- 5 Items Tagged Within News
RMT on Arriva pulling out of Wales & Borders rail franchise
"This news presents a golden opportunity for the Welsh to take back control of their railways through public ownership and that opportunity should be seized with both hands."
Region: South Wales and West; South West
Tagged with: arriva trains wales, atw, arriva, wales and borders franchise
Wales to retain Safety Critical Guards
Rail union RMT today welcomed the announcement by the Welsh Government's First Minister Carwyn Jones that it has committed for the next franchise to keep a safety critical conductor or guard on all of the Wales & Borders trains and...
Region: South Wales and West; South West
Tagged with: guards, conductors, safety critical, welsh first minister, wales and borders, doo, dco, driver only operation
RMT warns against DOO on the Wales & Borders Franchise
RAIL UNION RMT has warned today against introducing driver only trains on the Wales and Borders Franchise, as strike action takes place on rail companies in the rest of UK. Whilst there are not any proposals for the Driver Only...
Region: National
Tagged with: Wales & Borders. DOO
RMT on £5 billion Welsh rail privatisation plan
Rail union RMT confirmed today that it has written to Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones demanding that he call an immediate halt to plans that would unleash a £5 billion privatisation of Welsh railways. In a letter to Mr Jones,...
Region: South Wales and West; South West
Tagged with: transport for wales, tfw, south wales metro, south wales valley, wales and border franchise, network rail, carwyn jones, first minister
RMT welcomes report praising staff on Wales & Borders
RAIL UNION RMT has today welcomed a report by the passenger watchdog Transport Focus praising the role of conductors and station staff on the Wales and Borders Franchise and has called for a meeting with the Wales Transport Minister to...
Region: South Wales and West; South West