- 5 Items Tagged Within News
RMT launches bid to save Britain's railway ticket offices
Almost 1,000 ticket offices are set to close with the loss of thousands of jobs and creating accessibility problems for different types of travellers.
These include the elderly, people with disabilities and foreign visitors who may not have English as their...
Region: National
Tagged with: Ticket Offices, Staff Our Stations, Petition, Save Ticket Offices, RMT, We Own It
RMT reveals rail industry’s plan for a cull of ticket offices
RMT understands that government has amended its guidance relating to changes to ticket office opening hours clearing the way for train operating companies to seek to cut or close the majority, if not all, ticket offices at rail stations across...
Region: National
Tagged with: Ticket Offices, Closure, Staff Our Stations, Disabled Access
LNER ticket office cuts demo at Kings Cross
Rail Union RMT is continuing its campaign against proposed cuts to LNER ticket office hours next week, with a demonstration outside London King’s Cross station on Tuesday 21stDecember, from 0800 – 0930am. This demo follows successful action at affected stations across...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: LNER, Ticket Office, Cuts, Stop The Cuts, Staff Our Stations
MPs and Metro Mayor to join RMT Staff our Stations action across the North East next week
RAIL UNION RMT is continuing its Staff our Stations campaign across the North East this week. Following a successful demonstration at Berwick-upon-Tweed station, further demonstrations are taking place at Newcastle Central and Durham stations on the 13th December and Darlington...
Region: North East
Tagged with: Staff our Stations, Demos
Staff our Stations action across the North East
Rail Union RMT is stepping up its Staff our Stations campaign across the North East, with a number of demonstrations at key stations commencing on Monday 6th December at Berwick-upon-Tweed station, followed by Newcastle Central and Durham on the 13th...
Region: North East