4 May 2016
The National Executive Committee has asked me to congratulate you on the solid strike action you took on the 26th April. We have had a lot of support from the public who understand the importance of having a conductor on the train.
You should be especially proud of the magnificent support when you take in to account the amount of harassment and intimidation you have had to endure from a bullying and uncaring management.
As I advised you yesterday we are challenging Southern legally over a number of issues, not least the amount of pay they are taking from members’ pay packets. As I also pointed out I have raised the bullying and harassment by management with the ORR and the Department for Transport.
The National Executive Committee has asked me to produce campaigning materials that can be distributed to the public and to advise political groups, passenger groups and disabled groups in the area of the reasons behind our fight to keep Conductors on the train and for them to retain their safety role.
The changes to the strike dates are as follows:-
Strikes due to commence on 10th May and 12th May have been cancelled
The new strike dates are for members not to book on for any shifts that commence between 00.01 and 23.59 on Friday 20th May 2016
I will, of course keep you advised of developments.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary