RMT confirms new strike date on Southern Rail

RMT confirms new strike date on Southern Rail

16 May 2017

RMT Press Office:

RMT confirms new strike date on Southern Rail as company confirms over 8000 trains a year will run without second staff member.

RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that guards and drivers on Southern Rail will strike again in the on-going disputes over the safety impact of the extension of Driver Only Operation and the removal of guards from services.

Guards and driver members will strike for 24 hours between 0001 hours and 2359 hours on Tuesday 30th May 2017.‎

The announcement of the new action comes after the company revealed to the union this week that 8216  trains a year will run without an OBS on board. The union says that that revelation alone means that safety of the travelling public, and access for people with disabilities, will be severely compromised and leaves RMT with no option but to continue with the campaign of industrial action in an effort to force a safe and sustainable settlement to the dispute.

Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said:
“RMT members on Southern Rail have been fighting for safety and access to rail services for over a year now. We have met with the company but there is a massive gap of over 8000 trains a year that GTR have confirmed will run without an OBS on board.  That represents a serious safety and accessibility risk and short of the guarantee of a second safety qualified member of staff on Southern services we have no option but to confirm a further day of strike action.

 “It is now down to Southern/GTR, and the contract holders in the Government, to face up to their responsibilities and engage in genuine and serious talks that address our issues.”

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Tagged with: southern, southern rail, gtr, doo, driver only operation, guards, conductors