15 January 2018
RMT Press Office:
RMT demands that Network Rail withdraw attack on Carillion workforce as they prepare to meet this afternoon
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"It is simply outrageous for Network Rail to claim in a press statement this morning that the Carillion workforce are not important when it comes to the day to day running of the railway and this unfounded attack piles another insult onto staff who have been hit by the collapse of the company this morning. The lines should be withdrawn and Network Rail should apologise immediately.
"The Cabinet Office statement this morning says that essential services will be protected, although they give little detail of how that will happen, and that protection must include the Carillion workforce across Britain's railways.
"RMT members at Carillion provide a wide range of services on the railways from safety critical renewals and infra-structure work to train care and support facilities. RMT is meeting with Network Rail today and we will be demanding guarantees and assurances on the jobs and pensions of our members with the work taken in house as a matter of urgency."