Rail Policy

Private train operators award themselves bumper payouts as nationalisation looms


Stop the cuts to ScotRail ticket offices - RMT briefing


On The Gravy Trainline - How the ticket retailer rips off passengers and taxpayers


RMT Policy Briefing - Public Ownership and rail in London

RMT Policy Briefing - Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill 


Rail Partners Track to Growth - Reanimating the Corpse of Privatisation


Women and girls' safety on Scotland's railway


Roll up, roll up, get your free money here


Violence against women and girls on public transport 


Rail Privatisation - 30 years of waste and rising fares


Comparison of Avanti and LNER


Ticket Office Closures Consultation Response


Parasitic bodies


Act now to save your ticket offices


National Rail Dispute Briefing May 2023

TOC profits top 300 million for the pandemic

The Secretary of States control of the rail dispute

The future of rail

Railtrack revived

Ticket Office closures


Ticket Office Member Survey


Corporations cleaning up


Cleaners in the cost of living crisis


Rail Cleaners on Avanti West Coast


On the wrong track


Too many snouts in the trough


Bailing out the TOCs


The Great British Gravy Train


A Great Sucking Sound


Rail Dispute Briefing Document


ScotRail Ticket Office Consultation


What's happened to workers on the National Minimum Wage


Rebuilding Passenger Confidence


LNER ticket office policy briefing 


The unbearable cost of failure - policy briefing


ROSCO profiteering in the pandemic


RMT policy briefing on profiteering on Great British Railways


Great British Railways The Shapps Williams Plan 


Fit and Proper People - Govia and LSER policy briefing