RMT responds to Freight statistics

RMT responds to Freight statistics

17 December 2020

RMT Press Office:

RMT responds to Freight statistics that show the rail freight sector still struggling to fully recover from Covid-19 crisis

RAIL UNION RMT today responded to The Office of Rail and Road’s quarterly rail freight statistics that show the rail freight sector making a slow recovery from the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis during the second quarter of 2020 (July to September 2020).

RMT today renewed calls for the Government to put in place a National Investment strategy to fully support the rail freight sector to boost the UK’s recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and to achieve maximum modal shift from road haulage to rail to ensure the UK leads the way in the fight against climate change.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“Rail freight is absolutely vital as the UK continues the battle against the Covid-19 and climate crises and these statistics continue to paint a worrying picture in a sector that needs much more Government support than it is currently getting.

"Rail freight will play a pivotal role in the role out of the Covid-19 vaccines and reducing our carbon emissions and as the Government make Billion pound cuts to the rail infrastructure budget in the Spending Review whilst ring-fencing the budget for new roads shows they have got their priorities completely wrong.

"It is time for the Government to put their money where their mouth is and really get behind the rail freight sector once and for all as our country simply cannot afford for them not to”


The ORR’s Quarterly Rail Freight Statisitics can be found herehttps://dataportal.orr.gov.uk/media/1921/freight-rail-usage-performance-2020-21-q2.pdf
The Headline figures include the following:
·         Total freight moved was 3.89 billion net tonne kilometres in 2020-21 Q2. This is the lowest Q2 total since the time series began in 1998-99
·         The total amount of freight lifted in 2020-21 Q2 was 17.3 million tonnes, an 8% decrease compared to the same quarter last year.
·         Freight train kilometres dropped by 12% in 2020-21 Q2 compared to the same quarter the previous year, falling to 7.5 million kilometres.
·         The proportion of freight trains arriving within 15 minutes, as measured by the Freight Delivery Metric, reached 95.4%. . This was the highest level of Q2 freight punctuality since the start of the time series in 2012-13.

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Tagged with: Rail Freight, Office of Rail and Road, ORR, Covid-19