8 October 2020
RMT Press Office:
RMT to work with other unions and TUC in campaign to reverse shock plan to axe the unionlearn programme
Transport union RMT said today that it will be working with the TUC and sister unions to reverse a Government decision to axe the highly respected and vital skills training offered to workers through the unionlearn programme
The shocking decision would smash apart learning and skills programmes for workers, including those facing redundancy, just at the time when off the back of COVID-19 they are most needed.
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“This shock news has come completely out of the blue and particularly in the current climate is completely unjustifiable. It bears no reflection on the performance of union-led projects or the unionlearn programmes where delivery has continued to be exemplary and we have continued to receive very positive feedback from our members and employers alike.
“There is clearly a huge skills challenge ahead in the wake of the pandemic and the Union Learning Fund is perfectly placed to respond to that challenge.
“Through the TUC we are in contact with ministers in both DfE and also the Treasury and we will be jointly mobilising to have this decision reversed as soon as possible.”