RMT demands end to "fire and re-hire" in UK offshore wind industry

RMT demands end to

13 January 2021

RMT Press Office:

OFFSHORE WIND Union RMT today responded to the threat of ‘fire and re-hire’ to members at Vattenfall Wind Power.

Vattenfall operate three offshore wind farms on the UK Continental Shelf and have development plans for new and extended wind farms which would add over 3.6GW generating capacity by 2030. Vattenfall’s UK subsidiaries are ultimately 100% owned by the Swedish Government.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“Our members are working hard during the pandemic to maintain and operate Vattenfall’s offshore wind farms, having delivered over £19m in profit in 2019. Yet they are being threatened with fire and re-hire because they objected to the employer’s changes to terms and conditions, including cuts to annual leave.

“There is no way that attacks like this would fly in Sweden, where trade unions have a seat on Vattenfall Group’s board and there is no way RMT will accept these outrageous threats.

“Vattenfall co-chair the Offshore Wind Energy Council and we expect them to demonstrate their commitment to good industrial relations and employment practices in the UK offshore wind industry by taking the nuclear threat of fire and re-hire off the table and to get back around the negotiating table with RMT.”


Notes to Editors
1.       Vattenfall UK is ultimately owned by Vattenfall Group, an entity 100% owned by the Swedish state. By law, Swedish trade unions have three seats on the board of Vattenfall Group.
2.       The latest company accounts for Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd show pre-tax profits in the year to 31 Dec 2019 of £19.39m
3.       In November 2020, Vattenfall UK CEO Danielle Lane was appointed as Co-Chair of industry body the Offshore Wind Industry Council https://www.owic.org.uk/who-we-are

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Tagged with: Offshore Wind Power, Vattenfall UK, Offshore Wind Energy Council, Fire and Re-Hire