RMT on COVID-linked rail reductions

RMT on COVID-linked rail reductions

5 January 2022

RMT Press Office:

General Secretary Mick Lynch said:

"No one should underestimate the impact that COVID is having on transport staff and there is a logic to adjusting services accordingly. However, any attempt to use this crisis to cynically bulldoze through permanent cuts to services and staffing levels would meet the stiffest resistance from this trade union.

"The current situation exposes existing shortages of staff and shows just how the transport companies have been winging it ‎on the cheap for years. That has to stop.

"With the ongoing supply side fiasco fo‎r testing kit it makes sense for key workers to be prioritised but it's no excuse for poor planning and central government incompetence."

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Tagged with: Covid-19, Rail Reductions, Staff Shortages