
- 25 Items Tagged Within News

New Years Eve rail strike action solidly supported
Train managers and senior conductors on Cross Country are out in a fight to stop the company from watering down and undermining the role of the‎se safety critical grades and the Gate Gourmet staff in Edinburgh are striking again in...
Region: National
Tagged with: CrossCountry, Cross Country Trains, Gate Gourmet, Strike Action, New Years Eve
New Years Eve rail strike action goes ahead
The New Years Eve action on CrossCountry involves train managers and senior conductors ‎in a fight to stop the company watering down the safety critical role of the guard by using other staff ad-hoc to act up into the grade...
Region: National
Tagged with: CrossCountry, Cross Country Trains, Gate Gourmet, Strike Action, New Years Eve
RMT says strike action on Cross Country trains solidly supported in all depots‎ today
RMT train managers and senior conductors voted overwhelmingly for action as the company has sought to draft in other staff to carry out their roles. Gener‎al Secretary Mick Lynch said; “RMT action is being solidly supported in all depots today...
Region: National
Tagged with: Cross Country, Strike, Guards
RMT says strike action on Cross Country trains goes ahead from tomorrow after company snub settlement in last ditch talks
RMT train managers and senior conductors voted overwhelmingly for action as the company has sought to draft in other staff to carry out their roles. As a result they will be taking strike action as follows: 00.01 hours until 23.59 hours on...
Region: National
Tagged with: Cross Country, Strike, Guards
RMT calls strike action on Cross Country trains from Christmas eve over attack on the guards’ grade
RMT train managers and senior conductors voted overwhelmingly for action as the company has sought to draft in other staff to carry out their roles. As a result they will be taking strike action as follows: 00.01 hours until 23.59 hours on...
Region: National
Tagged with: Cross Country, Strike, Guards
RMT demands that Government crack on with rail nationalisation
RAIL UNION ‎RMT today demanded that the Government take immediate action to return Britain's failing rail franchises to public ownership as it emerged that preparations have been ramped up in the past week to pave the way for the Operator...
Region: National
Tagged with: Rail Nationalisation, Operator of Last Resort, OLR, SWR, South Western Railway, C2C, Cross Country, GWR, Great Western Railway
RMT declares dispute on Cross Country trains
RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today ‎that it has declared a dispute on Cross Country trains over the failure of the company to revise its procedures and risk assessments in light of the emergence of the new COVID variant. Cross Country’s...
Region: National
Tagged with: Cross Country, Covid-19, Revenue Staff
Cross Country Franchise extension
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "The Government, who are financially supporting the train operators, should have seized the opportunity to cut out the middleman and bring the Cross Country operation into direct public ownership. "RMT will be studying the details...
Region: National
Tagged with: Cross Country, Arriva, Rail Franchise
RMT on Government mixed messaging on lockdown
Rail union RMT said today that confused and conflicting messaging from Boris Johnson and his government has led to a huge surge in passengers and dangerous and predictable chaos on Cross Country services into Bournemouth today. British Transport Police have...
Region: National
Tagged with: Covid-19, Cross Country, British Transport Police, BTP,
RMT suspends action on Cross Country
This will allow us time to consult with our company council representatives on the new set of proposals tabled today. ENDS
Region: National
Tagged with: cross country, xc, industrial action
RMT industrial action on Cross Country Trains goes ahead
In light of the continuing failure of the company to move forwards, RMT has decided to call further industrial action short of a strike and has instructed members:- • Not to Work any Rest Days or Non-Contractual Overtime from 23.59 Hours...
Region: National
Tagged with: cross country, xc, industrial action
RMT calls further industrial action on Cross Country
Accordingly, RMT has decided to call further industrial action short of a strike and has instructed members:- • Not to Work any Rest Days or Non-Contractual Overtime from 23.59 Hours on Thursday 26th September 2019 until 23.59 Hours on Tuesday 1st October 2019. •...
Region: National
Tagged with: cross country, xc, industrial action
RMT industrial action goes ahead on Cross Country tonight
RMT members working for Cross Country have been instructed not to work any rest-days or non-contractual overtime from 23:59 Hours on Thursday 1 August 2019 until 23:59 Hours on Tuesday 6th August 2019. RMT has made every effort to resolve the issue but has been...
Region: National
Tagged with: cross country, xc, industrial action
Arriva Cross Country industrial action suspended
RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that all industrial action in the long running dispute with Arriva Cross Country over rostering has been suspended following significant progress in talks with the company. RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: “The union is...
Region: National
Tagged with: arriva cross country, industrial action, rostering
Arriva Cross Country strike action rock solid this morning
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: “Our members are standing up this morning against rostering abuses and their action is rock solid across the franchise from Penzance to Aberdeen and the disruption to services is solely down to Arriva management's...
Region: National
Tagged with: arriva cross country, arriva, sunday rostering
RMT latest 48 hour strike action this weekend
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:   “It is disgraceful that the management at Arriva continue to refuse to take the issues at the heart of this dispute seriously. It is the companies ineptitude and arrogance that has forced us...
Region: National
Tagged with: arriva cross country, arriva, sunday rosters
RMT 48 hour strike action on Arriva Cross Country rock solid
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:   “It is disgraceful that the management at Arriva effectively sabotaged talks this week that were making progress towards a settlement to this dispute. It is the companies ineptitude and arrogance that has forced...
Region: National
Tagged with: arriva cross country, arriva, sunday working, rostering
48 hours strike action goes ahead on Arriva Cross Country
RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that 48 hours of strike action by train managers and senior conductors on Arriva Cross Country in a dispute over abuse of rostering  and Sunday working goes ahead as planned on this weekend after management again...
Region: National
Tagged with: arriva cross country, arriva rail, strike action
Strike action goes ahead on Arriva Cross Country
RAIL UNION RMT confirmed this morning that strike action by train managers and senior conductors on Arriva Cross Country in a dispute over abuse of rostering  and Sunday working goes ahead as planned on Sunday after management wrecked talks this...
Region: National
Tagged with: arriva, arriva cross country, conductors, train managers, strike
RMT on scrapped plans to axe Cross Country rail services
RAIL UNION RMT today reissued the call for public ownership of the railway after it emerged that cash-led plans to reduce Cross Country train services to and from the north-east of Scotland have been scrapped but only after a campaign...
Region: National
Tagged with: arriva rail uk, cross country, arriva, public ownership, renationalisation
“It is a public scandal that Arriva was handed this contract on a plate without UK state owned Directly Operated Railways (DOR) even being considered to run this service. DOR has a proven track record of running services for less...
Region: National
Tagged with: Cross Country Trains, Contract
Deutsche Bahn approves UK asset sell-off
RAIL UNION RMT warned today that a fire-sale of a sizable chunk of Deutsche Bahn’s UK operations jacks up a new threat to jobs and services. The proposed sell off of up to a 45 per cent minority stake in Deutsche...
Region: National
Tagged with: deutsche bahn, arriva, arriva trains wales, chiltern railways, cross country, grand central, london overground, northern rail
Call for "21st Century Railway" after services cancelled
RAIL UNION RMT today called for investment in a 21st Century Railway after Cross Country cancelled services out of Dawlish due to high tides and wind pressures on the sea wall. The issue is that the Voyager trains are unable...
Region: National
Tagged with: Cross Country Trains, Cancelled
Company tries to gag union at Edinburgh Waverley
In a letter, which is a measure of just how rattled the company are as the truth of their brutal treatment of Mr Letham comes under public scrutiny, they threaten to use the Railway Byelaws and to bring in the...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: cross country, charlie letham, edinburgh waverley
Ballot opens at Edinburgh Waverley over sacked RMT member
Charlie Letham has been dismissed by Cross Country for allegedly missing his revenue targets despite the fact that the company procedure quite clearly stipulates that any underlying issues shall be taken into account when the “CRISP” assessment is applied. This...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: cross country, edinburgh waverley, charlie letham