23 December 2015
RMT Press Office:
Defending Jobs on London Underground
As members will be aware, discussions and negotiations with LUL over the above and its Fit for the Future Stations (FFFS) proposal have been on going and the General Grades Committee took the decision in September to keep this issue under review as well as reiterating that we are still in dispute over this issue and will reinstate industrial action if and when necessary if our just demands are not met.
The Company then tabled an offer, including Fit for the Future Stations which was communicated to all members last month and your RMT Reps attended a meeting on 1st December to discuss this offer. There remains a number of areas of concern over FFFS and your RMT Lead Officer has written to LUL seeking assurances that there will be no imposition of a new framework agreement, that staff will not be forced to sign new contracts and that rosters will not be imposed. At the time of writing we have not yet received a response from LUL.
The General Grades Committee has noted the correspondence on file and as a result, has taken the decision to call on all RMT Station Grades to take part in the industrial action detailed below.
• NOT TO WORK ANY OVERTIME from 05:30 hours on Sunday 3rd January 2016 until further notice.
Also, members are instructed to refuse to sign any contract or letter regarding working hours or agreements (with the exception of members on Fixed Term Contracts who should sign permanent contracts).
I urge you all to make sure this overtime ban is solidly supported to apply pressure to the Company and to demonstrate loud and clear that there is so much more to resolve on stations specifically. I will of course keep you advised of all further developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary