salt of the earth with a heart of gold - it is not only Britain that will miss Bob, but working class activists all around the world. My sincerest sympathy to his family, friends and comrades. - Tami Peterson, Brooklyn, New York, USA
By Tami Peterson, Former LRC National Committee Member on 13 March 2014
Farewell to a class fighter, an inspiration to all workers in these hard times.
By Dr Paul Flewers on 13 March 2014
Great men are few and Bob Crow was definately one of the them. Such huge loss to the world. My thoughts are with the workers, friends and family who will be overcome with grief. Gone but never forgotten xxx <3
By Lisbeth Campos on 13 March 2014
such a loss to the whole country-condolences to his famiy- R.I.P Bob x remember his true grit and carry on his work forever
By Norrie Ann Young on 13 March 2014
My deepest sympathies to Bob Crow's family and friends. Truly a man who wasn't frightened to stand up for he beliefs and principles.
By Iain Law on 13 March 2014
Your journey is at an end your legacy will go on RIP
By peter foy on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace pal, you did good work for the workers...
By Davroso on 13 March 2014
Vale Comrade
By Linda Morich MUA West Australia on 13 March 2014
At the 2013 TUC in Bournemouth, three 'star' speakers were due at a fringe lunchtime event, but were held up by another meeting. Only Bob Crow came anyway, sliding quietly in and waiting till his turn came, speaking then with conviction and passion.
His death must be grievous for his family, friends and RMT members. But anyone who listened to him could tell Bob Crow was a superb spokesperson for RMT members because he never put his personality before their interests. Already, he is sorely missed.
By Timothy Ramsden on 13 March 2014
Sleep Well Bob.
It was a pleasure to meet you and follow your career , a job well done. You gave ordinary people hope for the future.
By Mr Stephen Miller on 13 March 2014
Such a great loss to us all, a very inspiring man, lots of love to his family.
By Stuart McGoo on 13 March 2014
What a wonderful man - who stood up for workers rights - my hero and a tireless activist and fighter of human rights - a tragic loss so young. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends you are in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time. The world will be a duller place without this man who fought for the working class. RIP comrade Bob and thank you for all you have done.
By Deirdre Campbell on 13 March 2014
Everything that is good about my job I owe to you and that is something that my colleagues and I will never forget. Rest in Peace Bob.
By Darren Follant - Train Operator on 13 March 2014
Condolences to family & friends,everyone else(in the words of Joe Hill)Don't mourn ORGANISE.
Workers of the World Unite. R.I.P Bob Crow.
By Steve Gartland on 13 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob. What a fighter. They never outflanked you, and thousands of workers and their families are better off today thanks to you. We need more like you. Thank you.
By Daniel Jewesbury on 13 March 2014
All the rest of us must now fight the Tories and their corporate masters that little bit harder now to make up for the loss of such a tireless fighter for our class.
By Simon Hales on 13 March 2014
Bob always had our back and gave us strength and courage.
By Chris Smith on 13 March 2014
Sincere thanks to Bob for his fighting attitude that was carried forward into action. Too few trade union leaders actually lead their members to take action. Not only did he try to unite his own members in action he tried to link us all across all unions. My fondest memory of Bob was at TUC (I think) Bob was on the podium saying it in his usual style but a little over his time. The Chair said "wind up Bob" he said "I am wound up that's why I'm up here".
My sincere condolences to his family, loved ones, friends and comrades. There will never be another Bob but he has left a legacy and others will take up the fight following his lead. He will be missed.
By Fiona Macdonald, PCS on 12 March 2014
You'll be missed. We need more like you
By Ray Barkley on 12 March 2014
A warrior has fallen.
By Joff Leader on 12 March 2014
Would like to think when Bob Crow gets to st peter he will be asked what did you do ? his answer will be i looked after thousands and thouands of hard working ordinary people and fought there corner, st peter would say go and pick your harp mate you well deserve it bloody hero !
By Gerry Beaty -out of trade fbu member on 12 March 2014
Sincere condolences to Bob's family and friends and all the RMT members, such a sad loss of a genuine working class hero. 'Where workers fight and organise, tis there you'll find Bob Crow.'
By D Manning on 12 March 2014
The world was a better place with you in it. Rest in Peace.
By Adrianne on 12 March 2014
Please convey my condolences to Bob's family friends and colleagues the many tributes I have read are testament to the kind of man that Bob was. Bob stood for what is good and decent in the Labour Movement we need more people like Him.
By Geoff Kerr-Morgan Middlesbrough on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. You were a true hero of the working class who never backed away from defending his union rank and file. A model union leader and a great example that the next generation of class warriors can emulate. You epitomised the slogan "Never on our knees"
Sadly there are too few union leaders like you. Your death leaves a large gap in the leadership of the left and you are sadly missed. Though perhaps if you could you would say to us: "Don't mourn, organise!"
Hasta la victoria siempre!
By Tomasz Pierscionek on 12 March 2014
I’m proud to say I considered Bob as a mate, and I greatly admired his tenacity in representing his members and the working class in general. Bob never gave a hoot about his general popularity and was the target of many a hate campaign from the notorious UK media and those purporting to be conscience and commentators of the English upper class who have never supported workers, let alone their leaders. Bob truly did reflect the adage “what doesn't kill you makes you stronger” and never allowed negativity to cloud his vision for his great union, the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (#RMT). Our hearts go out to Nicky his loving wife and his family who stuck solid with Bob and of course our condolences to the executive and rank and file of the union.
Bob was a character larger than life and will be sadly missed by the working class he represented with such honour.
By Mick Doleman - Deputy National Secretary, Maritime Union of Australia on 12 March 2014
Viva Bob!
By peter tame on 12 March 2014
Bob has a man and unionist a great leader he was a beckon of hope and light for hard working members he lead by example by good values he be missed by all that know him and though that felt him though the union movement, to his family stand tall we loved him as a brother you as a wife and family, we stand with you and proud to have known a good human being. RIP Bob we miss you.
By david gilliver on 12 March 2014
Thank you Bob from the bottom of my heart. Through your inspiration the fight will continue.May your family and friends find comfort in happy memories. RIP.
By Jackie Dougall on 12 March 2014
A credit to the union and the true meaning of unions everywhere. Go well brother...
By J Eoin (Musicians Union) on 12 March 2014
A spectacular and wonderful man. No man was more needed in the current climate than someone with such broad shoulders and an absolutely unwavering commitment to his members. Those who follow him in the RMT and in the wider union movement will stand in his shadow as they deal with a further onslaught against pay, terms and conditions.
This is a blow to the left - but the left can and will step up to the challenge.
Bob - as we stand on the picket lines, and argue in the boardrooms, we will be thinking of you.
Rest in peace.
By Mike Hill on 12 March 2014
A true unionist through and through. Never afraid to let you voice be heard, or fight for your beliefs. You fought and stood for your members with strength and pride. I was shocked and saddened to hear of your passing. My thoughts and love are with your family, friends and the RMT. RIP Bob, gone too soon.
By Sarah GMB on 12 March 2014
You worked hard for fairness and fought the injustices for the working class members of our great union. You was an inspiration to us all and we will continue your legacy .
God bless you Bob.
By Trevor mascurine on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob a great union man and real fighter. The trade union movement has lost a great man who will be greatly missed.
By Bob Collins on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was a leader who will never leave us and will always be remembered like the Joe Hill of the song.
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
Alive as you or me..
"Joe ain't dead," he says to me,
"Joe Hill ain't never died.
Where working men are out on strike
Joe Hill is at their side,
Joe Hill is at their side."
By Paul Smith on 12 March 2014
Thanks for tirelessly sticking up for not only your RMT members but also the travelling public.
You were an inspirational leader and thoroughly decent to the core.
By Rob Holt on 12 March 2014
Such a sad loss. A GREAT trade unionist. Rip Bob.
By Alan bell on 12 March 2014
A great leader and hard worker. A gentleman. A working class hero. With best regards..RIP
By Gill Ratcliffe on 12 March 2014
Even without any connection to the RMT, workers and Trade Unionists could not afford the loss of Bob Crow at such a time when the working class (and the workers deprived of a job) are under ruthless attack. After the mourning, organise!
By Rose from Hull on 12 March 2014
Although I am still stunned and shocked at Bobs sudden passing I am sure he would want us to carry on the fight with even greater vigour on behalf of the working class against this rotten capitalist system. On the day of his funeral or memorial service let us all bring delegations and banners from our workplaces and communities to celebrate a great mans life and demonstrate our solidarity in the fight for Socialism.
Brian Debus on behalf Of Hackney and Islington TUSC and President Hackney Trades Council
By Brian Debus on 12 March 2014
RIP Comrade,
By your example shall we all be measured, and we shall not I hope be found wanting - and that will be your lasting legacy. You led the way when the Tories thought the movement was moribund, and gave us a chance for a future for all, not just the super-rich and their hangers-on. And if there is a life after death and you bump into Maggie, please give her what for.
By John Millard, PCS, CPS London & SE Branch Organiser on 12 March 2014
We can only hope that there will be the more of the same of you to come.
By John Crowley on 12 March 2014
Bob was what EVERY trade union leader ought to be. He was the finest example for all trade unionists and what we should be and aspire to be. Was so shocked and saddened when I heard the news. The very best tribute we can pay Bob is to continue to build our trade unions and to continue to campaign to get this rotten Tory Dim-Lib regime out at the next election. God Bless Bob
By Seamus on 12 March 2014
Bob was a true inspiration and a proper Trade Unionist. All of us in the Labour Movement are still feeling the shock of his untimely demise but he gives us the strength to carry on the fight in his honour. Deepest sympathy to his loved ones; their loss is so much more than ours. But please remember how much Bob was respected, admired and loved. RIP to our Brother.
By Liz McInnes on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was a figure who successfully challenged the doctrine that to improve your lot, you had to submit to the power and authority of an economic system that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy. He proved that living standards could be improved through solidarity and not through a rat race. He was humane in the truest sense.
By Dan Durcan on 12 March 2014
You was the leader & big brother for us. RIP BOb
By Md mahabu hasan on 12 March 2014
After seeing and resaving the new it be profoundly felt by all RMT members I for one will feel the lose, not only a good leader and well respected, and complex he was a hard working loyal human being, had strong values for work and family my heart goes out to his family close friends thy can stand tall and proud on Bob lifetime achievement.
RIP Bob you be missed.
By david gilliver on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow, you helped to make sure that your members are well-paid and with good working conditions, and that made the tube and overground safe for me to travel on. You were a real man for the people and you have my respect.
By Pearl on 12 March 2014
On behalf of my branch I would like to offer our deepest sympathy to Bobs family. A great Trade union leader reminds me very much of the Comrade’s that inspired me when growing up in the South Yorkshire coal fields. I hope we can continue to Honour his name by fighting hard for our class and one day realise his and our dream.
In solidarity
Martin Hickman
By Martin Hickman Branch Secretary PCS Sheffield HQ Branch on 12 March 2014
I never have had the honour to meet such renowned leader and great man as Bob Crow, but I will always cherish being a member of RMT which he tirelessly reinvigorated.
Condolences and thoughts to his family.
By Pawel Bednarek, H&S/IR Rep on 12 March 2014
I'm actually a regular commuter at Leyton tube station in East London and I would often cross paths with Bob Crow. I never spoke to him or even knew him but he seemed like just a normal, down to earth regular guy, nothing like the ogre that was sometimes painted through the media. Condolences to friends, family, the RMT and all who knew him.
By William Alldred on 12 March 2014
Bob Cows life as trade unionist will not go by without the recognition he deserved. His international trade union comradeship was one that I will treasure in memories with his close relationship with the Maritime Union of Australia and the ITF. My deepest sympathy to his family and friends.Vale Comrade. Keith McCorriston
By Keith McCorriston on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob Crow. I never met you but did have the pleasure of seeing you speak a couple of times at rallies. You were an outstanding advocate for the interests of ordinary working people. You showed that trade unionism in Britain could be a real force if one is prepared to stand up and fight. As a socialist and strong believer in the ability of the labour movement to change society for the better, I salute you.
'Solidarity forever, the union makes us strong!'
By Nick on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace, Bob. You will be sorely missed by all union members but your legacy will live on after you.
By Grace on 12 March 2014
RIP A great man and leader of the working class , thanks for all your hard work , you have devoted your life for us , for which we all appreciate and owe you so much Thankyou.
By James Putt on 12 March 2014
Bob - they say the good die young. You epitomised working class strength, solidarity and culture. You exuded warmth, passion and humour. A great Trade Union leader - a light gone out.. Sincere condolences to your family. In your name let's continue to fight for workers rights in the UK and around the world..
By Christine Spriggs Unite on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. You were an amazing man x
By Maggie Curtis on 12 March 2014
Thoughts are with Bob's family and friends at this time.
By James on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob. You will certainly be missed at the Durham Miners Gala and the Jim Connell festival, Co. Meath. We' ll keep the red flag flying here!
By Mary Foy, Gateshead. on 12 March 2014
Bob! Hope you were given a 1st class ticket on your final journey. You'll be sadly missed. It'll take a strong person to follow in your footsteps.
By David smith on 12 March 2014
Greatest in peace
By Neil Eggleton on 12 March 2014
So sad and a great loss to the trade union and labour movement.
By Derek Kassem on 12 March 2014
deepest sympathy and Condolences to Bob's family,friends and RMT members.I admired Bob so much for speaking 'truth to power',he was an articulate champion for his members and on wider issues relating to equality and anti-racism.Whenever he appeared on the news I turned the Tv up, as opposed to 'off' reserved for most trade union leaders and politicians.The socialist and trade union movement has lost a real fighter and working class people need people like Bob now more than ever.
By Terri Walls on 12 March 2014
Bob was an example to all those who want to fight for a better future for all ordinary working class people and stood head and shoulders above most other trade union leaders.
He not only stood up for his members AND for the public in defending PUBLIC services, he also saw the need to build a new party of the Left since Labour continues its march to the Right. Bob's active support of the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)has helped establish the promise of a new political formation that will represent workers now the main parties are virtually indistinguishable.
We should all carry on with Bob Crow's work - fight for the future, fight for a new working class party, and fight for socialism.
By Chris Robinson UNITE union and Socialist Party member on 12 March 2014
I wanted to shake hands with a real Union Leader and I did last year when I met Bob in Birmingham. A true working class warrior. Will be sorely missed. RIP Bob
By Christopher Hughes on 12 March 2014
The South Australian Branch of the Maritime Union of Australia, convey's its sincerest condolences to the family of Bob and all the Comrades of the RMTU. Bob will be remembered for his unflinching support of workers rights in the UK & abroad. I had the pleasure of meeting him several times and he certainly left an indelible impression. Sadly missed but never forgotten. Vale Bob Crow. Jamie Newlyn, Branch Secretary
By Jamie Newlyn on 12 March 2014
An example for labour unions activist not just in Britain that did not pass unnoticed.
My condolences to the family and to RMT.
-from a Portuguese rail worker
By Jorge Oliveira on 12 March 2014
deepest sympathy and Condolences to Bob's family,friends and RMT members.I admired Bob so much for speaking 'truth to power',he was an articulate champion for his members and on wider issues relating to equality and anti-racism.Whenever he appeared on the news I turned the Tv up, as opposed to 'off' reserved for most trade union leaders and politicians.The socialist and trade union movement has lost a real fighter and working class people need people like Bob now more than ever.
By Terri Walls on 12 March 2014
RIP Brother, your legend lives on in our hearts, for the inspirational class fighter that you were. May you look over each and every one of us. Deepest sympathies, heartfelt condolences to your family, friends and comrades.
By Gurbinder Gill on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow stood up for his members, for the public service he loved, and for the working class people in this Country. Many may remember Bob for the strikes but those who knew him will remember him as deal maker. A bright star has gone out and the World is a darker place for it. A terrible loss for his family and all of us. RIP Bob
By David Banbury CWU Branch Secretary Kent Invicta on 12 March 2014
A very colourful character. True to his cause and members. I am a life long mill wall supporter as Bob was, I shall miss his wit, candour and commitment. RIP Bob. Give em he'll where ever you are! Bless you brother x
By Helen drake on 12 March 2014
Thanks for all the efforts you have taken for the working class. You will be truly missed. Some may think you have gone, but your spirit will scare them for ever and drive us forward for ever.
By Dan the Man. on 12 March 2014
Bob, you are leaving a real void within our ranks. The left has lost a brother, a real warrior, a true fighter for social justice and workers rights. If there is such a thing as a heaven, I know that you're already rallying up and inspiring the angels to get organized and demand the better working conditions they're entitled do. We will have now to pick ourselves up, roll up our sleeves and get on with continuing the struggle but I know that I will be lost without your voice resonating at all the demos you never failed to attend. Farewell comrade, until we all meet again. xxx
By Malika Steed on 12 March 2014
We lost a great comrade, a strong Union fighter and working class hero. The struggle goes on. My sympathies goes to Bob's family and his friends. RIP Bob Crow.
By Sandra Gama on 12 March 2014
you were a true leader and warrior a man of the people and a man of his word, never unflinching and true to the end. I hope from your legacy we find a new generation of true and steadfast trade unionsists who will take up the mantle after hearing your many speeches and standing by your side at the RMT.
Your now in the history books of our social history, always to be remembered never to be forgotten. My condolences go out to all his comrades, friends and most of all his family. RIP Bob a true warrior of the working classes and the Railway Family.
By Jacky Barfoot North Staffs Peoples Assembly member and Railway mans Daughter on 12 March 2014
Thank You.
By jon on 12 March 2014
greatest respect to bob for all his work on behalf of all those he fought for ,you,ll never walk alone , god bless xx
By gary bird on 12 March 2014
There goes that man, so strong and true.
Such grit, the like, in very few.
By Lynne Crees and boys. on 12 March 2014
A dreadful loss to the labour movement. A fine caring human being, you will be sorely missed Bob.
By Stuart Butler on 12 March 2014
Bob crow a great man a massive loss to the working class
By joy millward on 12 March 2014
It is a great loss to the cause of the worker that we will no longer hear the rousing cry to defend our jobs, to protect our colleagues and for all the bluster and noise Bob was a shrewd negotiator, a skilful game player who bade his time and went for the weakness taking his opposition to pieces with rhetoric, humour and good old common sense. R.I.P
By Paula Black Branch Secretary on behalf of East Sussex Area Branch UNISON on 12 March 2014
I didn't agree with everything Bob did but you can't argue with his passion and commitment. A very sad loss indeed. RIP Bob.
By Rob Bucher on 12 March 2014
Bob crow a great man a massive loss to the working class
By joy millward on 12 March 2014
Our thoughts and prayers are with bobs family at this sad time.
Bob was a decent honest man who fought long and hard for the union and it's members and the working class as a whole.
R.i.p Bob Crow a good man.
From the mccreesh family.
By patrick mccreesh on 12 March 2014
A sad day for trade unionists all over the globe.
Had the very real pleasure of meeting and hearing Bob at the Maritime Union of Australia state conference last year in Fremantle. His message simple - rely on your working class strength and allies, defend your rights as unionists to your last drop of blood and struggle for socialism.
He was an inspiration to the 800 who came to our conference. Bob Crowe - presente!
By Ian Jamieson on 12 March 2014
Bob, you were the man who made me want to fight for my members in my depot. Your spark and willingness to argue a point simply to protect a simple working
condition or gain us some
ground against a ruthless taskmaster were what I admired the most. Taken from us far too early, but because of you, I am forever inspired.
By Jim Wright (RMT Safety Rep Glasgow Central) on 12 March 2014
Sleep tight. I think him, upstairs needs you!! x
By tina green on 12 March 2014
Bob you were one of the greatest trades unionists of your day, an inspiration to those who want not just to maintain our members terms and conditions but to better them.
There is so much left to do but you have shown the way and it is for those who come behind you to take up the baton and continue the fight.
The motto.. "No one lines us we don't care" rang in your ears many times.. But you were liked and you did care.
Gary Lyon
Ashworth POA
By Gary Lyon on 12 March 2014
Condolences to Bob Crow's family, friends and all of the RMT membership.
Bob Crow showed that people can make a difference when they stand up for what is right.
By Karen Springer on 12 March 2014
Bob..last saw you interviewed cpl weeks ago by Andrew Neil..was impressed with how you handled the interview. Sudden death is hard to absorb..sincere condolences to all those close to you. RIP at a job well done <3 xx
By Breda on 12 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob Crow, Working Class Legend, Respect from S Wales Rank and File Sparks.
By Andrew Wilkes on 12 March 2014
A man who lived his life for others!
By Rev Steve Swann on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob a man of the people
By Graeme Bramley on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, a true working class hero
By roy on 12 March 2014
The world is a poorer place for the loss of Bob Crow. A trade union stalwart, an inspiration, a comrade and a friend RIP
By Ronnie Draper General Secretary BFAWU on 12 March 2014
RIP --A man of the people!
By Jenny Holliday on 12 March 2014
Sad loss for family mates ,comrades. I hope other will be inspired to stand up for working people's rights with such vigour
By Robert Gregory. Unison member on 12 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to Bob's family and friends.
He helped so many achieve so much.
He will be sorely missed.
Unity is strength. RIP.
By Peter McGovern on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Comrade x
By Tom Hammett on 12 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob, as an ex-railwayman I have always believed in the NUR / RMT. Many unions would have liked you to lead them. You will never be forgotten.
By Alan Harte on 12 March 2014
My thoughts are with his family and friends who have suffered such a devastating loss. But he will be missed by more people than he knew, as an inspiration to so many.
By Michaela Griffin on 12 March 2014
My Sympathies to Bob's Family and love ones.
A true Socialist and a great loss to the British worker
By Chris Looker (Bectu Southend) on 12 March 2014
Bob you will be sorely missed.
Having someone like you stand up for us has been a privilege.
Rest in peace x x
By Emma on 12 March 2014
A true trade unionist whom always led from the front , one of the best speakers I have ever listened to .
Rest in peace comrade bob .
Jason miners QLD. MUA Organiser
By Jason miners on 12 March 2014
I am at a loss for words, met you in Portsmouth not so long ago & all I can say is that you went out of your way for all the members that evening & nearly missed the train back to London, You made the members nationwide proud to be part of this union, RIP Brother Bob.
By Mark Tourino on 12 March 2014
I'm sorry I never met or saw you Bob. But don't worry, I heard you and knew you were there. My ideas drew strength from yours. Thank you!
By Russell Dunkeld on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow, a true union man and working class leader. You will be sadly missed by your comrades, sisters and brothers, in Ireland.
By Ethel Buckley SIPTU Ireland on 12 March 2014
Only met Bob briefly at the STUC Congress in Inverness. His speech was rousing and set him apart- This is what trade unionism is all about.
The sense of loss is countrywide, a mark to that popularity with much the same shock many felt with John Smith.
The memorial for Bob must be continuance of the same course he set, left values which was the very core of The Labour Party before the party succumbed to the Trojan Horse that was "New Labour".
Mick Symon, Unite Sc 51/196. National Delegate (Scotland), Road Transport Commercial L&RD
By Mick Symon on 12 March 2014
Such a loss to the world, the movement and your family, you will be sorely missed but never forgotten! We will continue your fight, your spirit will live on> An inspirational and amazing speaker, a true Leader of the people. A man who devoted his life to fighting for others. Compassionate, kind and strong.
General Strike now! In the name of the Legend Bob Crow.
By Rachel Kirk on 12 March 2014
Condolence and solidarity
By Mike Harrison on 12 March 2014
I wish I could be 1% as brave as you !
By anne hobbs on 12 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob Crow, a true working class hero.
By Bob Wiggin on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was one of very few public figures who lived his life according to his principles and will be sorely missed.Solidarity and condolences to his family and comrades.
By Louise Robertson on 12 March 2014
You were such an inspirational man, you will certainly be missed but we can all learn from you and strive for working class and union strength and solidarity ♥
By james mcsporran on 12 March 2014
A shining light has extinguished in the Trade Union Movement, Bob you were a one off - a true working class hero, men like you comrade do not come round very often, we were lucky to have you amongst us.
Deepest condolences to all Bob's family and friends. R.I.P. Comrade
By Philip Imison-Harvey on 12 March 2014
Only met Bob briefly at the STUC Congress in Inverness. His speech was rousing and set him apart- This is what trade unionism is all about.
The sense of loss is countrywide, a mark to that popularity with much the same shock many felt with John Smith.
The memorial for Bob must be continuance of the same course he set, left values which was the very core of The Labour Party before the party succumbed to the Trojan Horse that was "New Labour".
Mick Symon, Unite Sc 51/196. National Delegate (Scotland), Road Transport Commercial L&RD
By Mick Symon on 12 March 2014
On the train home, from work this evening.
I got talking to the guy that was checking the tickets & he had meet Bob & said how down to earth that he was & that he was a pleasure to talk to.
Also that Bob had done so much for so many people.
Just a shame that the MP's in this country could not be as helpful or understanding as Bob.
RIP Bob, one of the best.
By Gaz Diggens on 12 March 2014
An inspiration to millions and a man who made a huge positive difference to so many people and their families. Never forgotten, rest in peace brother.
By Steve Hendry on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob - you were one in a million - a real rough cut diamond - a true socialist - RMT wont be the same without you !!!
By janette evans on 12 March 2014
I was the daughter of a fireman. A very strong union man. I learned a lot from my Dad. I also learned a lot from school. I am and will always be left wing. I believe Bob showed us and kept showing us, through some very hard times, that it isn't always easy to follow your beliefs. He fought and fought and fought. I have nothing but admiration and love for Bob. As for his beloved family, I wish you all the love in the world. I hope you continue his fight, it is ever so important under this government. Thinking of you guys, taken too soonXXX
By Julie Marinescu on 12 March 2014
Rest well Brother Crow. You will be missed.
By L.B. on 12 March 2014
My deepest condolences.
By steffon worthington on 12 March 2014
A working Class Hero struck down too early. He helped make the RMT stronger. Proud to have known him.
Sincere condolences to his family. Rest in Peace dear Brother.
By Brian and Lorna Whipp Shoreham-by-Sea (Retired RMT) on 12 March 2014
You were born a soldier and died a soldier your strong determination and strength lives on. May your soul rest in peace and don't worry for all the good you did god's gate is open for you. Thanks again for allowing to pevide dood and a roof over my families head. Rmt member 4 life.
By Jennifer james on 12 March 2014
Goodbye Bob Crow. Unlike other General Secretaries who shall remain nameless, you led from the front and would not creep around the Labour Party by throwing your members cash at that neo-liberal pro-boss party.
By Ronnie Williams on 12 March 2014
Sad loss of a great man x
By Lucy sparks on 12 March 2014
Top man great human will miss u sir rest in peace
By Zahid on 12 March 2014
bob crow a man of the working class a true fighter who had the guts to fight for all the right reasons sleep well bob a good man
By david carl beaumont on 12 March 2014
Hope that your life and commitment to the RMT members is an inspiration for all the other union leaders to follow your example, you followed true values, morals and most of all you were loyal to your comrades, the world is darker place you are not here but have every belief that your brothers and sisters will carry on the fight that you so valiantly fought. Goodnight Compañero Crow, your legacy lives on!
By Sonia Leal on 12 March 2014
Why do the good guys always seem to go so young?
By David Bunting on 12 March 2014
Sorry to see you go - total respect for what you have done for workers
By Peter Smith on 12 March 2014
An absolute giant of a man. Not many left. Will be sorely missed.
By Will Smith on 12 March 2014
We need more men with your convictions and strength to fight for the working people of this country - you will be sorely missed. Rest in Peace Bob
By Sandra Parrish on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob you where an inspiration to us all in the struggle
By Werner cohrs on 12 March 2014
Thank you Bob you were an inspiration to me, a truly international trade unionist who stood for your class. Ian Branch Secretary Unite the Union NW/NW11 Merseyside Finance.
By Ian Seddon on 12 March 2014
Such a loss for the trade union movement, thoughts and prayers are with his family at this very sad time. RIP Bob Crow, irreplaceable.
By laura graham on 12 March 2014
I had the privilege to meet Bob Crow once, in 2009 during the No2EU launch in Cardiff. I was impressed with his genuineness and clear passion -- a true standout from the comfortable bureaucrats and careerists who, sadly, dominate the trade union leadership. We need more organizers of Bob Crow's like. --Edmund R Schluessel, NUS National Executive Council
By Edmund Schluessel on 12 March 2014
Your untimely passing will hurt those who knew and respected you for a long time. But thanks to your support and strength the RMT will continue to fight for justice for all of its members.
God bless you Bob Rest in everlasting peace.
By peter gaffney on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob. You was the best
By Jennifer Mitchell on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob a great trades union leader and orator who cared about the membership of the RMT trades union.
Who can now take up the mantle of speaking so clearly for anyone?
Bob you were a top man.
By Adrian Childs on 12 March 2014
Bob - For you beloved comrade, the fight will go on. Our condolences to your wife Nicky and your family. The movement really must cherish its bravest leaders better. From your fellow Awkward Squad comrade, Paul Mackney, General Secretary NATFHE (now in UCU) 1997-2007.
By Paul Mackney on 12 March 2014
it was a shock to hear that bob was gone and would no longer be around. his defiance of the bosses and the leadership he gave to his own members and the wider working class was an inspiration to all. I knew bob for many years through all the struggles against the attacks of the bosses and our joint commitment to the cause of socialism. it was a privilege knowing him.
yours in solidarity
bill Mullins
By bill mullins on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace, Bob.
By Ruth Eleanor Harris on 12 March 2014
The railway is a much better place today than it would have been without your fighting had the profiteers got their own way all the time.
The trade union movement has lost a true fighter and a true believer and we are much worse off for it.
Rest in peace brother.
By Will Tisdale, RMT Manchester South Branch on 12 March 2014
Condolences to family, friends and colleagues of Bob from S/W 8001 Filton Aerospace and Support Staff Branch, UNITE the Union.
By David Evans on 12 March 2014
Condolences to your family,you truly were a working class hero.
By Paul mcdonnell on 12 March 2014
A massive loss to the trade union movement. I hope there will be others like him, but I fear there won't.
By Gillian on 12 March 2014
True socialist, proper fire in his belly my thoughts are with his friends and family.
By Stewart Mcghee on 12 March 2014
I'm a PCS rep and Bob was an inspiration. He'll be sorely missed. Let's continue his legacy and stand up for the working classes
My thoughts are with his loved ones
By Graham Allport on 12 March 2014
My family owes Bob a huge debt of gratitude for the help and unwavering support he gave us after my son Jason was killed at Acton in 2005. He was always available to speak to and meet with us. He set the standard for how a union should represent its members and we will miss him hugely. Our condolences go to all Bobs family.
Thirza and Sarah Wilkinson
By Thirza Wilkinson and family on 12 March 2014
So sorry,Bob Was the most outstanding leader that transport unions ever had and was 100% dedicated to his members
By Harry Fletcher Napo on 12 March 2014
So sad to hear about Bob. Saw him give inspirational speeches at numerous events over the years. He worked tirelessly for his union, and was always on the side of the working class. He will live on in the struggles of tomorrow.
Rest in peace comrade, you will be greatly missed.
By Zoe Streatfield on 12 March 2014
You fought relentlessly for better jobs for your members and for improved transport for Londoners. You will be remembered.My sincerest condolences to your family and friends.
By Emma A on 12 March 2014
I had the privilege to meet Bob and interview him for a works project a couple of years ago. He came across as honest and a dedicated socialist ( the highest praise I can give him) . After the interview I told him I was a Charlton fan, he went straight into football mode talking about players and managers. When I heard the news he had died I felt numb, I didn't know him but somehow I felt I lost a good friend, like many I have lost a good comrade. The best tribute we can send Bob is to build the Unions and fight to change this rotten system.
By Richard Newton - UNITE member and Charlton Fan on 12 March 2014
What a loss, such a great leader gone so soon with so much still to be done. Condolences to his family and the RMT family.
By Ramesh on 12 March 2014
Vale Bob true working class hero great bloke and great trade unionist will be sadly missed condolences to Bob's family from his comrades in the MUA Melbourne Australia
By david cushion on 12 March 2014
I would like to offer my condolences to Bob Crow's family, friends, and comrades. Like many people I never met him but was inspired by him. He was a rare example of a union leader (a leader of the working class unlike many of them) who led with passion, integrity, and determination. His gift was to make people believe that they can struggle, and win. He led not by raising himself above others, but by encouraging everyone to raise their eyes, to get up off their knees. RIP Bob.
By Jim Lowe - North Devon Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition on 12 March 2014
So sad such a fantastic man has died too young. We have so few like him at the top who really believed his socialist principles and who could lead workers to fight back and win. As well as the big issues in the public eye he was also prepared to give his support to the less well known or popular causes. I had cause to thank him for his solidarity a number of times over the years. We have no choice but to go on fighting but it will be hard to fill the gap he leaves.
By Candy Udwin Camden Socialist Workers Party on 12 March 2014
A massive loss to the Trade Union movement. A gap that will take some filling. A big man with a big heart and voice. RIP
By Steve Smith FBU member on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob,
You were, and still are such an inspiration to the young Australian organisers that had the privilege of meeting you or hearing you speak at one of our conferences or meetings.
In Unity
By Danny Cain MUA Western Australia on 12 March 2014
Bob, you were the man who made me want to fight for my boys and girls in my depot. Your spark and willingness to argue a point simply to protect a simple working
condition or gain us some
ground against a ruthless taskmaster were what I admired the most. Taken from us far too early, but because of you, I am forever inspired.
By Jim Wright (RMT Safety Rep Glasgow Central) on 12 March 2014
I only met Bob Crow once some years ago yesterday I felt that I had lost something ! my heart goes out to his family RIP we need more like him
By sam vickers bfawu on 12 March 2014
I have only known about Bob since the subway strike reported on the web ( here in Australia the MSM are like in the UK right wing owned).In the very short time I have known of Bob I followed his progress on the web with I must admit awe. The horrible news of his passing shattered me, I can't stop thinking about it,my most sincerest condolences to his family, workmates and union friends whom must be absolutely shattered considering my state.Bob has gone but he has left a huge banner above the sorrow of his lose for others to take up the fight, I'm sure there are plenty who won't let him down, RIP Bob, wish we had had you down under.
By Brian Carpenter on 12 March 2014
I'd like to offer my deepest condolences to Bob's family, close friends and RMT members.
Bob Crow you were an inspiration to working class people. You battled hard to make a fairer society. You organised your colleagues into a very strong collective to fight for and defend your pay and conditions despite lies and hostility towards you from most of the popular press.
I used to cheer inside when I would see you defending your members and would point you (and Tony Benn) out as a role model to my children (teenagers). You spoke at one of our protest rallies against Fire Station closures and you were an inspiration. We talked afterwards and everyone loved you.
You were a rare breed and the world is a poorer place without you.
Requiescat In Pace
By George Gaul FBU member on 12 March 2014
What we have to do now Bob, is to get on with nationalising our railways.
By Ian Stewart on 12 March 2014
A true inspiration. Rest in Peace now.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Your work will always be remembered.
By Paul James (SRAS) on 12 March 2014
Bob put the heart back in to the trade union movement and the fight to he stood up for his members and the community they lived in Rest in Peace Bob
By Philip lewis Camden UNISON Vice Chair on 12 March 2014
The trade union movement as lost a giant, my deepest sympathy to Bob's wife and family, you will be sadly missed R.I.P comrade...
By Terry Robinson- Socailist Labour Party on 12 March 2014
Warm hearted, witty, clever and funny and brilliant company. Will be grieved by all his comrades and friends. A colossal loss to the labour movement. His loss not just felt by those closest to him but by all those who wanted a just, fair and equal society. Deepest sympathy to Bob's family.
By Mark and Ruth Serwotka on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. Best union leader of his generation.
By Nick Foster on 12 March 2014
Had the pleasure of meeting Bob a few times. True man of the people. A bit like myself born in the East End, loves Millwall,dogs,his family,council housing and "our" class and hated capitalism with a passion. Much love to his family and comrades in the RMT
By Katy McCafferty Tyrrell on 12 March 2014
You were an inspiration to me and my Branch, My Family and I have known you for many years, and when I told my son and daughter, they were in shock, you will be missed but never forgotten.
Condolances to Nicky and the family
We will try to continue the work you have done for us all
Rest In Peace Bob
By T Luhar, RMT London and Orient Engineering Branch Secretary on 12 March 2014
When others condemned the POA Bob stood shoulder to shoulder with my union seconding our Motion to the TUC Congress calling for a General strike to end the anti trade union laws. Bob spoke to our Conference lifting the Union delegates to levels of euphoria.
Goodbye my Comrade and friend Rest in Peace
Brian Caton.
By Brian Caton Barnsley TUSC and former General Secretary POA on 12 March 2014
Bob was a great leader and speaker, he always seem to have time for people.
I admired him for what he has achieved, he was a real working class hero.
I also loved his sense of humour, he definitely had a heart of gold underneath the rough exterior.
There will never be another like him. Rest in peace Bob and thanks for all that you have done for working people
By Phil Talbot - Transport Benevolent Fund on 12 March 2014
A workers champion. An inspirational trade union leader who did what he was paid to do with passion and pride. A fighter and a socialist. Missed but not forgotten.
By Andy Walsh on 12 March 2014
I was desperately sad to hear the news of your passing yesterday. Yours was one of the few voices that still got heard that would speak up unapologetically, and without caveats, for the working class. You were and will remain an inspiration for all trade unionists and socialists through the ages. United we stand, divided we fall. RIP Bob.
By ed, unite on 12 March 2014
Bob, we will all miss you. From God we all came and to Him we will all return. We love you Bob but God love you more.
May your soul rest in the Lord. Amen .
By Victor Afolayan on 12 March 2014
Bob was a great fighter for his class. First got to know him when he was an apprentice and attended the Liaison Committee for the Defence of Trades a Unions. He will be a legend. Condolences to all his family.
By Brian Clarke on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob you wer & are irreplaceable!
By Chris Mooney on 12 March 2014
RIP. Your name will be spoken for eternity. A true working class warrior and comrade. We will continue the fight in your honour and take back the railways and all that the toff inbreds have stolen from us.
By Kim Ibarruri on 12 March 2014
Condolences and best wishes to Bob's family, friends, members and all those who looked to him for leadership and solidarity.
Although his untimely death is blow to us all, it is *most* important that we don't allow it to crush us. Bob Crow was a normal guy who rose to brilliance through his hard work and his compassion and socialism. We must all take responsibility to try and do that, in the same way that his life's work was founded on the greats who came before him. He was their legacy and we are his, whether in the RMT, another trade union or another part of the socialist movement altogether.
Chin up comrades - the fight continues and Bob Crow wanted it that way.
By Jack White on 12 March 2014
A true class fighter, unbroken and unbowed till the end.
Thank you for supporting the Jarrow March in 2011. Onwards to a new mass party of the working class.
'They never die who live in the hearts they leave behind.'
By Jamie Cocozza (Unite) on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow - Stood up for RMT Members, but was also a voice for all trade union members. He will be sadly missed by all workers
By Steve Butts CWU on 12 March 2014
I had the pleasure of listening to Bob Crow speak in October 2013 at the SIPTU biannual conference in Dublin. It was apt that a true trade unionist of his stature should speak to an audience commerating the 1913 Dublin Lockout.
His speech had an effect on me, as he spoke of the workers struggle it all made perfect sense. I had only felt that sense of complete understanding once before, when I read the ragged trousered philanthropists.
He embodied everything a trade unionists should aspire to be. He had a packed venue in the palm of his hands, especially after his "I won't stab you in the back, I'll stab you in the front" comment. My sincerest sympathies to his family & his RMT comrades.
By Jim Fuery on 12 March 2014
Bob was a true legend. A true fighter for us to have a good life. This guy is a fallen soldier and we should remember him for the great person he was. Rest in peace Bob!
By seymour stewart on 12 March 2014
A true champion of the working class, of peace and socialism has been lost. In his honour we fight on.
By Rick Heyse on 12 March 2014
Deepest sympathy and solidarity to family friends and all members of RMT.
A true working class warrior
By Mick Lancaster on 12 March 2014
Sadly missed by all workers Bob Crow was renouned for his principles, his courage, his honesty, his dedication and his sense of humour.
By John Denton on 12 March 2014
Such a sad loss. Deepest sympathy to Bob's friends and family xxx
By Pamela Gamble on 12 March 2014
Rip bob crow-a colossal figure who fought tooth and nail for his rmt members + for fairness,equality,common decency + employment for all.hard working decent families.Unquestionable integrity who wore his heart on his sleeve.Indeed,sadly an irreplaceable figure in the trade union movement.I doubt whether we will ever see his likes again.A man who tried to improve the world and DID !!,.Thoughts and prayers are with his immediate family + friends.( to which there was many ).x
By mick grubb on 12 March 2014
A supremely principled man who dreamt of and fought for a better world for everyone in it. An inspiration to all, both in the labour movement and elsewhere. Rest in peace.
By Robert Lodge on 12 March 2014
Condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Comrade Bob Crow, who will be sadly missed by all across the trade union movement. Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the RMT Union.
By Matt Widdowson, Branch Chair, Unite Leicestershire Community Branch on 12 March 2014
A working-class militant & probably the last great trade union leader. An inspiration to me and many others. Respect brother.
By Mike C on 12 March 2014
Unforgettable and irreplaceable! RIP Bob
By Maria Pizzey on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. I was privileged to make your acquaintance. You were a giant of the Trade Union Movement. Condolences to Family and your Union Brothers and Sisters.
By Paul Sheehan Maritime Union of Australia Queensland Branch on 12 March 2014
Lewisham TUSC are mourning the loss of a giant of the labour movement. Bob was due to speak at a TUSC meeting in Lewisham in April and recently came to the Save our Millwall meeting. In all he did he was resolute, tireless and an inspiration to us all. The greatest memorial we can build for him will be a general strike against austerity and a new political voice for working people. 'A life without struggle is no life at all'. Bob lived a life many times over. Now we must emulate that.
By James Kerr on 12 March 2014
Thinking about Bobs family at this difficult time.
By Jim Greaves Hull Rail Branch on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow stood up for his members and for his class, and for a new political voice for working class people with No2EU and TUSC. I'm proud to have represented the Socialist Party on the TUSC steering committee alongside Bob. Such a shock and a terrible loss.
By Paula Mitchell - Socialist Party and TUSC on 12 March 2014
Bob I first joined the railway just before u became general secretary. I along with many others voted you into election. This was by far the best vote I have ever made, years later I am a rep for the rmt partly because you showed me I could help make a difference. You have made a huge difference to mine and my families life. I am from a proud railway family, you have made us even prouder to be part of a wonderful industry, which you helped to make a huge difference in. I am proud to be part of the rmt and will be forever grateful for everything you helped achieve. Rip comrade Crow.
By Lee Pitchford on 12 March 2014
very sorry to have heard of bobs passing, one of the most effective of trade unionists, he leaves a huge void and also leaves a emmense legacy, my condolences to his family,friends and colleagues, RIP BOB.
By john boreham on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow, a true working class hero and a great general secretary. As a rail worker and RMT member myself, I am extremely grateful for all his hard work and dedication at the RMT.
By Peter Blennarhassett on 12 March 2014
One of the last truly honest decent people we are ever likely to see in politics. A terrible loss and as a 54 year old Yorkshire man I am not ashamed to admit I sobbed my hear out last night
By John Margetts on 12 March 2014
Such sad news . Bob was a true inspiration . A man prepared to fight to help others .
By Douglas Hart on 12 March 2014
I just wanted to offer my condolences to Bobs family, friends and comrades. Unity is Strength.
By Dougie Kinnear on 12 March 2014
RIP to a much admired man,and the greatest trade union leader of our time.You are a huge loss to your union members. Love and condolences to all Bob`s family xxx
By Pam Deardon on 12 March 2014
You will be greatly missed by the trade union movement rest in peace. A true trade unionist
By Katrina quirke on 12 March 2014
Deepest sympathies to Bob's family and sisters and brothers in the RMT. Bob wasn't just your leader, he was our inspiration as well, a shining beacon of hope and light to every trades unionist, not just in Britain, but across the world. In years to come, Bob will be remembered as the finest trades unionist of his generation. If Boris Johnson is remembered at all, it will be as a mop-headed buffoon. RIP Bob.
By John Jones, Secretary, NUJ East Yorkshire Branch on 12 March 2014
If only we all had a man like Bob Crow looking after us in our working lives. He was a force to be reckoned with. RIP to a great man.
By Leanne Bentley on 12 March 2014
A true comrade who will be greatly missed.
By Jim McCabe on 12 March 2014
The lessons we continue learn from Brother Bob Crow should give us the courage to reinvigorate the fight for equality and better standards for working people.
I didn't know him personally, though know many who did. But I felt like I knew him well and I'd sure listen to those who did and those who recounted his unions struggles. Many of whom are my comrades and colleagues.
Its really sad, but we must to carry on.
My deepest condolences to his family and the members of RMT.
Peter Lahay
ITF Canada Coordinator
ILWU-Canada, Local 400
By Peter Lahay on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob you were a fine human being and you dedicated your life to help others, if only there were more like you then maybe this country wouldn't be in such a mess !! Sleep tight big man !!
By Craig liverpool 05 branch on 12 March 2014
A great Trade Union leader,socialist; stood up for what was right. An inspiration, he is right "Bollocks to the Cuts". My thoughts to his family and his sisters and brothers at this time.
By Simon Gomery Branch Secretary Pymouth UNITE Communities Branch on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, a truly remarkable man who fought tirelessly for his members. He will be sorely missed. There is a brighter star shining in the sky now. Condolences to his family.
By Janet Goodhew on 12 March 2014
Condolences to all Bob's loved ones and to the RMT. He fought for his members, his class. he was what a ubion leader should be We will mourn and we will organise in his memory. Felicity Dowling, Left Unity, Cheshire West NUT
By Felicity Dowling on 12 March 2014
Your passing leaves a massive chasm in the Trade Union Movement, you always give your all for your members and no one could ask for more than that, a truly inspirational, principled and iconic leader. RIP Comrade and condolences to your Famiily and Fraternity
By Alan Moss ASLEF District 3 H&S on 12 March 2014
Our thoughts and condolences are with Bob's family, friends and all RMT members at this tragic and sad time. He was an outstanding presence and a committed leader to those who shared his strong and right beliefs in what Unionism should represent. He taught us all the true value of unionism and solidarity. He tirelessly campaigned for the rights of his members. All Union leaders should look at his examples and take note. A very sad loss for all. You will be missed Bob. I hope your successor shares your values and has the strength to lead in your shadow. God bless you.
Christine Powell
Unite The Union Branch Secretary
Bexleyheath Bus Garage.
By Christine Powell on 12 March 2014
One of the great Trade Unionists and Socialists of this country. My thoughts are with Bob's Family and Comrades.
Rest In Peace Brother
By Frank Hawkins on 12 March 2014
Still in a state of shock at the sudden loss of our General Secretary.
As the Morning Star front page says "Loved by the Workers Feared by the Bosses."
That's because he listened to the members and fought for us with the knowledge he had our backing.
The next edition of the RMT News is going to be rather poignant as I was standing next him for the Signalling Grades Conference photograph a fortnight ago.
A thoroughly nice man. He will be greatly missed.
My thoughts are with his close family and friends at this time.
RIP Boab.
By David King, Stirling No.1 Branch on 12 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to Bob's family and friends. RIP. You will be sorely missed by many
By Sue on 12 March 2014
Bob, you are a railway mans working hero! Your memory will always live throughout the greater trade union movement. Rest in peace fellow comrade
By Michael D'Santos on 12 March 2014
A Good Comrade Who Fought Hard.
By Jan McDonald on 12 March 2014
Would just like to offer my condolences to Bob`s family and close friends. We have lost a top feller but all our lives have been enriched by knowing him. Lets hope our Union can come up with a fitting tribute to the man.
God Speed Bob RIP
By Mark Eilbeck (Carlisle Branch Sec) on 12 March 2014
Bob's passing is a tragic loss to the left. His courage, integrity and decency was the sort that comes around once in a generation. He'll be sorely missed, but our best tribute is to carry on the struggle with greater determination. Don't mourn, organise!
By Michael Agboh-Davison on 12 March 2014
One of the greatest union leaders ever, Bob was a true socialist. He supported his members totally, and fought for the best conditions of service for them. He extended the hand of friendship to my union, the Fire Brigades Union, in our time of need, and that will never be forgotten. We mourn the passing of a truly great and proud member of the working class. Sincere condolences to Bob's family, friends and colleagues. Taken way, way too soon. Rest in peace, Bob. You work here is done. Thank you for all that you have done.
By Jon Beamson on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was a principled trade union leader who stood up not just for his own class but for all workers. His dignity, courage and intelligence will be greatly missed in the trade union movement. He encouraged me and many others to strive to defend our comrade workers.
By Gary Kaye on 12 March 2014
A straight taking union man who put people first.
He will be missed but serve as a reminder of why we must fight for what is right for us collectively.
By Graham Forsyth on 12 March 2014
Bob you were and always b an inspiration to all men and woman
By Gerry Nickerson on 12 March 2014
R.I.P. You were a true union man through and through. Condolences to your family.
By Ruth on 12 March 2014
A true hero and champion of the workers. RIP
By Veronica Bolan on 12 March 2014
A great man and comrade much vilified for his commitment to the struggles of the working class. We will miss him.
By Louise McDaid - Secretary Socialist Labour Party (Scotland) on 12 March 2014
RIP A man who worked for the working people.
By Mark on 12 March 2014
A good man, taken too early.
RIP Bob x
By WJK on 12 March 2014
Only Meet Bob a couple of times and my thoughts off him was that he looks after his people, cares for the working class, a hero, a leader. A total shock that he has gone!
R.I.P Bob taken far too quick!! Sympathy to all his family
By Barry Norman on 12 March 2014
My Sympathies to Bob's Family and close friends.
A true Socialist taken too soon.
The fight will continue through the RMT.
By Andrew Behan on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, you fought tirelessly for our rights and working conditions at London underground, taken far too soon. Thoughts are with your family and friends. Gone but never forgotten. Thank you
By Derren Harvey on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. A good man who will be missed very much.
By H F on 12 March 2014
What a truly wonderful human being and a bloody great working class warrior. You were a friend and you will be missed terribly. Absolute respect comrade! Thinking of Nic and family. xx
By Mich-Elle Myers - Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney on 12 March 2014
He will be missed by everyone.
By Mike Southworth on 12 March 2014
Proud to have known you in recent years, to have shared walks through radical history with you, and privileged to have spoken alongside you to honour the heroes of Cable Street. You were a hero too; a courageous champion of the exploited and oppressed who gave ordinary people the belief they could fight and they could win.
By David Rosenberg on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow.
By John Ward on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob Crow a Great Leader to the RMT. He will be a great loss not just to the RMT members but to every trade union member in this country. He was a True friend of all Firefighters and the FBU. My thoughts are with Bob's family, friends and colleagues at this sad time.
By Mick Berry London F.B.U on 12 March 2014
Words can't say what you have done for the working class. Thank you for what you did.
RIP Bob Crow
By Greg Marshall on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob..taken so soon. You are honoured and respected by us all. So sorry for your families loss. We will carry on your good work
By brenda bellas on 12 March 2014
I met you a few times Bob. You were a man to be admired. If we could all be like you the world would be a far better place to be in! My thoughts are with all your friends and family. Yesterday was a very sad day and you have left a big whole! RIP x
By Kate O'Hanlon on 12 March 2014
Bob Crowe always came across as a man of principles. Someone who would do whatever it took to defend the rights of his membership, but also to oppose any measures he felt would adversely affect safety standards on the London Underground.
For that alone he will be greatly missed by many people who he never met, but none more so than his family, friends and colleagues, to whom I offer my utmost condolences.
By Dave Lane on 12 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to Bob's family and his members at this sad time.
Bob was a true hero to his members and the working class.
Farewell to you comrade.
By Rod Thompson. Unite Convener Bovington on 12 March 2014
A complete tragedy and shock for all who knew him and for those who took inspiration from his willingness to stand and fight.
By Des Heemskerk on 12 March 2014
Bob has certainly left a legacy. He gave a real voice to trade unionism.
By tony miller on 12 March 2014
R,I,P Bob , gone to soon . My thoughts are with the Family . The fight continues .... Rest brother..
By Paul McCabe on 12 March 2014
I share your pain and sorrow. Bob belonged to all of us. He belonged to all protesting workers and Communists who were against the capitalist system, not only in Britain, but all over the world. His death was a major blow to the British working class and especially to RMT. I share the pain of losing such a great leader as bob Crow.
Long Live the memory of Bob Crow
Long Live International Solidarity
By Jamal Kamangar on 12 March 2014
Once he knew your name he would never forget it ,and I will never forget him ,A brother ,a comrade ,a fighter ,why so soon ?Dearly missed but forever with us in our struggle
By Willie Shrarer on 12 March 2014
Such a sad loss of a principled man. I'll always remember the support you have given London's Firefighters over the years. Thank you Bob.
Neil Crossfield FBU member.
By Neil Crossfield on 12 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob Crow. A truly loyal man who always defended working people.
By D Fry on 12 March 2014
Maximum respect to you your family and your loyal colleagues,Peter ex Merchant Seaman now loyal UCATT member
By Peter Rooney on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob Crow you was one of us.You fought for us,you will be sadly missed.
By paul whiteley on 12 March 2014
A genuine socialist to the end, gone too soon. He was proof that socialism is still valid. What better tribute to him for all true socialists to stand up and be counted?
By Owen Adams on 12 March 2014
"BOB CROW" "enough said", is what we say at The Den, true working class legend who will be missed by all.
Don't worry Bob, I will continue to give stick to Paul Jackson whenever West Ham lose.
Farewell brother
By Steve Ross LU Engineering on 12 March 2014
There are few men of character left in our country, and even fewer to stand up for the rights of others, without regard to personal attacks by a media hellbent on attacking anyone that defends workers rights. Your family will be mournful now, as am I, but they will and should be proud of what you have achieved. Rest in peace
By Jason Kirlew on 12 March 2014
Thanks and farewell to a great union leader who was prepared to not only stand up and be counted for what he believed in but also to fight for the benefit of the many against the greed and self interest of the few. The trade union movement is richer for having had you and I hope your work inspires many more to take your place and continue the fight. Solidarity brother.
By Steve Swainston, PCS DWP Group GEC on 12 March 2014
I had the privilege of meeting Bob on many occasions. A giant in our great movement. My thoughts and prayers are with his family - the RMT!
By Alan Irwin on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, You were a truly inspiring man. The struggle continues (as ever).
By Dave Hughes on 12 March 2014
You inspired generations of Union Organisers - Thank you RIP Bob Crow
By Rehana on 12 March 2014
RIP Sir. great man .legend. fearless . you had the respect and love from all the transport workers. shame to see you leaving us so soon. god bless your soul. amen
By mohamed bakali TFL on 12 March 2014
A massive loss for so many people. A true Gent.
Condolenses to Bob's family and friends.
From a FBU member.
By Steve Young on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow, a true trade unionist , will be sadly missed by all who new him . RIP Bob.
By Ray Huckle on 12 March 2014
Thanks and farewell to a great union leader who was prepared to not only stand up and be counted for what he believed in but also to fight for the benefit of the many against the greed and self interest of the few. The trade union movement is richer for having had you and I hope your work inspires many more to take your place and continue the fight. Solidarity brother.
By Steve Swainston on 12 March 2014
RIP comrade. Venceremos
By Al Derby on 12 March 2014
Wonderful leader and champion for his members, irreplaceable. RIP
By Peter Robson on 12 March 2014
shocked and deeply saddened. A real hero and an inspiration to us all. Thank you Bob....the fight continues.
By Paul Allen on 12 March 2014
Rest In Peace Bob, you was a true hero who showed genuine care ness for working people, us as RMT members have lost a true friend, I'd like to pay my respects to Bobs family and close friends.
By Sean Connor on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob you were a true gent who worked hard and tirelessly for the working man , you will be sadly missed.
By Paul Finch on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob
I met you a few times on the train, my thoughts go out to your family and friends. 52, is a far too young an age to leave us.
By Leigh, RMT H&S rep KGX on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Comrade from GMB Leeds General Branch.
One of the best
By Iris Crummack was Walters on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Comrade from GMB Leeds General Branch.
One of the best
By Iris Crummack was Walters on 12 March 2014
People like Bob are needed in this world of cut throats and capatalists. Its the likes of Bob who stand up and support union members and those in society who should be protected. A great man, a great leader and a great inspiration.
By graham manley on 12 March 2014
Sincere condolences to your family. Thank you for demonstrated how importance Unions are and for fighting for working people. We are all less without you.
By Christine Clifford Unite Community Member on 12 March 2014
Reading through the messages its clear to see that Bob Crow was loved and respected across the union industry, he stood for all of us, never has 1 man been so formidable in the face of political might, in his name we will stand a fight together, as he wanted us to. Stand tall and shed a tear for we have lost a good man.
By Rob.D..... on 12 March 2014
Rip Bob a man with a voice a mission and a passion.
By Sean baker llc Rmt virgin trains on 12 March 2014
A great man in all aspects and a huge loss to the left . R.I.P Bob , your efforts to bring about a society fit for modern man will never be forgotten !
By Davie Withers on 12 March 2014
RIP a brave man who stood up against the evils of his time.
By Patrick Baker on 12 March 2014
Bob, your passion and tireless dedication to your class will always be an inspiration to workers worldwide. You have left a hole in our movement and our lives which we must strive to fill.
To our comrades in the mighty RMT – Your Loss Is Our Loss – we will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with you as you have always done with us.
Bob,you were a true comrade and friend - you will never, ever, be forgotten.
By Steve Jones (CWU Postal Executive) on 12 March 2014
RIP Comrade. You stood up for your members and for working class people everywhere. I hope you're not the last of your kind.
By Nick Davies, Swansea on 12 March 2014
The British Trade Union and Labour Movement has lost a massive working class hero! I was lucky enough to have met him a few times the last time was at the 2012 TUC Congress where he helped me at my first Congress.
ASLEF at members at Bristol would like to pass on our condolences to members of our sister trade union RMT and especially to Bob's partner and children
Bernard Kennedy
ASLEF Bristol Branch.
By Bernard Kennedy ASLEF Bristol Branch Secretary on 12 March 2014
Bob, have a great trip comrade, with great respect, Vass
By Vassilis K. Fouskas on 12 March 2014
A true working class saint.We will carry on the fighd.Alan Clare.NUVB.
By alan clare on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace comrade. The fight goes on.
By Jim McLaughlin on 12 March 2014
Was always a decent man,achieved so much and took them all on,brave and played fairly. nite nite x
By john dunne on 12 March 2014
With Bob's tragic death our class has lost a true fighter and the trade union movement an inspirational leader. Bob fought tirelessly for working people throughout the world. We best remember him by picking up the torch and carrying on the fight.
By Joe Marino on 12 March 2014
You will be sadly missed ! You gave inspiration and hope, you and your work will not be forgotten.
By Jason madeley on 12 March 2014
RIP, Comrade. A true champion of the Working Class.
By Mary Allen on 12 March 2014
At the going down of the hourly rate, and in the pay packet; we will remember him.
By The Rt Hon Lord Harley of Dublin. on 12 March 2014
Bob you made a positive difference to the life's of ordinary working men and women of the country. Your sudden death is still a shock and everyone is still saddened by your passing. May your gentle soul rest in peace and sincere condolence to your family at this difficult time.
By Adex on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. A true leader, but more importantly a true friend to all RMT members.
Condolences to the family.
By Graham Davie on 12 March 2014
You will be sadly missed. Great person that lived for are union.
By paul goodman on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow.
A giant amongst men and genuine crusader for peoples rights.
By Kevin Coughlan on 12 March 2014
What a great man - knew who he was fighting and what he was fighting.
Bob will never be forgotten.
'If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine'
Hasta la Victoria siempre
By Andy Frampton Ex Unite Regional Secretary on 12 March 2014
As a fellow trade unionist I was stunned to hear of the passing of the great Bob Crow. I never knew Bob, or even met him...but I admired watching and listening to him speak with such passion and conviction. I would like to therefore pay tribute to him with a short poem.
A Tribute to Robert Crow:
Along came Mr Robert Crow...
the hero we have come to know
The man who led by taking on...
the fight for workers till he won
The great orator bold as brass...
a champion of the working class
Across the great trade union world...
a role model socialist was unfurled
Such a shame you had to go...
The one and only Robert Crow
By William Roland Clegg on 12 March 2014
We will continue the fight, rest is peace Bob
By Danny Batt on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow, the greatest trade union leader this country has ever seen, and I say that as an ex striking miner. R.I.P
By Norman Strike on 12 March 2014
Shocked and saddened. Condolences to Bob's family and comrades. Don't mourn, organise...
By Katherine Yarrow on 12 March 2014
What a great spokesman and leader you were, devoting your life to workers rights, fighting the good fight for fair pay and working conditions in a world that only cares about profit. Lets hope you have inspired others to take on the establishment and win, Your life was not on vain. An inspiration to all of those that still care, me being one of those.
By Krystyna Koseda on 12 March 2014
Bob you were and still are my hero.
Proud to have met you.
Proud to have been represented by you.
By Leon Nunn NUR/RMT member for 36 years on 12 March 2014
r.i.p bob...a man who stood by his words...!!!!!!!!
By dave on 12 March 2014
Sad loss! His personality will never be forgotten! May he rest in peace and may his family remember all the good times together. Grief is a strange thing and it affects different people in different ways. The pain of your loss will get less the more the time passes, that's the truth! Be strong. Our thoughts are with you. X
By Debs Stewart - RMT member London Underground on 12 March 2014
Tragic loss to the Union and the Labour movement, I'm still in shock, condolences to your family and friends
By Nick Whitehead ASLEF District Organiser on 12 March 2014
He says us to NO2 Euro Yes to workers right. I disagreed with him but respect his struggle for workers in UK
By Sashie Peiris on 12 March 2014
You will be sadly missed Bob ,by fellow socialists . A great for people's rights and a decent society .
By Carol and Donald Marr on 12 March 2014
Your passing will be a huge blow to the Trade Union movement. A True giant .You have left very big shoes to fill.. Rest in peace comrade.
Khalid Nasim rana. Gidea park branch
By Khalid Nasim rana on 12 March 2014
A true leader and great spokesman.
By Mudgie on 12 March 2014
A model for inspiring effective political action. Principled and pragmatic. He will be missed
By Hannah Davies on 12 March 2014
You stood up for our beliefs. You were prepared to fight and to lead from the front. You were a shining light for what can be achieved for working people if they stand together united. Surrounded by voices of despair and berated by the boss class and their lackeys you never gave an inch. I trust your example will inspire other working people and their unions to fight.
Rest in peace and sincere condolences to family and friends.
By Chris Coleman on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was truly a working class hero. He fearlessly fought for the members he represented and his shoes will be incredibly hard to fill.
Even though I never met him, I was inspired by his unwavering integrity and dedication to his principles, and I will miss him dearly. We've not just a lost a master fighter and negotiator but also a great, enlightened thinker who way ahead of his time. Bob raised his voice against injustice and showed his solidarity with the those who were voiceless such as the Palestinians. The left has lost a great leader and I just hope that many more follow in his footsteps. My condolences to his family, friends and everyone at RMT.
By Hassen Iqbal on 12 March 2014
Bob, thanks for sticking up for the working classes, you area true hero RIP
LONDON FF & FBU member terry Lowe
By Terry Lowe on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace, warrior. You made them take you seriously. Deepest sympathies to Bob's family, friends and comrades.
By Mike Dewberry on 12 March 2014
The British worker and Trade Unionist movement is a lot poorer today.
RIP Robert Crow.
By Peter Smith ucu Member on 12 March 2014
Bob. Met you twice at Tolpuddle but didn't know you well. You were a beacon for the way the union movement should conduct itself to the benefit of its members. God Bless. Tony Dowling GMB Officer
By Tony Dowling GMB Officer on 12 March 2014
He was a true icon for working class people.... He will be remembered year after year... Decade after decade... Bob crue will never born again...but he showd us how to fight for right.... R.i.p....
By Zahidur Rahman co2 swt on 12 March 2014
Had the pleasure of meeting bob on the picket line at bletchley in 2009 only six weeks after joining the union he certainly will be missed by all in the union movements
By James Malins on 12 March 2014
I met Bob once, and heard him speak several times.
He was truly inspirational; passionate in his support for ordinary people, tireless and utterly true to his principles.
We have lost a great comrade. RIP Bob.
By Charles Regan on 12 March 2014
Bob -
Do hope you're making sure St Peter gets decent working hours, scheduled breaks and compensation for overtime.
You're an angel in heaven, but I bet you're giving them hell.
By Leah Borromeo, BECTU on 12 March 2014
You fought the fight for our wellbeing. I doubt anyone can/will do the job as well as you. You gave your last fight yesterday - so rest in peace now. My thoughts are with your family.
Rest in peace Bob
By Joan Harrison (Past Lu employee - retired) on 12 March 2014
RIP Brother Bob
By Amanda Bailey- Branch1/62 on 12 March 2014
RIP and respect Comrade. Your untimely passing will be a huge loss to the movement.
By Cllr Jim Bollan on 12 March 2014
Please god there is replacement for you Bob. God bless xx
By Neil Thomas on 12 March 2014
Thanks for fighting for the working man
By Philip Rowan on 12 March 2014
I was inspired to stand up by Bob crow, inspired to join a union, inspire to believe I could make a difference.
Devastated to learn of your passing, but will keep the spirit of your message with me.
and try to inspire others as you did.
RIP Bob Crow.
My deepest sympathys to your family for their loss.
By Liz Pike on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, a true socialist and an inspiration. My thoughts are with your family and friends
By Gerry Loughery on 12 March 2014
A great loss to the Labour Movement,
but Bob Crowe leaves a legacy which
will be remembered in working class history
and an inspiration to following generations !
By FLORENCE ANDERSON on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. A fantastic trade union man, an inspiration to all trade union members. A socialist and someone with backbone and conviction.
Gone but never forgotten.
By james Murray on 12 March 2014
Thanks for standing up for working class people, you will not be forgotten,friend to the FBU.
By Kevin oconnor on 12 March 2014
Very sad to see that Bob has died. A great union man who put his members first. We need many many more people like him, if this country is going to be great again. RIP Bob
By Jean Hughes on 12 March 2014
Rip in peace bob you will truly missed
By Richard Wilkins unison shop steward on 12 March 2014
Condolences to Mr. Crow's family, friends and all RMT members. We have all lost a dedicated trade unionist and socialist. We will carry on the struggle.
With best wishes Barry Crozier and family
By Barry Crozier on 12 March 2014
Bob will be missed by us all.Condolences to all his family
By Ian Clarke Douglas Shipping on 12 March 2014
By kevin parkinson rmt rep preston on 12 March 2014
I never had the privilege of meeting Bob but have felt his loss so profoundly. He was and, I hope, still is an inspiration to many socialists and trade unionists everywhere. You were taken from us much too soon. Rest in peace Mr Crowe. Thank you for everything.
(Proud to know that we were born within spitting distance of each other, you in Shadwell and me in Wapping.)
By Terree Selby on 12 March 2014
This year I have been a member of a Trade Union for 50 years and also a Millwall supporter for the same period. The loss of Bob Crow to the Trade Union movement is immense. Leaders like Bob who have the interests of working members are hard to find, he will be missed. His family must be devastated, the RMT will not be the same ever again. Retired Unite Member
By Bob Rudd on 12 March 2014
You will be very hard to replace , such a passionate man a truly great fighter for what you believed in . A very sad lose indeed .RIP BOB
By Derek Scott on 12 March 2014
Condolences in the first place to Bob's nearest and dearest.I can't even imagine the emotional impact of this sudden loss...
Heard him speak countless times over the last 4 years; always measured, full of passion, often with a hard-hitting, caustic turn of phrase against our enemies; inspirational!
His dedication to furthering workers' interests was peerless and an example to all activists and trade unionists. The struggle continues!
By Russell Carr, PCS Branch 101034, Organiser on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob
A titan of RMT and our Movement.
you will be missed comrade but you will live on in our fight for our class and working people.
Gone but not forgotten.
its time to organise and build the movement
By Ged Dempsey Unite GPM Print worker on 12 March 2014
By neil gaittens on 12 March 2014
Thank you.
By Jack - Unite the Union on 12 March 2014
R.I.P., comrade Bob! Great hero of the British working class and true socialist!
By Alain on 12 March 2014
My thoughts are with Bob's family at this sad sad time. Bob Crow was a great socialist and class fighter who stood up for workers despite being criticised by the gutter press and media, his legacy will live on as he proved that it was possible to improve the lives of ordinary men and women without selling out and he will be sorely missed by those involved in the class struggle-just wish all Union leaders had his passion in order to fight the cuts and win the war against capitalism.
By Sarah-Jane Fox (Unison Member) on 12 March 2014
What a shocking news. Bob, you will be remembered now and forever more, may your soul rest in perfect peace, Amen.
By Samson E. on 12 March 2014
The champion of the oppressed.
By Anne Wilkinson CYWU on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow,
Man of your word, a true gentleman and a legend. You fought tooth and bail for us working class people... You made it possible for us to wake up in the morning an go to work with pride.... I respect you, the members respect you, oppositions respect you and the whole if London and railway industries respect you... You were a true leader and a leader by example. Truely, you will be missed but never forgotten. RIP MY FRIEND AND BROTHER. Solidarity..👊
By Jowel miah (Joe Black) on 12 March 2014
So sad to hear of your passing Bob,
It has been an honour to have met you on several occasions in the last couple occasions as branch secretary for Andover Bus, and it is a shame you were taken from your family and RMT family at such a young age.
My thoughts are with you and your families across the country
By Ian Terry (Former Branch Secretary Andover Bus Branch) on 12 March 2014
Your politics compensated for your football allegiance. The working class has lost a great champion.
By Terry Messenger on 12 March 2014
My deepest sympathy to Bob's family. He was a Great General Secretary, an inspiring socialist and helped many, many people to get a better life. As others have said, a working class hero.
By Jeff Slee on 12 March 2014
What a tragic loss. Your courage, humour, intelligence and sheer ballsiness will be missed, not only by the people close to you, but by people around the country who are into fairness and justice and who want a society that reflects this. Thank you for commitment and passion - you will be sorely missed.
By Pam Abbott on 12 March 2014
Still can't believe it. Bob Crow will forever be one of the greatest figures of the British Labour movement. Be at peace comrade.
By Aidan Gault on 12 March 2014
Such a great loss to the labour movement. The most effective trade unionist of our era. Our thoughts are with Bob's friends, family and to all RMT members.
Jonathan Lee
Hastings & District Trades Council and UNISON Hastings & Eastbourne Healthcare Branch
By Jonathan Lee on 12 March 2014
A true fighter has been lost at far too young an age. You are an inspiration to all working people and demonstrated exactly what working people can achieve.
My thoughts and condolences to your family who have lost a giant and also to your whole extended family who have lost a brother and comrade.
Rest in peace Bob knowing your legacy lives on.
By Josef Kane GMB (Ambulance) on 12 March 2014
God bless you, at a sad and desperate time of milquetoast lefties patronising those at the sharp end of the cuts, you were the REAL in peace, Bob. We carry on the fight with you as inspiration.
By Lawrence Renee on 12 March 2014
Thankyou for your support a few years ago, could not have got through it without yourself and the brothers, a great man, where NO was not an answer, you thought for what was right, without you Bob companies would have run all over their staff RIP now Bob, a great man, will never be forgotten
By paul yarwood on 12 March 2014
Your passing will be a huge blow to the Trade Union movement. You have left very big shoes to fill..
Rest In Peace
By Tony Hutchins - Shoeburyness ASLEF Branch on 12 March 2014
Bob I'm privileged to have met you. You were a true working class hero that the trade union movement should aspire to. Your memory will live on through your selfless tireless work providing others with inspiration. God bless you x
By Lynn Patterson on 12 March 2014
What a massive loss to the TU movement this is, I've had the honour of meeting Bob and he's just amazing. He will be missed. My thoughts go out to RMT members and his family.
By Michael Harrison (Unite) on 12 March 2014
A truly Decent Man / Trade Unionist / Socialist.
You always saw the bigger Picture & that Tomorrow would be better!
By Tina Szafran & John Wilson on 12 March 2014
A light has gone out in the RMT and you will be truly missed by more people than you could possibly know.
The struggle will go on!
By Trevor Howard on 12 March 2014
Great Men Gifted to lead only come to help and serve and protect organise giving time and selfless service to all we wish you well in your journey to kingdom of love you earned every bit off sweat and heartache you strived for your members making a union to be reckoned with by your efforts thanks is not enough you are the Union an asset to that will be greatly missed leaving a mark in everybody's mind
By Iqbal Singh Manget on 12 March 2014
While we do mourn nevertheless we must continue to organise as the struggle continues.
By Jim Gavine on 12 March 2014
I feel so sad to lose you especially at this important time as we struggle to win back our country and get social justice for ordinary people who are suffering the most deadly attacks from the Coalition Government and giant corporations. RIP
By Katy Marchant on 12 March 2014
If management teams and politicians showed a fraction of your integrity and strength of character the world would be a better place. RIP brother.
By Dave Green FBU member on 12 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob, you always remained true to your beliefs that is a solid sign of a good man
By Leon Carter Social Justice Campaigner on 12 March 2014
I never have meet Bob but my dad works on the underground and was a solid supporter of RMT. I admired Bob very much and while I may only be 16 I wish I could have meet this great man.
Your legacy will always live on R.I.P Brother Bob.
By Sean on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob big loss to the working class you will be missed.
By Dean Gale (UNITE) on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob ...
A true trade unionist and socialist until the end..Highly regarded by his brothers and sisters in the trade union movement..
Respect Neil Unite Branch sec 1411..
By Neil Taylor on 12 March 2014
With much love to Bobs family at this time and Bob will always live on as a good comrade in the fight for true Socialism . R I P Bob . X
By Paul Clark on 12 March 2014
A man who fought for others. A man who fought for equality. A man who will be missed.
The world is now a slightly worse place.
By Mick Connole on 12 March 2014
A tragic loss. RIP
By Michael Greenwood on 12 March 2014
Thank you Bob for your leadership, and loyalty to your class. Men of conscience and principal sleep peacefully. Rest in peace.
By Andrew Jennings on 12 March 2014
Bob you were old school don't make them like you anymore. You will be greatly missed. A true Trade unionist. RIP.
By Tony Wilkins on 12 March 2014
Bob, you were a great Trade Unionist, in very difficult times, you will be missed R.I.P.
By Ralph Baxter MBE on 12 March 2014
Extraordinary men are few and far between, but Bob Crow was in that bracket. Those humanitarians who work alongside and fight for the rights of their fellow men to a fair days wage for a fair days work are indeed pure gold. Always in touch with the members of the RMT, knowing their struggles inside out, Bob could act swiftly and speak passionately on their behalf.
My condolences to his family who are suffering at the loss of a giant of a man who was taken from his loved ones far too early. Trade Unionism is bereft without Bob Crow, but to honour his memory each and every worker, and even those fighting savage cuts in their communities could do no better today than to join a trade union. That would be a fitting way to honour the memory and leave a lasting legacy in the name of Bob Crow. May he rest in eternal peace.
By Bernadette Horton - Morning Star Features Writer, Member of Unite Community on 12 March 2014
Disability Campaigner. RIP BOB, Solidarity Comrade -A Man Of Principles! Respect
By Gail Ward on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, you were a true man of conviction and a champion for working people.
By Andrew Moran on 12 March 2014
A giant of the Labour movement a man that showed through deeds and action that you don't have to live on your knees. A true class warrior. An inspiration to trade unionists and working people everywhere.
By Ian Hodson National President BFAWU on 12 March 2014
A very sad day - we have lost a staunch defender of human and worker rights. RIP Bob Crow.
By Jane Parker (NZ) on 12 March 2014
Will be sadly missed, one union leader who stood up for the workers. Thoughts and sympathy to his family and friends
By Christina Sosseh on 12 March 2014
What a fighter for the working class. A true legend.
By Phil Snider on 12 March 2014
A tower of strength: he will continue to inspire the labour movement and all those who struggle for social justice.
By Richard Temple on 12 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob
By Jim burns on 12 March 2014
My condolences, from a Barcelona underground worker and trade unionist. The workers of all countries will be missed.
By Baptista Silanes on 12 March 2014
Bob was a great man and a truly inspirational leader who gave his members confidence and hope. He was a man who unflinchingly, instinctively and unapologetically defended his members. What he achieved for the RMT is an example to all unions. He will be sorely missed. Condolences to his family and close friends. Solidarity!
By Tim Lezard on 12 March 2014
A great man, he will be sadly missed R.I.P.
By Colleen Flint on 12 March 2014
A huge loss to the RMT Union but an even bigger loss to family and friends i send my deepest condolences to all Bobs close ones.
A voice among voices gone but never forgotten he will be remebered for his work for a long long time.
Huge shoes to fill.
By Alan Taylor (RMT H&S Rep, Tyne &Wear Metro) on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob
By Jim burns on 12 March 2014
Thank you Bob for all have done for the railworker RIP
By Bernie Horsley on 12 March 2014
Words fail me a sad day for the working man and the trade union movement rest in peace Bob you will always be an inspiration
By Nicola Keen steward with Unison on 12 March 2014
RIP to a great man. Rest in peace
By chris on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, it was a very sad day when we lost you, you were unique and a one off who cared for so many Thankyou
By Linda Irvine on 12 March 2014
Your legacy will live on in all who strive for equality, truth and justice. We are the 99% ....we are all Bob Crow .. RIP
By Clive Griffin on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob Crow. Nobody could ignore him or the right of the workers he represented. One of a kind and will be greatly missed.
By Sonia on 12 March 2014
A true working class hero.
Rest in peace.
By Pete Richards, Fire Brigades Union. on 12 March 2014
Respect for all the speaking up, speaking out, and telling it like it is, Bob Crow. Whatever there is in the afterlife - they'll all be joining a union now!
By Lucy Lepchani on 12 March 2014
From all of us at belfast shipping, you will be missed. RIP Bob
By john matthews on 12 March 2014
Great Men Gifted to lead only come to help and serve and protect organise giving time and selfless service to all we wish you well in your journey to kingdom of love you earned every bit off sweat and heartache you strived for your members making a union to be reckoned with by your efforts thanks is not enough you are the Union an asset to that will be greatly missed leaving a mark in everybody's mind
By Iqbal Singh Manget on 12 March 2014
Absolute shock. So sad. Rest now, all the best to your family.
By nana on 12 March 2014
A true working class hero and an amazing inspiration to a whole generation
By John Bambury on 12 March 2014
A true unionist, a great inspiration to ALL members of All Unions. You will be missed.
By Richard Hood on 12 March 2014
I knew Bob personally - our dogs are friends. But I have reason to be very grateful to Bob for his generosity in support of specific political/legal work I've been doing. I feel privileged to have known him, as part of our local community in Woodford, Essex, and especially as a fellow dog-walker. But I'm also fully aware of his qualities as a formidable political campaigner and union leader who made things difficult for the political elite, and why that was important. I feel that his death is a massive loss, to many of us, on so many levels. There is currently so little political resistance to the neoliberal hegemony that has had us in it's vice-like grip for so long. Bob was one of those stalwarts who was resisting. I hope more of us can be more stalwart in our resistance, but today I, and it's clear a lot of other people, are wrestling with feelings of desolation. My deepest condolences go to Bob's family, who have suffered the greatest loss, and also to you all at RMT.
By Angela Kennedy on 12 March 2014
A tragic loss to the trade union movement RIP Bob.
By Gordon McClymont on 12 March 2014
R.I.P you will never be forgotten.
Thoughts are with your family
By Matthew Epsom buses on 12 March 2014
Rest in Peace Brother.
You were a true working class hero.
Thoughts and prayers to Family and Friends.
By Paul Thompson Branch Sec. Barrow in Furness No1 Branch on 12 March 2014
Listened to bob at a national march and rally whilst on strike in 2006 what an inspirational public speaker with a real sense of true social justice ,and a wicked sense of humour , will be sadly missed, rip , steve cummins fbu rep kirkdale branch merseyside .
By steve cummins fbu merseyside on 12 March 2014
Met Bob a few times and he always stopped to talk to me. Indeed a funny guy who knew nothing about football, hence why he supported Milwall (lol) . But to sum it all up, if this was the Great War I would have gone over the top for him. RIP comrade.
By Stewart Campbell on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob you always stood up for our rights
By bob whittle on 12 March 2014
Very sad to hear the news.Truly inspired me on the many times I heard him speak and was
hugely respectful for all his efforts to the greater labour movement.
Greg, worker and Unite member.
By Greg Altekozalian on 12 March 2014
Deepest and most sincere condolences to the family and friends of Bob Crow. I was fortunate enough to meet Bob on a number of occasions and was always impressed and affected positively by his genuine love and respect for working class people. Bob you will be sorely missed by all who loved and admired you, and for the many trade unionist whose lives you help make better your mighty efforts will be missed. Thank you Bob for allowing me to have been in your company on the few occasions we met as it has had a profound effect on me. Vale Bob Crow a true working class hero. Cheers from Australia
By Dennis Outram- MUA Newcastle Branch on 12 March 2014
Such sad news, Bob - you was a man of principle and will be hugely missed as a trade unionist
Rest in peace, condolences to you family
By Russell Webb aslef member on 12 March 2014
Bob was a thoroughly decent man and a fantastic advocate for his members. He will be missed. Thoughts to all who were close to him x
By Nancy Kelly on 12 March 2014
Bob I meet for the first time several years ago and you had an immediate impact on me I will never forget that moment and ever time after that you never forgot my name you will be sadly missed by all the people you touch with your presents friend or for one of the greatest unionist of are times if not the greatest, you'll be a very hard act to follow rest in peace comrade, sincere condolences to all you family.
By Tony george on 12 March 2014
Thanks for being a great voice and standing up for the working classes. Always loved your Question Time appearances. RIP Bob. The working man and woman have lost one loud great voice.
By James Hewitt on 12 March 2014
Bob was a man of the people - the ordinary people. Bob fought for the rights of his members and was determined not to let them down. He was able to stand his ground with Politicians and RMT management alike and was not intimidated. Bob made a difference and that should be his legacy. R.I.P Bob Crow - you leave enormous shoes to fill.
By Elaine in Cambridge on 12 March 2014
a giant among men it's a piy there wernt more men like you who cared for the ordenary people rip
By Sandra on 12 March 2014
Our thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time you were greatly admired and will be sorely missed.
A true gent and a legend.
By Rich Cook on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was a massive inspiration to us all. Since joining the Socialist Party in 2006 I always found Bob Crow very inspirational and someone to look up to. His marxist understanding of capitalism helped him drive the union forward and get important victories and concessions from the government and employers. He will never be forgotten.
By Paul Phillips - Newcastle Socialist Party on 12 March 2014
A great man for the working man.
And for people's rights
By Pat Caulfield on 12 March 2014
The workers have lost their bonniest fighter RIP
By Andy Logan on 12 March 2014
Fought day in day out for hard working, ordinary people. What an inspiration. On top of all that, he was a lovely man.
He will be a huge miss at the Durham Miners Gala. Always looked forward to having a conversation with him, he was great to speak to.
RIP Bob.
By Liam Lavery on 12 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob Crow, you were an inspiration to many and a true fighter for the rights of your members. You will be sorely missed x
By Joanne Harris - Unite on 12 March 2014
A good man..will be missed by all trade unionists.
By Colin Johnson on 12 March 2014
An ordinary man who fought for ordinary people. You will be sadly missed by thousands and your loving family. RIP
By Jothi Bal. Civil Servant. Stanmore Middlesex on 12 March 2014
A huge loss to the Workers Rights Movement. Kept it real, kept it focussed, kept it strong. The organisers organiser. His loss leaves a big hole to fill. R.I.P. x
By Tracey Hylton on 12 March 2014
A working class man. Who stood up for his members and his fellow man in the struggle to unite. Solidarity Brother.
By David Martin on 12 March 2014
If his successor is half the trade unionist that Bob Crow was then the RMT will be well served. If his successor has his understanding of the political realities of the world then the public too will be served. The best we can do is realise his vision of a new mass workers party, as a step towards the overthrow of exploitation and capitalism itself. You will be missed.
By Geraint Thomas (SPEW and GMB member) on 12 March 2014
RIP were and are an absolutely inspirational Trade Unionist and will be a sad loss to our union....God bless you and your family at this time....always remembered
By Alex Cameron on 12 March 2014
The trade union movement in this country has lost a powerful voice and a good friend to all those interested in traveling safely, justice, fair pay, and workers rights.
This branch therefore wishes to send our heart felt condolences to Bob's family.
By Pat Waterman Chair of Napo Greater London Branch on behalf of Greater London Branch Officers on 12 March 2014
Bod you where a true leader not afraid to to lead the charges for your members and workers world wide you could stir any meeting you spoke at into action with the passion you had to fight for what was right it made us proud to be rmt reps when we knew that our general Secretary was out there in thick of it fighting alone side you will never be forgotten RIP BOB keep fighting comrade
By Mark Nothard on 12 March 2014
Inspirational an devoted to the cause RIP God Bless the family
By JACKS Union Learner Rep KGX on 12 March 2014
Thanks for making my job the best in the country.
Thanks for making me the envy of all my friends and family.
Thanks for showing me what true leadership is.
Thanks for shaking my hand over 14 years ago and making me believe in unions when I was on the fence.
Thanks for everything.
By Daniel Kemp (LUL) on 12 March 2014
My sincere condolences to all Bobs family and friends at a very very sad time. RIP Bob Crow
An unbelievable loss for all in the trade union movement, RMT and all it's members. A genuine trade unionist who lead by example and set the bar.
By Darren Arnold dlr branch member on 12 March 2014
A friend of the working class, a nice, decent man who will be missed greatly.
By L.Colwell on 12 March 2014
A giant of the trade union movement and a true class fighter. Bob you were and will continue to be an inspiration to millions. This years TUCJCC Trades Council Conference will not be the same with you not being with us. Gone, never to be forgotten, we have all lost a true comrade.
By Ramon Corria, Secretary Cardiff Trade Union Council on 12 March 2014
A great man who did his members and the trade union movement as a whole proud. Will sadly be missed. RIP Bob Crow.
By Liz McGachey on 12 March 2014
Will be missed sad day for the rmt Rip bob
By Lee dickinson on 12 March 2014
Bob showed solidarity with nursery nurses in scotland during our 14 weeks of indefinite strike action. He came 2 picket lines and spoke at rallies. He was what I believe trade union leader should be 100 % for their members and lead by example but also listen 2 them. He will be very sadly missed but we have 2 ensure that we try 2 have more leaders like him. RIP Bob. A true trade union leader and socialist. X
By Irene Lang on 12 March 2014
I only met him a couple of times but he came across as a real gentleman and really down to earth.....what you see is what you get and I admire that in a person RIP
By Tracey Unite ROI on 12 March 2014
I had the privilege to meet Bob on a number of occasions. I heard him speak on many more. The trade union movement has lost a great champion and comrade. It's right that we mourn the passing of one of our great leaders. Never forget that we can win. Bob won again and again. Unions are as relevant now than ever they were. Let's organise, let's rise.
By Alan Brown (PCS) on 12 March 2014
a man who told us the truth - who should have had another 52 years
By Martin Prior (Unite) on 12 March 2014
I've been a Trade Unionist all my working life, but if only all TU leaders had your passion and determination to get the best for members.
I'll miss you terribly Bob.
By Mark Wallace on 12 March 2014
Really sad to hear that the fighter of the hard -working class people had passed away.May he rest in peace sincere condolence to his family and to his unionist peer.
By Mame Aw on 12 March 2014
Taken far to soon, you will be missed dearly... Thank you for everything you did for us!!! You will never be forgotten Rest in peace bob x
By Emily Wilkins on 12 March 2014
A massive loss to the trade union and Labour movement.
By Elvett Phipps on 12 March 2014
As a retired GMB Official,i am aware of the work that Bob done. My sympathy to the family and friends of Bob,and to the RMT for the loss of a true working class warrior.
By John Farries on 12 March 2014
I'm so sorry, RIP Bob.
By Ken Toulson, PCS on 12 March 2014
The best Union Leader ever you are going to be sorely missed. It was a pleasure to meet you and chat with you. My condolences are with your family, friends and colleagues. To everyone who knew Bob know he stood strong for his members. R.I.P Bob rest well with the angels.
By Kylie Danning on 12 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob, you did your people proud
By S.J.Birch on 12 March 2014
Bob didn't just talk the talk; he walked the walk. He could back up the fiery rhetoric with hard action and was simply brilliant at doing the job he was elected to do.
Bob was from the people and of the people. He wanted it no other way.
A lion of the labour movement has fallen asleep.
We stand with Bob's family and all RMT members in their loss.
By Paul Embery, Regional Secretary (London), Fire Brigades Union on 12 March 2014
I never had the pleasure of meeting Bob, but having heard him speak at anti-austerity and pro-workers-rights meetings, and of course the victories the RMT have had that he has been the catalyst for, I have the utmost respect for him as a Trade Union leader - I only wish there were more like him. You will be missed Bob. My thoughts are with your family, and your comrades in the RMT.
By Luke Pilling (SP, UCU) on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, A great man has been taken so young, you will be sadly missed by many and a very hard act to follow.
By Paul Sewell, retired member on 12 March 2014
A great loss , a true union man. Condolences to your family and members.
By Sue Park on 12 March 2014
Bob, you'll be a sad loss to the union movement. A man of principle which is all to rare these days.
By Jamie Ian McMurtrie on 12 March 2014
Bob you were inspirational, you were taken too soon, end of an era. Rest in Peace Bob
By Mandi on 12 March 2014
Working Class Hero! (Unite Senior Rep)
By Pete Quigley on 12 March 2014
A sad and terrible loss to his family, friends and to the workers he represented, RIP Bob you will be missed
By Jacqui Lamb on 12 March 2014
On behalf of the Sector our thoughts and prayers are with your Family and the RMT on their loss. Bob was a true Trade Unionist RIP Bob.
By Docks, Rail, Ferries and Waterways Sector Unite on 12 March 2014
Bob crow had superb union skills he was a workers champion I am a usdaw rep he is my hero and I want to be like union man like bob crow.. R.I.P my brother bob crow
By davy moore on 12 March 2014
Simply The Best .
By Doug Reader, Vice Chairman, London Midland Anglia branch. on 12 March 2014
I was lucky enough to hear Bob speak several times at Durham Miners Gala and he was an inspiration. He will be a great loss to the Labour movement in this Country. My sympathy to all his family and friends.
By Ray Scott on 12 March 2014
Hamba Kahle Comrade, you will be sorely missed.
By Stephen Smith on 12 March 2014
Hamba Kahle Comrade, you will be sorely missed.
By Stephen Smith on 12 March 2014
We will miss you Bob but we will not forget your contribution to the class struggle.
By Noel Hannon on 12 March 2014
Our Union is now without a Great Leader but certainly not weaker. Bob, your Legacy and Vision will live on in the Membership of the RMT. Your membership is indebted to you for fighting the Austerity of these ConDem fatcats for defending Public Sector Workers rights and protecting our hard fought Terms and Conditions. Thank You. May you Rest In Peace and my thoughts are with your Family and Friends x
By Steven Shiel. RMT Health & Safety Rep, Network Rail Morpeth on 12 March 2014
"A working class hero is something to be" !RIP big man!
By Justin Howard on 12 March 2014
Still in shock, there was only one Bob and his legacy is secured. The Trade Union movement has lost an inspirational leader, who defended his members and class. Thoughts are with his Family.
By Howard J Kaye, ASLEF, EC No 5. on 12 March 2014
A class waarior, a leader in the class struggle against capitalism and the capitalist class, a man who didn't leve his class behind, who knew that there are many sides to the class struggle, from strike action, to parliamentariat action, to strike action. RIP? WE need many more Bob Vrows. .... Nice guy, too...
By Dave Hill on 12 March 2014
Sincere condolences to Bob's family, friends, RMT members and comrades. Having met Bob on several occasions, I still feel his humour, sincerity, compassion, commitment to fight injustice and devotion to fighting for his class by improving the jobs, pay and conditions of those who he represented. Bob led from the front - and he won many times!Whilst our movement is crying out for more Bob's, for now at least, we should reflect and be thankful that we have had the original amongst us.
By Kevin O'Hagan on 12 March 2014
Bob, thank you for everything you did and stood for. A working class hero, if ever there was one.
We all lament his passing and we should all celebrate his life.
By Gerald Blessington on 12 March 2014
A great loss for the R.M.T. and his own family . Bob will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
Bob always supported FBU members in our fights and it always boosted our confidence having him with us.
Inspiring, passionate and fearless, Bob talked in our language and fought for what was right.
Bob did a brilliant job with a unique style.
My thoughts are with Bob's family, friends and RMT members.
By Linda Smith FBU London on 12 March 2014
Very sorry and shocked to hear of Bob's death. He was always such a convincing, powerful voice (great East London/Essex voice too) and loyal to his members- a role model of effective leadership. Condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
By Máire Davies on 12 March 2014
Thank you Bob for all the hard work long hours that you put in for the RMT. RIP Bob Crow
By Irene Shreeve on 12 March 2014
The death of Bob Crow is a huge loss for the Trades Union movement. My sympathies to his family, friends and all the RMT Members he defended so well. R.I.P.
By Kim Burns on 12 March 2014
Very sad to hear the news of his passing. Bob was a solid representative of the working class and the great trade union leader of this generation! No one won more for the members! Rest in peace comrade. Viva Bob Crow!
By Steven Martin, UCU on 12 March 2014
Thanks for the years of hard work, for the laughter you brought and for the inspiration you were.
Bob's legacy will live on. Not just in the industry he represented, but in the thousands of union activists who hope to follow in his example.
Rest in peace.
By Paula Brown PCS HSE National Branch on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob.
Sympathy to all friends and family.
You will be missed by all in the trade union movement.
A great speaker, you always spoke very clearly with the language all workers understood.
A big loss to the common man of this country.
By Mark Arnott on 12 March 2014
Respect. Rest in Peace.
By Oliver Dodd on 12 March 2014
Man of the people! You will be sadly missed. Only wish that there was someone like you fighting for the NHS.You did your job well. Rest in peace. Condolences to your family.I'm sure they are so very proud of you.
By Catherine Wilson on 12 March 2014
May you Rest in Peace.
By Jaraad Abdalla on 12 March 2014
Dear Bob
I have only met you a few times but the things you said touched and have never left me! So much of what you said made sense and gave working people everywhere hope of a better future. You will be sorely missed xx
By Gary Upton on 12 March 2014
In a political environment that's doing its very best to attack labour rights and collective organising, Bob, you're dedication and devotion to the trade unionist cause and fighting for your members will never be bettered. RIP.
By Steph on 12 March 2014
Saddened to here of your loss - you did your best against a rising tide of self serving sociopaths and I hope your successor is half the leader you were. The time is coming when we all need to become like you. RIP fella, all the best Dave
By David Abrahams-Edley on 12 March 2014
Rmt union has lost a great man RIP BOB
By Akhlaq Rahman. TRAIN DRIVER ARNOS PICC on 12 March 2014
Our thoughts are with his family at this time coming to terms with their sudden loss.
All of us in his wider family will also miss him. His wonderful oratory at TUC/ STUC where he always got our attention and entertained our ears .
Also rousing speeches at meetings in dark and dingy basement rooms of pubs where he encouraged us to continue the fight for all workers.
We will miss him.
By Robert Parker PCS (DWP) branch secretary @ Paisley TUC on 12 March 2014
Bob was a man of the people and for the people. Will be sadly missed
By Frankie Tervit (PCS Union) on 12 March 2014
You were a working mans champion who had a genuine care for society and I respect that and admire it. Rest in Peace Bob Crow my thoughts are with all friends and family concerned, and they can all be proud of all your strides in life.
By Tom Burke on 12 March 2014
So sorry to hear about the sad loss of Bob Crow who was a great fighter for working people and social justice. A great loss to his friends and family and the labour movement. Rest in peace.
By Kevin Allen (Joint founder of the National Private Tenants Organisation (in a personal capacity)) on 12 March 2014
Bob, u were a very powerful and admirable person. My thoughts are with your family at this sad time xx
By Sarah on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, you will be greatly missed a fantastic guy and trade unionist. From an ASLEF activist
By Richy Doran on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. Condolences to family , friends and comrades. He will be missed. The best way we can respect his legacy is to continue his great work.
Marc Green
By Marc Green on 12 March 2014
Truly great ambassador and leader of his members, sad day for the trade union movement, thoughts are with his family.
RMT go win the battle to save ticket offices on London underground in Bobs memory.
By Simon Kenton FBU on 12 March 2014
A truly admirable and inspirational Trade Unionist. We must never forget him and we should try our best to walk in his shoes, follow his lead and above all fight for workers rights in his name. R.I.P Bob x
By Lindsey Adams -Unite Executive; Finance & Legal Sector on 12 March 2014
A typical working guy,who stood out,because he stood up,for what he believed in,and for all of us,and said what needed saying,often as is the case,seemingly ignored by the ones who could make a difference,but don't want set the benchmark for us to carry on.A once living legend,now we must carry on our fight,and succeed for you,and ourselves,and our future generations.
Sincere condolences to your family and close ones at this difficult time,R.I.P Brother,goodnight,and thank you.
By Mark Anderson,formerly Manchester Vic Branch,now Barrow on 12 March 2014
Bob crow what can you say about him truly a great man a giant in the working place for the membership will be sadly missed hard shoes to fill RIP bob a true friend
By Tony Lloyd on 12 March 2014
The loss of a comrade so brave, outstanding , an a born leader is a great loss for all the trade union movement, , leaders today of bob, s ilk are few an far between. To his partner an children accept our deepest sympathies at your loss of bob.
By philip jackson.aslef manchester piccadilly TPE on 12 March 2014
You were an inspiration to many and to me personally that the fight is worth fighting and that loyalty and integrity is priceless you will be sorely missed and the world is a poorer place for your passing condolences to your family
By Sue Beatty on 12 March 2014
All you can ever wish for in a union leader is someone who has the best interests of their members at heart and is not afraid to gain them no matter how hard or long the struggle. Members of the RMT had that with Bob Crow. It isn't just your union that has lost a good'un Bob, it's the Trade Union movement as a whole. Sympathy to your family, friends and comrades and let's make a united, unbeatable trade union movement be your legacy.
RIP comrade.
By Victoria Cuckson PCS Branch Rep on 12 March 2014
You were a diamond geezer,Bob.....frightened the crap out o them!......keepin the memory bright.
By Tommy Brennan on 12 March 2014
Truly a Man of the people.
By Carol Hall on 12 March 2014
Such a great spokesman for the union movement. My condolences to all.
By Kevin Wise. CWU member. on 12 March 2014
R.I.P Bob you were a man of the people you will be sorely missed
By Michael Williams on 12 March 2014
As former Chairman of London TravelWatch and now a board member at TfL there were many things that I did not agree with Bob. We come from very opposite ends of the political spectrum. However I had huge respect for him because he did what it said on the tin and that was to get the very best for RMT members. That was what he was paid for and he fulfilled that role with great skill. RIP Bob
By Brian Cooke on 12 March 2014
You made many workers lives better by doing your job well. R I P
By Pauline Townsend on 12 March 2014
To a great stalwart of Socialism who fought throughout his life for the worker - RIP Bob Crow
By peter molloy FBU London on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace brother
Thanks for all your help and support through these tough years
By andrew smith on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow will be sadly missed and will always be respected by many and will stand the test of time. He was a true leader with exceptional qualities. Liaqat Ali
By Liaqat Ali Heathrow Express Branch on 12 March 2014
He was an example to all trade unionists and a massive loss
By Ian Paton (Unite) on 12 March 2014
Very shocked to hear of the sad passing of Bob Crow. A fighter who will be dearly missed. The struggle continues comrade. Rest well.
By Paul Packham on 12 March 2014
He was a nice guy.
The best tribute every one of us can give Bob is to continue his work.
He was RMT, we are RMT.
A head lowered in tribute is not reminiscent of a weak spine. That wasn't him, it's not us.
My thoughts, the thoughts of our members of P & D 20/12 are with the family and friends.
Vice Chair Piccadilly and District West 20/12 Branch
By Ian Stewart on 12 March 2014
A real champion for the ordinary working man, you'll be missed Bob.
By Stephen Roffey on 12 March 2014
My deepest condolences and sympathy to Bob's family at this very sad time.
Bob's loss, that is being felt so strongly by so many, is a testament to his fortitude, true grit and tireless pursuit for fair play - not just for members of the RMT but for workers around the globe.
We have lost a brother, leader and friend and in your memory we promise to continue fighting In the same dignified, inspirational and unselfish way that you did.
God bless you brother - rest in peace.
By Paul Rooke on 12 March 2014
A man not afraid to stand up for what he believed in. Such a great loss to the union movement. Condolences to family and friends.
By James Haley, Leeds City Branch. on 12 March 2014
It's with a heavy heart that I write this, I met Bob many times, Bob was a great leader, a passionate man, a gentleman, he helped everyone within the union, he believed in the working persons rights and fought hard for them! My thoughts are with Nikki and his family at this very sad time, I still can't believe he has gone, such a young age! Tragedy! RIP Bob, you will never be forgotten xxx
By Brian Blair RMT Edinburgh on 12 March 2014
I am a proud member of the FBU and I felt that I had to send this message to Bob Crow his family and comrades in the RMT. Bob the work you done for your members, and for equality and Internationalism will never be forgotten. You were a true class warrior and fought throughout your life for fairness and supported fellow workers when we were in struggles, RIP my friend and know your legassy will live on in what you left behind.
By Charles Brown on 12 March 2014
Bob gave us all hope and showed us how good organisation, progressive politics and well thought out tactics can win for working people
By Andy Platt on 12 March 2014
thank you Bob for creating a place where workers could find help and join together to cajole those who should know better to behave better, Britain needs more like you and i wish i had your strength RIP
By Gareth Evans on 12 March 2014
Bob you will be missed. Rest assured the fight will go in your honour.
By Vera Kelly on 12 March 2014
Still in a state of shock, had text from Bob Sat, going to be one hard act to follow, my heart goes out to Nikki and family , RIP Bob Bon Voyage
By Bill Anderson on 12 March 2014
Condolences to Bob's family and friends. A proper fighter, skilled and passionate. Showed that it was possible to keep your principles and still get the job done.
By John, UCU Teesside on 12 March 2014
Personal condolences to the family, friends & colleagues of this Honest, Honourable and Humble man. His work & values will never be forgotten - Solidarity with my TU brothers & sisters who have not just lost their leader, but possibly the last of a breed of true TU Leaders.
By Angie Campbell-Cairns, PCS on 12 March 2014
We will remember Bob as a keen supporter of the grassroots disabled people's movement.
This is a terrible loss. He will be sorely missed.
Our Struggle Continues!
In Solidarity
John McArdle
of behalf of
Black Triangle
By Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights ~ 'Black Triangle Campaign' on 12 March 2014
A good man taken before his time.
Rest in peace.
By Lisa Seaward on 12 March 2014
a real man of the people rip
By v singh on 12 March 2014
A sad loss to all trade unions. A strong leader who will be impossible to replace. RIP
By Chris Fitzgerald, FBU on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, You had 10 mans ration of backbone, when the Banks Bankrupted the UK, you had the courage and backbone to say so, what a brillint leader of the RMT, everyone will remember you, I am so sad and sorry for your friends and family that you leave behind RIP Bob and Respect
By Robert Dixon on 12 March 2014
Bob a great loss, you will be missed, Solidarity and respect.
God bless, Rest in Peace.
By Leigh Redman Unite & FBU (out of trade) on 12 March 2014
An absolute inspiration and a truly great man. What a terrible day.
By Kevin Marsh on 12 March 2014
An inspirational life. A magnificent trade unionist, a true class fighter, an internationalist and a socialist who gave it all to fight for a better society. The British labour movement has lost a giant.
By Jonathan White on 12 March 2014
Still shocked & saddened from the tragic news yesterday. Bob was a true socialist, internationalist & working class champion. He will be remembered as one of the best trade union leaders of his time and an inspiration to young aspiring trade unionists & politicians. I'd like to pass my condolences & solidarity wishes onto Bobs family at this extremely sad time and also the RMT & it's members. We've lost a giant but Bob would want us to continue to educate, agitate & organise.
By Keir Morrison - National Youth & Apprentice Organiser UCATT on 12 March 2014
My thoughts and prayers are with you Bob and to Nicky and family, my sincerest condolences.
I will light a candle for you all on Sunday.
Wear your Millwall top with pride me old mate.
God Bless Comrade I will miss you at the Durham Miners Gala this year but rest assured we will be toasting you!
By joe macveigh [FBU & NUM] on 12 March 2014
You will be missed by your fellow trade unionist's! What a legend!
By emily rainey on 12 March 2014
A true working class hero. May your unflinching commitment to the movement act as a beacon to us all and unite us as never before. RIP Bob Crow
By Claire Jones on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. Thank you for everything you did.
By Izzy Green on 12 March 2014
You will be missed. Your hard work has benefited all workers and none of us will forget what you have done for us.
By Pauline Cottam on 12 March 2014
Inspirational. Did not over complicate, focused on what mattered and delivered. Unique.
By Unite Organising and Leverage Research Unit on 12 March 2014
Bob, you did more for the working man (and woman) than the 650 charlatans who clutter Parliament could ever do. Thank You. (From a retired London copper)
By Neil Smith on 12 March 2014
You will sadly missed by trade unionists and socialists everywhere. Thanks for keeping the fight alive. Rest in peace Bob.
By Chris on 12 March 2014
Still somewhat shocked! RIP Bob
By Andy Shaw - Unite on 12 March 2014
You really are going to be a big loss not only to your family and RMT members but to the wider movement
By Edward McGurk Unite the Union on 12 March 2014
A real class warrior and a true legend. Your legacy in the trade union movement will live on brother. Goodnight Bob rest in peace
By Donald McLean on 12 March 2014
Gone far too soon - a true inspiration to us all. Irreplaceable to the labour and trade union movement and a tragic loss to his family and loved ones.
There are positives out of moments of such sadness and for me, despite being sacked for trade union activity Bob's inspiration and his untimely passing makes me glad and proud I stood up for union principles
By Rob S (Unite) on 12 March 2014
We loose a true WorkingClass Hero. R.I.P comrade
In Solidarity,
By Rudi Kennes (ABVV) on 12 March 2014
A brilliant man who listened and believed in us. Thank-you Bob
By bethan watkins on 12 March 2014
Farewell to a true giant of the labour & trade union movement
By Pat Egan on 12 March 2014
On behalf of the members and activists of PCS Bootle St Johns House Branch we send our sincerest condolences to Bob's family and the RMT union at the loss of your great leader. RIP Bob, I'm sure you'll be making sure the angels get what they're entitled in heaven, pickets on the gate if not!! . Sad, sad day. Xxx
By Colette Brough on 12 March 2014
A hero amongst working class people, and someone that stood up for equality in pay and conditions for the working man, he will be sadly missed.
By phil wallis on 12 March 2014
We're ready to pick up the banner poles from our fallen comrade Bob Crow - to carry on the march forward - raise those banners high! 'We'like many others .... will miss you :'( RIP brother Bob x
'Respect For the Unemployed & Benefit Claimants'
By Respect For the Unemployed & Benefit Claimants on 12 March 2014
Very sad to hear the passing of such an excellent trade unionist and socialist. He workerd hard to promote the rights of workers at home, with notable success, but was also a great internationalist who promoted solidarity with our brothers and sisters abroad such as in Latin America and the Middle East.
By Joe Sammut on 12 March 2014
A giant of the trade union movement who understood how Capital exerts its power through a compliant political elite in Brussels and Westminster. An unstinting anti imperialist and working class internationalist. Our best tribute is to carry on his work.
By Kevan Nelson UNISON NW Regional Secretary on 12 March 2014
Bob thanks for the ride pleasure to have known you and like others have said irreplaceable for me Bob you took the good fight and like all great prize fighters you packed a punch when it mattered you will be missed by more than you would ever know I am sure and we in your name will always fight on fir what's right Good night God Bless from all at Wigan Branch
Mark D
By Mark Denny (Wigan) on 12 March 2014
R.I.P. Bob
A true friend of the working classes.You will be missed.
By Stewart Conroy on 12 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob. Our movement, this country and the world are a worse place without you. We have a hell of a lot to live up to.
By Adam Wissen on 12 March 2014
Tragic loss for the trade union movement, condolences to Bob's family & friends.
By Don Nicolson on 12 March 2014
A sad loss for all, not only within the Trade Union movement, but also to the General Electorate. A charachter of great belief and strength. A voice that will be missed when we look for real leaders to challenge the lies and misconceptions aired by Politicians and Media alike. I hope your memory and legacy lives on. RIP Brother.
By Geoff Smith, ASLEF Rep, Blackpool. on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow told it how was and wasn't scared of the bosses or the Daily Mail. These are rare qualities these days, and I think that probably explains why his death has touched so many people. We have lost an authentic voice of the working class. Condolences to his family, friends and RMT members.
By Calvin Tucker on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob - a great fighter for the Trade Union Movement & a really nice bloke !
By Ian Sternberg on 12 March 2014
Shocked and gobsmacked
Sympathy and condolences to his family, members of RMT his friends and comrades
A fitting legacy would be that we continue the struggle and more people join ir
By Ian Malcolm-Walker UNISON member on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, you were a true hero to many union members throughout the country, an example to others who tried to follow in your footsteps. Unions throughout the UK will be far worse off with your passing. Thanks for everything you did from an Out of Trade FBU member.
By Steve Foster on 12 March 2014
Such a shock to so many of us. Things will never be the same. I will always be proud to be a part of this union.
Rest Easy Bob
By Becci McGovarin, Plymouth No.1 Branch on 12 March 2014
I watched his last interview with RT (Going Underground) I agreed with every word he spoke.
By Charles Bell on 12 March 2014
Gr8 lose a giant of your time hopefully your legacy
. will live on. Thoughts with your family & friends. RIP Bob you will never be forgotten
By Mike Hawkes on 12 March 2014
devastated, we need you now more than ever....RIP working class hero.
By [amela baumgartner on 12 March 2014
I wish you had led my union Bob. You'd have looked after our interests. Rest in Peace Bob,.
By S Elliott on 12 March 2014
Our union branch sends our condolences to the RMT after the death of a great trade union leader.
By UCU Ealing, Hammersmith and West London branch on 12 March 2014
Dear Friends,
On behalf of UNI Global Union and our members around the world we send our most profound condolences on the sudden and tragic loss of Bob Crow.
He was a national and global warrior for a fair deal at work and in life for working people everywhere.
A powerful message delivered with fire and heart to shake and change the world that faced him and his members.
By Philip Jennings General Secretary UNI Global Union on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. A luta continua!
By Lewes & District Trades Union Council [East Sussex] on 12 March 2014
What a nice bloke. A sad loss to all who ever met him. Sincere condolences to all his family and friends. RIP bob
By Terry Clarke on 12 March 2014
Sad loss of a true warrior for the people. I was truelly inspired by Bobs passion for what he believed in. He will be sadly missed but never forgotten.
By Darren Mclelland on 12 March 2014
Bob I got to know you through your support of our fight against the big construction companies in London and also your banter about football down the local in woodford..
Rest in peace
By Alan Neill on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, gone but won't be forgotten. Condolences to all Bob's family and friends. you will be missed.
By John ajibade on 12 March 2014
True legend and inspiration
By Tony Quann on 12 March 2014
A great leader, principled, honest and hard working. I know many good people in the RMT and well beyond who will be devastated by his early death. He leaves a huge legacy which I'm certain will be a stong platform for his beloved team for their future. RIP a very great man.
By Jim Fox on 12 March 2014
We're shocked and saddened by the death of Bob Crow. He was a passionate, determined and dedicated trade union activist and we have lost a true comrade in the fight for workers' rights internationally. RIP Bob.
By NUJ Manchester and Salford branch on 12 March 2014
I was a honour and a pleasure to have met Bob, he was always smiling and had time for the members.
I just hope we can make his dreams our vision.
RIP Bob.
By Granty (LU Engineering) on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was a consistent champion of people who really needed a champion - the low paid; the unemployed; the vulnerable; the scorned in our society.
Taken all too early at a time when we need more people with principles like him, he will be very, very sadly missed. RIP
By Dave Ratchford on 12 March 2014
An absolute giant in the trade union movement - will be sorely missed. Thoughts and condolences to his family, friends and comrades.
By Steve Holloway (FBU) on 12 March 2014
A great loss for Trade Unionism.
My thoughts go out to his friends and family.
Unite Community Member.
By Dave Sykes on 12 March 2014
You were a very strong and incorruptible old school Union Leader, the likes of which I doubt we'll see again.
You led the fight for decent pay and conditions, safety and job security for your working members, A fight we WILL continue!
Thank you Brother Crow for everything you did for our Union and its members, it was a pleasure to have met you.
You will be missed and never forgotten.
Rest In Peace Brother.
By Gary J Bentley on 12 March 2014
Bob, we never met but I watched, read and listened to your every word whenever I could. Admired you, you stood up and worked for people like me, there are very few left like you, the greatest legacy I can give you is to say that we need you more than ever now.
By Peter Briddon on 12 March 2014
RMT comrades: sad about your loss. But let's hope that the movement feels inspired to follow Bob's lead and fight for our class as he did.
The struggle will continue!
By Peter Lucas (PCS Branch Chair) on 12 March 2014
Had the pleasure on numerous occasions of meeting with Bob. Big shoes to fill. A true inspiration to all workers. Rest in peace
By Tony Keeling on 12 March 2014
"Joe Hill ain't dead," he says to me,
Joe Hill ain't never died.
Where working men are out on strike
Joe Hill is at their side."
I'm deeply saddened by Bob Crow's death. He was unflinching, principled, intelligent, unpretentious and witty - everything needed in a leader, trade union activist and solid socialist. We've lost a great man and a treasured comrade. My sympathies to his family and friends. x
By Rachel Broady on 12 March 2014
A hero for the working classes. Tragic loss. Deepest sympathies to family, friends, fellow union officials, union members & colleagues. RIP Sir.
By Barbara on 12 March 2014
@saj778: Our sincere condolences to Bob Crow from Solihull taxi branch RIP Bob Crow
By Solihull taxi branch on 12 March 2014
A real legend! You will be missed by not just your family, your members and fellow trade unionists, but by all working class people the length and breadth of the country.
By Barry Wooding on 12 March 2014
He was a great lost to the trade union movement in the United Kingdom and the world...Farewell my Brother...
By Gerardo Calambro on 12 March 2014
Bob was a true inspiration and a true leader. He showed courage and determination. But he also shown us strength to fight and commitment for his people when they needed someone to fight for their future an present. There are so many scared people out there that are too frightened to stand up and speak against a company. I learnt not to be walked on the hard way and since joining this union. I shall and will not be walked on again. His passion to protect us from the government and management is not at an end. As he has gave us the will power and strength to stand up and fight for what is right.... We have solidarity and that won't change as we will continue his legacy.
By Zoe Kenney on 12 March 2014
Thank you for being the promise of such a big part of my legal future in the TU industry. For the short time you were my friend, we laughed about the "muppets" and shared plans to do some great work together. This won't be the same without you.
You have left a hug hole in so many hearts. The badge you gave me will remain a treasure.
RIP my friend... Only the good die young. See you on the other side. X
By Anna Roffey - Unite (BA) Cabin Crew on 12 March 2014
Simply,thank you for all your hard work and dedication to your membership.
By Neil Sharples on 12 March 2014
A leader of principle, integrity & courage. His commitment to his members was unstinting & his work on rail safety should also be remembered by passengers. In the face of Tory attacks he stood his ground & showed that the only effective trade unionism is that which takes on the bosses & condemns their system. Bob will be sorely missed.
By Jim McCabe on 12 March 2014
Truly shocked at the premature death of the last great union leader - he was worth a hundred MPs of any party!
RIP Bob Crow and condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
By Silvana Gambini on 12 March 2014
You made a difference!
By chris eley on 12 March 2014
Had the pleasure of meeting Bob on a picket line at Manchester big man with an even bigger prescence may you rest in peace brother
By Karl Briggs on 12 March 2014
I'm still in shock of hearing the news of Bob's death, You were our hero and a fighter till the end. R.I.P its gonna be hard to replace you.
By A Walllace on 12 March 2014
I was too young to remember at the time, but my Dad told me of the time you were on the railways and we were a lost Scottish family stuck on a train trying in vain to get to Great Yarmouth. There's been delays, missed connections all the way resulting in us crammed into a vestibule with all our suitcases (2 parents, 3 kids aged 9, 7, 3) through no fault of our own. You Bob, took one look at us, and took compasion. You ushered us into 1st class and told us not to worry, we'd be safe for the rest of the journey and didn't have to worry. "Here's a seat, and look after your kids".
Nothing to do with class, or ability to pay. Down to compasion and human decency.
I applaud and salute you Bob. You made a difference and life long union supporter.
By Sarah Baskerville on 12 March 2014
Solidarity forever, comrade. We all now need to take the lesson of Joe Hill and "don't mourn, organise" as the best tribute to Bob.
By Donnacha DeLong on 12 March 2014
Thank you for working so hard to ensure workers rights were maintained and won! As a former member of the WOWpetition I thank you for supporting us.
You will be missed.
By Jane Bence on 12 March 2014
I had the pleasure of meeting bob on a couple of occasions he sure knew how to get the message across
great bloke and will be missed by everyone
By simon sutton area coucil rep on 12 March 2014
You will be greatly missed and your determination never forgotten.
By ruth unite nw on 12 March 2014
I would like to offer my condolences to the family and close friends and comrades of Bob Crow, whose tragic death on Tuesday was a blow not just to those who knew him personally and to members of the RMT, but to the whole of the left in Britain. Bob was probably the best trade union leader of his generation. His plain speaking style, combined with his wit and charisma, made him a dynamic and likeable figure whose popularity extended well beyond the left. Bob was a longstanding fiend of the FBU, and firefighters, particularly in London, will miss his presence in our campaigns.
By Yusuf Timms. Fire Brigades Union, South-West area, London. on 12 March 2014
RIP BOB, thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
By Paul T on 12 March 2014
You were an inspiration and outstanding example to myself as a shop steward of how to represent your membership and stand up for what you believe in..
By Simon Pantry UCATT on 12 March 2014
An inspirational workers leader and socialist. RIP Bob. Solidarity forever
By Ian Woodland on 12 March 2014
you will be missed it's been an honor to of had you as leader of our union. The railway would not of been the same without you. a great man who stood up for his beliefs and his members and will be sorely missed. condolences must go to Bob's family and friends and to Bob you were an inspirational man a true leader and irreplaceable may your legacy live on and show the way for others. rest in peace Bob crow.
By Mark Smith on 12 March 2014
Very sad that you have been taken from us you have left a legacy that we will be proud to fight for you will be missed by all. Our deepest condolences to your family and friends from all members at Wolverhampton RIP Bob.
By Daryl Heathcock Wolverhampton Branch Secretary on 12 March 2014
Absolutely gutted! Its been a pleasure to have been in this wonderful man's company on many occasions. Will always be missed and remembered fondly for what he stood for. We will continue to fight in his honour and with his spirit. Certainly the greatest union leader and socialist of our time and very possibly the greatest leader of all time. Truly gutted. Bob, we struggle on as you would expect. Dai, Amey Rail CC Rep and long time NUR/RMT rep from Newport Branch, South Wales. RIP my Brother.
By David Hobbs on 12 March 2014
It is with a very heavy heart I find myself having to leave this message for a great man who left us too soon. You inspired a generation of trade unionists young and old. You were and always will be a legend. My deepest sympathies are with your family, and also with the future comrades who will be unable to experience your rousing passion and honesty first hand. Be assured we will carry on the fight in honour of everything you did for all of us. RIP Bob Crow.............
By Amanda Pulsford, RMT Women's Officer, Coastway East Branch on 12 March 2014
With Bob around I felt like someone with guts, integrity & shed loads of strength was speaking up for me, & was speaking up loud and proud for working people everywhere. Will be sadly missed. Rest in Peace Bob, you were the very best of London town.
By Rupert Holman on 12 March 2014
You were an honest, hard working person - Rest in peace brother.
Thinking of the family, friends and colleague at this difficult time.
By Andrew on 12 March 2014
Will be a hard act to follow. RIP comrade.
By Steve Oxbrow Yeovil No 1 Branch (Southern National) on 12 March 2014
You didn't have to agree with Bob on every single thing to realise just what a brilliant, fighting, principled trade unionist he was. He could be relied on to be on the side of the powerless against the powerful, and that's reflected in the way the RMT grew in membership, and achieved proper gains for its members, during his tenure. His speeches at TUC conference were always pretty much the best thing about being a delegate to it. He is a massive loss to our movement. Let's hope his gains can be built on. Condolences to his friends and family.
By Tom Davies (NUJ) on 12 March 2014
Bob, you were an inspiration and it was an absolute pleasure and honour to work with you. My deepest sympathy to Nicola and family, and to all RMT comrades. You will be so sorely missed.
By Alan Stenson on 12 March 2014
Bob was an inspiration and a joy to watch. We will be very lucky to have anyone quite like him again, but his legacy must be to redouble our efforts to build our movement.
By Richard Simcox on 12 March 2014
Bob you will be sorely missed. I have many memories as young men at Stratford No 1 building a strong branch. The labour movement will NEVER know your kind again. Bob thanks for the memories, your honesty, wit, compassion and committement.
Rest In Peace
Tony, Debbie, Joanna and Katherine Gildea
By Tony Gildea on 12 March 2014
You will be sadly missed, not only by the Socialist and Trade Union movement but by everyone you ever met!
You were an inspiration to us all!
The fight will continue!
RIP Bob, a truly great man.
By Mark Russell on 12 March 2014
You are a great loss to London, Millwall and the Trades Union Movement. You deserved every penny you got and much much more. You are a shining light to all of us, showing that together we are in charge, and not just those that hold the purse strings. My hero, wish the CWU had you mate.
By Martin Giddings on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Bobby Boy you were a friend, hero and one of the few people that stood by me, I will be forever greatfull to you influence.
Thank you for all your encouragement whilst I was a rep. God bless you, and your family xxx.
By Mary Dwyer on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow- a great example for all trade union members.
By Steve McLellan on 12 March 2014
Had the privilege of marching with Bob on several occasions. A true inspiration to millions and will be sorely missed. A committed fighter for our class and friend to everyone in struggle. It is up to all of us to continue his great legacy.
By Michael Kavanagh on 12 March 2014
I met Bob a few times, always found him to be a genuinely nice guy, he had passion and determination to help his fellow workers! I always thought Jimmy Knapp was a hard act to follow, but Bob took on that mantle, sadly I can't imagine another Bob Crow within the RMT, he was larger than life, yet very educated, he knew how to get what he wanted for his members, we were the only public sector industry to get a payrise even in a recession! He did us proud! Thoughts and prayers go to his family and friends at this sad time, and yes the STUC in Dundee will be very sad without him! Rest in Peace Bob I'm sure your with Jimmy Knapp having a wee half telling him how you fought for our conditions and made our workplaces a better place! Xxx
By Eileen Blair Area H&S Representative Edinburgh on 12 March 2014
Bob,you will be sadly missed. You made your mark on this earth. You stood up for your members and your beliefs. It's a shame that the majority of people in (so called) power don't stand up for their beliefs. I hope your legacy lives on and your passing from this world inspires others to follow in your footsteps.
RIP Bob Crow!!
By Ian Sanders on 12 March 2014
My condolences to the family, a lot of faith and strength. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord.
By Wojciech Ogonowski on 12 March 2014
Aye - we've lost a good un. He set a great example though - he will have his legacy. Commiserations to his family and friends can't begin to think of how big the loss of such a bloke will be to them.
By Ian Wilson on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, you certainly left your mark in your lifetime. A great man to have on your side, you WILL be missed and hard to replace.
By Shaun Keen on 12 March 2014
You lead from the front & you stood up for what you believed in. The entire trade union movement is a poorer place without you & you were a true inspiration to all who met you. Your legacy will live on for years to come. Rest In Peace Brother Bob Crow
By Mark McCarrick RMT Manchester on 12 March 2014
Like many people here I never met Bob Crow but in 2010 when the Tories won the GE I started my interest in politics. It was Bob Crow that caught my attention and I a now a proud Socialist who took alot of inspiration from people like Bob Crow, Dennis Skinner and my hatred of Thatcher.
R.I.P Bob you deserve a a long rest and then ORGANIZE !!!
By Oliver on 12 March 2014
Thoughts and prayers with the family Bob your going to be missed in so many ways you made such an impression to everyone you met and represented and i am proud to be a representive of our Proud Union and part of the wider Trade Union movement many thanks for the outstanding speeches your memory will live on
By David O'Donnell and Family on 12 March 2014
The only man who took his union and made it bigger, unlike the rest of the Unions "leaders" who lick the Labour Party ass and are loosing members by the day. Bob Crow wasn't interested in "Conciliation". He told the Tories and the bosses how it was and he had the interest of his membership & what's left of the working class at heart, the Tories/bankers and those of that ilk will be toasting champagne in the city bars tonight. We on the other hand have a lost a voice who stood up for us...
Companero Bob Crow Presente AHORA Y SIEMPRE!!
By Juan Leal on 12 March 2014
RIP Bro Bob Crow. One of the great union leaders. Stood with your members n the picket line and forced the management to back down. Your shoes will be hard to fill.
By Harry Hansen on 12 March 2014
Heart felt condolences to Bobs family and friends. A true working Class Hero, will be sadly missed by all the trade union movement. Your legacy Bob is, and will continue to be a massive inspiration to us all. A true fighter for our cause, if I could achieve half of what you have advocated in your life time I would surely be a happy man. Rest In Peace Comrade xxx
By Steve G on 12 March 2014
Bob was admired by working class activists, socialists and trade unionists for his commitment, good humour and entirely appropriate irreverence for the bosses and politicians who rule over us. What I liked best was his absolute refusal to be pushed onto the defensive. I remember well watching a TV news interview where he was challenged to condemn trade unionists who might break the law by taking unofficial action. Unfazed Bob responded by pointing out that if trade unionists had not been prepared to break the law in the first place - we wouldn't have trade unions at all - a reference to the history of our movement which was built by breaking the original anti trade union law the Combination Act. The Tolpuddle Martyrs would have been as proud of him as we are. A fighter for his class.
By Neale Williams FBU chair Dowgate Fire Station London on 12 March 2014
A larger than life figure who wil be sorely missed in the union movement. A man of working class principles who fought tooth and nail for his members' working conditions. As an FBU member I was fortunate enough to hear him speak during one of our many disputes and admired his passion and commitment.
If Carlsberg did Union leaders....!!!
By Mark Clark on 12 March 2014
The Socialist cause and Trade Union movement has lost a giant. We'll take inspiration from you and keep fighting the good fight. Rest easy now comrade.
By Meg Hill on 12 March 2014
A great inspiration to us all. Comrade Crow showed us that if you fight for your members, they will flock to your banner of deepest red. Organise the working classes and fight on in his memory. Enjoy Valhalla Comrade Crow, us mortals will miss you
By Alex (PCS) on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob Crow. His name became a byword for the kind of strong trade union leadership that is all too rare today.
By Tom Griffin on 12 March 2014
A true hero for the working class. He told the truth he represented his people and stuck up for them. A role model for all trade union representatives around the world. R.I.P trade union god.
By lak Dosanjh on 12 March 2014
You took on the power of the city of London, Boris Johnson and the Tories to fight for your members and you won! Not many would be brave enough to walk in your shoes. Rest in peace great man X
By Helen Ridett on 12 March 2014
By John Eldridge. FBU West Sussex on 12 March 2014
A real inspiration. You stood up for what you believed in and did a lot of good for many people. RIP
By Rob Gibbs on 12 March 2014
Standing up for what you believe in...not enough people in this world are prepared to do that... it is certainly a duller place without you...Rest in Peace Comrade...
By Paul Clements on 12 March 2014
My condolences from one union representative to others ... this is a tragic loss of a genuine working class hero
By Kenny Wright on 12 March 2014
You were an inspirational leader Bob, it was a privilege to have met you, marched with you, and hear you speak. I lost count of the number of trade unionist colleagues who said to me "I wish Bob was leading our union". I am proud to be a representative of such a great union, always striving to put the needs of our members, and workers rights first. Bob Crow - Legend.
Medway and District general grades branch - Solidarity.
By Richard Andrzejak on 12 March 2014
What a loss to the Trade Union movement. You always stood up for your members and took no crap from the greedy and money grabbing employers that are now so prevalent in this nation.
You will be missed and my thoughts are with your family.Unity is Strength.
Unity is
By Laurie Brightman FBU London Region on 12 March 2014
Bob was a great leader of our union and a figurehead for the trade union and wider socialist movement. His vision of a fair and just society where all are equal will be his legacy. In his memory we must all continue the fight to make that vision a reality.
By Guto Davies on 12 March 2014
I never agreed with all Bob said and did but you always knew he fought for his members and the travelling public's best interest. As a regular Train user then I appreciate all he did.
By Ian Robathan on 12 March 2014
Bob you where a real inspiration to me and to many more, you were taken far to young and you will be sorely missed amongst us all.
When my dad was diagnosed with cancer The support I got from yourself was amazing, I will never forget the time when I came for my Tutor interview and even before the interview had started the first thing you asked was "how's your dad" it shows what a caring man you are.
It's a sad time for us all but especially for Nikki and your daughter. I'm proud to say I've known you and I'm gutted you are gone. RIP big man.
By Jon Berry on 12 March 2014
I met Bob a few times, always found him to be a genuinely nice guy, he had passion and determination to help his fellow workers! I always thought Jimmy Knapp was a hard act to follow, but Bob took on that mantle, sadly I can't imagine another Bob Crow within the RMT, he was larger than life, yet very educated, he knew how to get what he wanted for his members, we were the only public sector industry to get a payrise even in a recession! He did us proud! Thoughts and prayers go to his family and friends at this sad time, and yes the STUC in Dundee will be very sad without him! Rest in Peace Bob I'm sure your with Jimmy Knapp having a wee half telling him how you fought for our conditions and made our workplaces a better place! Xxx
By Eileen Blair Area H&S Representative Edinburgh on 12 March 2014
A TRUE working class hero,unlike some within the TUC movement ,a man with more scruples and conviction than most I have met in my 53 years .RIP Comrade,
Glen Wills FBU
By Glen Wills on 12 March 2014
My condolences on a tremendous loss to the union movement. Bob had the grit of a bulldog, he knew when something was right for his members (and others) and when it was not and fought for what he believed was right. An irreplaceable loss to us all. We in the FBU had the benefit of his support when we needed it. R.I.P mate.
By David W Jones on 12 March 2014
You remained a thorn in the side of the government when many others had capitulated , Your members and the trade union movement have lost a beacon , You will be missed!!
By Gary Worman-Buckland on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow Definitely missed but definitely not forgotten With this coalition government's attacks on peoples pay,conditions and benefits We need more like you to fight this unjust unelected government not less
JOGINDER SINGH Mech Engineer LUL 30 years
By Joginder Singh on 12 March 2014
Yesterday, we lost a friend, a comrade, a colleague, a true working class hero.
Seldom have I been truly shocked and lost for words as when I heard the sad, sad news that Bob had passed away
The truth is our branch and union have lost a truly great man and to be honest it's hard to know what words to use to express how deeply he will be missed and how sorrow I am for his family at their sad loss
Many will remember him for his union side, but I for one will miss him as a great bloke. His one liners, his love of life, his joy at West Ham losing and Millwall winning and even his singing!
Rest in peace Bob
By Paul Jackson LUEngineering Branch Secretary on 12 March 2014
If only we had more like you, deepest sympathy to your family, you will be sorely missed !
By Alan on 12 March 2014
By Dave Monty on 12 March 2014
I spoke with Bob on a number of platforms and he never seemed to use notes. A great trade unionist and socialist.
He was always supportive of PCS and he will be a huge miss to the class.
RIP Bob Crow. He was one of us.
By Kevin McHugh PCs Deputy President on 12 March 2014
Total respect for this fantastic trade unionist. RIP.
By Christine Oliver PCS Union DWP City of Sunderland Branch on 12 March 2014
Although I never got to meet him, I took a lot of inspiration from his leadership. He represented the members that elected him 100%. It's a pity that our 'elected' politicians don't stand up for the ordinary working person with just a fraction of his commitment. Sincere condolences to his family. Rest In Peace.
By Colin Rigby on 12 March 2014
Your passing was not in vain. You have left a mark and will always be rembered throughout Britain, for what you stood for. Whoever replaces Bob, Do'nt let us(rmt members)down. Bob Crow never did. The job is massive.R.I.P
By M Mpomba on 12 March 2014
This is very sad to hear tragic loss of a great trade union leader of our times, Bob Crow! When I heard first time about RMT union through young trade union members in a GLI summer school in Manchester two years back, I was very impressed. Now I can understand why young RMT comrades were so enthusiastic about their union, only because of their belief on their leadership. We needed leader Bob Crow more in difficult times in not only UK but also to inspire workers in countries like Pakistan where privatisation is the main agenda of right wing government.
Our deepest condolences from working class of Pakistan for RMT members!
By Khalid Mahmood, Director Labour Education Foundation, Pakistan on 12 March 2014
A man who cared, a man who fought for others, a man who was loved, respected and admired.
My sympathies to those closest to Mr Crow, my sympathies to his union members.
By Rod Andrews on 12 March 2014
As a member you had my thanks and support from day one as a rep you had my respect and admiration. You made this union into what it is and your shoes hard to fill.
Thanks for everything Bob
Give them hell in heaven.
By Gary Lazell on 12 March 2014
Bob was a hero to me, very formative in my political development and one of the reasons I'm so pro-union and a socialist. Even if I knew nothing else about him, the fanatical devotion he inspired in many RMT members I know would be enough for me to know that he was one of us. Rest in peace Bob; we'll make your dreams - powerful unions, a General Strike and the end of austerity - a reality. Solidarity brothers and sisters.
By David Semple, PCS union on 12 March 2014
My sincere condolences to all the family. The passing of Bob has shocked us all, and it must be a terrible time for all the family. We are all proud of Bob, sadly he has left us too early, but rest assured he never wavered from his principles, and often in the face of terrible vilification. RIP dear brother.
By Alan Royston (Father of the Chapel "Stockport Six") on 12 March 2014
Just spoke to you not so long ago on the train and it is very hard to believe that your gone. I had met you on lots of occasions along with all the proactive reps and I have always had the same belief's as you and that is to stand up for the rights of the members.
He used his fist,but never in anger.
He used his mouth,to state the truth.
He used his mind,to beat the enemy
He used his heart, to rally the troops.
By D070243 on 12 March 2014
A sad loss, A man always happy to speak his mind and stand up for what he believed in for the good of many others, a tough act to follow.
By Kevin HUnt on 12 March 2014
A great man and a great union leader. An inspiration to all in struggle. We all looked forward to seeing him at Burston.
My heart goes out to his family and friends. Rest in Peace brother.
By Mark Hurn - Unite LE/0775M on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob
By Allinson on 12 March 2014
Thoughts and best wishes to Bob's family and friends at this harrowing time. Cannot believe that our General Secretary has been taken from us so young.
By stewart keating (Scottish area council rep). on 12 March 2014
Such a shock, a giant among men. I was privileged to share a platform with Bob last April, a proud memory for me. Bob will be sadly missed by his family and friends but by the wider trade union movement of Britain and the world. Bob was an internationalist and used his time and energy to advance the cause of workers. An example to all Trade Union leaders who should use the lessons Bob taught us to fight for their members in the way he thought for his
By Mary Jackson on 12 March 2014
RIP Brother Bob. Gone but not forgotten. You've left the RMT in a stronger position and have always stood up for the working class.
By Rob. FBU member on 12 March 2014
You'll be greatly missed.
The greatest union leader of modern time.
You've left a legacy that will go from strength to strength snd the fight will go on for the rights of the working people.
My thoughts are with your family.
By Niall Lynch on 12 March 2014
I was in deep shock when I heard that you had passed away. You were a true gent, I admired the way you taught for what you thought was right and in the best interests of your members I only wosh there were more people in this world like you. You are gone but will NEVER be forgotten, you have truely left your mark on this world and your family and friends should be so very proud of you. Sincere condolences to your friends and family at this sad time, I hope they know that all our thoughts and prayers are with them. Rest In Peace now Mr Crow your did your job exceptionally well and I only hope that whoever takes over your position understands the goals you were trying to get to and does their job with as much pride and commitment that you did.
By Lisa Harvey on 12 March 2014
I'm a recently retired former PCS member. It was great to see a Trade Union leader who eschewed the sophistry of many of his peers, instead, sticking to the simple but at the same time painstakingly difficult task of getting the best for his members. He could not have achieved much of this without the trust and support of the rank-and-file, so he wasn't just a negotiator, or a "union boss", he was a LEADER in the true sense of the word. He also understood the need for political representation for workers, and that the Labour Party has been hijacked, so was instrumental in setting up TUSC. A sad loss to the movement, and a breath of fresh air amongst the grey men in suits who dominate much of the movement. Bob, you'll be missed...
By Dave Spagnol on 12 March 2014
Deepest sympathies to family, friends and comrades. RIP Bob
By Lou Morgan on 12 March 2014
A fantastic general secretary made our union what it is today RIP bob
By Kevin James on 12 March 2014
Great man, who was a inspirational leader. Condolences to his family, he left too early.
By Tina Saunders on 12 March 2014
I had the pleasure of knowing Bob both personally and professionally...a true gent and a great leader....if there is a heaven, there is a full union team in Bob, Jimmy,Sam and John Coggar-I can see big changes coming for the angels and in peace Bob....I will remember you fondly
By John Moran on 12 March 2014
Paddington No.1 Branch officers and members offer our sincere condolences to the family of Bob Crow. Bob was a hero of our movement and a giant of our union. We pledge to honour his memory by fighting for the RMT he left us. We will continue to fight to establish a single industrial union for all transport workers and oppose sectionalism. We will fight racism and fascism in our workplaces and on our streets. We will continue to oppose the neoliberal EU and to ague the workers case for a left withdrawal. Bob taught that improvements for our members are temporary, delivered at the cost of our employers profits and the balance of power industrially is dictated by those best organised; us or them. We will never allow our union to be hoodwinked by New Labour and will keep our members vigilant of those labour fakirs who teach moderation where we need to fight. Paddington No.1 Branch is proud to honour Bob on our branch banner and when we march we take him with us. La Luta Continua.
By Eddie Dempsey on 12 March 2014
The RMT has lost a great leader, the Trade Union movement has lost a stalwart. RIP Bob.
By Dave Anderson - UNISON Convenor on 12 March 2014
Thank you for the example that you set. Thank you for being unapologetically as you were, but still one of us, one of the people, one of the Left. Thank you for showing us what we can do and proving it time and time again and how you won that respect, begrudging when from your opponents, but respect all the same. The Left shouldn't be about personalities, but we will be doing well if we find your like again.
By Benjamin Black on 12 March 2014
A great Man and a great leader. He will be sorely missed by his members and the whole Trade Union Movement. Condolences to his family and friends
By Stephen Stanley on 12 March 2014
Bob was an inspiration to lay union reps-like me, he gave us a clear message of political trade unionism and instilled a sense of confidence, one of the few union leaders who was unashamed in asking for more for working people. We do deserve the better things in life and we should not be afraid to ask for them. Thanks Bob for all your hard work.
By Darren Hill on 12 March 2014
Bob was a working class hero!
He will no doubt be organising now for better conditions for all the Angels!
We have to stand united and keep on fighting the bureaucracy and Tory attacks on all RMT members. We must not back down and fight all cuts!
My thoughts are with his family and friends at this very sad time.
We have lost a great Brother!
Rest in Peace
By Alan Bell on 12 March 2014
Bob was my inspiration,a true leader of men but also a great man. Never forgot who we were.Always remembered our names. My best recollection of him was when i fetched him from Nottingham railway station in my red MINI. We could hardly both fit in. Would have made a great picture for the tabloids.RIP comrade.
By Joe Galea. on 12 March 2014
Bob was in ever sense of the word a leader. He stood up for his members and gave them what they deserved in my opinion. Irreplaceable man. My thoughts are with his family.
By Tim Marcham. London Firefighter on 12 March 2014
Condolences to his family. The loss of this strong leader and genuinely lovely man leaves a great big hole in many peoples lives and the trade union movement. Let's stay strong and fight forward in a way to make Bob proud.
By zehra nazim on 12 March 2014
Thoughts and prayers to family, such sad news,rest in peace xx
By dawn gray on 12 March 2014
My grandparents worked for the railway, as did both my mother and my father. Bob's hard work, commitment and refusal to allow the working class be suppressed enabled my mum and dad to financially help me over the last 6 years I've been at university. I owe a great debt to him, and so do all the families he helped.
sincerely, thanks Bob! Your work will never be forgotten.
By Jo S on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob. Now you have earned a rest. Well done for sticking to your principles and not selling out.
By patrick HENNELLY on 12 March 2014
I met bob a couple of times.he always seemed genuinely interested in your opinions.A great friend to the fireservice and a true working class hero.He'll be truly missed by many..
By elmo mcfudd on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace bob it was a honour to know you mate you was a true working class hero you never forgot we're you came from you was a gentleman you will go down in history has a great trade union leader
By Keith Robinson on 12 March 2014
A figure head, a man of passionate beliefs. A leader and a role model. I am proud to be a member of this great union.
May you rest in peace Bob, your time on this earth has come to an end but your legacy will live on through us
"Workers of the world unite"
By craig mills on 12 March 2014
Sad news sorry bob and thank u
By richardbacon on 12 March 2014
Deepest sympathy to Bobs family and friends. A giant of a man in every way, had the pleasure of meeting bob at last yearns Cuban solidarity garden party. A real inspiration will be sorely missed in the trade union movement. RIP Bob... Never on our knees comrades
By Adi Graham on 12 March 2014
A massive loss to our union but im sure your legacy will carry it on .you was a true working class hero i met you on the picket line a couple of times and had a drink with you at our branch were an inspiration to us all.Thank you for all you stood for and your tireless work .may you rest in peace .
By Ollie Abdullah on 12 March 2014
I first met Bob more than 15 years ago and have been honoured to work with him and campaign alongside him.
I sat beside him on the TUC general council and we shared many platforms, including recently in the ongoing fight for justice for the Shrewsbury 24 campaign.
Contrary to the image of him portrayed in sections of the media, Bob was a man of humility but, above all, a man of great integrity.
He had a wicked sense of humour, an absolute ability to cut through the waffle and a complete understanding that trade union leaders are only as strong as the union behind them.
will miss him like hell
By Janice Godrich PCS President on 12 March 2014
A great leader. A great man. A true working class hero. Greatly missed and will never be replaced. God bless.
By Ian Mathew( FBU). on 12 March 2014
Totally shocked. We have lost a true giant in the trade union movement. Condolences to family and friends.
By Leigh Kelly on 12 March 2014
A sad day for all people who believe in a just society where workers rights and safety are not eroded in the name of savings.
Rest in peace Bob, the battle continues in your absence!
Keith Nisbet
Fire Brigade Union
By Keith Nisbet Watch Manager London Fire Brigade and proud FBU member on 12 March 2014
As a member of the FBU we have always enjoyed your support and admired the way you have looked after the best interests of your members. It is with deep sadness and regret to hear of your passing, best wishes to those you leave behind, Peter
By Peter Newton on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace brother. A hero, an icon of the working class and a genuinely lovely bloke. Workers around the world will raise a glass to you, now and always.
By Sam Goldsmith on 12 March 2014
Bob was an early inspiration to me when I started getting involved with politics. For that I owe him a lot. He was a proper fighter for the working class of determination and ability that is very rare. I will miss him and he is a great loss to the Labour Movement.
By Dominic Curran on 12 March 2014
I express condolences and solidarity to Bob's family, friends, RMT members and comrades in the international labour and trade union movement. Like all great leaders of the working class, Bob's ethics, principles and experiences will live on and inspire our struggles to build a better world.
Rest In Peace Brother.
By Paul Windle on 12 March 2014
I have only been in the rail industries for two years but was proud to have Bob in our corner I wish we had him when I was on the post,God bless Bob respect to his family RIP sir.
By mark saunders on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was a great man and a great socialist, he stood for the principles and rights I grew up with in the 1960s and 70s. He will be missed but his legacy will live on. RIP Bob.
By Stephen Ranger on 12 March 2014
So sad to have lost a wonderful leader. He was a wonderful man, glad I had the opportunity to meet him. Thoughts go to his family & many thousands of friends
By wendy anderson on 12 March 2014
When it came to speaking truth to power, Bob was the man. When it came to using collective power Bob knew the age old truth that Unity is Strength. A giant of a man in so many ways. My heart breaks at the loss we have all suffered, but most of all his family.
By Chris Whitmore on 12 March 2014
May your gentle soul rest in the blossom of the Lord fearless fighter. Sleep well till we meet to depart no more. Bob rest in peace.
By Ade Akinlabi on 12 March 2014
A union is only as strong as its members but you led from the front Bob and showed us others it can be done. Very sad to hear of your passing. Rest in Peace Comrade.
By Michael Ennis (Unite member) on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow was a great Union Man & will be sadly missed by the Union Family RIP Bob
By Heather Smart on 12 March 2014
Watching you stand up and fight for all of us Bob was a real inspiration to me. You never stood back from a fight for better conditions for the workers. If it wasn't for you and many others then I wouldn't be doing what I do today.
You will never be forgotten pal, make sure those picket lines up there are in order!
Rest in Peace brother.
By Ashley Farrant - Plymouth No. 1 Branch on 12 March 2014
I will always look to you as an inspiration, you took the cause upon your shoulders and carried it a great distance. The fight will go on, and you will be right along with us. Goodbye Bob, you are greatly missed.
Solidarity & Strength to the workers of the world.
By Daniel Cole on 12 March 2014
Just a simple goodbye. We go on and take your strength with us. Thank you.
By Steve Catchpole on 12 March 2014
I have had the privilege of listening to many of bobs speeches everyone one of them great , my condolences to bobs family,friends and colleagues on bobs passing he 'll be greatly missed by all who knew him,Adie sear maritime RMT member
By adrien sear on 12 March 2014
A Great leader with a drive and passion for workers, R.I.P Bob you will be missed
By tom on 12 March 2014
May your soul rest in absolute perfect peace Bob Crow.I missed all the opportunity to meet you but thank you very much for all the good things you've done for us all.
We will miss you dearly as a person and most of all as a leader who made us happy in our jobs. God bless your soul
By Jude Boadi on 12 March 2014
We have lost a giant of times miss you bob
By Steve Davis-Burden on 12 March 2014
Glasgow 1&2 branch was shocked and stunned to hear of the passing of our great leader and friend Bob Crow . Our heartfelt condolences are offered to his partner and family. This branch suggests a period of mourning and then a return with great vigour and renewed commitment in taking the fight to the capitalists bosses. That was Bob's way and should continue to be our way. Remember this Brothers and Sisters , from this day on " We are all Bob Crow"
By Ian Mahon on 12 March 2014
A giant of a man in every respect. Bob was and remains to be an inspiration to all of us who share true values and a sense of what is right. He may be gone but forgotten he will never be. Sincere condolences to Nicola and family and all those who mourn the passing of a true gentleman.
By Peter on 12 March 2014
'Part of the union until the day we die', and 'United we fall'. RIP fellow fighter. Sorry you went too soon. So many DID agree with you and will remember what you did. Thank you x
By Jo Turner on 12 March 2014
Thanks for all your hard work Bob. One phone call and you came straight out to see us at Ruislip to resolve a dispute with management. Sadly missed and a huge loss to the RMT and Londoners in general. God speed.
By D. Moore on 12 March 2014
Rip bob. The light will never go out. Thanks for everything
By Blake on 12 March 2014
Was a great man and a great leader. Will be greatly missed, think of rmt and you will think of bob crow great loss to his personal family and his union family, I think I speak for many when I say we are all feeling lost at this moment in time. May you rest in peace bob and thank you for everything you did for workers on the underground. You are a legend R I P
By tracy morden branch on 12 March 2014
Bob you stood up for the rights of all Transport Workers relentlessly, you championed many causes successfully, you maintained dignity at all times, What was not to like about this man. I regarded you as a friend, fellow trade unionist and my boss, you will be missed but the RMT will continue to fight on. My thoughts also go to Nicki and the family at this sad time - R.I.P. Bob.
By Jim Philp, Branch Secretary, Fife & District RMT on 12 March 2014
Had the pleasure of speaking to Bob a few times, and he always struck me as a sincere, caring, knowlegable. He always had his finger on the pulse on whatever the issue that came up.
He will leave a huge void in the worlwide trade union movement as well as the RMT, in which he cared about every single member, where no issue was too small.
Bob took the bull by the horns on every issue, he as GS drove this union forward and we will continue the fighting ways as were never on our knees.
Our heartfelt sympathy to Bobs family, friends and comrades, at this difficult time, where the passing of a great man has been felt all over the world, in itself is a credit to what he achieved and the respect he won.
R.I.P Bob, forever in our hearts & thoughts.
By Craig Sommerville Girvan Branch Secretary on 12 March 2014
Bob - you stood for everything we need in the movement. Thanks.
By Glen Burrows on 12 March 2014
Bob was always an inspiration. He made us proud, and did us proud.
By Mark Bould on 12 March 2014
Such sad news at the passing of a great man. The most powerful figure of the Trade Union Movement has gone and will be sorely missed. RIP
By Ray Davies on 12 March 2014
I was shocked and saddened by the sudden news yesterday. My sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Bob Crow.
I never met Bob but the first time I heard him speak, I decided I wanted to take my role in the union further.
May you rest in Peace.
By Jennifer Blane on 12 March 2014
I was sorry to hear the sad news of the sudden death of Mr Bob Crow and would like to express my sincere condolences to his family and friends and members of the RMT who have lost a son partner dad and for Members of the RMT union who have lost a great leader who will sadly be missed but not forgotten may you R.I.P Bob
By Dave Garrard on 12 March 2014
I was sorry to hear the sad news of the sudden death of Mr Bob Crow and would like to express my sincere condolences to his family and friends and members of the RMT who have lost a son partner dad and for Members of the RMT union who have lost a great leader who will sadly be missed but not forgotten may you R.I.P Bob
By Dave Garrard on 12 March 2014
You stood strong in your belief that workers deserved the best. You fought against the race to the bottom in your defiance of big business eroding workers' terms and conditions. You were a force for good in a world where most believe workers should know their place. You believed workers had a right to live a decent life and be treated with respect by those more powerful. You were one of a kind and your passing is a shocking blow to all of us.
By Wayne McCormack on 12 March 2014
Rest now.
By Mark Huntley on 12 March 2014
A Great Man Who Championed A Cause & Made The Worker Believe We Could Win The Fight Once Again & Win You Did On Numerous Occasions Your Union Will Prosper After Your Passing Because You've Inspired A New Generation Of Fighters.
Thank You For Your Dedication.
Good Night & God Bless Great Man.
R.I.P Bob.
By Brian Johnston on 12 March 2014
Bob was a hero of the working people who fought for dignity and self respect for both his members and the whole working class. He also supported those struggling against oppression and exploitation around the world. There are few leaders in this country like him and he will be sorely missed.Hasta la victoria siempre.
By Charlie May on 12 March 2014
I don't think anyone has enough words to describe your loss to RMT and its members leave apart your family.your family will always be in prayers to give strength to pass this hard phase.
You were a true soldier who fought for others till your last breath but you were a saint at heart who had time for everyones problems weather it was work or personal. For me you were a saint soldier and I will miss you every single day of my life. RIP Bob. No one can ever be like you.
By sukhvinder k maggo on 12 March 2014
Had the pleasure of having Bob as my branch secretary " Stratford no 1 ", helped me to become a rep and always had time for anyone. The Working class will be the poorer without Bob around. Sleep well dear Comrade.
By Sam Pateman " Ex P Way " on 12 March 2014
A GREAT Leader and a great friend to all his members will be sadly missed by all workers R.I.P pal from your Ayr bus drivers
By Louis Bozner (Ayr) on 12 March 2014
Sincere condolences to Bob Crow's family, friends and all RMT members.
Bob was hated by the bosses nut was a comrade to all trade union activists, socialists and working class fighters.
We should honour his memory by pledging ourselves to redoubling our efforts in the class struggle which Bob fought so wholeheartedly.
By Ronnie Job, Secretary Swansea Trades Council on 12 March 2014
RMT has lost a great leader Rip brother Bob
By Paul Aitkenhead on 12 March 2014
Our Union is now without a Great Leader but certainly not weaker. Bob, your Legacy and Vision will live on in the Membership of the RMT. Your membership is indebted to you for fighting the Austerity of these ConDem fatcats for defending Public Sector Workers rights and protecting our hard fought Terms and Conditions. Thank You. May you Rest In Peace and my thoughts are with your Family and Friends x
By Steven Shiel Jnr- Network Rail RMT Health &Safety Rep Morpeth on 12 March 2014
Your energy,principles and spirit will live on. That means you will live on too.
RIP Bob from Stockport & District branch.
By Pete Gaskell on 12 March 2014
It is difficult to imagine the labour movement without Bob Crow, he at the heart of so much. I remember him leading the first mass anti war march in 2002 and he supported countless campaigns. So it is an enormous loss for the movement and he will be sorely missed. He was a real class fighter and that is rare today..Condolences to his family, friends and his RMT comrades. RIP Bob .
By Andrew Burgin - Left Unity on 12 March 2014
So humble and modest when speaking to ordinary workers, yet passionate and resilient when defending their rights. I'll always remember you for the gentle kind person you were. I hope everyone learns from you.
Rest in perfect peace my brother. Solidarity forever!
By Glen Hart on 12 March 2014
A great man and leader had sadly been taken suddenly from us. Your legacy will live on and the great work you did will carry on. My heart goes out to your family. A fearless person who worked tirelessly for your members god bless you Bob
By Lee Odams on 12 March 2014
Thinking of you and your family at this very sad time, our thoughts are with you all. RIP Bob Crow
By Lisa + Ian Sanders on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow, one in a Million, a man that helped so many people on a work and a personal level to achive there goals, a true honor to have know him as long as me and my family did. My thought`s are with his family and friends at this very sad moment.RIP Bob,gone but never forgotten.
By Collin Sharpe on 12 March 2014
A true unionist, a true socialist, and a true inspiration. Salute!
By Steen Knøster Rasmussen, Denmark on 12 March 2014
So long comrade. I remember you in the SLP and after and also down the Den. The working class has lost another hero.
By Tony Goss on 12 March 2014
God Bless You Bob. A true fighter and an inspiration to so many. R.I.P
By Spencer Clarke on 12 March 2014
What a loss Bob will be not just to his lovely family but to everybody that knew him. My husband is a R.M.T rep and knew Bob on a personal level as well as work. He was allways polite and kind whenever I met him he allways had time for everybody and a smile and kind words. I hope that Bobs family take comfort in knowing how loved he was by all his members and friends. He will be sorely missed R.I.P Bob xxx
By Janice Pitchford on 12 March 2014
Dont quite know what to say. Bob was an amazing General Secretary and a great bloke. Always happy to stop and chat to you. His dogy dancing always made me laugh. He was a mountain of a man and gave his all for his members working 7days a week for justice for transport workers. The working class movement has lost a hero. RIP Bob. You were an inspiration to all of us. Was a pleasure to know you comrade
By Daniel Burn - RMT YM President 2013-2014 on 12 March 2014
Thank you Bob for all your work and getting a fair deal for underground staff. May you R.I.P Robert. X
By Danny on 12 March 2014
Simply the best. RIP Bob.
Hasta la Victoria Siempre
By Carlos Carrera Romallo Hex Rmt branch on 12 March 2014
This is a human tragedy for a family, with the loss of a loving partner and a loving father. I met Bob several times and he was a genuinely nice man, with an incredibly strong and likeable personality. He stuck to his principles regardless and as a result he served his brothers and sisters in the union movement with a unique degree of passion and skill. This country is poorer for his passing at such a young age. RIP Bob.
By Kieran O'Rourke - Partner at Howe & Co Solicitors on 12 March 2014
Bob Crow, a tragic loss for the Labour Movement. Your spirit lives on. Condolences to Bob's family and all his comrades at the RMT
By Dave Jones - TUC Tutor Stockport Trade Union Education Centre on 12 March 2014
A true working class hero, a comrade and a friend. He will be sorely missed. Thoughts are with his family. RIP Bob you will never be forgotten
By Paul Walker RMT Burton-Upon-Trent Brach Chair on 12 March 2014
I extend my condolences to the family and friends of RMT Comrade Bob Crow.
I salute Bob's lifetime campaign for human progress, socialism and working people. The greatest tributes to Bob Crow are there are many people still in Jobs and have wage rises because of him. Also the right wing press despised him.
He took on injustice and bullies wherever he saw them.
It was a pleasure to have met him and heard him speak on a few occasions.
May he rest in peace and the fight for Socialism, workers rights and internationalism continues. Slainte agus Slan go foill Bob.
By Brian Oh-Anluian on 12 March 2014
Thanks Bob for all you did for us, a true gent with a heard of gold ,the right wing press hated you but we loved you a void that cannot be filled.RIP Bob crow your legacy will live on.
By andrew Cross on 12 March 2014
Bob, the country and the world is a worse place without you. Best wish to your family from my family. A lost lion. God bles
By Scott O'Sullivan on 12 March 2014
I was shattered to hear of Bob's passing yesterday. An exceptional Trade Unionist with firm convictions shared by many throughout society but very seldom heard. He was a total inspiration to me personally and I am sure to many throughout the Trade Union movement as a whole. In the words of James Connolly "Apostles of Freedom are ever idolised when dead, but crucified when living". RIP Bob.
By Marty Connolly (INTO & Belfast Trades Council) on 12 March 2014
Jimmy Knapp went the same way,,,terrible loss to the railway industry and Trade Unionism in the UK.
Mike Harrison,
Former Chair,
Ramsgate Branch N.U.R.
By Mike Harrison on 12 March 2014
I sadly only got to meet you once as the special guest at our meeting. I had disagreed with you on a resolution you had put forward and I maintained my stance. Ever the gentleman you listened to my objection carefully and respected our difference of opinion. I wanted to tell you this before you left that meeting, but I never got the chance. I have a deep respect for you and the hard work you have done that has benefited all of our members. You have been a spearhead at the front of our organisation for many years and we were better off for it. My thoughts and prayers be with you and your family, rest peacefully in paradise brother. ..
By Leon Browne on 12 March 2014
My deepest Condolences to the family, friends and all the RMT membership during this tragic time.
May god continue to strengthen the working class worldwide as we continue the good fight.
Inlandboatmens Union
Marine Division ILWU
By Kenyatta Whitworth on 12 March 2014
All trades unionists -all workers - everywhere will miss Bob, whether they realise it or not. I shall miss hearing him on the telly or on the radio speaking the truth. Thinking of Bob's family, and sending warm thoughts.
By Christine McCourt on 12 March 2014
My sincere condolences to his family and friends.RIP Bob a true man of principle and his good work must be carried on.
By Kevin Paish-RMT Surrey/Hants Branch Member on 12 March 2014
By Karl Niles Waterloo Branch on 12 March 2014
Totally devastated to hear the terribly sad news about Bob.
My heart goes out to all that love him and to the RMT who have lost a fantasitc leader.
A huge loss to the RMT and Trade Union movement nationally and internationally
Bob, I'll miss you
Nicky and family, my heart breaks for you all
With love, Clare & Colin xxxx
By Clare McDade/Mitson on 12 March 2014
For the true working man
Gone but not forgotten
RIP Brother Bob Crow
By Andy Todd - Nuneaton s&t rep. on 12 March 2014
The best one always need to go first to set everything up.
Rest in peace until we join you,
With Respect
Kash Rana
By Kash Rana on 12 March 2014
The most important and powerful trade unionist of our time - we can only aspire to his level.
Rest in power, comrade.
By Alex MacDonald on 12 March 2014
We have lost our leader and the working class has lost it's favourite son.You will be missed in this country and internationally by workers who saw you as a beacon of light in an increasingly dark political landscape.We loved you like a brother and your memory will always guide us,R.I.P Bob Crow.
By Steve Hedley on 12 March 2014
R.I.P brother Bob the waterloo branch and myself,will always remember you.
By mike riley chairman waterloo branch on 12 March 2014
Rest in pease brother Bob
By Athos Elefteriou on 12 March 2014
By Karl Niles Waterloo Branch on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace Bob, a true legend. Never forgotten.
By Richard Offin on 12 March 2014
Voice of the working class and equality, supporter of wowpetition for which I am most grateful
By Michelle Maher on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace
By johnny on 12 March 2014
Rest in Peace Brother Bob
By Darren Pitt on 12 March 2014
Such a tragic loss. You were a true fighter, hero and inspiration to all workers. When you spoke - people listened.
By Darren D on 12 March 2014
Sincere condolences to family and friends. He will be missed, particularly at the STUC Congress in Dundee next month, but not forgotten. From all at Dundee Trades Union Council.
By Mike Arnott on 12 March 2014
Our Union is now without a Great Leader but certainly not weaker. Bob, your Legacy and Vision will live on in the Membership of the RMT. Your membership is indebted to you for fighting the Austerity of these ConDem fatcats for defending Public Sector Workers rights and protecting our hard fought Terms and Conditions. Thank You. May you Rest In Peace and my thoughts are with your Family and Friends x
By Steven Shiel Jnr- Network Rail RMT Health &Safety Rep Morpeth on 12 March 2014
Met Bob on a few occasionsm. A lovely genuine man passionate in his work taken to soon you will be sadly missed and a hard act to follow RIP Bob thoughts with your family at this devastating loss
By Kay Aitkenhead on 12 March 2014
Thanks to Bob and our union to all the help they have given me. A true gent and a great help to all has been lost.
RIP Brother Bob
By M.Gibbons on 12 March 2014
I was fortunate enough to hear Bob speak on a few occasions and had the pleasure of meeting him. I found him to be a true workers heroand a pleasant man. The trade Union movement has lost a huge figure but because of Bob it is a lot stronger than it would have otherwise been. Workers are better off because of him. God bless.
By Rob Pearce. on 12 March 2014
RIP Bob, always enjoyed listening to your speeches and was a privlige to have met you on quite a few occassions....Ex RMT member(89-93)and good mates of your old commrade Dick Godfrey.
By Michael Carter on 12 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob
By Paul Divers on 12 March 2014
Taken too young, you will be missed.
By Steve on 12 March 2014
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Bob Crow, he really was a champion of the working man and woman.
By Shaun Plume on 12 March 2014
All of us at Burnley Branch of Unite send our deepest sympathies to Bob's family and friends and to all our Brothers and Sisters in RMT. Thanks to Bob for all he did for others and may he rest in peace.
By Brian Dunn on 12 March 2014
One Voice
would start it on its own,
We need just One Voice facing the unknown,
And then that One Voice would never be alone
It takes that One Voice.
Would never be alone
It takes that One Voice. Bob was that voice.
Condolences from all at the RMT BRASS BAND
By Scott Meikle on 12 March 2014
Rest In Peace Bob,
A great fighter and a great union leader.
By Steve Harrison on 12 March 2014
Rest in Peace Bob
By Gary Wiseman on 12 March 2014
Bob crow rest in peace brother
By Robert wilson on 12 March 2014
An absolute tragic loss to the trade union movement. Jimmy Knapp would have been very proud of Bob's achievements. Solidarity will continue in your honour!
By Shakeel Goulthorp on 12 March 2014
The workers of this country have lost a giant and we all feel like we've lost a friend. Bob was the most important voice for working people of his generation.
By Paul Thompson on 12 March 2014
I only had the privilege of meeting Bob a couple of times but he was charming and friendly on both occasions. He has done immeasurable work for all of us in the railway industry and for that I thank him. May he rest in peace
By Stephen Pritchard on 12 March 2014
A great man to look up to you,will be missed
By Nic Roberts on 12 March 2014
Best wishes and condolences to all RMT members. Bob Crow was a much-loved figure in progressive politics and history will judge him kindly.
By Luke Nicholas- Plaid Cymru the Party of Wales, researcher on 12 March 2014
r.i.p bob
you stood up for everyone and without your hard work there would be no railways
By james almquest ro2s manchester piccadilly on 12 March 2014
Bob is a hero for our times who should only be remembered in death, as he was in life, as a great trade unionist who gave every part of him to deliver for his members.
By Mike on 12 March 2014
I never met you, but I always admired your determination to look after myself, along with my fellow brothers and sisters. I am truly grateful. RIP Bob, you'll be a tough person to replace.
By Gary M on 12 March 2014
Rest in peace brother Bob
By John Evans on 12 March 2014
My sympathies to Bob's family and to his friends.
By Mark Raven on 12 March 2014
I am deeply saddened to hear about the death of Bob Crow, and extend my condolences and respect to his close friends and family, and to RMT activists and members, who lost a great and principled leader.
Bob Crow was more than just a militant trade union leader: he was a nuanced and principled tactician and class war strategist. He used all his abilities to put people first and resist attempts by corporations to colonise every aspect of modern life.
Bow Crow was a working class hero and trade union fighter who dedicated his whole life to the movement. We are poorer for losing him.
Rest in Peace, comrade.
By Walton Pantland on 12 March 2014
Bob’s death is a crushing blow to Britain’s and the world’s labor movements. He was without question the most important and profound voice for industrial unionism and the working class in the world.
By John Samuelson - TWU Local 100 on 12 March 2014