
intercity east coast - 79 Items Tagged Within News

RMT on announcement that LNER will remain in public ownership
RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Lynch said; “The Government has finally woken up, smelt the coffee and realised that rail privatisation doesn’t work after all. It’s better late than never but this decades long farcical experiment with our railways...
Region: National
Tagged with: LNER, London North East Railway, East Coast Mainline
RMT on Virgin East Coast collapse
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said; "This Transport Select Committee report is yet another damming indictment of both the failure of rail privatisation and the serial incompetence of the Secretary of State Chris Grayling. The collapse of the Virgin/Stagecoach operation...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, virgin, east coast main line, chris grayling, failing grayling, dft, department for transport, tory government, rail privatisation
RMT demands a permanent end to privatisation
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "The protest in Edinburgh this morning, coinciding with our AGM in the City, is sending out the clearest possible message to Chris Grayling that the fight for public ownership of our railways is stepping up...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail privatisation, ecml, east coast main line, cgris grayling, tory government
RMT demands a permanent end to privatisation
‎RMT demands a permanent end to privatisation as public sector takes over East Coast again today General Secretary Mick Cash said; "If you want to see the failures of Britain's privatised railway system writ large look no further than the...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast main line, ecml, virgin, stagecoach, dor, directly operated railways, chris grayling, tory government, privatisation
RMT rail demonstrations in Manchester and Edinburgh tomorrow
RAIL UNION RMT will be holding protests on Monday 25th June in Manchester and Edinburgh. In Manchester RMT will be demonstrating outside a Northern transport summit where Transport Secretary Chris Grayling was due to speak until he cancelled on Friday,...
Region: National
Tagged with: ecml, east coast mainline, northern rail, chris grayling, tory government
East Coast Mainline
General Secretary Mick Cash said.   "This is the second time that the Government have called upon the public sector to launch a rescue operation on the East Coast Main Line and instead of being a temporary arrangement Chris Grayling...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin trains east coast, ecml, stagecoach, we own it, chris grayling
East Coast RMT members reveal the failings of privatisation
RAIL UNION RMT has re-issued a report today which highlights the failings of the privatised East Coast mainline in the words of the staff who work for the service as rumours abound that Transport Secretary Chris Grayling is about to...
Region: National
Tagged with: East Coast, Franchise, Privatisation, Virgin, Stagecoach
RMT calls for Grayling to resign
RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash said: “When the cross party Public Accounts Committee says the franchising model is broken, and that this government is to blame for both the Southern and East Coast fiascos that have cost the economy and...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation, public accounts committee, southern rail, east coast mainline, gtr, virgin
RMT demands answers from Transport Secretary over ECML
Over two months after the Transport Secretary rose to tell the House of Commons that he would be terminating the Virgin Trains East Coast contract, staff union RMT has demanded to know exactly what is going on and has once...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin trains east coast, ecml, stagecoach, we own it, chris grayling
RMT responds to Labour calls over ECML private scandal
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "The successive and expensive private failures on the East Coast shame the nation that gave the railways to the world. "RMT supports calls to build a public and political coalition that can end this scandal...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin trains east coast, ecml, stagecoach, we own it, chris grayling
East Coast RMT members reveal failings of privatisation
RAIL UNION RMT has released a new pamphlet today which highlights the failings of the privatised East Coast mainline in the words of the staff who work for the service as rumours abound that Transport Secretary Chris Grayling may be...
Region: National
Tagged with: East Coast, Guards, Pamphlet
RMT demands clear answers over future of East Coast
RAIL UNION RMT today issued a direct challenge to Transport Secretary Chris Grayling to give clear answers and to end the barrage of obfuscation over the future of the inter-city East Coast Main Line as a series of parliamentary answers...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin trains east coast, ecml, stagecoach, we own it, chris grayling
RMT demands answers from transport secretary on East Coast
Over a month after the Transport Secretary rose to tell the House of Commons that he would be terminating the Virgin Trains East Coast contract, staff union RMT has demanded to know exactly what is going on and has once...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin trains east coast, ecml, stagecoach, we own it, chris grayling
Stagecoach and Virgin being set up to continue running ECML
RAIL UNION RMT can today reveal that failing transport secretary Chris Grayling is gearing up to reward greedy privateers Stagecoach and Virgin with a new contract to run services on the East Coast Mainline in a massive reward for corporate...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin trains east coast, ecml, stagecoach, we own it, chris grayling
RMT warns of looming new East Coast crisis
Published on 21st December 2017 – three weeks after the latest failure on East Coast broke – it states clearly that the company is "in the process of winding down its remaining obligations and moving to dormant company status".   In...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin trains east coast, ecml, stagecoach, we own it, chris grayling
RMT supports petition calling for ECML public ownership
A petition – supported by rail union RMT – calling for failing Virgin Trains East Coast to be brought into public ownership is being handed in today – 20 Feb – as a government decision on the future of the franchise...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin trains east coast, ecml, stagecoach, we own it, chris grayling
RMT on Transport Committee probe into East Coast shambles
"The inquiry by the House of Commons Transport Committee is useful if it helps nail down those responsible for dragging the East Coast Main Line into this latest private failure on these key inter-city services.   "However, RMT is still...
Region: National
Tagged with: ecml, east coast main line, virgin east coast, virgin, stagecoach, chris grayling
East Coast rail shambles deepens
RAIL UNION RMT today accused the Government of an “act of mindless industrial vandalism” as it was confirmed that the public sector rail franchise failsafe option, Directly Operated Railways, was broken up and outsourced to a consortium of consultants and...
Region: National
Tagged with: ecml, east coast mainlinee, dor, directly operated railways, national express, virgin, stagecoach, virgin east coast
RMT demands answers on behalf of East Coast workforce
RAIL UNION RMT today accused Chris Grayling and the Tory Government of leaving thousands of rail workers “dangling by a string” as key operational questions about what happens next with the collapsing East Coast rail franchise remain unanswered. RMT General...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, ecml, virgin east coast, virgin, stagecoach, chris Grayling, rail privatisation
RMT calls for immediate renationalisation of East Coast line
General Secretary Mick Cash said;   "This shameful fiasco on one of Britain's main rail routes needs to end and it needs to end now. RMT warned that taking the East Coast lines out of the hands of the successful...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast mainline, ecml, virgin east coast, stagecoach, nationalisation
Chris Grayling: Specialist in failure
As Chris Grayling is called before Transport Committee to explain rail electrification fiasco today RMT sets out full charge sheet against "specialist in failure" Transport Secretary  As Transport Secretary Chris Grayling is hauled before the Transport Select Committee today, Monday...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, transport secretary, ecml. east coast, virgin, stagecoach, northern powerhouse
RMT supporting Big Branson Bail-out protest this morning
"The two billion pound East Coast bail out is just another scandal embroiling this rotten Government and adds to the growing charge sheet of waste and incompetence.    "There is no way the taxpayer should be picking up the tab...
Region: National
Tagged with: we own it, ecml, east coast, virgin, stagecoach, toty government, rail privatisation
RMT demands action over rodent infestation on VTEC
RAIL UNION RMT today demanded urgent action over rodent infestation on Virgin Trains East Coast  after pictures emerged clearly showing droppings in the food preparation and kitchen area on a VTEC unit. – pictures attached RMT has written to the...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, stagecoach, virgin, virgin trains, east coast, rodent droppings
Stagecoach profits jump 8%
Transport group Stagecoach has reported an eight per cent surge in statutory first-half profits in the same week that rail union RMT begins balloting for industrial action for a fair deal on pay and conditions on the East Coast service...
Region: National
Tagged with: stagecoach, virgin trains, vtec, east coast, profits, privatisation,
RMT ballot opens this week on Virgin East Coast
RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that balloting of members for both strike action and action short of a strike on Virgin East Coast will begin this week after the company decided to impose a pay offer that had previously been...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin, virgin east coast, vtec, stagecoach, strike ballot
RMT slams latest corporate welfare racket on East Coast line
Rail union RMT today slammed the Tory Government’s announcement that the East Coast rail franchise will be terminated three years early to be replaced with a new partnership model.   The move will allow the train operator’s, Virgin Group and...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, virgin east coast, virgin group, stagecoach, east coast mainline,
RMT ballots for action on Virgin East Coast
RAIL UNION RMT will be balloting members on Virgin East Coast after the company decided to impose a pay offer that had previously been rejected by the workforce. The offer sought to impose inferior conditions under further productivity and efficiency...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin trains, vtec, virgin trains east coast, two-tier workforce
East Coast rail route franchise on brink of collapse
Rail union RMT has demanded that the Government return the East Coast rail routes to public ownership after it emerged this morning that Stagecoach are in talks with the Government over financial chaos on the franchise. The news came as...
Region: National
Tagged with: ecml, east coast rail route, virgin, stagecoach
RMT Suspends Strike Action on Virgin East Coast
RMT’s executive has sent the following communication out to members relaying the decision: ALL INDUSTRIAL ACTION SUSPENDED FOLLOWING PROGRESS AT TALKS Dear Colleague, Delivery Plan – Intercity East Coast Last Friday I advised you that further proposals had been put...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, virgin trans east coast, doo, driver only operation, guards, conductors
RMT confirms strike action on Virgin East Coast
Rail union RMT today confirmed 48 hours of strike action on Virgin Trains East Coast as the union executive registered it’s disgust at the ever-increasing contempt being displayed to our members on board trains, on stations and in travel centres by...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin trains east coast, vtec, strike action, doo, driver only operation, guards, conductors
RMT demands investigation into safety breaches
RAIL UNION RMT revealed this afternoon that Southern/GTR are refusing to have any kind of talks that might resolve the current guards safety dispute by slapping an impossible pre-condition down that “any discussions now can only relate to the detail...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin, east coast, vtec, safety
Virgin East Coast strike solid this morning
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "RMT members are solid and united in support of the action in defence of jobs and safety on Virgin East Coast this morning and the trade union movement salutes them. Pickets are out at all...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, virgin, east coast, strike
RMT Confirms Strike Action on Virgin East Coast
Trains East Coast over a threat to jobs, working conditions and safety. The announcement comes after talks aimed at resolving a series of long-running issues at the heart of the dispute failed despite strenuous efforts by the union negotiating team....
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin, east coast, vtec
Intercity East Coast RMT Suspends All Industrial Action
TO ALL RMT VTEC MEMBERS   Our Ref: BR2/0025 16th August 2016     Dear Colleague, DELIVERY PLAN - INTERCITY EAST COAST RMT SUSPENDS ALL INDUSTRIAL ACTION   Further to my letter dated the 12th August 2016 with regards to the above matter...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, virgin east coast, delivery plan
RAIL UNION RMT today confirmed a programme of strike action on Virgin Trains East Coast over a threat to jobs, working conditions and safety after an 84% strike vote was announced earlier this week. The union has instructed members at Virgin...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin east coast, industrial action
In addition nearly 90% voted in favour of industrial action short of a strike. The result will now be considered by the union executive. The ongoing dispute came to a head as the company chose to ignore the agreed negotiating machinery...
Region: National
Tagged with: Virgin East Coast, Strike, Safety
Virgin Price Hike on East Coast
RAIL UNION RMT condemns the latest price rises on Virgin East Coast. Having already pulled many of its cheapest advance fares on popular routes, the company are now at it again with yet more misery for passengers through price hikes...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin, east coast, ecml, vtec
Our Ref: BR2/0025 22nd July 2016 Dear Colleague, DELIVERY PLAN – INTERCITY EAST COAST The RMT want you to know the truth about the current dispute situation within VTEC. Your union is aware that VTEC management are putting out regular propaganda...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin, vtec, east coast, intercity
RMT to ballot on Virgin East Coast
RAIL UNION RMT today confirmed that it has declared a dispute with Virgin East Coast and will open a strike ballot next week over a threat to jobs, working conditions and safety. The dispute has been brewing for some months...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin, vtec, intercity, east coast
Our Ref: 5th July 2016 Dear Colleague, DELIVERY PLAN – INTERCITY EAST COAST Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, members will be aware that various meetings have taken place with the Company at which the Union sought guarantees on a...
Region: National
Tagged with: intercity east coast, vtec
Virgin East Coast slammed for "blatant provocation"
RAIL UNION RMT today slammed VTEC for “deliberate and outrageous” provocation as it emerged that the company are secretly training up a scab army recruited from across the country to breach the rules and take on the jobs of current...
Region: National
Tagged with: Virgin East Coast, Cuts
RMT on First Group running trains on East Coast
General Secretary Mick Cash said: "This fit up by the Government gives First Group a chance to cherry-pick open access services on the East Coast in the name of profit while the public sector option is ignored yet again. "The...
Region: National
Tagged with: first group, east coast
General Secretary Mick Cash  said “RMT is deeply concerned at the financial position of the Virgin East Coast franchise and the service is awash with rumours of serious losses mounting up. That position appears to be confirmed in the company’s...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin east coast
Newcastle taxi drivers fight over rip-off permit charges
RMT taxi drivers in Newcastle have launched a major fight with one of the UK’s biggest train operators, Virgin East Coast, over rip-off permit charges that the union says could force members out of their jobs. RMT drivers held an...
Region: National
Tagged with: Newcastle, Taxi, Virgin East Coast
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: iss, virgin east coast,
RMT strikes again at Kings Cross
RAIL UNION RMT today accused global facilities giant ISS of a failing to take staff concerns seriously and has confirmed that a further 24 hour strike will kick off on the Virgin East Coast contract at Kings Cross on Thursday. RMT...
Region: National
Tagged with: iss, virgin east coast, kings cross
East Coast satisfaction is tumbling since reprivatisation
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "Not only was the privatisation last March of the highly-successful, publicly-owned East Coast ‎route a billion-pound rip off it is now shaping up as a massive performance disaster for the travelling public just as RMT...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast
Strike vote on Virgin East Coast over unfair sacking
RMT is no doubt that the whole disciplinary process was deeply compromised for a number of key reasons:   The original investigation into the missing item was flawed as not every member of staff on duty was interviewed. The CCTV...
Region: National
Tagged with: Virgin East Coast, Sacking, Strike
RMT responds to collapse in East Coast performance
Ends Note; As well as an immediate decline in punctuality in the first month of private operation, in the last year of operation in the public sector, East Coast recorded period punctuality figures that were on average, just under 4% better...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, virgin west coast
Our Ref: BR2/4/1 30 April 2015 TO ALL VIRGIN EAST COAST TRAINS MEMBERS All ACTION SUSPENDED Dear Colleague DISMISSAL, M DOUGHTY, CREW LEADER, EDINBURGH WAVERLEY – EAST COAST TRAINS Earlier this week all On-Train members at Edinburgh Waverley were instructed to take...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: edinburgh waverley, east coast, strike action, mark doughty
RMT demands action from First Great Western
The Virgin East Coast assurances meet the union calls on all of the following key points:   •    No compulsory redundancies. •    No changes to job roles. •    No introduction of Driver Only Operation. •    No change to the Guards...
Region: South Wales and West; South West
Tagged with: first great western, virgin, east coast, iep, buffet,
RMT Calls May Day Bank Holiday Strike Action on East Coast
The RMT member, Mark Doughty, was sacked for telling angry passengers the truth that they couldn't access hot food on their long early morning journey to London due to a broken boiler and staff shortages. That honesty was trumped up...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: east coast, strike action, edinburgh waverely, mark doughty
Dismissal, M. Doughty, Crew Leader, Edinburgh East Coast
Our Ref: BR2/4/1   24 th March 2015     Dear Colleague   DISMISSAL, M DOUGHTY, CREW LEADER, EDINBURGH – EAST COAST TRAINS RMT CALLS STRIKE ACTION   Further to my letter dated the 10 th March 2015 where I informed you of the...
Region: National
Tagged with: Strike, East Coast Trains
"Fantasy figures" at heart of new East Coast franchise
In an extraordinary piece of creative accounting this sees the money Virgin  East Coast will pay the Government rise from £210 million this year to £623 million just seven years later.   RMT has warned that that the “fantasy figures”...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin, east coast, national express
RMT protests on last day of East Coast Main Line
The protests, tomorrow Saturday 28th February, will take place as follows: Kings Cross, London – 09.00 – 10.00hrs Edinburgh Waverley – 08.00 – 09.00hrs Doncaster – 09.00 – 10.00hrs · Since 2009, East Coast has returned over £1bn to the Treasury – paying cash...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: east coast mainline, ecml, day of protest
RMT protests on last day of East Coast Main Line
The protests, on Saturday 28 th February, will take place as follows:   Kings Cross, London – 09.00 – 10.00hrs Edinburgh Waverley – 08.00 – 09.00hrs Doncaster – 09.00 – 10.00hrs   Since 2009, East Coast has returned over £1bn to the Treasury – paying...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, ecml, virgin, stagecoach
East Coast – Day of Action
According to the ORR, East Coast is one of just two TOCs which are net contributors to the public purse. In 2013/14 alone, East Coast contributed £23m to the UK government– clearly demonstrating the success of the publicly owned model for...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, day of action
RMT to begin balloting for strike action on East Coast
Crew leader Mark Doughty was dismissed by the company for telling angry passengers the truth about why they were being served sub-standard food on an early morning Edinburgh to London service. He made an on-train announcement explaining that due to...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, mark doughty, ballot
Hitachi tweet confirms axing of buffet cars on new IEP train
The tweet has been sent as Hitachi load up the first of the trains prior to shipping from Japan, the units will be shipped over and will then be bolted back together flat-pack style on arrival in Britain, nailing the...
Region: National
Tagged with: intercity, iep, first great western, fgw, east coast
RMT Inter-City Protests
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash with protesters at Kings Cross this morning fighting the threat to jobs, services and safety from the new Inter-City trains on the East Coast and Great Western routes. RMT campaigners in Cardiff protesting plans for...
Region: National
Tagged with: first great western, east coast, inter-city
Major RMT events in Cardiff and London tomorrow
RAIL UNION RMT will be stepping up the campaign to fight plans that would lead to the axing of buffet cars, on-board staff and maintenance workers on First Great Western and East Coast Inter-City services. The union, backed by MP’s...
Region: National
Tagged with: inter-city, first great western, east coast
RMT campaign against introduction of new Inter-City trains
As part of the on-going RMT campaign to defend jobs, services and safety on the new East Coast and First Great Western franchises there will be two important public demonstrations on the morning of next Monday, the 15th December, at...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, first great western, fgw, inter-city, edm 584, early day motion 584
RMT kicks off new phase of fight
As part of the RMT campaign to defend jobs, services and safety on the new East Coast and First Great Western franchises there will be two important public demonstrations on the morning of the 15th December at Cardiff Central Station,...
Region: National
Tagged with: first great western, inter-city, east coast,
RMT Slams Re-Privatisation of the East Coast Mainline
Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said:   "It is a national disgrace and an act of utter betrayal that the government has confirmed that it is bulldozing ahead with the re-privatisation of the East Coast Main Line despite all the...
Region: National
Tagged with: East Coast, Franchise, Privatisation, Virgin, Stagecoach
RMT responds to East Coast Franchise rumours
“It is a national disgrace that the government is about to confirm that it is bulldozing ahead with the re-privatisation of the East Coast Main Line despite all the figures showing that the current public sector operator is handing over...
Region: National
Tagged with: East Coast Franchise
RMT exposes secret plan to axe buffet cars
RMT negotiators have uncovered this shock move buried in the detail of the plans for new fleet of Inter-City rolling stock for both FGW and the East Coast Mainline. Under the proposals for the new trains there will be no...
Region: National
Tagged with: first great western, fgw, east coast, inter-city, catering, buffet, first group
RMT responds to McLoughlin attack at Tory conference
Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said: “RMT is delighted that Patrick McLoughlin is running scared of this union’s high profile and successful campaign to keep the East Coast Mainline in public hands. “RMT always said that the plan to re-privatise...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast, patrick mcloughlin
ISS East Coast cleaners strike again for pay justice
The ISS workers have been battling for decent levels of pay in a long running campaign, with the wealthy company refusing to grant any increase since 2011, a position the union has described as “simply disgraceful and based on nothing but...
Region: National
Tagged with: iss, east coast, cleaners
ISS (East Coast Contract)
Our Ref: BR1/0001/ISS(EC) 14th August 2014 Dear Colleague, Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 - ISS (East Coast Contract) INDUSTRIAL ACTION HAS BEEN SUSPENDED WORK AS NORMAL ON FRIDAY 15TH AUGUST 2014 & SATURDAY 16TH AUGUST 2014 Further to my previous correspondence, dated...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: iss, east coast mainline
ISS East Coast cleaner’s strike again this week
The ISS workers have been battling for decent levels of pay in a long running campaign, with the wealthy company refusing to grant any increase since 2011, a position the union has described as "simply disgraceful and based on nothing but...
Region: National
Tagged with: iss, east coast mainline, pay justice, cleaners
ISS East Coast cleaner’s rock-solid in strike action
The ISS workers have been battling for decent levels of pay in a long running campaign with the wealthy company refusing to grant any increase since 2011, a position the union has described as "simply disgraceful and based on nothing but...
Region: National
Tagged with: iss, east coast, ecml, cleaners
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 – ISS (East Coast)
Our Ref: BR1/0001/ISS(EC) 7th August 2014 Dear colleague, Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 – ISS (East Coast) ADDITIONAL STRIKE ACTION Referring to my previous correspondence dated 1st August 2014 where I advised you of the strike action due to take...
Region: National
Tagged with: iss, east coast
RMT steps up fight for public East Coast rail
RAIL UNION RMT said today that it is stepping up the battle to stop the re-privatisation of the East Coast Main Line as it emerged that new figures due to be published this week will show that the publicly-owned operation...
Region: National
Tagged with: East Coast Rail, Nationalisation
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 – ISS (East Coast)
Our Ref: BR1/0001/ISS(EC) 1st August 2014 Dear Colleague, Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 – ISS (East Coast) It has been bought to my attention that the Company are refusing to take the matter of your pay increase and improvements...
Region: National
Tagged with: iss, east coast, strike action
RMT warns of dispute on First Great Western and East Coast
Under the Intercity Express Programme (IEP) signed off by the Government, the new fleet, built in Japan and reassembled in the North East by Hitachi, has the capacity to run on Driver Only Operation – removing the guards – would...
Region: National
Tagged with: first great western, fgw, east coast, hitachi, driver only operation, doo
German state rail to "cherry pick" East Coast Mainline
Rail union RMT has revealed today that German state railway company Deutsche Bahn, is seeking to benefit from a “back door privatisation” of the East Coast mainline which could threaten rail services on the East Coast and cost the taxpayer...
Region: National
Tagged with: Deutsche Bahn, East Coast Mainline