25 September 2014
RMT Press Office
Tube union RMT today produced detailed analysis that shows that in formal information requests London Underground has deliberately misled members of the GLA over the true scale of station job losses, to the tune of over 1500 posts. A massive 40% of station staff now face the loss of their jobs with fatal consequences for the safety of the travelling public.
Following information requests from Labour GLA member Val Shawcross, LU claimed that the total job losses were 587. However, close examination of documents by RMT negotiators show that those figures are wildly inaccurate and misleading with the real number of posts facing the axe nearly four times that – 2161.8.
The two key documents that reveal the scale of LU’s bogus information (attached) are the 2014/15 Station Staffing Establishment report and the comparative and incorrect data supplied under FOI to the GLA.
The two documents show the following:
• LU has told the GLA that the cuts will amount to 587 when in reality the latest data provided to the union shows a cut of 2161.8
This is calculated by taking the final fig on pg16 of ‘2014-15 Station Staffing Establishment” of 5083.6 To this figure add 185 Duty Managers as the proposed data includes all Customer Service Managers. This gives a like for like current establishment of 5268.6
From this figure subtract the proposed establishment of 3095.8 on page 9 (bottom centre).
The difference of 2172.8 is the real number of posts (Full Time Equivalent) being cut.
This amounts to 40% of station staff
• Data provided to GLA claiming only 587 cuts excludes 1400 reserve staff and 185 DSMs who have to be added to the “current” figure provided to the GLA.
• In formal consultation with RMT LU has stated its intention to reduce the establishment to 4471 but the new figures provided to the GLA show hundreds of CSM posts have been cut and 1000 CSAs cut from the model that was consulted on.
The new data reveals that LU has failed to consult the TUs on the true scale of staff reductions and had provided data which is misleading to the GLA.
Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said;
“These shocking figures show that not only has London Underground deliberately and cynically misled the elected politicians in London but that a massive 40% of station staff posts across the tube network now face the axe in a move that would reduce the Underground to a lethal, hollowed out shell in every corner of the Capital.
“It is now time for London Underground chiefs and their leader Boris Johnson to come clean and admit that they have been caught out fiddling the figures because they are simply afraid of admitting the full extent of their tube cuts carnage. The bogus nature of the numbers, exposed today by RMT, should also be grounds for the immediate and unconditional suspension of the cash-led cuts that are being bulldozed on the basis of phoney information.
“Thousands of RMT members on London Underground enter the second day of an overtime ban today as the union sends out the clearest possible message that we are determined and united in the fight against the cuts to jobs, safety and services on the tube network.”
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Tagged with: london underground, every job matters, lu, lul, tube, gla,
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