RMT demands that Northern and GTR be stripped of franchises

RMT demands that  Northern and GTR be stripped of franchises

4 June 2018

RMT Press Office

As emergency timetables collapse into chaos RMT demands that both Northern and GTR be stripped of franchises

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"From the feedback on the ground and the stream of comments on social media it is clear that the so-called emergency timetables on both Northern and GTR have just piled failure onto failure. Once again it is RMT members at the sharp end bearing the brunt of public anger at this latest shambles.

"If you draw up an emergency timetable that cancels trains to avoid cancelling trains and yet still cancel trains you are not fit to run a bath let alone a railway and that is the absurd position that passengers are in this morning across both the north and the south.

"‎On any measure both Northern and GTR must be in breach of their secret contractual obligations to provide a service to their fare-paying customers. They should be removed and the private franchises brought under public control."

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Tagged with: Northern, GTR, Timetable, Franchise