RMT prepares for "People's March for Glenn"

RMT prepares for

23 June 2015

RMT Press Office

RMT prepares for "People's March for Glenn" over sacked Trans Pennine member as local MP raises issue in Parliament.

RAIL UNION RMT said today that it is making final preparations for a “People’s March for Glenn” prior to the Cleethorpes Air Show this Sunday, 28th June, as the local MP raises the gross miscarriage of justice which led to the totally unfair sacking of conductor member Glenn Watson in Parliament.

Great Grimsby MP Melanie Onn has tabled the following Early Day motion:


"That this House is dismayed at the decision of First Transpennine Express Railway Company to dismiss a train guard following an incident in which his train was being surfed by a youth at Grimsby Town station; notes that the guard had already aborted the train's dispatch once but after the guard completed the correct dispatch procedure by giving the driver the right-away signal, one of the gang tried to surf the train again, ignoring advice and warnings; further notes that, with 10 years' experience, the guard judged that it was safer to allow the youth to jump clear rather than hit the emergency stop button, which looked likely to throw the youth off-balance; further notes the youth also subsequently spat at the conductor; further notes that the conductor was honest and accepts that in a strict interpretation of the rules he should have hit the emergency-stop button, regardless of the risk to the irresponsible surfer; believes that in these circumstances dismissal of a member of rail staff who has a previously unblemished record is unprecedented and is concerned that a dispute now exists between the company and the RMT union; and calls for First Transpennine Express Railway Company to immediately review this case and meet the union to resolve this dispute."

“The People’s March for Glenn” will assemble at 11am at Cleethorpes station and march along the seafront prior to the Air Show which starts at 12 noon on Sunday 28th June. The union has made it clear that is has no intention of causing any disruption but will be attending the event to thank the public for their fantastic support for Glenn and to send out the message that the fight for justice goes on.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“RMT continues to fight to right the shocking miscarriage of justice that led to the sacking of our member Glenn Watson with the “People’s March for Glenn” on Sunday 28th June. RMT is extremely grateful for the contiuning support of the local Grimsby MP Melanie Onn who has now raised this shocking situation in Parliament.

"We also thank the general public who have understood just how outrageous this dismissal is. We will be thanking them publicly at the event on Sunday and asking them to continue to stand by Glenn and his family.

“Glenn has maintained an unblemished safety and disciplinary record during his ten years of employment with First Transpennine Express and we are continuing to harness both the support of the public and the workforce to press the company once again to do the decent thing re-employ our colleague.

“RMT has said right from the start that this dispute is about recognising the particular circumstances of this case and ensuring that the duty of care to staff facing abuse and dangerous behaviour on the railways is properly recognised. RMT remains available for talks.”


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Tagged with: transpennine express, tpe, glenn watson