shipping minister - 3 Items Tagged Within News
RMT exposes former Shipping Minister’s lucrative second job
RATINGS UNION RMT today entered the furore over MPs second jobs by highlighting the case of former Shipping Minister, Nusrat Ghani MP who was paid £60,000 per year for 84 hours work (£714 per hour) for ship design company Artemis Technologies...
Region: National
Tagged with: Nusrat Ghani, Tory Government, Shipping Minister, MP, Seafarers, Ratings
RMT demands Government action for seafarers
SEAFARERS’ UNION RMT has written to the Shipping Minister, Kelly Tolhurst MP demanding government action over the lack of jobs for British Ratings and the crew change crisis on ACL’s five state of the art roll-on roll-off container ships working...
Region: North West
Tagged with: Atlantic Container Line, ACL, Seafarers, Shipping Minister, Kelly Tolhurst
Call to press Shipping Minister to end pay discrimination
MARITIME UNION RMT today called on MPs to press the Shipping Minister, John Hayes MP, during a back bench business debate [3pm, Thursday 12 January] on the future of the UK maritime industry to draw up a legislative timetable for ending...
Region: National