31 December 2014
RMT Press Office
Mick Cash General Secretary said. "The confirmation from the administrators that they have just sacked 2400 staff and are pulling the plug on any efforts to save City Link is a disgraceful and cynical betrayal that will wreck the lives of our members, many of whom are owed thousands of pounds.
RMT does not believe that those pulling the strings had any interest in saving this business and were happy to cut and run leaving a trail of human misery in their wake. The City Link collapse has blown the lid off the cosy relationship between bandit capitalism and the political elite.
RMT will continue to advise and represent our members caught in this corporate failure. Those responsible will slink away with their own resources ring fenced and leaving the taxpayer to pick up the redundancy tab. The City Link Christmas destruction is an act of industrial vandalism that shames our nation while the government looked on and offered nothing but hollow words. "