RMT demands that Government cut the rhetoric

RMT demands that Government cut the rhetoric

1 July 2018

RMT Press Office:

RMT demands that Government cut the rhetoric and bring both GTR and Northern under public control

Following reports this morning that the Government have warned the basket-case GTR franchise that they are drinking in the "last chance saloon" rail union RMT has demanded that Ministers cut out the hot air and rhetoric and strip both Govia Thameslink and Arriva Rail North of their franchises and return the services to public ownership.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"Telling these basket-case companies that they are drinking in the last chance solution is empty rhetoric from a Government ideologically wedded to privatisation and just let's them off the hook again while services are reduced to chaos.

"Chris Grayling has personally propped up Britain's failing rail franchises while RMT members have been deployed at the sharp end as human shields to bear the brunt of the public anger, threats and abuse. It's a shocking and cowardly way to treat the rail workforce.

"This is no time for empty threats from unnamed Government sources. These rip-off rail companies should have the bottle snatched from them, should be kicked out of the saloon and should be barred for good.

"The only alternative to the crisis on Britain's privatised railways is public ownership on a permanent basis."


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