labour - 40 Items Tagged Within News
RMT responds to the Budget 2024
Mick Lynch, RMT general secretary said: "We welcome the Chancellor's move in relaxing fiscal rules, something we’ve campaigned for, which will allow greater investment in public transport infrastructure and benefit the country as a whole.
"We now need to...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Labour, Budget, 2024
RMT calls on Labour to relax fiscal rules and to introduce wealth tax
The union welcomes the Labour government being elected and their commitment to a new deal for workers. However, the UK has a £500bn public investment gap compared to OECD countries. And the union stresses that relying on future economic growth...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, TUC24, Labour, tax
RMT calls for Green New Deal following Labour offshore workers protections pledge
Labour have announced that they will introduce a skills passport, protect offshore jobs and ensure workers can transition to a greener energy sector in the future.
The skills passport, originally outlined in the UK Government’s 2021 North Sea Transition...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Offshore, Green New Deal, Labour
RMT responds to New Deal dilution media briefings
"Any dilution of the New Deal for workers is wholly unacceptable.
"Labour must not bend the knee to corporate greed and instead find its voice and values by representing the interests of working people in government.
"The New Deal for...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Labour Party, New Deal for Workers
RMT response to Labour rail announcement
"Labour's commitment to bring the train operating companies into a new unified and publicly owned rail network is in the best interests of railway workers, passengers and the taxpayer. "We strongly welcome these bold steps to fix 14 years of Tory...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Labour, Rail,
RMT on Labour Party Rail Nationalisation announcement
"We welcome the Labour Party committing itself to public ownership of the railways.
"Tackling the greed and inefficiency of the private sector in our railways and other public services should be a key priority for the next Labour government. ...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Labour, Louise Haigh, Nationalisation, Rail, Railway,
Support for striking workers declared by 600 Labour councillors
Amid a wave of strikes over pay and increasing talk of coordinated industrial action this autumn, the councillors signed an open letter saying they offered “full solidarity and support” to the Rail, Maritime and Transport workers’ union (RMT), the Communication...
Region: National
Tagged with: rmt, cwt, unite, Labour Party, councillors, national rail dispute,
RMT to ballot TfW cleaners
RAIL UNION RMT has announced it will balloting Transport for Wales cleaners for action from next week over the company reneging on their commitments to bring harmonisation of workplace terms and conditions to all cleaners within the company. The ballot...
Region: South Wales and West; South West
Tagged with: Transport for Wales, Cleaners, TfW, Terms and Conditions, Welsh Labour,
London Labour politicians support bringing Tube cleaners back in-house
In the week that London Mayor Sadiq Khan made a firm manifesto commitment to explore bringing the London Underground’s multi – million-pound cleaning contract in house, a new poll of London Labour councillors has found overwhelming support to end the...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: London Underground, Tube, Cleaners, Justice for Tube Cleaners, Sadiq Khan, Labour Party, Covid-19
Shrewsbury pickets’ victory
TRANSPORT UNION RMT has welcomed today's victory for the Shrewsbury 24 as a victory for working people the length and breadth of Britain which has only been achieved by the sheer resilience and determination of the pickets who refused to stop...
Region: National
Tagged with: Shrewsbury 24, Shrewsbury Pickets, Labour Movement, Trade Unions
RMT on Labour call for Transport worker Covid safety forum
Commenting on Labour’s call for the Government to convene a transport worker Covid-19 safety forum with unions and operators, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: “RMT welcomes Labour’s demands for the Government to convene a transport industry forum with unions...
Region: National
Tagged with: Covid-19, Transport Worker, Safety Forum, Labour,
RMT support for detention of shipping vessel
SEAFARERS’ Union RMT has registered its support for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s detention of the Maltese registered offshore supply vessel, Ben Nevis in Aberdeen yesterday for infringements of the Maritime Labour Convention.
General Secretary Mick Cash said: “RMT warned...
Region: National
Tagged with: MCA, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Maritime Labour Convention, Ben Nevis
RMT welcomes Labour Party's plans for publicly owned railway
The plans include proposals to create a publicly owned railway company, ‘GB Rail’ that runs both the rail infrastructure and train services as part of a single unified company. This vertically integrated company would be the guiding mind for the...
Region: National
Tagged with: Labour Party, gb rail, public railway,
RMT welcomes Labour Assembly Members’ support for cleaners
The statement from Len Duvall AM, leader of the Labour Group, pledges the Labour AMs’ support for ‘action to secure better working conditions and job security for cleaners on the London Underground, as well as making the case for bringing...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: tube cleaners, london underground, tube, tfl, sadiq khan, labour assembly
RMT welcomes Labour commitment to end Driver Only Operation
The announcement by Labour means that as well as the party opposing the government’s current attempts to expand DOO, if Labour is elected they will also end DOO on the national rail network and guards will be guaranteed on all...
Region: National
Tagged with: Labour Party, driver only operation, doo, guards, conductors,
RMT welcomes Labour’s commitment on seafarer pay
Currently the law treats the maritime industry as a “special case”, resulting in widespread discrimination against foreign seafarers.
This super exploitation on merchant ships in UK waters sees basic rates of pay as low as £1.83 per hour and industry-wide...
Region: National
Tagged with: labour party, seafarer pay, maritime
RMT's Mick Cash reacts to Shadow Transport Secretary
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"It is hugely significant that Andy McDonald has used the platform of RMT's AGM to map out his plans for a publicly owned transport system that puts the workforce right at the centre. That...
Region: National
Tagged with: andy mcdonald, labour party, rmt agm
RMT on Labour’s bus services announcement
RMT has today welcomed the announcement by Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn that there will be new funding to reverse the cuts made to 3000 bus routes by the Tories since 2010 and to fund the expansion of new bus services. RMT also...
Region: National
Tagged with: bus services, labour, public ownership
Bus companies earn billions amid savage route cuts
New research by the Labour Party has also revealed how bus fares are set to rise while private companies are making record profits. RMT general secretary Mick Cash backed Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s comments that private bus companies were running...
Region: National
Tagged with: bus companies, privatisation, transport commissioner, labour party, buses
RMT aligns towards Labour whilst remaining unaffiliated
Following a consultation with union Branches and Regional Councils a Special General Meeting (SGM) of the RMT has today agreed to a recommendation from the unions National Executive committee to align the RMT towards the Labour Party and encourage its...
Region: National
Tagged with: Labour Party, Affiliation
RMT welcomes Jeremy Corbyn’s backing for Guards campaign
RMT has welcomed the backing of Jeremy Corbyn in the campaign to keep the guard on our trains.
The Labour leader today retweeted the RMT film “Unguarded”, which makes the case for a safe secure and accessible railway based...
Region: National
Tagged with: guards, conductors, jeremy corbyn, labour, northern, northern rail, arriva rail north, merseyrail
RMT on Labour party research showing surge in overcrowding
General Secretary Mick Cash said: “These are shocking new figures that show once again that the British people are paying the highest fares in Europe to travel on rammed out and unreliable services while the private train companies are...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail overcrowding, labour party, doo, driver only operation
RMT agrees to consultation about Labour Party affiliation
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "In light of the changes to the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership RMT's AGM has decided that the time is right to undertake a consultation with our members on the issue of Labour Party...
Region: National
Tagged with: labour party, jeremy corbyn, rmt
Jeremy Corbyn at RMT AGM 2017
Jeremy Corbyn at RMT AGM 2017
Region: National
Tagged with: rmt, agm, jeremy corbyn, labour party
Jeremy Corbyn at RMT AGM
Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has told the AGM of transport union RMT in Exeter this afternoon that the next Labour Government will repeal the Tories' rail privatisation legislation to pave the way for public ownership.
Jeremy Corbyn said;
"The next...
Region: National
Tagged with: jeremy corbyn, rail nationalisation, labour party
A message to RMT members
Please make sure you and your workmates, family and friends vote on 8th June. We have a choice. Five more years of Tory austerity and cuts - with more Tory attacks on jobs and conditions. Or a future based on...
Region: National
Tagged with: vote labour, labour government
RMT's Mick Cash welcomes Labour's rail campaign day
“The Labour commitment to British state ownership of our railways will end the debacle of three quarters of our railways being foreign-owned and UK passengers being ripped off with the profits shipped abroad to support other country’s railways.
“Fair fares,...
Region: National
Tagged with: Labour, general election, rail campaign
RMT reaction to Labour election manifesto
“Labour’s commitment to British state ownership of our rail, power and water, as opposed to the foreign state-backed exploitation of our essential services supported by the Tories, shows that Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour is clearly fighting to protect our national interests....
Region: National
Tagged with: labour party, general election, jeremy corbyn, rmt, DOO, driver only operation
RMT backs maximum vote for Labour
The outcome of the 2017 General Election will clearly be either a Labour Government led by Jeremy Corbyn whose key policies include support for trade union and employment rights, repeal of anti - union legislation, public ownership of the railways and opposition...
Region: National
Tagged with: ge17, general election 2017, labour, jeremy corbyn
Which side are you on?
LABOUR’S candidate in the Liverpool region’s mayoral race has today been urged to declare his support for the campaign to retain guards on Merseyrail’s new fleet of trains. Rail union RMT has called on Steve Rotheram to pledge that he...
Region: North West
Tagged with: merseyrail, mayoral candidate, labour, steve rotherham, doo, driver only operation, guards, conductors
RMT takes SOS 2020 campaign to Scottish Labour Party Conf
MARITIME UNION RMT will be leafleting delegates at the Scottish Labour Party conference on Saturday in a bid to win further support for the Save Our Seafarers 2020 campaign. RMT’s SOS2020 campaign aims to stop the race to the bottom...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: sos2020, seafarers, minimum wage, scottish labour party conference,
Act urgently to help KEEP Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of Labour
Dear RMT member, I am really grateful for the support of the RMT in my campaign to be re-elected as Leader of the Labour Party. Let's unite and make sure we keep building a Labour Party that fights for the...
Region: National
Tagged with: labour, leader, jeremy corbyn,
RMT statement in support of Jeremy Corbyn
Responding to the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said; "By peddling the ludicrous notion that Jeremy is some how responsible for the EU referendum result, Jeremy's critics are in fact insulting the intelligence of voters and...
Region: National
Tagged with: rmt, jeremy corbyn, labour
Fare evasion rockets
In the wake of figures released yesterday by the Labour Group on the GLA showing that fare evasion on London Underground has rocketed by over 200%, tube union RMT revealed today that, as well as closing ticket offices, LU has reduced...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: london undeground, lul, fare evasion, labour group, gla, tfl, every job matters
Increase in fare evasion linked to ticket office closures
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "Today's figures from the Labour Group on the GLA are exactly in line with RMT warnings that axing ticket offices and station staff would be a false economy and would encourage fare evasion. Our warnings...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: london underground, lul, labour group, gla, tfl, ticket office, every job matters
RMT's Mick Cash responds to Jeremy Corbyn's TUC speech
"Jeremy Corbyn's campaign mobilised a huge army of supporters who have been engaged by his message of hope but that is just the start. The momentum that Jeremy's election has given us must now we built on as we...
Region: National
Tagged with: tuc, jeremy corbyn, rmt, labour party
RMT dismisses speculation on Labour reaffiliation
"The speculation over RMT reaffiliation is however miles wide of the mark. That issue is not under discussion and the earliest that the matter could be raised is at our next AGM in June 2016. "Our focus is on the fight...
Region: National
Tagged with: rmt, jeremy corbyn, labour party, reaffiliation
" The election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader is hugely significant for RMT members and the wider trade union movement and means that the issues that are impacting on workplaces and communities the length and breadth of the country will...
Region: National
Tagged with: jeremy corbyn, labour
RMT Announces Support for Neil Findlay and Katy Clark
Although the RMT is not affiliated to the Labour Party Neil and Katy are active members of the RMT Parliamentary groups at Holyrood and Westminster and also have a track record of fighting for nationalisation of the railways and trade...
Region: National
Tagged with: scottish labour party, neil findlay, katy clark
Polling for RMT throws down challenge to Labour
On behalf of the RMT, between 17th-19th June Survation polled 1011 constituents by telephone in 4 key marginal Conservative/Labour “battleground” seats essential for Labour to win in the pursuit of an overall 2015 majority. Seats selected were Crawley (CON), Stevenage (CON), Reading West...
Region: National