16 May 2021
RMT Press Office:
RMT strike action remains solid again today as Abellio Scotrail continue to treat loyal front line staff with complete contempt
RAIL UNION RMT said today's conductors and examiners strike action remains solid again this morning as Abellio stand accused of treating loyal front line staff with complete contempt rather than meeting with the union to settle the long running disputes over equality and justice in respect of enhanced payments for rest day working.
RMT revealed this week that Abellio are using volunteer managers as scab labour to act as a second person on trains who do not have the knowledge, experience and safety competencies required of the job and who are being given food parcels and other treats that the workers who kept services running through COVID could only dream of.
RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch said:
“Our action remains absolutely solid again today and I want to pay tribute to our members who refuse to be ground down and bullied by Abellio in this fight for pay and workplace justice
"it is frankly appalling that rather than sitting down with the union to negotiate a fair settlement to this long running dispute Abellio are prepared to offer working conditions to scab managers our members could only dream of while playing fast and loose with public safety.
“I am also calling again for the political leadership and Transport Scotland to end their vow of silence and start taking responsibility by calling Abellio ScotRail to account.
“As we have said repeatedly the union remains available for talks any time, any place, anywhere and its down to the company to stop playing games and start serious negotiations.”