RMT makes new approach to seek to resolve GTR dispute

RMT makes new approach to seek to resolve GTR dispute

8 July 2016

RMT Press Office:

RMT makes new approach to seek to resolve Govia Thameslink railway dispute.

TRAIN UNION RMT is offering a new approach in a bid to resolve the GTR dispute.

It is a dispute about the proposed removal of conductors from trains and the implications that removing these safety critically trained staff would have.

In an open letter to GTR Chief Executive Charles Horton, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash says,

“I refer to the recent hearing at the Transport Select Committee where we were both asked: What could be done to help resolve the current impasse?

You will also be aware that we will have both had numerous conversations with passengers and their Members of Parliament who are asking that we go the extra mile in seeking a resolution to the dispute.

I would therefore wish to develop the offer of the new approach I made at the Transport Select Committee.

The RMT will suspend calling any further industrial for the next three months if you will also suspend your proposals for a similar period.

This will then allow us the time and space to sit down together and try and explore options that will seek to deliver the lasting improvements to service and reliability we all want.

I do hope that you can respond positively to these proposals and I look forward to hearing from you.”



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Tagged with: gtr, southern, doo, driver only operation, guards, conductors