RMT responds to potential re-introduction of Super Puma in the offshore sector

RMT responds to potential re-introduction of Super Puma in the offshore sector

22 February 2024

RMT Press Office:

Offshore workers union, RMT has criticised the possible re-introduction of the Super Puma helicopter by Airbus to offshore oil and gas operations.

Last year was the tenth anniversary of the last fatal Super Puma incident in the UK sector, which claimed the lives of four offshore workers, including RMT member Sarah Darnley.
33 offshore workers and helicopter crew died and 65 were rescued from the North Sea as a result of Super Puma helicopter accidents between 2009 and 2016.
Mechanical flaws in the gear box of the Super Pumas were found responsible for some of these accidents but the regulatory response from the Civil Aviation Authority and the Tory Government has been far too weak.
RMT alongside other offshore unions and MPs on the Transport Select Committee called for a public inquiry into the helicopter in 2014 but the Conservative led government refused to comply.
Mick Lynch, RMT general secretary said: "The possible reintroduction of the  Super Puma would poison industrial relations. 
"Any confidence built up since 2016 amongst offshore workers over the safety of the helicopters will disappear if they are expected to travel to and from installations on Super Pumas.
"The fact that the industry is even entertaining the re-introduction of the Super Puma is not only an insult to the memory of offshore workers and crew killed by this flawed machine, it shows how the highly profitable oil and gas industry continues to exert dangerous and unregulated commercial pressure on offshore helicopter operators in the North Sea.
"The S-92 model which has assumed the bulk of the Super Puma work is ageing and investment is desperately needed.
"We will be seeking meetings at the highest levels of the industry and we will work with other offshore trade unions to fight these dangerous proposals to bring back Super Pumas."

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Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Offshore, Oil, Gas, Super Puma, Helicopter