Listen to London - the future of London Underground

Listen to London - the future of London Underground

22 May 2014

Listen to London - the future of London Underground

Conference, Saturday 26 July, 10am - 2pm

TUC, Congress House, London 


Dear Colleague

Your solid strike action has won important gains including protection of pay, a station by station review and a supervisor on every station. Plus a clear message has been sent that the union will not stand by and allow jobs or conditions to be attacked.

There has also been strong public support, with polls showing that two thirds of Londoners backed the action and are opposed to the Mayors Tube cuts.

With driverless trains, more cuts to maintenance and massive fair rises down the line, the future of a safe, affordable, properly staffed Tube is in the balance. And now right - wing commentators are even actively advocating the privatisation of Tube services.

The Mayor has held no public consultation on his cuts plan. This is despite the fact that Londoners and passengers are opposed to the cuts and both the London Assembly and MPs are calling for a formal public consultation. The Mayor is refusing to listen to London.

Therefore, as part of the Every Job Matters campaign, your union will be holding our own public consultation on the future of London Underground at a conference on Saturday 26th July at TUC HQ*.

The conference will tell the Mayor he has to Listen to London and stop his cuts. The conference will also be a genuine consultation on how we can find a better way for an expanding, properly staffed and publicly owned London Underground.

I would urge as many London Underground members as possible to attend and take part in this event. This free conference will be attended by campaigners, passengers and politicians. But no one knows the Tube better than you and this is your chance to listen to, debate and make your voice heard. More details will be sent out shortly but please save the date and encourage attendance.

Yours sincerely


Mick Cash
Acting General Secretary

This campaign is supported by the RMT Political Fund. More information about your Political Fund is at

* Congress House is at Great Russell Street, WC1B, 3LS

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Tagged with: London Underground, Conference, TUC