16 September 2014
Our Ref: BR2/0001/FGW
Our Ref: BR2/0001/FGW
16th September 2014
Dear colleague,
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2014 – First Great Western
Referring to my previous correspondence dated 8th September 2014, I advised you that the union’s Executive Committee was waiting to receive feedback from a consultation of representatives and members regarding this offer, Drivers have already received the same offer.
The consultation has concluded and the result is that the majority wish to accept the offer which is as follows:-
• A no-strings increase of 2.7% (February 2014 RPI), effective from the relevant grade pay anniversary date in 2014.
Acting on the majority wishes, the Executive Committee has instructed me to inform the company of our acceptance of the offer. The company has been informed of our acceptance and I have requested that the increase and any back monies are paid at the earliest opportunity.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
Acting General Secretary