RMT steps up campaign for TfL funding

RMT steps up campaign for TfL funding

25 September 2020

RMT Press Office:

RMT steps up campaign for TfL funding with petition launch

London Transport Union RMT is stepping up its fight to win full funding for Transport for London with the launch of an online petition.

The petition can be found at: https://www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/funding-statement

Statement: RMT calls on government to fully fund TFL and London Underground

Please read and add your name to the RMT statement calling for the government to fully fund London Underground and TfL. If you add your email address we will also keep you informed about our campaign. You can also add your name to the statement by clicking here. Loading...

The petition comes in the wake of the launch of an RMT campaigning document ‘A Future for Public Transport in London’, which makes the case for staff to be at the heart of a fully funded and rebuilt public transport system in London. The publication sets out not only the cost of cutting jobs before the crisis but also how more and better jobs are essential to rebuilding London’s public transport after the crisis.

The RMT document can be found at:

RMT general secretary Mick Cash said;

“We are working to build a coalition of support across the capital so that we can win the case for full funding of TfL and fight against austerity with every weapon at our disposal.

“TFL, including the Tube, has faced years of cuts as a self-funding model has been imposed by government and the London Mayor. The Covid pandemic has shattered that funding model and left TFL facing a shortfall of at least £3.2bn for the current financial year.

“RMT is urging all those who want to see a fully funded and rebuilt public transport system in London emerge from the current crisis to sign our petition.”


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Tagged with: Transport for London, TfL, Funding, Covid-19, London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, London Transport