
- 2 Items Tagged Within News

RMT on Wightlink's reluctance to take up taxpayer support
WIGHTLINK UNION RMT expressed shock and disgust today over lifeline ferry company Wightlink’s dismissal of public funding which could help ease the financial pressure created by the pandemic. The union is currently in dispute with the company and has announced...
Region: Wessex
Tagged with: Wightlink, Ferries, Covid-19, Strike Action,
RMT to begin balloting for action at Wightlink
WIGHTLINK UNION RMT confirmed today that it has begun balloting over 400 ferry workers for both strike action and action short of a strike after negotiations failed to produce an offer on pensions and terms and conditions that meets the very...
Region: Wessex
Tagged with: Wightlink, Pensions, Industrial Action, Strike, Ferry,