Keep Cash on Avanti Catering

Keep Cash on Avanti Catering

Failing train operator Avanti West Coast plans to make its onboard catering cashless for passengers.

Avanti's decision stands in stark contrast to ticket purchase where passengers will still be able to buy a ticket onboard with cash but will not be able to order food or drink in the same way.

Back in November Avanti managment claimed to have no plans for going cashless on their services.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: "Avanti's decision will severely impact on those passengers who don't have bank accounts or who transact business via cash for a whole host of reasons.

"We know that those with lower incomes and the elderly like to have the option of cash and this will discourage them from the using the railway.

"Our members jobs involving handling cash will also be in jeopardy as will catering staff jobs in general because we predict this decision will lead to a drop off in passenger use of the service providing an excuse for Avanti management to end the on-board shop.  

"Avanti must reverse this decision immediately and we do not rule out an industrial response going forward."

Please write to your MP opposing Avanti's plans.

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