With the range of serious issues facing our members at the moment, your union will be stepping up its campaign under the heading Transport workers are ESSENTIAL workers.
I will be writing to you again soon with more details. In the meantime, many members are currently facing the prospect that their employers will plead poverty on providing fair pay, whilst the government are imposing pay restraint. This is completely unacceptable when you and other keyworkers have performed such an essential role throughout the pandemic.
In advance of the Chancellor’s budget on 3 March RMT is joining forces with other unions and the TUC to highlight the need for fairness for all the workers who have kept our economy and society going in the last year. The TUC has launched a petition and will be holding an eve of budget rally. Members are requested to sign the petition and encouraged to sign up for the rally to ensure that the voice of essential transport workers is properly heard.
Sign the petition here:
Register for the Rally for a Workers’ Budget:7:30pm-9pm, Monday 2 March 2021: https://tuccampaigns.typeform.com/to/y9PhHKA3