RMT slams AWOL London Mayor

RMT slams AWOL London Mayor

23 April 2015

RMT Press Office

RMT slams AWOL London Mayor as week of tube chaos hits Circle and District Lines this morning

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"As the week of train and infrastructure breakdowns continues today, with the Circle and District Lines hit hard, Londoners will b‎e rightly asking why the Mayor, who is responsible for the cuts across the tube network, is off elsewhere feathering his own nest and promoting his own political career. It is a gross insult and dereliction of duty that the Mayor, who runs TFL, is AWOL while hundreds of thousands of passengers face daily transport misery.

"RMT is continuing to fight to halt the staffing, ticket office and maintenance cuts that are compromising the ability to deliver safe and efficient tube services against a background of soaring passenger numbers. The problems we have seen this week are a taster of what we can expect when the added pressure of continuous weekend running is thrown into the mix in a few months time. "


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Tagged with: london underground, tube, lul, tfl, mayor, boris johnson,