2 September 2014
Industrial Action Suspended
Our Ref LUL/14/5
2nd September 2014
Dear Colleagues
Every Job Matters – Defending Jobs on London Underground
I write to all LU members concerning our dispute with London Underground over their plans for stations and ticket offices. Station Staff members including Station Supervisors had been instructed to refuse to work overtime from Midnight tonight with Station Supervisors also being instructed not to attend development centres from the same time. This action has now been suspended by your union’s executive.
Significantly, LUL has stated that they will “decouple the use of evaluation for placing staff into location and grade whilst we work with trade Unions to agree appropriate selection criteria for those purposes.” Furthermore they have stated that “LU proposes to only use the outcome of the Development Centres for Supervisors, which started yesterday, to inform development needs for all who attend, both on an individual level for personal development plans and collectively to inform the content of our future development programme.”
Following the clarification of the above, and having received an indication that the company would use the anti-trade union laws to challenge the action we have called, your General Grades Committee has decided to suspend the industrial action due to start from Midnight. Therefore all members are instructed to work normally. We continue to campaign for the full repeal of the anti- trade union laws which shackle worker democracy.
The company has offered to meet with us during September to discuss the outcome of discussions that have already taken place on the final amount of positions reduced under FFTF, guarantees and security around displacements and where the new CSM grades would sit within the machinery of negotiation.
LU will be made well aware that should the outcome of the meeting not meet with the aspirations of this union, further industrial action up to and including strike action, will be implemented at the earliest possible date. Before any action is called a meeting of all the appropriate LU representatives will take place.
I am in the process of arranging this meeting, which will be at the highest level within their organisation, and I will advise you of developments in due course.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
Acting General Secretary