Mutual Respect Policy


The RMT is opposed to any discrimination as outlined in the Equality Act 2010.

Among trade unionists there should be a very high degree of appreciation of the need to respect the dignity of every individual. Nevertheless, within all organisations there should always be vigilance to ensure that all participants feel they are able to operate in an atmosphere in which they feel comfortable and safe.

The RMT is committed to creating and maintaining a working environment based on dignity and mutual respect. The RMT neither condones, nor tolerates, behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile, abusive or offensive environment.

As an organisation, the RMT has a moral responsibility to protect its employees, officers, members of the National Executive Committee, representatives and members from any form of harassment, abuse, bullying or similarly unacceptable behaviour.


The RMT is committed to creating and maintaining a working environment based on dignity and mutual respect. In all organisations there should always be vigilance to ensure that all participants feel they are able to operate in an atmosphere in which they feel comfortable and safe.

What we ask of you:

To treat everybody with respect and dignity.
To make absolutely sure your own behaviour does not cause offence or misunderstanding.
To think before you make personal remarks.
To accept responsibility for challenging all forms of unacceptable and offensive behaviour, and for upholding personal dignity.

What is unacceptable behaviour?

Unacceptable behaviour includes unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct including the use of social media and any behaviour that ridicules, intimidates, is physically abusive, threatening or aggressive.

This may or may not have as its focus such things as:

Race, ethnic origin, nationality and skin colour
Gender and sexual orientation
Disabilities or sensory impairments
Age, health, or physical characteristics
Religious or political beliefs

The above list is not exhaustive.

We are aware that among trade unionists there is a very high degree of appreciation of the need to respect the dignity of every individual. We welcome your cooperation in our practical efforts for making RMT a positive experience for everyone, carried out in a professional way and allowing us to discharge our duties on behalf of the members of this union.


By sending or even forwarding any libellous, sexist or racially discriminating comments in emails, even if they are meant to be a joke, the person or the Union can face court cases. Any defamatory, offensive or obscene remark can also be punished.

Must not send or forward emails containing libellous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks.

Must not harass people with emails.

Social Media Guidelines:
Must not be used for the creation or distribution of any offensive, abusive or disruptive comments or messages regarding ethnic origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, pornography, religion and religious beliefs, political beliefs, national origin, health, physical characteristics or disability.

Must not be used to spread sensitive or confidential information into the public domain.

Should include a disclaimer, indicating “This is not an official RMT forum, the views expressed within are those of the respective individuals and may not represent those of the RMT Union or its policies.”

Should be used as a platform to strengthen and promote the interests and position of the RMT.


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