3 December 2020
RMT Press Office:
RMT welcomes relaunch of Hull Trains and some Grand Central services today and calls for support and stability for open-access rail operators.
RAIL UNION RMT has welcomed the relaunch of Hull Trains and some Grand Central Services today and has called for the same level of support for open access providers that franchise companies have benefited from to provide stability and end the stop-start approach that has blighted both services.
Both companies have experienced job losses in recent times and RMT remains committed to alleviating any further cuts and to working hard to find alternative positions for those affected by the staffing reductions by putting in place structures to provide on-going support for anyone affected, including for any fixed term contract staff who have also lost jobs.
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
“Covid 19 has been an incredibly challenging time for the rail industry – but probably more so for the open access sectors like Hull Trains and Grand Central who to date have not received the same government support as franchised train operators – it is good to see these services both back on track, providing an essential link between the North East, Yorkshire, Humberside and London.
“Our members will be incredibly pleased to see the start up of the services and look forward to their expansion to full timetable as soon as possible. It is a tribute to their efforts and those of our reps, officers, the union’s campaigning and political support from local MPs that we have this positive news.
“Sadly, both companies have experienced unnecessary job losses in recent times and RMT remains committed to alleviating any job losses, working hard to fully support and to find alternative positions for those affected.
“Services operated by both Grand Central and Hull Trains are essential to the communities they serve and the provision of good communication links between London and the North: Sunderland and Bradford for Grand Central and Humberside for Hull Trains. Both services will be crucial for boosting the economy and tourism and helping in the fight against climate change.
“It is clearly in the public interest that these rail links are sustained and developed and for that to happen there should be no more stop start. Both operators should instead be given the support needed to guarantee future stability.”