RMT demands summit to resolve the crises on Scotland's Ferries

RMT demands summit to resolve the crises on Scotland's Ferries

9 July 2021

RMT Press Office:

SCOTTISH FERRIES Union RMT today urged Transport Minister Graeme Dey MSP to call an urgent Ferries Summit to involve trade unions and passengers in finding solutions to the crisis on the Clyde and Hebrides network operated by CalMac Ferries.

RMT General Secretary, Mick Lynch said:

“I am writing to repeat RMT’s demand that the Scottish Government call an urgent summit meeting to discuss the crisis engulfing lifeline ferry services in the west of Scotland.

“Although there is understandable frustration at the ongoing failure to secure additional tonnage, the Pentalina episode again underlined the fact that trade unions are part of the solution to these problems. CalMac workers and local communities on the CHFS network all acknowledge that the cause of this crisis is the failure to procure suitable vessels in line with the Scottish Government’s Ferries Plan.

“A different approach to ferry procurement is urgently needed, in the short and the long term. This approach must include the voice and expertise of ferry workers who will operate passenger services on new and existing tonnage. RMT is clear that the recognised trade unions must be fully involved in discussions with Transport Scotland and CalMac over any future tonnage for the CHFS network.

“We strongly believe that a Scottish Ferries Summit involving CalMac trade unions and passengers, as well as Government officials from CMAL, Transport Scotland and CalMac is urgently needed this summer. RMT is part of the solution to these problems and I urge the Scottish Government to agree to this constructive proposal.”

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Tagged with: CalMac, Caledonian MacBrayne, Transport Scotland, Scottish Government, Scottish Ferries, Graeme Dey,