RMT Swietelsky ballot opens today

RMT Swietelsky ballot opens today

17 September 2021

RMT Press Office:

RMT ballot opens today in fight for pay justice for Network Rail track contractors.

RAIL UNION RMT‎ is launching an industrial action ballot at Network Rail track renewal subcontractor Swietelsky following a derisory pay and conditions offer that amounts to a de facto pay cut for a key group of essential rail staff.

The ballot opens today after attempts by RMT negotiators to secure a fair offer through negotiations resulted in a “final” offer of a pathetic 1% with the company even trying to bully staff into acceptance by cutting the normal negotiating procedure short.

The company pleas of poverty are clearly nonsense with boardroom pay for some directors rising by up to 29%.

Accounts recently published at Companies House show a year-on-year increase on profits from £1.18M to £1.95M, proving the company can clearly afford a decent increase.

RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch said:

“The Swietelsky staff have been treated appallingly by the employer and we have no option but to open this ballot today to secure pay justice.

“With inflation on the RPI rocketing to 4.8% this week a 1% increase means a serious cut in living standards for this key group of rail renewals staff.

“I would urge the company to stop the hard-line posturing and get back round the table with us for fresh and serious negotiations.”

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Tagged with: Swietelsky, Network Rail, Pay Justice