1 October 2018
RMT Press Office:
RMT says Grayling's Tory Conference speech " a stream of verbal garbage from a politician not fit to run a bath let alone a nation's railways."
RAIL UNION RMT said today that the speech from Transport Secretary Chris Grayling to the Tory Party Conference today was “just another stream for verbal garbage from a politician who has made a speciality out of failure on an industrial scale and who has proved himself repeatedly unfit to run a bath, let alone a nation’s railways.”
In the speech Grayling outlined the failures of the rail system on his watch:
“The trains are packed. The network is creaking. Passengers experience too many things going wrong …..”
He then proceeded to pull off his usual trick of blaming everyone but himself for the total and abject chaos on Britain’s railways that he has personally presided over.
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“Anyone expecting Chris Grayling to face up to his personal responsibility for the chaos on Britain’s railways, the poisonous legacy of 25 years of Tory privatisation, simply hasn’t got the measure of the man.
“This was the usual stream of verbal garbage from a politician who has made a speciality out of failure on an industrial scale and who has proved himself repeatedly unfit to run a bath, let alone a nation’s railways.
“The only answer to the private racketeering on Britain’s rammed out and expensive railways is public ownership, a policy now supported by over 70% of the public and growing. It’s no longer a question of if our railways are renationalised, it’s a question of when.”