Great Western Railway cleaners' strike "rock solid"

Great Western Railway cleaners' strike

10 July 2019

RMT Press Office:

RAIL UNION RMT said today that ISS cleaners working on the Hitachi/GWR contract are rock solid in their support for 48 hours of strike action that started yesterday evening in a fight to halt shift changes that would wreck staff's work/life balance.

‎General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"Our members are rock solid in support for the strike action at the North Pole Depot in West London and are sending out the clearest signal that they will not be kicked from pillar to post in the name of profit.

"It is appalling that ISS staff on this prestigious rail contract are being treated in this disgraceful fashion which will pile additional hours on them and destroy their work life balance. Hitachi, ISS and GWR should all be hanging their heads in shame and should pull back immediately.

"RMT has made it clear that we will be stepping up the fight against the scourge of outsourcing on our railways which is highlighted by the scandalous treatment of these ISS staff in West London. ‎The company should get back round the table and sort a settlement with us that is based on respect, dignity and workplace justice."


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Tagged with: gwr, great western railway, hitachi, iss, cleaners